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Business ethics concern the consideration of moral in corporate decision making. International managers may be confronted with a variety of ethical dilemmas, usually due to differences among national markets in what constitutes legal or acceptable practice. Beliefs about what constitutes ethical business behavior commonly stem from one of four moral philosophies: teleology, deontology, the theory of justice, and cultural relativism. A framework incorporating all four is presented here which should provide a useful decision tool for international managers. An application of the framework and the complexities associated with it are presented next. We conclude that an effective integration of the company's perspective on ethics and the business behavior of the employees is critical and that it depends on top management, and the entire organization, demonstrating that they are serious about ethical business behavior on an ongoing basis. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The aim of the paper is to analyze theoretically and empirically the impact the macroeconomic cycle has on the accumulation of capital by organized crime, using estimates for the global drug market. So far, the economic literature has neglected the relationships existing between illegal markets, money laundering and the business cycle. We propose a dynamic model where the business cycle influences the criminal economy via two different channels. On the one side, illegal markets grow at variable rates, depending on the health of the legal economy. Second, a pass‐through effect can exist, since the business cycle affects the legal markets which criminal operators use to launder their revenues. Furthermore, we analyze the consequences of a ‘saturation effect’ limiting maximum accumulation of illegal capital. We find that overall illegal capital is affected by the business cycle through a capital multiplier; in addition to this, the dynamics of interest rates in financial markets can influence such multiplier.  相似文献   

Norman Bowie wrote an article on the moral obligations of multinational corporations in 1987. This paper is a response to Bowie, but more importantly, it is designed to articulate the force and substance of the pragmatist philosophy developed by Richard Rorty. In his article, Bowie suggested that moral universalism (which he endorses) is the only credible method of doing business ethics across cultures and that cultural relativism and ethnocentrism are not. Bowie, in a manner surprisingly common among contemporary philosophers, lumps Rorty into a bad guy category without careful analysis of his philosophy and ascribes to him views which clearly do not fit. I attempt to provide both a more careful articulation of Rorty's views, and to use his pragmatism to illustrate an approach to business ethics which is more fruitful than Bowie's. This brand of philosophy follows the Enlightenment spirit of toleration and attempts to set aside questions of Truth, whether religious or philosophical, and have ethics centered around what James called that which is good in the way of belief. Rather than looking for metaphysical foundations or some type of external justification, ethicists perform their craft from within the cultural traditions, narratives and practices of their society.Andrew C. Wicks, M.A. in Religious Ethics. Currently a fourth year Doctoral Candidate in the Religious Studies Department at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville.  相似文献   

Despite a plethora of studies on brand loyalty spanning over last three decades, the research paradigm is unique in its inability to produce generalizable results. The research suffers from a lack of agreement over the operationalization of the construct of the brand loyalty. Many researchers [e.g., Kahn, B.E., Kalwani, M.U., Morrison, D.G., 1986. Measuring variety seeking and reinforcement behaviors using panel data. Journal of Marketing Research 23, 89–100; Ehrenberg, A.S.C., Goodhardt, G.J., Barwise, P.B., 1990. Double jeopardy revisited. Journal of Marketing 54, 82–91] have defined brand loyalty only from a behavioral perspective. They assumed that repeat purchasing can capture the loyalty of a consumer towards the brand of interest. Other researchers [e.g., Day, G.S., 1969. A two-dimensional concept of brand loyalty. Journal of Advertising Research 9, 29–35; Dick, A.S., Basu, K., 1994. Consumer loyalty: towards an integrated conceptual approach. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 22 (2), 99–113; Baldinger, A.L., Rubinson, J., 1996. Brand loyalty: the link between attitude and behavior. Journal of Advertising Research 36 (6), 22–34; Rundle-Thiele, S.R., Bennett, R., 2001. A brand for all seasons: A discussion of loyalty approaches and their applicability for different markets. Journal of Product and Brand Management 10 (1), 25–37; Rundle-Thiele, S.R., 2005. Elaborating customer loyalty: exploring loyalty to wine retailers. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 12 (5), 333–344], however, have suggested that attitude should be included along with behavior to define loyalty. In particular, Dick and Basu (1994) were precise in suggesting that a favorable attitude and repeat purchase were required to define loyalty. By viewing loyalty as an attitude–behavior relationship in their framework, Dick and Basu (1994) were able to investigate the concept from a causal perspective thereby permitting the identification of the factors that influence loyalty.Our research extends the idea proposed by Dick and Basu (1994) in two ways. First, we provide a conceptually clear, and an operationally meaningful way of segmenting the market on the basis of attitudes that govern this behavior. To be specific, we offer a unique way to measure attitudinal loyalty. And we use a unique survey data with a large sample of 1800 respondents that includes both behavioral (purchase) patterns and attitudes of the respondents for all major brands of toothpaste, to demonstrate that behavioral loyalty is influenced by attitudinal loyalty across many brands of the toothpaste category. Finally, we propose that a third behavioral pattern—non-user—should be also included along with two known behavioral patterns viz. single user and multiple user. This is because a non-user has the potential to become a consumer in future.  相似文献   

