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4G Is Coming     
Those who visited the Mobile Communications Pavilion of the Shanghai World Expo 2010 must have been impressed by the mobile high-definition conferencing, mobile high-definition video surveillance, mobile high-definition video-on-demand, portable visual transmission, high-speed Internet access, etc.displayed there.As an exploration into the fourth-eeneration commu-nications technology or 4G, th demo TD-LTE (Long Term Evolution) network delivered a theoretical peak transmission rate ten times that of the current 3G network.  相似文献   

Now,at the beginoing of 2008,a big event has occurred in the international market that has shocked the world: On January 2, the first trade day of the New Year, the crude oil price jumped to US$ 100 per barrel, creating a new record and surpassing the previous record high of US$ 99.29 a barrel from 2007. Whether the increase can be attributed to tensions in Pakistan or the Middle East,  相似文献   

Nowadays,China has become the country that introduces the largest amount of foreign capital.Up to June 2008,the accumulative total number of foreign- invested enterprises in China is over 632 thousand:the total amount of actual use of foreign capital is over US$582 billion.There are over 400 multination- als of top 500 investing in China,30 of which set up regional headquarters,and  相似文献   

经过两年的修改工作以及与各利益相关方的沟通合作,GRI在五月发布了新的可持续发展报告指南G4版本。鉴于GRI已经成为全世界最普遍使用的企业社会责任报告及可持续发展报告的标准,因此此次内容修改影响巨大。在G3基础上进行修改的G4,虽然排版和G3有很大不同,但许多详细内容并没有大的改变。但尽  相似文献   

Francesca Cornelli, Richard D'Aveni, Andrew Kakabadse, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Markus Reitzig, Fons Trompenaars and Kim Warren share their latest research.  相似文献   

5月22日至24日,全球报告倡议组织(GRI)在荷兰阿姆斯特丹举行了可持续发展大会。24日,大会发布了最新版本的可持续发展报告指南G4。分析人士表示,G4的发布意味着可持续发展报告迈出了坚实一步,而与会的企业高管也对G4表示了肯定。  相似文献   

中国基金业面临的挑战 世界贸易组织对证券业开放的基本原则是:市场准入原则--缔约方开放本国金融服务业;国民待遇原则--给予金融服务提供者的待遇等同于国内同业者;透明度原则--要求缔约方公布有关金融服务法规、习惯性做法;最惠国待遇原则--强调缔约国之间的无条件的非歧视性的适用;逐步自由化原则--是对发展中国家的提数待遇和保护条款.  相似文献   

GRI新版指南针对社会责任报告内容的指标调整幅度较大,共涉及94项指标变动.其中,新增供应链管理、向全体员工宣贯企业社会责任工作情况等内容共计31项指标;并细化丰富了对利益相关方重大关切的回应、气候变化对公司生产运营带来的风险和机遇等56项指标下的内容点.此外,G4也删减了报告期内所获奖励情况、报告所披露数据的计算依据等7项指标.这反映出,G4从外部信息诉求和企业内部管理提升两方面对企业社会责任管理工作提出新的思考视角和要求.  相似文献   


A mixed-method research approach underpinned exploration of antecedents of strategies adopted by Taiwanese small medium-sized enterprises in the clothing and textiles industry to counter the negative economic effect of globalisation and the increasing competitive threat of lower-cost Chinese products. Primary data were collected from 10 case-companies. Phenomenological methods isolated the contingent variables, whereas positivistic statistical analysis quantified the extent of their perceived impact. A range of hypotheses developed from the literature framed the conceptual model. Although the limited data suggest some caution, findings show statistical significance between a perception of good performance and a range of deployed tactics that include: leadership with technical and innovative motivational style of management; horizontal and vertical industry networking, organisational culture underpinning continuous improvement; original equipment manufacture and original design initiatives; specialist staff recruitment; presence in key overseas markets; and integrated IS/IT. Government support initiatives were not regarded as useful. Whilst these empirical findings contribute to our theoretical understanding of strategic issues in this international sector, the results have implication for industrialists and policymakers alike.  相似文献   

11月1日,国际标准化组织(ISO)在瑞士日内瓦国际会议中心举办了主题为共担责任,实现可持续发展的社会责任指南标准(ISO26000)的发布仪式.以此发布仪式为标志,近10年来众说纷纭的ISO26000终于浮出水面.  相似文献   

On February 27,China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology(MIIT)granted China Telecom(CT,unrated)and China Unicom(unrated)nationwide permits to provide LTE/4G FDD service.The approvals were widely expected and the credit impact to China Mobile Limited(Aa3 stable),while negative,should be modest.The increased competition is unlikely to upend China Mobile’s dominant position in Chinas growing telecommunications industry,esp,ecially  相似文献   

<正>2011年2月17日在亚布力中国企业家论坛第十一届年会上发布的《2010年中国企业家生存环境调查报告》指出:当下中国青年群体涌现的国考潮以及企业家群体中出现的移民潮和投资潮,凸显了当前市场创业环境的恶化。该报告由亚布力(中国)企业家论坛发展研究基金会、泰康人寿保险股份有限公司和零点研究咨询集团联合编制发布。  相似文献   

细心的储户也许会发现,从去年下半年起,各家银行的借记卡都陆陆续续换成了带有“银联”标志的银联卡.这就意味着沪上银行卡的联网工作已在紧锣密鼓地进行中。跨行取款早已不再是什么梦想.那么跨行存款离我们还远吗7  相似文献   

2001年6月,美国启动201条款,决定对被指控倾销和补贴的外国钢铁产品进行全面调查,以确定美国钢铁产品是否受到伤害,该决定涉及中国、欧盟、日本、韩国等国的钢铁产品。同年7月,美国钢铁行业协会正式向美国商务部提出对中国钢管实行反倾销。  相似文献   

On May 18, 2007, the Pressing Conference & Flag Presenting Ceremony on the 5th China Auto International (Russia) Exhibition Tour was convened in the Main Hall of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT). Leaders of the state and relevant departments and organizations attended the conference, including H.E. Mr. Sun Fuling, former Vice Chairman of CCPCC National Committee; H.E. Mr. Yu Zhen, President of China Machinery Industry Federation(CMIF); H.E. Mr. Zhang Xiaoyu, Executive VP of CMIF; and H.E. Ms. Wang Qinhua, Director of Machinery and Electronics Industry Department of Ministry of Commerce.[第一段]  相似文献   

Third-generation (3G) telephone is not available on the Chinese mainland yet but subscribers in one city district can now go beyond where no one has ever gone.  相似文献   

全球报告倡议组织G4指南高层研讨会在中国多地举行目前,全球报告倡议组织(GRI)报告指南已成为全球应用最为广泛的可持续发展报告编制指南,对全球可持续发展报告的编制方法和信息披露要求具有重要的影响。  相似文献   

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