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Research on employees’ purchase of their employer’s product is scarce. In this paper, we investigate how psychological contracts will impact employees’ purchase motivations of their employer brand. Two studies examining real and imagined purchase behaviors show that employees with relational type of psychological contracts are more likely to purchase their employer brand than are employees with transactional type of psychological contracts. This is because the former type of psychological contracts will encourage both intrinsic and extrinsic motives to support the employer brand.  相似文献   

<正>随着天气渐渐变冷,我国北方马铃薯主产区——内蒙古自治区的许多薯农心急如焚。今年,内蒙古马铃薯不仅价格低迷,而且滞销卖难。为减少农民损失,国家和内蒙古已出台多项措施,力抓马铃薯销售、加工和储藏工作。一方有难,八方支援。内蒙古马铃  相似文献   

Internet adoption in China is booming and purchasing power is growing steadily. Increasing numbers of Chinese turn to the Internet to search for information prior to a purchase. Based on 32 h of interviews with students and business professionals in China, and a questionnaire completed by a sample of 1140 students in Beijing and Belgium, our explorative study demonstrates that fundamental cultural, behavioral, economic, technical, and other characteristics of China cause significant differences between Chinese and Western Europeans in their online search process for information prior to a purchase. The differences occur in frequency, goal, types of information sought, types of websites used, search engine usage patterns, and contribution of user opinions. This has important implications for marketing practitioners in China, especially for multinational corporations that enter China and that are not familiar yet with the Chinese environment. Suggestions for future research are also provided.  相似文献   

我国出口扩大与能源消耗的一项实证研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
改革开放以来,我国出口高速增长,能源消耗也大幅增加,高出口、高能耗成为我国外贸及经济增长的重要特征。本文采用投入产出分析方法,对2005年我国22个贸易产业部门的出口贸易与能源消耗进行了实证研究。结论是:2005年我国内涵能源净出口量为5.79亿吨标准煤,是内涵能源净出口大国。若保持过去30年17.19%的出口增速,按照2005年投入产出数值计算,到2030年我国净出口内涵能源将超出我国能源总产量的8倍,这显然是不可行的。作为人均能源稀缺的国家,我国必须转变出口模式,依据能耗强度高低对不同出口产业部门给予鼓励或限制,推动节能型出口产品结构调整,以实现经济的可持续发展。对此,本文提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

张丽  杨增亮 《商》2014,(23):170-171
顺序融资理论是一种新的资本结构理论。本文通过我国和美国的上市公司融资顺序的国内外比较分析,指出我国上市公司融资偏好差异的原因,提出通过大力发展上市公司债券市场、培育健康股票市场的发展、改善我国上市公司的内源融资顺序的措施,以促进我国上市公司的完善发展。  相似文献   

随着我国加入世贸组织,外资物流企业纷纷进入中国市场,物流企业并购是增强竞争力的重要方式,从"达娃"案的教训中企业要注意并购的法律风险问题。在并购前要注意预防法律障碍和法律冲突引发的法律风险,预防信息不对称造成的法律风险。在并购实施过程中要注意预防并购法律文件的效力和安全风险,注意法律文件之间的冲突风险。  相似文献   

林大静 《商业研究》2002,(11):62-65
政府采购制度是市场经济发展的产物,结合国际经验和中国国情以及我国经济发展情况,对政府采购进行定义,建主我国政府采购制度的必然性及我国已具备建立政府采购制度的相关条件。根据在开展政府采购工作中暴露出的一些问题,提出建立和健全我国政府采购制度的具体措施。只有在健全法制的前提下建立政府采购制度,才能取得成效。  相似文献   

郭丹 《北方经贸》2006,(1):41-42
文章在对SA8000社会责任认证标准介绍及其评价的基础上,阐述了SA8000社会责任认证标准对中国企业社会责任规范化的积极意义,即它以公开透明、具体化、条文化的形式,把非技术性的、抽象的道德、精神、理念层面上的人文关怀上升为国际采购合同附加条款,将中国企业社会责任规范化、制度化上升为法律义务。  相似文献   

