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This paper argues that most incentive compensation plans are ineffective for a variety of reasons, including:
too many performance measures and too much complexity;
  •  arbitrary targets that are subject to intense lobbying by executives;

  •  caps and floors that narrow the payout range and stifle incentives;

  •  performance measured at a level too high to be meaningful for most managers, or too low to encourage teamwork; and

  •  a failure to integrate the incentive plan into the overall compensation philosophy.

  •  After examining these problems, the author offers 12 suggestions for implementing plans that support management's aspirations to create value for shareholders.


This paper responds to the article by Biddle, Bowen, and Wallace (BBW) by suggesting that their study of EVA and earnings has three potential shortcomings:
  • (1)

     A closer look at BBW's regression analysis suggests that investors, while apparently ignoring the cost of equity, put great weight on the cost of debt —a puzzling result in need of an explanation.

  • (2)

     The attempt by BBW to "level the playing field" effectively makes the NOPAT model into a NOPAT and capital model. Thus, it is really an EVA model in disguise and offers no insight into the explanatory power of NOPAT or earnings by itself.

  • (3)

     BBW's model of expectations is too simple. The ability of EVA to explain shareholder returns depends upon the accuracy of the model of expected EVA performance, and BBW make no attempt to derive a model of expected EVA improvement from the EVA valuation equation.


This paper explores the effect of religious observance and affiliation to the dominant religion (Catholicism) on trust in institutions and toward others, and market attitudes. The analysis is performed using a Latin American database of 20,000 respondents from 2004 by means of ordered probit models. The most interesting results are:
  • (i) 

    Trust toward others is positively correlated with both religious observance and Catholic affiliation (and practice ).

  • (ii) 

    There is a positive correlation between trust in the government, in the police, in the armed forces, in the judiciary and in the banking system and religious practice in general. Identical positive findings are obtained for Catholic affiliation and practice , although they may be affected by a majority effect.

Moreover, there is no evidence to support the hypotheses of a negative effect of religion on social capital.  相似文献   

The financial crisis that began with Thailand's devaluation in the summer of 1997 exposed significant weaknesses both in the structure of markets in emerging countries and in the crisis-prevention and crisis-management mechanisms built into the international financial system. Since then numerous efforts have been made to assess the causes of the crisis, and official institutions such as the Group of 7, the IMF, and the World Bank have laid out an agenda for reform.
This article discusses the four cornerstones of the reform program:
  • 1

     Encouraging the development of sound, well-structured banking sectors subject to well-designed systems of bank regulation and supervision.

  • 2

     Ensuring that private institutions have the incentives, governance structures, and internal controls in place to avoid inappropriate risks.

  • 3

     Strengthening disclosure requirements to ensure that global lenders and investors have the quantity and quality of information they need to make informed judgments about risks and returns.

  • 4

     Ensuring that monetary, fiscal, and exchange rate policies are appropriate and resilient enough to permit emerging market governments to withstand a crisis.

As recommended in the article on Indonesia, the author encourages the private sector to make greater use of innovative financing arrangements to manage their risk exposures—for example, through standby lines of credit or pre-negotiated options that would allow a debtor to automatically restructure its obligations under certain conditions.  相似文献   

Value at risk (or "VAR") is a method of measuring the financial risk of an asset, portfolio, or exposure over some specified period of time. By facilitating the consistent measurement of risk across different assets and activities, VAR allows companies to monitor, report, and control their risks in a manner that efficiently relates risk control to desired and actual economic exposures.
Nevertheless, reliance on VAR can result in serious problems when improperly used, and would-be users of VAR are advised to consider the following three pieces of advice:
  •  First, VAR is a tool for firms engaged in total value risk management. Companies concerned not with the value of a stock of assets and liabilities over a specific time horizon, but rather with the volatility of a flow of funds, are often better off eschewing VAR altogether in favor of a measure of cash flow volatility.

  •  Second, VAR should be applied very carefully to companies that practice "selective" risk management those firms that choose to take certain risks as a part of their primary business. When VAR is reported in such situations without estimates of corresponding expected profits, the information conveyed by the VAR estimate can be extremely misleading.

  •  Third, as a number of recent derivatives disasters are used to illustrate, no form of risk measurement including VAR–is a substitute for good management. Risk management as a process encompasses much more than just risk measurement. Indeed, risk measurement (whether using VAR or some of the alternatives proposed in this article) is pointless without a well-developed organizational infrastructure and IT system capable of supporting the complex and dynamic process of risk taking and risk control.


Although the first investor relations department was established by General Electric as long ago as 1952, the role of investor relations (IR) is one that has largely escaped scientific analysis and academic scrutiny. This article attempts to demonstrate the importance of a company's IR activities for its stock price by establishing a clear chain of causation between the following:
  • (1)

     corporate IR activities and the number of stock analysts who follow the firm;


Effective corporate leadership involves more than developing a good strategic plan and setting high ethical standards. It also means coming up with an organizational design that encourages the company's managers and employees to carry out its business plan and maintain its ethical standards.
In this article, the authors use the term organizational architecture to refer to three key elements of a company's design:
  • the assignment of decision-making authority–who gets to make what decisions;


Two landmark episodes of the last decade, the 2001 dot-com crisis and the 2008 bursting of the housing bubble, have drawn attention to the size and structure of executive pay plans and their possible role in propagating or worsening the crises. In this policy-oriented piece, the authors discuss the key issues in the debate on executive pay and express their support for a number of reform proposals that have been advanced in academic and policy circles.
The article begins by dividing the compensation debate into four key issues:
  • First, while public outrage has focused on the size of the pay packages at failed financial institutions, it is perhaps more important to focus on the structure of compensation and the process of setting compensation to prevent future crises. An effective pay package is not necessarily the one most laden with equity incentives. Too much equity exposure can cause excessive risk-taking, manipulation, and shift executive attention away from true value creation.