Impacts of religion on trade in services were examined using gravity models with two estimation methods: Poisson pseudo‐maximum likelihood (PPML), to correct for heteroscedasticity and bias due to the exclusion of zero trade flow, and standard Heckman correction to compensate for sample selection bias. We found that religious similarity contributes to increased international trade in services by establishing ‘trust‐related institutions’. Second, religious pluralism (variety) fosters trade even more than religious similarity, suggesting that in facilitating trade, religious openness matters more than religious similarity. Third, a strong dominant religion discourages trade in services, whereas the presence of religious minorities encourages trade in services. A highly significant inverse Mill's ratio (IMR) result indicated the presence of sample selection bias, indicating that controls are necessary to prevent estimation bias. This study concluded that religion is an important determining factor for trade in services, positively affecting interpersonal trust and thereby reducing institutional distance between countries.  相似文献   

We examined how the negotiator’s power, the explorative–exploitative purpose and cultural distance interact in the negotiation for an international business alliance formation. Our participant observation in some several events of negotiation suggests that the executive’s power plays an enabling role in the negotiation for alliance formation. However, cultural distance between the negotiating parties in the international business context hampers the success of the negotiation. In particular, person power supports the explorative alliance purpose. The explorative alliance embodies technical and behavioural uncertainty. On the other hand, position power supports the exploitative alliance purpose. The exploitative alliance purpose more aptly embodies behavioural uncertainty than technical uncertainty does.Cultural distance has a high negative influence on person power and the explorative alliance, and person power and the explorative alliance indicate high uncertainty. In comparison, cultural distance has a negative influence on position power and exploitative alliance, and position power and exploitative alliances indicate low uncertainty. In other words, cultural distance matters more in the person–explorative combination than it does in the position–exploitative combination. The main assumption is that cultural distance has adverse effects on both power and tasks in the negotiation. However, the notions of power and purpose do not influence the effect of national cultural differences.  相似文献   

Firms engage in competitive actions to gain market share and hence to grow their revenues. However, not all firms are equally able to use competitive actions to drive growth. We argue that the ability to translate competitive actions to revenue growth depends on the ownership of the firm. Drawing on principal-agent and principal-principal perspectives, we argue that: (1) private owners (both foreign and local) are better able to employ aggressive actions to grow their business than state owners; (2) firms with multiple owners (especially international joint ventures) are less able to implement actions that drive business growth than full ownership. We find support for these arguments in empirical tests on survey-based data of 106 firms in China. Results show that in an emerging market the principal-principal perspective can better explain governance and competition than the principal-agent perspective.  相似文献   

