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Movie induced tourism   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Movies provide the objects and subjects for the gaze of many people, and for some people, movies induce them to travel to the locations where they were filmed. The data gathered at 12 US locations supports earlier anecdotal accounts of movie-induced tourism. This paper extends from earlier studies by suggesting a variety of reasons for this type of gaze and documents some of the impacts on movie-induced tourism locations. Visitation data were gathered from a variety of settings and were aggregated to show the power of movies when inducing people to locations. Data analysis showed at least four years of visitation increases after movies were released.


Le tourisme motivé par le cinéma. Les films offrent des objets et des sujets au regard de beaucoup de gens; certaines personnes sont motivées à voyager aux endroits où un film a été tourné. Les données recueillies à douze sites américains appuient des récits anecdotiques du tourisme motivé par le cinéma. L'article porte plus loin la recherche antérierure en suggérant plusieurs raisons pour ce genre de regard, et documente quelques impacts locaux du tourisme motivé par le cinéma. Des données au sujet des visites on été recueillies de plusieurs sites et puis agrégées pour montrer le pouvoir du cinéma à fair aux gens visiter les sites. Une analyse des données a montré au moins quatre années d'accroissements de visites après la sortie des films.  相似文献   

Traditions of sustainability in tourism studies   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
Jarkko   《Annals of Tourism Research》2006,33(4):1121-1140
As sustainability has become an important policy issue in tourism, it is arousing growing discussion and criticism, and an increasing need to understand the nature of the limits of growth. This paper analyzes how these limits are approached and evaluated in discussions on a local scale. The purpose is to recognize that behind the different understandings of them lie distinct traditions that are different in their focuses. These are referred to as resource-, activity-, and community-based traditions of sustainability. Further, the relationship between sustainable tourism and sustainable development is critically discussed.  相似文献   

Sustainable tourism and the question of the commons   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sustainable development calls for wise management of natural, built, and sociocultural resources in destination areas. Resources created mainly for tourism are used in time by the local population as well. Many others are shared in common with local people in everyday life. More often than not, resources are overused and degraded, as is the unfortunate fate of most ‘common pool resources’. When this happens, sustainable development is severely threatened: economic wellbeing declines, environmental conditions worsen, social injustice grows, and tourist satisfaction drops. This paper analyzes the central role that common pool resources play in sustainable tourism development, outlines policy design principles for their management, and offers future research directions.  相似文献   

Ethnic politics and tourism: A British Case Study   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper argues that one can better understand the phenomenon of ethnicity in the West through an analysis of tourism representations of a region's history and culture and of the many motives behind them. It examines the rise of a particular version of Shetland (United Kingdom) identity by linking the differing goals of the local bourgeoisie, as well as the bulk of the islands' inhabitants, with the projects of the Shetland Tourist Organisation and related groups. While this version of the Shetlandness is understood as providing a Durkheimian sense of unity for many inhabitants, its origins and increasing articulations with the economic and political goals of the islands' bourgeoisie are the main concerns of the paper.


Développement économique et tourisme de randonneurs. Cet article soutient que l'on peut mieux comprendre le phénomène de l'ethnicité occidentale en analysant les représentations touristiques de l'histoire et de la culture d'une région et les motivations derrière ces représentations. On examine une certaine version de l'identité shetlandaise (Royauyme-Une) en reliant les différents objectifs de la bourgeoisie locale et de la majorité des habitants des îles, avec les projects de l'Organisation Touristique Shetlandaise parmi d'autres groupes. On comprent que cette version de l'identité shetlandaise donne un sens d'identité à la Durkheim à beaucoup d'habitants. Pourtant, l'objet principal de l'article est d'examiner les origines de cette version et sa relation croissante avec les buts économiques et politiques de la bourgeoisie shetlandaise.  相似文献   

Selected ecotourism, adventure, fishing, cruiseline, and golf operators were studied in an effort to determine possible ethical differences among them as distinct groups. Through the implementation of a multidimensional ethics scale, the resulting data illustrate that ecotourism operators were in fact more ethical than their counterparts in the other groups. This became apparent on the basis of analyzing their responses to ethical economic, social, and ecological issues outlined in three scenarios. The paper examines the influence of education, organizational size, and the use of codes of ethics in day-to-day business operation and practice to help explain the differences that exist among the participating groups.  相似文献   

