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The paper empirically investigates what drivers affect the decisions of high-tech start-ups to internationalize from the outset, and their degree of born-globalness. The empirical data have been obtained from a cross-country survey on internationalized high-tech start-ups operating in the ICT and electronics sectors. The present findings show that the presence of a small domestic market and the scalability of the product put on sale have a positive effect on the probability of a start-up internationalizing from its inception. We have also observed that the niche strategy and the network relationships built up by the entrepreneur are key drivers for both an early internationalization and the scope of international expansion. The experiential knowledge and international commitment of an entrepreneur, as well as the diversity of team competences and organizational flexibility of a firm, have a significant impact on a born global's degree of born-globalness, although it is not a fundamental precondition for early internationalization.  相似文献   

Born globals: Propositions to help advance the theory   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Although born globals (BGs) have now been studied for over a decade, theory and practice are still evolving. This article was written to clarify the definition of a Born Global (BG) firm and to describe the three phases—introductory, growth and resource accumulation, and break-out to independent growth as a major player—through which BGs progress. Drawing from empirical evidence, it was found that the risks, resource development, channels/networks and organisational learning of BGs develop during the three phases through which successful BGs pass. However, this process deviates considerably from that followed by traditional internationalising small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Born Global entrepreneurs and academics can learn much by studying the causes of these differences.  相似文献   

This study examines how so-called born micromultinationals multinationalize. Existing theoretical frameworks do not capture the multinationalization of young and small firms because of the literature gap separating studies on born globals and international new ventures from the research on multinational enterprises. However, firms go beyond accelerated internationalization and engage in accelerated multinationalization. Born micromultinationals invest and operate in multiple countries from, or soon after, their foundation. We argue that it is necessary to examine their smallness, newness and entrepreneurial nature, as suggested in the BG/INV literature, as well as to investigate why and how they invest abroad through the lenses of MNE theories. We discuss existing theories and examine them in the light of four case studies of Finnish born micromultinationals. Our results show that the organizational, locational and internalization approach and transaction costs economics for example, have explanatory power for the FDIs conducted by born micromultinationals. We suggest that the multinationalization process of born mMNEs consists of commitment decisions; reconfigurations of the value chain; and learning from, and creating and building trust with internal sources.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the short-term return performance and long-term operating performance of 36 partial mergers in Hong Kong during the period 1984–1996. We first conduct an event-study to evaluate the short-term market performance of the target, the bidder and a simulated combined portfolio consisting of both firms involved in the acquisition. The second method provides long-term performance indicators based on composite indices created from key financial ratios. The results of the event-study indicate that there are immediate share price gains to the target, acquiring and combined firms around the time the acquisition is announced. However, the long-term accounting-based performance analysis does not show a significant improvement in the 2 years following the acquisition for both the target and acquiring firms. No correlation is found between the short-term returns and the long-term performance indicators. These findings support the more recent literature on the potential benefits of diversification, and the view that diversifying acquisitions perform better than related acquisitions.  相似文献   

This paper reviews recent empirical evidence to assess the implications of alliance formation and increasing merger and acquisition activity of multinationals in the context of the eclectic paradigm. Specifically, the paper will concentrate on the performance implications of international expansion via alliances and mergers, and their relationship to the so-called asset-augmenting foreign direct investment. It has been argued in the literature that the way in which multinationals are able to build on their existing advantages and to add to them by virtue of their international activities confers specific benefits to multinationality. We argue that the growth of cross-border acquisitions and alliances as modalities for international expansion has resulted from the continuing convergence of value-adding capabilities within the Triad, and while such activity can help to augment the asset base of the investing firms, it also has potentially anti-competitive implications.  相似文献   

This article investigates consumer reactions to acquirer-dominant mergers and acquisitions (M&As) from the perspective of the (smaller) target brand and explores how marketing actions can mitigate negative effects. The findings from five studies show that consumers tend to react negatively to M&As by devaluing the acquirer brand, increasing their intention to switch, and adjusting their attitudes toward the target brand upward. We suggest that psychological reactance is a mediator of the negative effects of merger information on customers' attitudes and switching intentions. We also demonstrate that brand managers can attenuate reactance by involving consumers in merger decisions, thus providing important managerial implications for M&A decisions and processes.  相似文献   

