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试论土地利用规划中的公众参与   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土地利用规划中的公众参与是在社会分层、公众需求多样化、利益集团介入的情况下采取的一种协调政策,强调公众对规划的参与、决策和管理.公众参与20世纪60年代起源于美国,70年代引入我国,由于起步晚,公众参与在我国尚处于萌芽和探索阶段,还有许多要改进的地方.今后要做的事是:提高公众参与意识,完善公众参与机制,采取多种形式使公众参与发挥实际效能.  相似文献   

土地整理公众参与的问题及对策研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
公众参与是提高土地整理规划合理性、实施有效性的重要保障.我国土地整理中的公众参与体现在项目可行性研究、规划设计、实施管理、项目影响评估等过程,存在的主要问题表现在:参与方式单一,参与结果对决策影响低,缺乏相关组织机构,以及沟通中和保障措施上存在的问题等.改进的对策是:编制详细的公众参与方案,成立公众参与代表会,构建公众参与体系,提高公众参与意识并培育公众参与能力.完善相关法规和制度,加强公众参与的激励与约束.  相似文献   

马静  王秋静  韩青 《水利经济》2005,23(6):43-45
在借鉴琵琶湖管理经验的基础上,总结和评价太湖的管理措施,并提出建立新型管理体制综合规划管理;重视协商和公众参与管理等对太湖治理的管理措施,以完善太湖管理体系。  相似文献   

农村环境管理属于公益性事业,离不开公众的参与。但是,目前我国民众参与农村环境管理的程度不高,农村环境管理政策的制定和实施具有一定的难度。因此,如何让公众积极参与到农村环境管理工作中,成为一个值得深入研究的问题。通过分析公众参与农村环境管理的现状,提出了促使公众参与农村环境管理的策略。  相似文献   

研究目的:以公众参与理论为基础,分析我国土地征收法律制度中公众参与机制的不足,借鉴国外经验提出进一步完善的建议。研究方法:比较法和演绎法。研究结果:土地征收决策要充分吸纳公众参与,利害关系人和其他公众的参与程度应当不同;目前我国土地征收中的公众参与不足主要体现在未能充分听取公众意见和进行专家论证,听证方式适用范围狭窄及具体规定不明确,成片土地征收中的协商内容局限,以及社会稳定风险评估中的公众参与方式不明确。研究结论:我国土地征收公众参与机制完善的重点是充分听取公众意见,加强专家论证,加强听证方式的作用并进一步明确规定,将协商方式扩展应用到成片土地征收中的补偿安置决策,并在社会稳定风险评估中建立明确的公众参与制度。  相似文献   

研究目的:分析比较公众参与在土地征收中的制度状态与实际操作,探讨土地征收程序中公众参与机制的构建与操作边界。研究方法:结合案例分析和制度经济学的理论方法,以台湾典型土地征收案中的公众参与为案例,建立由主体边界、权利边界、途径边界三要素组成的"新"公众参与边界分析框架。研究结果:结合公众参与制度在实际执行中的内生缺陷,解释现有公众参与机制下的冲突形成与演变路径,在微观层面提出并细化了新公众参与的制度分析评估框架。研究结论:制度化、可操作化土地征收的公众参与边界,建立利益相关者合作博弈决策机制,允许一定的弹性空间,有利于实现公共参与的阶梯式进步。  相似文献   

公众参与是环境民主理念得以体现的有效路径,是形成社会监督力量的重要源泉,是实现农村环境整治目标的推动力,是明确环境权利的实践基础。目前农村环境治理中的公众参与程度较低,主要根源体现在参与主体环保意识淡薄、公众参与缺乏权利基础、参与成本过高等方面。为加强公众参与的积极性和主动性,要提升参与主体的思想意识,完善相关立法为公众参与提供制度保障,多渠道降低公众参与成本,积极发展民间环保组织。  相似文献   