The primary objective of this study is to examine the economic impact of tourism on the Okanagan Region, (B.C., Canada), by evaluating the multiplier effects of tourist expenditure on the generation of income, sales and employment. Specifically, separate multipliers are calculated in order to identify the relative contribution of four major types of tourists, namely: (a) Non-residential Visitors, (b) Residential Visitors (B.C.), (c) Day-trippers, and for the first time, (d) Convention Delegates. This study utilizes the Archer tourism multiplier methodology by adopting a price level adjusted twenty-nine sector input- output framework as the basis for calculating the tourist multipliers. Unlike the earlier studies that are based on primary data, this study uses secondary data.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to analyze the development of tourism in American Samoa. The government in American Samoa initiated efforts to develop tourism during the early 1960's. In spite of this, tourism in American Samoa is still in an early development stage. Internal factors which have constrained tourism growth have been the limited natural resources and underlying conflict between the traditional Samoan culture versus western ideas. External factors in the form of increased competition from nearby destinations and shifts in airline services also have limited the number of tourists to the area. The development of tourism in American Samoa is relevant to other less popular and newly developing destinations in the Pacific. Thus, it illustrates the risks and problems in developing tourism in similar Pacific destinations.  相似文献   

Shared decision-making in tourism land use planning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A Canadian government commission dealing with environmental resources attempted to incorporate several innovative approaches for shared decision-making into its strategic land use planning process for central British Columbia. This paper describes a framework of design and evaluative criteria for guiding such shared decision-making processes. It uses these criteria to assess the efficacy of the process from the perspective of those tourism stakeholders who participated in this planning exercise. The article offers recommendations to government as well as tourism sector organizations concerning the management of future public land use planning strategies designed to fully incorporate stakeholders into such processes.


Les décisions partagées au sujet de la politique foncière du tourisme. Une commission du gouvernement canadien s'occupant des ressources environnementales a essayé d'incorporer plusieurs nouvelles méthodes de décisions partagées dans la planification des stratégies d'utilisation foncière pour la Colombie britannique centrale. Cet article décrit un cadre de critères pour la conception et l'évaluation des processus de décisions partagées. L'article utilise ces critères pour mesurer l'efficacité du processus du point de vue des planificateurs. Il fait des recommandations au gouvernement et aux organisations touristiques au sujet de la planification et de la future gestion de l'utilisation de la propriété publique pour que tous les intéressés soient compris dans ces processus.  相似文献   

The article examines the case for involvement of government in the tourism sector in developing countries and makes definitional distinctions between passive and active involvement. It is argued that in most developing countries government involvement in tourism is required not only to attain long-term objectives but to compensate for the absence of a strong and tourism-experienced private sector. Five areas of concern for government involvement are discussed, and conclusions relate to the need for government-private sector cooperation for development purposes.  相似文献   

Participation on tourism of the population of the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) has enormously increased. Domestic tourism, however, stagnates. The German tourist regions have to expect a significant decrease in visitors, since an increasing segment of the German holiday-makers (now two thirds) travels abroad. The German domestic tourism providers and vacation travel organizers have not yet fully realized the new trends in the travel behavior. The unfavorable trend can only be met through a continually increasing supply with vacation homes and apartments. Moreover, the various resort towns need to join regional tourism associations which are able to achieve a more effective regional marketing for smaller tourist regions. Preparations for the establishment of regional tourism associations and programs for a subsidization of regional marketing plans are imminent.  相似文献   

Main destination ratios : Analyses of tourist flows   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Published data such as those from the World Tourism Organisation omit statistics about multidestination trips. The main Destination Ratio and its derivatives provide a partial remedy, illuminating patterns and trends that otherwise may be hidden. The techniques are illustrated by data about trips in one year by Japanese, New Zealanders, and Australians to sixteen countries, and about Australians' visits over thirteen years to Singapore and Hong Kong. The techniques' distinction is data collected at two points in a tourism system; conventional statistics about traveler-tourist flows usually rely on one point. Practical applications of the new techniques are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper discusses several geographical factors critical to tourism planning and development in Zambia. The paper focuses on the size, seasonality of climate, and population distribution of the country as well as the location of tourism resources and distances between tourist attractions. Individually and collectively, these factors have a major influence on the levels of occupancy in hotels and game lodges, and air and land transportation. The infrastructural development and its utilization for tourism are evaluated, and a number of constraints to tourism development are also examined. A discussion of appropriate tourism policies highlights the delicate relationship between economic and environmental factors. This study concludes that Tourism Master Plans should be more cognizant of geographic as well as economic factors when developing destinations such as Zambia.  相似文献   

TOURISM AND CULTURAL PROXIMITY: Examples from New Zealand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
While tourism products based on Maori culture are popular among some overseas tourists to New Zealand, there has been little research as to their appeal to the domestic market. This paper discusses notions of indigenous tourism and the role of cultural and spatial difference in European conceptualizations of the exotic other. It argues that although there is a common cultural antecedence between non-Maori and European culture, the lack of spatial distance between Maori and tourists means that European New Zealanders are not drawn to Maori culture as an attraction in the manner that those from Europe and North America are. The paper discusses “kiwi culture” and familiarity as determinants of tourist demand.  相似文献   