By synthesizing several theoretical perspectives, we explore the determinants of early and rapid internationalization of firms from China as an example of an emerging economy. Specifically, we examine the symbiosis of foreign knowledge, networks, and government support and their impact on the emergence of born globals (BGs). We use the dataset covering 368 Chinese exporting SMEs. The results provide new insights regarding the nature of their strategic behavior and shed light on the reasons for heterogeneity among exporters.  相似文献   

SMEs attempt to accelerate and diversify their international expansion strategies. The purpose of this article is to identify the internationalization stages followed by traditional SMEs to seize global market opportunities. The authors analyze the internationalization paths of five French SMEs operating in traditional manufacturing industries. The empirical study is mainly based on 66 interviews. The findings indicate that the internationalization process of SMEs continues to follow several stages, but that their commitment to foreign markets may increase, decrease and re-increase. The identified stages, which can be triggered by internal and external factors, reflect characteristics of different internationalization models proposed in the literature.  相似文献   

跨国公司进入东道国面临两种进入方式的选择:并购进入和新建投资进入,本文展现了这一研究领域的最新进展,回顾和分析了跨国公司选择并购进入方式的各种考虑因素.本文提出了一个企业国外进入方式选择的简单模型,研究在何种情况下外国公司优先选择并购方式以及在何种情况下外国公司选要择新建投资的问题.  相似文献   

What key roles do macroeconomic and financial variables play in the foreign direct investment (FDI) decision of firms? This question is addressed in this paper using a large panel data set of cross-border Merger & Acquisition (M&A) deals for the period 1990-1999. Various econometric specifications are built around the simple “gravity model” commonly used in the trade literature. Interestingly, financial variables and other institutional factors seem to play a significant role in M&A flows. In particular, the size of financial markets, as measured by the stock market capitalization to GDP ratio, has a strong positive association with domestic firms investing abroad. This result points to the importance of domestic financial conditions in stimulating international investment during the boom years of 1990s, and accords with the significant drop in cross-border M&As in recent years.  相似文献   

Many decry the preponderance of merger failures and conclude that mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are failed strategies. However, analysis of the causes of failure has often been shallow and the measures of success weak. The research reported here focuses on what makes a merger successful and what is the appropriate manner of evaluating merger success. Extensive field research of the merger of J.P. Morgan and Chase Manhattan Bank in 2000 is used to illustrate the drivers of merger success and how to improve and value the contributions of mergers.  相似文献   

This paper incorporates a Cournot model of oligopoly pricing into Williamson’s (1968a) model to assess the welfare effect of a merger that yields economies and market power simultaneously. The results show: (i) in most cases, economies from mergers can offset price increases due to market power such that there are positive net allocative effects, and (ii) the safe harbors in the merger guidelines may fail to screen out mergers correctly. The reliability, however, can be improved by considering cost savings and price elasticities in addition to the current use of increases in HHI and post-merger HHIs.  相似文献   

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are probably the most common strategic manoeuvres in business. Given the critical importance of human factors for their success, this study aims to enhance understanding of employee reactions to such projects. This article looks into the way that psychological contract breach affects employee turnover intention and civic virtue, after taking into consideration the mediating role of organizational commitment and the moderating role of coping with changes. Data were obtained from employees at a recently acquired restaurant chain in Athens, Greece. Statistical analyses confirmed all hypotheses, with one exception.  相似文献   

Speed of internationalization may refer to how early a new venture goes abroad as well as how fast it expands its activities post-entry. The present paper incorporates both aspects and analyzes to what extent several dimensions of speed influence the ability of new ventures to survive in export markets. Based upon extant theories, two perspectives are deduced – a Learning perspective and a Resource perspective – leading to partly contrasting hypotheses. The hypotheses are tested based upon a unique data set consisting of all new ventures established in Norway a specific year that started to export goods in the following nine years. Among the findings are that survival rates increase when ventures go international immediately after inception and when they expand rapidly into new countries rather than focusing on expanding their export share in a limited number of markets, thus lending support to the Resource perspective.  相似文献   

Despite the fruitful research on the motives and outcomes of cross‐border mergers and acquisitions (M&As) of Chinese multinational corporations (MNCs), there has been scant research on the impact of cross‐border M&As on corporate governance. In this article, we fill the research gap by exploring whether cross‐border M&As may lead to an improvement in corporate governance of Chinese acquirers. In particular, we examine the impact of cross‐border M&As on earnings quality of Chinese MNCs. We find that the acquisition of a target firm from a developed country leads to a significant improvement on the acquirer's earnings quality. In comparison, the acquisition of a target from an emerging market does not have such an impact. Our results are robust to various corporate governance measures, alternative econometric methods, and controls of relevant firm characteristics and macroeconomic variables. Finally, we show that the effect of cross‐border M&As on earnings quality is more pronounced in non‐state‐owned enterprises (non‐SOEs) that have conducted large M&A deals. Our article offers new insight to the international business literature on latecomer perspective and liability of foreignness. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