2003年以来,中国电煤价格快速上涨,"市场煤"与"计划电"的矛盾冲突日益激烈。火电企业普遍选择"停机限发",进而引发全国范围内的"电荒"频频出现。本文基于协整检验和误差修正模型,利用2003-2010年的季度数据,研究了上网电价、供电煤耗等因素对火电产业发电量的影响。结果表明,上网电价是影响火电发电量的最重要因素,季度上网电价每提高1%,火电季度发电量就提高13.42%;即季度上网电价提高1分/千瓦时,火电季度发电量就约提高2416亿千瓦时;代表技术进步的供电煤耗每降低1%,火电季度发电量就增加0.767%;主营业务成本每提高1%,火电季度发电量就降低0.53%;而总资产则对火电发电量具有微小的负向影响。对此本文提出了适当小幅快频上调上网电价、深入推行节能降耗等政策建议。  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of liquidity risk on the behavior of the competitive firm under price uncertainty in a dynamic two‐period setting. The firm has access to unbiased one‐period futures and option contracts in each period for hedging purposes. A liquidity constraint is imposed on the firm such that the firm is forced to terminate its risk management program in the second period whenever the net loss due to its first‐period hedge position exceeds a predetermined threshold level. The imposition of the liquidity constraint on the firm is shown to create perverse incentives to output. Furthermore, the liquidity constrained firm is shown to purchase optimally the unbiased option contracts in the first period if its utility function is quadratic or prudent. This study thus offers a rationale for the hedging role of options when liquidity risk prevails. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 26:789–808, 2006  相似文献   

The court cases over contracts with Ryanair seem to imply that there is a contradiction between the wishes of local government authorities to purchase infrastructural services which improve the local business environment and European competition laws. The following article examines whether the financial support Ryanair receives should in fact be considered unfair and illegal against the background of the more general problem of reduced-price access to public facilities for private business.  相似文献   

The interesting finding in this article is that the Australian coal exporter's loss, which occurs due to a strong Australian dollar, is less than the profit from increasingly higher prices of Australian steam coal. For this reason, Australian steam coal exporters choose to export more when the price is high. The empirical results of this analysis confirm that for each one cent increase in Australian dollar value against the U.S. dollar, the Australian steam coal price increases by 0.8182 U.S. dollars and for each additional one million tons export of Australian steam coal, the Australian steam coal price increases by 1.752 U.S. dollars.  相似文献   

Analysis of Energy Consumption in Beijing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. Present characteristics of Beijing's energy consumption
1.1 The slowing of the growth in total energy consumption
In 2008. Beijing's total energy consumption reached 63.437 million tons of standard coal, an increase of 586.6 thousand tons compared with the previous year. The increasing range was 1%, dropping 5.45% compared with the previous year, as shown in Figure 1.  相似文献   

A three‐study examination of young adults suggests that their motivation for status in terms of their luxury fashion purchase intentions is impacted by a bandwagon effect. In Study 1, qualitative research informs what fashion items represent status to young adults, how they view these items, and how they view others owning these items. In Study 2, survey research establishes the link between the motivation for status (status consumption) and purchase intention/ownership of these fashion items. In Study 3, a national survey of young adults examines what mediates and moderates the motivation for status to lead to luxury fashion purchase intentions. Results from the three studies indicate that status consumption has a positive impact on purchase intention of luxury fashion. This research also finds that cultural variables have an impact (mediate) the relationship between status consumption and purchase intention. Specifically, collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, power distance, and masculinity mediate the relationship between status consumption and purchase intention. Finally, the moderating impact of the bandwagon effect has a significant effect on the relationship between status consumption and fashion purchase intention for the cultural variables of uncertainty avoidance, long‐term orientation, and power distance. Implications for marketers are provided based on the findings.  相似文献   

