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In the biological sciences, the advent of microarray technology changed the way experiments were performed. Microarrays were the first mainstream high-throughput technology, generating enormous amounts of data for both the biologist and the statistician to understand. Here, I follow my own experience in microarray analysis, starting during my time at EURANDOM with experimental design and continuing today in my present position at the Netherlands Cancer Institute where the exploitation of data from many different sources is hoped will give greater insight into different aspects of cancer.  相似文献   

abstract This research investigated the factors that influence a decision that is often faced by employees who have made a transition from one organization to another: the decision about whether to protect secrets of their former employer or to share them with their new co‐workers. A total of 111 employees from two high‐tech companies participated in interviews. Their comments were analysed and, based on both relevant literature and the results of that analysis, a theory of the factors that influence newcomers' protect vs. share decisions was developed. According to that theory, newcomers first decide whether or not information is a trade secret of their former employer by considering (1) whether the information is part of their own knowledge, and (2) whether the information is publicly available, general, and negative (about something that did not work). If newcomers decide the information is a trade secret, they then evaluate (1) the degree to which their obligations are biased towards their former or new employer, and (2) the degree to which they identify more strongly with their former or new employer. Newcomers whose obligations and identifications are biased towards a new employer are more likely to share secrets. If these obligations and identifications are balanced, newcomers may share information in a way that allows them to believe they are fulfilling their responsibilities to both their former and their new employers.  相似文献   

李桦 《企业活力》2010,(3):39-42
对离职员工进行再雇用,是降低招聘、培训和人员整合成本的好方法。当前中小劳动力密集型企业再雇用情况较为普遍,其主要原因是劳动力短缺和个人申请。再雇用员工表现出年龄轻、学历层次不高、再雇用周期短、绩效良好、满意度、忠诚度高等特征。企业同时也需要将离职员工纳入人才数据库,并立一套对离职员工进行再招聘的选择录用标准。  相似文献   

Editorial departments in the UK book publishing sector have shrunk considerably recently and many former in–house employees have transferred to home–based, self–employed (freelance) status, often still working for their former employers. The results of interviews with in–house managers of externally–based freelancers are presented here, along with a model of segmented labour markets.  相似文献   

We provide a concise characterization of the class of positively weighted Shapley values by three properties, two standard properties, efficiency and marginality, and a relaxation of the balanced contributions property called the weak balanced contributions property. Balanced contributions: the amount one player gains or loses when another player leaves the game equals the amount the latter player gains or loses when the former player leaves the game. Weakly balanced contributions: the direction (sign) of the change of one player’s payoff when another player leaves the game equals the direction (sign) of the change of the latter player’s payoff when the former player leaves the game. Given this characterization, the symmetric Shapley value can be “extracted”from the class of positively weighted Shapley values by either replacing the weak balanced contributions property with the standard symmetry property or by strengthening the former into the balanced contributions property.  相似文献   

应用Fuzzy评价银行贷款信用风险   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文拟从经济、政策、社会、借款人等多方面对银行贷款信用风险进行评价,并应用模糊数学比较法构建模型;并按某个时段各指标对风险的贡献度确定其权数大小,当借款人提出借款申请后,根据其具体因素指标值所处区域确定分值,再与权数值综合,得出评估目标值。由此确定待估贷款项目的风险度,然后对贷款进行分类。以达到防范或降低银行贷款信用风险的目的。  相似文献   

用因次分析法对阿拉山口口岸和霍尔果斯口岸的贸易优势进行对比分析,结果显示:目前阿拉山口口岸的贸易形势优于霍尔果斯口岸,但随着霍尔果斯口岸铁路的贯通、西气东输二期管线的完成,其贸易优势将优于阿拉山口口岸。  相似文献   

This research considers cross-national diffusion of international human resource management (IHRM) ideas and practices by applying an emergent frame of sociological conceptualisation – ‘social institutionalism’ (SI). We look at cultural filters to patterns of diffusion, assimilation and adoption of IHRM, using Romania as a case study. The paper considers the former Communist system of employment relations, suggesting that through institutionalisation former ways of thinking have a residual influence on definitions and practice of people management in post-Communist Eastern Europe. The paper provides a new perspective on HRM by discussing the value of SI as a general model for understanding cross-cultural receptivity to HR ideas, sensitising the HR practitioner and academic to institutionalised culture as a historical legacy influencing absorption of international management ideas.  相似文献   

A method of Chow (1983) and a method of Dagli and Taylor (1982) for solving and estimating linear simultaneous equations under rational expectations are compared. The latter solution is shown to be a special case of the former in the sense of imposing a set of restrictions on the parameters of the former solution. Statistical methods to test the restrictions implicit in the latter solution are suggested. An illustrated model is provided to demonstrate the two methods, with the Dagli-Taylor method found to give inconsistent estimates when the restrictions are not met.  相似文献   