公众参与是环境影响评价中的重要内容.针对当前在环境影响评价中公众参与形式、内容和效果,提出了公众参与存在的信息公开不足、形式范围有限及广泛性不够等问题.立足从事环境影响评价的工作经验和实际需要,从健全环境信息公开制度、扩大并完善公众参方式、加强媒体参与等方面提出了改善公众参与工作的一系列对策建议.  相似文献   

县级土地利用规划的公众参与方法与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究目的:探索县级土地利用规划中的公众参与方法与规程.研究方法:特尔菲法、访谈法、问卷法、统计学方法、会议方法、社会调查方法和"3S"技术.研究结果:形成了公众参与规划流程、公众代表选择评价体系、公众参与联络与信息反馈模式.研究结论:公众参与土地利用规划是通过政府、专家和公众共同研究、磋商、讨论和决策的过程.  相似文献   

公众参与城市绿地建设初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐明了城市绿地建设中的"公众参与"的基本概念,以及公众参与城市绿地建设的社会基础和理论基础,归纳总结了日本与中国公众参与绿地建设的经验,指出公众参与是实施城市绿地建设民主及发展生态文明的重要举措。  相似文献   

The latest theories on the governance of water resources point to the need to adopt integrated approaches, allowing the mediation of conflict between public and private interests by building consensus to include the participation of stakeholders and civil society in formulating and implementing policies, thereby ensuring their legitimacy. Models of governance have particular relevance in the context of estuaries, because of the complexity associated with them. Estuaries are areas where valuable, highly sensitive and diverse natural systems coexist, which are frequently threatened by the numerous human activities concentrated there. They are also areas where several organizations overlap, with their own jurisdictions and management instruments and where there is a wide range of users with distinct interests. At a time when the Planos de Ordenamento de Estuários (POE) (Estuary Land Use and Management Plan), a new tool for water resource management and planning, are being drawn up in Portugal, this paper discusses the specificities of the new Portuguese estuary plans, as well as associated potentials and constraints to further understand how water resources and land use policies may effectively be integrated in estuary contexts. It critically analyses the Portuguese legal framework established for these plans, arguing that, in spite of the novelty of the newly defined legal measures to better plan and manage estuaries, implementation of its ambitious objectives requires a robust governance model for plan preparation and implementation. Taking into account the main institutional features of complex estuaries with various agencies, stakeholders and users, as well as relevant governance principles, this paper proposes a governance model capable of enriching the implementation of estuary plans by contributing to a stronger involvement of all stakeholders and users in the construction of the plan, allowing conciliation of interests and participation in decision-making, within a framework of collaborative governance. Whilst the paper focuses on the Portuguese Law, the approach adopted is also of interest to other countries to assessing estuary planning regulations and associated collaborative measures.  相似文献   

土地利用规划中公众参与的必要性及现状研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
通过对土地利用规划中公众参与实施的必要性进行理论探讨,提出土地利用规划中公众参与的层次差异,分析土地利用规划中公众参与制度现状、实施现状和存在的不足.研究表明:土地利用规划中的公众参与具有层次性;当前土地利用规划中存在一定程度的参与过程,但总体上说尚处于起步阶段,问题较多.公众参与作为土地利用规划的重要组成部分,应尽快建立和健全相关法律制度,增加规划透明度和公开性,尊重和保障公民权利,改进和完善参与方法,重视公众的监督修改意见,实现土地利用规划由静态规划向动态规划的转移,保障区域的可持续发展.  相似文献   

中国土地利用法律中的公共参与   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究目的:分析中国土地利用中的公共参与现状,认识公共参与的重要性。研究方法:通过法律文本分析和案例分析,建立由"法律明确度"和"结果拘束力"组成的分析框架。研究结果:改革开放30年,中国对土地利用中的公共参与进行了很多实验,取得一定成就,法律规定也在完善,但还存在着不足,比如公共参与的结果不具有很强的拘束力,法律规定的程序存在很多的缺陷等。研究结论:完善公民在土地利用中的公共参与程序,赋予公共参与以明确的法律效力。  相似文献   