This study examines how returns and volatility of future contracts for Brent crude oil (Brent), West Texas Intermediate crude oil (WTI), Henry Hub natural gas, and Newcastle thermal coal impacts industries in China. Using the firm-level data of 3,750 stock listings across both Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges, segregated into 138 subindustries under the Global Industry Classification Standard, this study finds evidence that crude oil futures have the most significant influence. Further analysis suggests that stock returns of oil-related companies are more closely align to Brent and WTI's futures returns following China's key oil pricing reform on March 27, 2013. Overall, Chinese industries are also more exposed to global crude oil futures volatility after this event.  相似文献   

退耕还林前期阶段的合作生产博弈   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
聂强 《商业研究》2006,(20):30-34
建立退耕还林前期阶段的利益分配委托———代理模型,证明分成补贴方式是最优选择,明确契约设计的条件以及影响最优努力的因素。推行生态购买、建立活立木市场、加强生态宣传等公共政策建议,以期提高退耕还林工程的实施效率。  相似文献   

2010年11月,美国加州中部联邦地区法院作出裁定,驳回索尼等个人电脑生产商关于撤销中国"绿坝"软件侵权诉讼的申请。法院主要理由是被告不能证明在美国诉讼使其承受和原告不成比例的"烦扰"和"压迫"。本案涉及美国"法院不方便管辖原则"的适用问题。本文认为,尽管在美国公民作为原告并在当地法院起诉的情况下,被告基于"法院不方便管辖原则"要求驳回诉讼比较困难,但中国企业仍然应该根据美国判例实践据理力争。  相似文献   

China is well endowed with energy resources, having large quantities of coal, oil, gas and hydropower, as well as tremendous solar, wind and biomass energy potential. It even has its own uranium. To date, the country has relied mainly on coal and hydropower to generate its electricity and on oil to power its vehicles. However, with climate change and consequent rising sea levels, increased incidence of drought, intense storms, etc., China, having become the world's largest emitter of CO2, is under strong international pressure to re-examine its energy strategy and find ways to reduce its carbon emissions. Thus, the government plans to greatly increase its use of natural gas in power generation. Gas emits less than half the CO2 that coal emits. It is argued here that over the next 20 years, massive imports of gas via pipeline and liquefied natural gas tankers, combined with the development of unconventional gas reserves in the country may partly substitute for the large quantities of coal currently being used to generate electricity, but will not likely completely replace them. As for transport fuels, China, like all other countries, has little choice but to continue relying on oil regardless of whether it is imported or China develops its own large-scale shale oil operations. There is no alternate fuel of the same density available at the same or better price. The use of biofuels and electric/hybrid vehicles will not supplant the use of gasoline or diesel in the near future. Thus, the role of oil and gas in China's energy strategy are set to remain very significant over the next 20 years.  相似文献   

There is serious debate within the global business community regarding the value of the Chinese court system and written business contracts in China. One side asserts the validity of such contracts and that Chinese courts are good at enforcing them. The other side argues the contrary. Using data from several sources, we demonstrate that the legal system and well‐written contracts do, in fact, matter in China. This article also recommends how contracts can be structured and strategically used to make doing business in China and with Chinese firms more predictable and efficient. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

闻媛 《财贸研究》2011,22(6):16-22,31
中国庞大的创意商品出口额大多是通过OEM方式生产出口,即沿袭传统制造业的发展模式,利用丰富廉价的劳动力为跨国公司代工。作为全球创意空间中的制造车间,中国在全球产业价值链中处于低附加值、低利润的生产制造环节,既不能掌握出口产品的价格决定权,更无法控制产品的文化内涵。面对强势的西方文化及西方国家成熟的商业运作,政策导向需要在经济利益与精神价值之间寻找平衡点,以更开放、更容忍的姿态对待创意阶层特立独行的思想与行为,并制定长期性的产业发展策略以整合国内创意资源,从而摆脱对发达国家跨国公司的依赖,提升中国创意产业在全球价值链中的产业位势。  相似文献   

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