With the present challenge to compete on price or product assortment, retailers and manufacturers are increasingly focusing on state-of-the-art pricing strategies which have their roots in behavioural economics and psychology. The current review is an empirical investigation on the relative effectiveness of various pricing practices on consumer perceptions and behaviour. Six pricing strategies were reviewed; drip pricing, reference pricing, the use of the word ‘free’, bait pricing, bundling and time-limited offers. The review shows that the former three have received a significant amount of attention and have a robust impact on consumer perceptions and behaviour. There is less research on the latter three; however, the available evidence does suggest that they, too, may be capable of influencing consumers’ choices. Finally, it is also clear that the effects of pricing practices can be moderated by a variety of factors. Overall, the current review indicates that sellers are able to influence perceptions and purchase decisions of consumers based on the manner in which prices are displayed. The implications of these findings for retailers, policy makers and researchers are discussed.  相似文献   

Differences in retail store choice behaviour are examined for the purchase of fresh meat and fresh fruit and vegetables in Malaysia. In purchasing fresh meat, cluster analysis identified two groups of respondents who purchased the majority of the fresh meat they consumed from either modern retail stores or the traditional market. However, with regard to the purchase of fresh fruit and vegetables, cluster analysis identified three groups of respondents (modern retail shoppers, transient shoppers and traditional market shoppers). Although the clusters were labelled using similar terms, several similarities and differences were identified in the respective clusters for each food item. The findings indicate that store choice preference was based on the food product that the consumer intended to purchase.  相似文献   

This research integrates both motivational and cognitive approaches to better understand consumers' purchase behaviour of energy efficient household appliances in emerging markets. A unique values, knowledge, attitudes and behaviour model was developed, and then validated by obtaining data from Vietnamese consumers which yielded 682 usable responses. The findings confirm that consumers with stronger adherence to egoistic values are more likely to develop negative attitudes towards environmental protection, and they tend to formulate positive attitudes towards individual inconvenience associated with the purchase of energy efficient appliances. In contrast, biospheric and altruistic values facilitate consumers' purchase behaviour by enhancing their attitudes towards environmental protection, and by also reducing their attitudes in relation to individual inconvenience. Interestingly, consumers with high knowledge about energy efficient appliances tend to believe that the purchase of such products is important for environmental protection, and they are likely to negate the perception of inconvenience associated with the purchase. Attitudes were found to be significant determinants of both purchase intention and behaviour. The implications for policymakers, marketers and other stakeholders are discussed and future research directions presented.  相似文献   

Although incidences of foodborne illness caused by chemical hazards are increasing, the studies on public awareness of food chemical hazards are limited. This study was conducted to assess mothers’ knowledge, behaviour and concerns on diverse food chemical hazards. A total of 960 mothers sending their preschool‐aged children to child care centres in Gwanak‐Gu, Seoul, Korea were surveyed, and 633 (65.9%) returned the questionnaires. After excluding inappropriate questionnaires, 364 (37.9%) were analysed. The majority of the mothers were able to identify food categories containing acrylamide (83.2%) and trans fat (80.2%), while slightly over half of the mothers named food categories containing allergen (56.3%) or pesticide residues (57.1%). Less than two thirds of mothers were knowledgeable of human exposure pathway to environmental contaminants (59.3%), acrylamide (55.2%) or heavy metals (65.9%). A significant number of mothers showed familiarity on health risk from dietary exposure to environmental contaminants (82.4%), trans fat (91.5%) or heavy metals (96.7%) (P < 0.05). The data on safe food behaviour towards environmental contaminants (81.8%), acrylamide (98.0%), heavy metals (96.7%) and trans fat (90.6%) showed high levels of right behaviours. About 47.2% and 22.8% of mothers read label of food additives and ingredient statement on allergen when purchasing processed foods, respectively. Mothers seemed to be concerned about food chemical hazards. Among the sociodemographic characteristics, only age significantly differentiated mothers’ concerns on chemical hazards in foods (P < 0.05). This study suggests that mothers needed to be educated on food chemical hazards regardless of their education levels, occupation status or the number of child.  相似文献   

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