Within the scope of the developments in public administration after the 1990s, “Good Governance” approach has been preferred instead of the traditional public management approach. Good Governance is a fair, impartial and egalitarian management model that is based on co-management and envisages the participation of all actors (e.g. public and private sector, civil society) in decision-making processes. With this new management model, public institutions in Turkey began to realise good governance based reforms, especially in areas where they establish a close relationship with citizens. In this article, changes in the public administration in Turkey together with good governance and the effects. The effects change on the land registry and cadastre processes are discussed. In this regard, a situation is evaluated in the context of the future Government 3.0 process by discussing the successful and incomplete aspects of good governance in land registry and cadastre practice in Turkey.  相似文献   

河道管理范围划定以在管理范围线上埋设界桩、界牌、告示牌等标志为主要形式,具有标志数量多、途经村庄多、界桩移位受限等特点,易引发矛盾,需要公众的有效参与。以苏北J县河湖划界项目为例,发现该项目实施中存在公众参与制度保障缺乏、信息公开与宣传工作不到位、参与方式单一、参与持续性不强、技术要求与地方风俗较难协调等问题,建议从参与的主体、平台、途径、内容及方式等方面构建公众参与机制。  相似文献   

高佩  李浩 《水利经济》2012,30(4):30-33
在流域水资源综合管理过程中,不少发展中国家习惯于采用结构性响应的方法来解决水资源问题,而忽视了制度性响应方法。通过对国际水资源管理制度性响应实践经验的总结研究,结合我国水资源管理发展进程,提出我国应综合管理所有水资源、通过流域立法建立水管理体制、强化流域管理机构管辖权、提高政府决策透明度,加强公众参与度。  相似文献   

This article presents a comparative assessment of current spaces for public involvement in Crown (public) land management in the Canadian provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. More specifically, it addresses the barriers to public participation by examining the agency-client relationship – specifically, through the theoretical lens of capture – as an impediment to the inclusion of values that are outside the traditional, technocratic management realm of public forest management. Without public input, the public’s needs, values, and desires are not articulated and the social side of sustainable forest management is likely to be neglected. Low levels of trust in public land management agencies in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, coupled with minimal space for public involvement, have created the perception of a policy network that is dominated by industry and/or government and provides minimal space for other interests. The primary research method is an online survey informed by forty-two interviews. The survey was administered to 89 key forestry stakeholders in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Participation observation and a document analysis are utilized to complement the survey. This research finds that (1) although survey participants come from diverse affiliations and two provinces with different forest policy and unique approaches to public participation, there is essential consensus of the need for an improvement of public involvement processes for public land; (2) trust in the forest industry and the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is extremely low in both provinces. Even with recent participatory efforts in Nova Scotia, the trust level is lower than in the neighboring province of New Brunswick. Some participants connect this distrust to privileged access for certain interest groups and a closed policy network; (3) barriers to participatory processes differ between provinces, especially a fear of retribution, which is specific to New Brunswick; and (4) key stakeholders identify barriers to engagement that they perceive to be different for themselves and the general public.  相似文献   

选取南水北调中线工程D村为研究对象,总结水库移民过程中公众参与的可行模式——组织化参与,并运用托马斯有效决策模型及有关参与式治理的CLEAR模型论证组织化参与是一种科学、高效的公众参与路径,其成功应用具备如下特征:草根动员是其内在动力;较强的主体意识为前提;良好的制度环境是基础;政府的支持为外在动力;前后期的良性互动促进其进一步发展。  相似文献   

理论和实践已证明:私有化——市场、中央集权——利维坦作为环境问题的解决方案均已遭遇失败,从而产生对多中心环境治理的制度需求。目前,建构环境公共事务的多中心合作治理模式应简化政府环境管制、构筑公众参与的基础、推行环境管理的地方化及区域合作、建立政府与企业的合作伙伴关系。  相似文献   

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