  • Second, incentive structures should incorporate indexing and clawbacks to guard against the possibility that performance benchmarks are rewarding luck more than sustainable, long-run performance.

  • Third, the compensation-setting process should be placed in the hands of shareholders, boards, and advisors who are not only independent but also possess ample expertise in the financial instruments used to incentivize pay.

  • Fourth and finally, any proposals for changes in compensation design or the taxation of compensation should anticipate how executives will alter their behavior in response to the changes, and evaluate the effect of the changes net of such offsetting responses.


Global business has entered a new era of fluid market and industry boundaries, shifting regional risk and opportunity, changing formulas for economic value, and varied economic shocks. To help companies prosper in this environment, Accenture has recently launched a high-performance business initiative designed to identify the most successful companies in 18 of today's largest industries along with the key value drivers in those industries. The performance criteria for such companies include a combination of market-based indicators (specifically, shareholder returns measured over three-, five-, and seven-year time periods) and oper-ating measures (notably, revenue growth and the spread between total return to shareholders and the weighted average cost of capital).
Further analysis of the chosen companies suggests that they are distinguished by a number of common capabilities:
  • an alert perception of customer values, allowing for quick detection of major shifts in demand or environmental conditions;


The decline in the costs of communicating, coordinating, and collaborating across firms in the value chain has led to the emergence of new business models—virtually integrated companies, retail "bricks and clicks" organizations, and networks like AOL and eBay—that can be used by all kinds of companies to exploit new opportunities. With these new organizations comes a need for new governance practices—practices that permit swifter decisions, best practice sharing, and more focused operations.
The author argues that improvements in governance should focus on achieving the following:
  •  Organization structures that leverage external alliances while improving internal collaboration. This involves gaining acceptance of and support for a common aspiration across the company—the goal of deploying financial and human resources, complemented by technology, to build shareholder wealth.


This article presents an accounting approach for employee stock options based on the insight that the currentperiod compensation expense should reflect only that part of the option value that is earned independent of the obligation of continued employment. Given that the maturity of vested options is typically shortened to 90 days when an employee resigns or is terminated, this method views the employee as owning a 90-day option (even if the stated maturity of the option is ten years) and earning a 90-day extension to that option each quarter as a result of the employee's continued employment. In the case of vested options, the compensation expense in each quarterly accounting period is thus the value of the 90-day extension of the option's maturity. There is no option expense in the quarter when the option is either exercised or expires.
In the case of unvested options, the expected option value at vesting should be estimated quarterly starting at the time of grant and the corresponding estimated expense should be revised and allocated as a pro rata accrual each quarter over the vesting period. The cumulative expense over the entire vesting period will equal the fair market value of the option at its vesting date.
Besides reflecting the economics of the exchange of value for labor involved in stock option grants, this approach has a number of practical advantages:
  • The 90-day maturity permits the use of publicly traded options to determine fair market value and makes Black-Scholes and other (lattice) pricing models more reliable.


When appraisers or investment bankers value privately held companies by making comparisons to otherwise similar public companies, they typically apply a discount. Most practitioners attribute this discount mainly to the relative illiquidity of private companies; and, for this reason, they value private companies based on empirical studies designed to measure illiquidity discounts. But this assumption and the valuations based upon it are likely to be unreliable because private companies are valued differently than public companies owing to a variety of other, more "fundamental" factors that have caused the firm to stay private rather than choosing to list on an exchange.
This article presents an alternative framework to estimate the discount for private companies that computes four separate valuation multiples for a set of private transactions and a comparable set of public transactions. After comparing these four sets of multiples for both domestic and foreign firms, the authors reach the following conclusions:
  •  Domestic private companies are acquired at an average 20–30% discount relative to similar public companies when using earnings (more precisely, EBIT and EBITDA) multiples as the basis for valuing the transactions. The average discount measured using price- to-book value multiples are somewhat lower, and there are no significant differences between the revenue multiples of acquired private and public companies.


Pay Without Performance: Overview of the Issues   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In their recent book, Pay Without Performance: The Unfulfilled Promise of Executive Compensation , the authors of this article provided a comprehensive critique of U.S. executive pay practices and the corporate governance processes that produce them, and then offered a number of proposals for improving both pay and governance. This article presents an overview of their analysis and proposals.
The authors' analysis suggests that the pay-setting process in U.S. public companies has strayed far from the economist's model of "arm's-length contracting" between executives and boards in a competitive labor market. In place of this conventional model, which is standard in corporate law as well as economics, the authors argue that managerial power and influence play a major role in shaping executive pay, and in ways that end up imposing significant costs on investors and the economy.
The main concern is not the levels of executive pay, but rather the distortion of incentives caused by compensation practices that fail to tie pay to performance and to limit executives' ability to sell their shares. Also troubling are "the correlation between power and pay, the systematic use of compensation practices that obscure the amount and performance insensitivity of pay, and the showering of gratuitous benefits on departing executives."
To address these problems, the authors propose three kinds of changes:
  • 1)

    increases in transparency , accomplished in part by new SEC rules requiring annual corporate disclosure that provides "the dollar value of all forms of compensation" (including "stealth compensation" in the form of pensions and other post-retirement benefits) and an analysis of the relationship between the past year's pay and performance, as well as more timely and informative disclosure of insider stock purchases and sales;


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