Does mutual fund investment deter accounting fraud? Using a bivariate probit model, this study examines the relationship between mutual funds and accounting fraud between 2007 and 2014. We observed mutual fund investment has significantly higher levels of fraud detection, reducing firms' propensity to commit fraud. This validates Chinese regulators' efforts to develop mutual funds to address accounting fraud. Open-end mutual funds outperform closed-end mutual funds in detecting accounting fraud and reducing fraud commission; redeemable shares appear to discipline managers. This effect is moderated by state ownership of listed firms: mutual funds cannot effectively detect fraud in state-owned firms.  相似文献   

The authors analyze consistency between supervisors' and interns' self-evaluations based on interns' gender, time of completion (summer or academic year), and sponsor (on-campus department or off campus). Students, in general, tended to have lower ratings for computer skills, relative to supervisors, suggesting that they do not appreciate the skills that they possess. When student self-evaluations differed from those of supervisors, women gave themselves lower ratings than supervisors, whereas the opposite was seen for men. When evaluations differed, students completing on-campus internships tended to rate themselves higher than their supervisors, whereas the opposite was seen for students completing off-campus internships. Suggestions for better advising and preparing students, in advance of completing internships, are provided.  相似文献   

This study provides new insights into the link between international diversification and firm performance in a sample of large manufacturing firms and SMEs based in Spain for the 1994–2008 period. Specifically, the focus is on how the nature and shape of this relationship may vary over time with firm size. The results show the existence of a horizontal-S curve when the whole sample of firms is considered in the empirical analysis. However, major differences are found between SMEs and large firms, and even within the actual group of SMEs. Strong support is found in large firms for the existence of a horizontal-S curve. Within the group of SMEs, there are small firms with a linear and negative relationship, whereas medium-sized firms record a U-shaped form. These findings suggest that as the international diversification-performance link is size-dependent, future research should explicitly consider firm size in order to better understand the nature of this relationship.  相似文献   

In response to recent articles examining the current state and future direction of international business (IB) research, this article directly surveys CEOs of the largest Fortune 500 companies to solicit their views about university‐based IB research and to identify the most significant IB problems their firms encounter. Results suggest a consistently low appreciation by CEOs for university‐based IB research over an extended period of time. Data also suggest a window of opportunity to capture a constituency among those companies that anticipate a significant increase in their international activity. To capture a practitioner constituency, however, research should focus on key problem areas that have been identified in this article, and the findings should be presented in accessible forms and venues. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Recently there has been greater interest among international business researchers in studying processes and their temporal dimensions. We examine one such dimension by problematizing when processes are deemed to commence or end. Reperiodizing the start and end points of a process under study affects the theoretical conclusions about the process itself. We develop a methodology for reperiodization and apply it to an empirical study into the internationalization process of a type of new venture: the spinoff firm. Our conclusions specify the theoretical insights gained through reperiodization, demonstrating how this research strategy can be used to study processes in international business.  相似文献   

This study examines the within and between sex differences on the relative importances of merchandise quality and interaction quality as drivers of behavioral loyalty (share of wallet). A sample of customers of a national retail chain serves as the study setting. The results indicate that for female customers, interaction quality and merchandise quality have equally strong total influence on share of wallet. For male customers, the total effect of merchandise quality on share of wallet is significantly stronger than the total effect of interaction quality. Across sex comparisons reveal that the total effect of interaction quality on share of wallet is stronger for female customers. However, merchandise quality exerts a stronger total influence on share of wallet for male customers. Implications of the results are discussed and avenues for future research are offered.  相似文献   

This study introduces the concept of perceived salesperson transparency to the sales literature. It addresses how recent technological developments impact traditional agency theory concerns, while simultaneously creating a conceptual definition of perceived transparency for application on an individual level. Salesperson perceptions regarding managerial use of behavioral information obtained through technological means are empirically found to have a mediating effect on the relationship between managerial access to such information and the likelihood of unethical salesperson behavior. It concludes that salesperson ethical behavior is not influenced by management's ability to obtain behaviorally relevant information, but rather by the use of this information. Further, it is found that the mediating influence of use of information accessed via technology is itself moderated by the salesperson's job performance.  相似文献   