Tourism is in need of a comprehensive framework within which to design and deliver education and training programs in a more effective manner. This paper reports the efforts of two provincial governments in Canada to formulate an integrated strategy on which to base the planning and development of a tourism education and training system. The goal of such integration is to ensure a greater degree of interdependence among different levels of the total education system so as to provide well-defined alternative career paths for present and future students. Initial results of the strategy on the development of the education infrastructure are reviewed.  相似文献   

Despite numerous articles detailing the consequences of tourism, one's understanding of the conflict caused by tourism development is limited. This paper attempts to identify generalizable features of the tourism development debate in the United States through the use of a locational conflict framework. A typology of tourism development was created using content analysis of newspaper articles that described conflict over tourism related land use changes. The results of the analysis indicate that the number of tourism development conflict incidents and the issues involved in these incidents varied substantially across the United States. Analysis also indicates that the participants involved in the conflicts aligned themselves into different coalitions, depending upon the particular issue. This suggests that the particular tourism development issue is the most important variable affecting generalizations about tourism development conflict.  相似文献   

This paper examines potential improvements in measures of international travel demand elasticities by pooling cross sections and time series of travel receipts. International travel receipts for 18 European countries are pooled and estimates of elasticities with respect to income, exchange rates, relative prices, transport costs, and number of terrorism events are computed. Indexes are developed for the purpose of measuring and aggregating transport costs and terrorism. The results show that the responses to changes in these variables are significantly different across countries. When the countries are constrained to have the same elasticities, but the constants are allowed to be different, it is found that all variables affect tourism in the expected direction and are statistically significant.  相似文献   

Wives' involvement in tourism decision processes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study segments tourism decision-making tasks into 17 categories. Wives were asked to assign a score to their level of involvement in each task. A marginal involvement in tasks related to the “financing aspects” of the trip was observed whereas involvement was high in tasks such as “shopping”, “selecting restaurants”, “collecting information”, and “preparing luggage”. Two hypotheses were tested: the socioeconomic characteristics of wives and trip characteristics have a positive effect on the level of involvement in the tourism decisions; and levels of task involvement are consistent for the 17 tasks (stability in tasks involvement). Marketing implications and recommendations for future research were also discussed.


La participation des épouses aux décisions de voyages. Cette étude segmente les décisions et taches des voyages en dix-sept catégories. On a demandé aux épouses d'attribuer une valeur numérique selon leur niveau de participation dans chaquetâche. On a observé peu de participation aux “aspects financiers” tandis que la participation était élevée pour le “shopping”, le “choix des restaurants”, la “collecte d'information”, et la “préparation des bagages”. On a vérifié deux hypothèses: que les caractéristiques socio-économiques des épouses ainsi que certaines caractéristiques du voyage ont un effet positif sur la participation des épouses aux décisions du tourisme, et que les niveaux de participation pour les dix-sept tâches sont stables. On discute aussi des implications de marketing et des recommandations pour la recherche future.  相似文献   

If increased historic preservation, restoration, and reconstruction reflects the maturation of America, they also reflect controversy over what is preserved, by whom, and to what ends. Using Little Italy as a case in point, this paper explores issues likely to arise and potential implications when urban areas depicting an ethnic or racial heritage are preserved for the purposes of tourism. That such areas were initially oppressive and restrictive ghettos portrayed by derogatory stereotypes of their residents, particularly poses the question of whether those images and the attitudes they stimulated are preserved, restored, or reconstructed along with material artifacts.  相似文献   

Devaluation and US tourism expenditure in Mexico   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Studies that investigate the factors affecting US tourism expenditures in Mexico generally regard relative prices in these countries as sensitive determinants. The findings of inelasticity of expenditures of American tourists with respect to prices in the Mexican interior and border in several studies published in the 1980s are debatable. This study evaluates the impact of recent peso devaluations by adjusting 1970–1982 US tourism expenditures by an index that combines the Consumer Price Index in dollars, the CPI in pesos, and the exchange rate. The results here clearly indicate that US expenditures in the interior and on the border are price sensitive and have a strong positive trend reaction to devaluation in both nominal and real terms. Border expenditures clearly exceed interior expenditures and are more sensitive to exchange rate changes than expenditures in interior Mexico.  相似文献   

The purposes of the study were to define the construct of novelty in the context of tourism, to conceptualize its role in the destination choice process, and to develop an instrument to measure novelty. The novelty construct was comprised of four interrelated but distinctive dimensions: thrill, change from routine, boredom alleviation, and surprise. A 21 item instrument was developed to measure the construct and its dimensions. The scale was judged to have content validity by an initial panel of experts. It was demonstrated to have convergent, theoretical, discriminant, and criterion validity in terms of its expected correlations with other measures. Items measuring the dimensions were internally consistent, and both test-retest and split-half reliability were satisfactory.  相似文献   

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