In November 2001, the Canadian province of Ontario amended the private placement regulations considerably to facilitate access to equity financing by small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). To determine the extent to which securities regulation is an effective constraint on financing of growth corporations, we analyze issue activity before and after this change took effect. We note an increase in the number of issues, but only a slight increase in the total amounts raised on the private market following the reform. The average size of the issues has thus decreased. Some of the observed changes can be traced to concurrent events, namely the burst of the technology bubble and the strong increase in the prices of natural resources, which represent a major sector in Canada. When we control for various factors that influence issue activity, we observe a statistically significant effect only on the number of issues by closed corporations, which seems to originate from the non-resource companies. These results do not rule out the conclusion that the reform eased the issue of small amounts of money by private companies. However, our results do not confirm the argument that securities regulation is a major constraint to small business finance.
Jean-Marc Suret (Corresponding author)Email:

This article seeks to determine whether the innovative capabilities of knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) do actually differ from other industries through comparing the innovation capacities and financial performance of KIBS with firms operating in other sectors (non-KIBS). Based upon a 1000-firm sample, the results of our estimated econometric model demonstrate that non-KIBS firms are in possession of significantly greater innovation capacities than KIBS firms. These differences were observed across factors such as organisational process innovation, the launch of already existing products in new markets, branding and new product designs. Nevertheless, as regards the actual importance attributed to product/service innovation, KIBS firms place a greater comparative importance on innovation in comparison with their non-KIBS peers. In addition, the empirical evidences display a significantly different range of effects of innovation capacities on financial performance and concludes that non-KIBS firms turn in better comparative performances than specialist KIBS firms.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the relationship between ownership control position, national culture, and selection of conflict resolution strategies (CRS) of multinational corporations (MNCs) in their attempts to solve conflicts with local partners in international joint ventures (IJVs). The empirical evidence is based on a survey of 89 Nordic MNCs. The results show that MNCs select their CRS depending on their national culture and their ownership control position in IJVs. In addition, interesting results were found related to the interaction effects on the choice of CRS of national culture and ownership control position as well as of the trust between partners and national culture.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate how nostalgia influences their attitude towards the European Professional Football Leagues (EPFL) sponsors and purchase intention towards EPFL sponsors' products. Based on a convenience sampling, a total of 317 EPFL fans in Singapore responded to an online survey that included items on sport nostalgia, attitude towards EPFL sponsors, and intention to purchase EPFL sponsors' products. Data were analysed using confirmation factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modelling (SEM). The results showed that sport nostalgia had a direct positive effect on both attitude and purchase intention towards EPFL sponsors’ products. Also, this study found that sport nostalgia had a significant indirect effect on purchase intention through attitude. From the findings of this research, sponsors could understand the role of sport nostalgia and would be able to implement marketing strategies that direct their consumers to purchase their products.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》1985,28(3):21-26
A new kind of business leadership has emerged during the past decade, a leadership devoted to the public interest. What are the stages that characterize the development of these leaders?  相似文献   

Relying on data from the Spanish hotel industry, this paper analyzes the role of informal institutional factors (IIF) in location choice. Earlier studies mostly use an aggregate level of cultural differences as informal institutional factors. We, however, go deeper into this concept and study the impact of two distinct but interrelated informal institutional factors, religion and language, on the location decisions of hotel chains. We resolve the overlapping problem between these two highly correlated IIF by means of a ‘layer’ measurement in Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Our results show that the higher the informal institutional differences (IID), the lower the presence of the hotels in the foreign country. While physical distance plays a key moderating role, formal institutional differences (FID) did not show any effect. We contribute by unravelling the role of language and religion in location choice in the internationalization process of service firms. Moreover, we test the moderating role of formal institutions in these decisions, thus combining the impact of formal and informal institutions on location choices in service firms.  相似文献   

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