Why should an employer hire a former welfare client?What human resource management practices can help employers retain former welfare clients? This study addresses these questions against the backdrop of changes in welfare legislation in the United States that have lessened support to welfare clients and their families and emphasized movement into the workplace. We conducted a large‐scale empirical study of the effectiveness of a wide range of HRM practices and found that higher wages, better financial and health benefits, and development opportunities were positively associated with job retention. Unexpectedly, supervisory training had no relationship to retention, and appraising supervisors on providing a supportive and inclusive work environment showed a negative relationship. We provide suggestions to employers for improving the job retention of former welfare recipients along with directions for additional research. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

蚁群算法解决有时间窗的车辆优化调度问题研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
有时间窗的车辆路径问题(Vehicle Routing Problem With Time Windows,VRPTW)属于NP-Hard问题,严格的时间约束使VRFTW非常复杂。应用蚁群算法(Ant Colony Algorithm,ACA)思想来解决VRPTW。对已有蚁群算法解决车辆路径优化问题(VRP)的模型进行改进,对算法中相应的转移规则和轨迹更新规则进行了重新设定,改进了算法转移策略和信息素更新策略。给出了算法的实现步骤。通过算例分析,将计算结果与遗传算法(GA)和粒子群算法(PSO)作了比较,对模型和算法的正确性、高效性、适用性进行了验证。实验结果表明,ACA可以快速、有效求得VRFTW的优化解,是求解VRFTW的一个较好方案。  相似文献   

北京城市公园的等级结构及其布局研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过选取规模、形式、服务设施数量、交通便捷度、开放时间和门票价格等指标,从利用的角度时北京城市公园等级进行分类并探讨其特征.然后,重点研究了北京不同类型城市公园的空间布局特征及其影响因素,发现:北京公园的空间分布形态主要呈现局部集中、整体分散的特征;不同类型的公园布局体现了城市休闲活动的多中心空间结构特征;游园的空间布局与中心地结构具有一定的相似性.经济和人口因素对公园布局起到决定性的作用,尤其是人口密度和人口老龄化程度,与公园分布具有显著的线性正相关关系.  相似文献   

党工共建对于构建和谐企业,促进安全生产和经济效益双赢有着重要的作用。文章从党建带工建,共建促双赢,党建带工建是搞好工会组织建设的关键,工建促党建是企业党组织和工会建设需要等方面,对广西桂冠大化水力发电总厂党工共建工作进行阐述,并从强化领导,从责任上落实党工共建;加深认识,在思想和行动上实现党工共建;加强制度建设,从制度规范上保证党工共建;理顺劳动关系,从劳动关系上构造工建服务党建;强化人文环境,彰显党工共建互动发展等5个途径进行探索。  相似文献   

7月27日,全国物流行业劳模评选表彰部署工作会议在北京召开。会议的主要任务是认真学习领会人力资源和社会保障部、中国物流与采购联合会联合印发的《关于评选全国物流行业先进集体、劳动模范和先进工作者的通知》(人社函[2011]199)文件(以下简称,《通知》)的主要精神,研究部署评比表彰的有关工作。本文结合全国物流行业评选表彰工作领导小组组长、中国物流与采购联合会会长何黎明,全国物流行业评选表彰工作领导小组办公室成员,我人力资源和社会保障部国家公务员局考核奖励司巡视员张艳,全国物流行业评先表彰工作领导小组副组长兼办公室主任、中国物流与采购联合会副会长兼秘书长崔忠付的讲话精神,就此次评先表彰工作的意义、工作要求及具体部署等情况予以编发,以飨读者。  相似文献   

住房抵押贷款借款人违约风险影响因素及应对措施研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着房地产业的快速发展,个人住房抵押贷款已经成为商业银行的重要业务.然而,面对日趋复杂多变的市场环境,违约风险的隐患也日益显现.本文就国内外有关违约风险影响因素的研究进行了综述,指出以往研究的局限性,并结合我国实际提出了控制违约风险的建议和对策.  相似文献   

龙稚芸 《价值工程》2014,(16):14-16
论文研究消费者对消费者的线上交互行为对消费者对产品的感知风险的影响。参考前人文献,引入了认知信任这一中介变量。此外,根据文献,本文将消费者线上交互划分成了五个维度,分别是信源质量、关系强度、信息质量、交互氛围和交互频率。实证研究发现,这五个维度分别会通过认知信任,对消费者感知风险产生负向影响。  相似文献   

解决中低收入人群的基本住房问题是实现社会公平的基本国策之一。为了有效地实施保障性安居工程,通过构建数学模型研究在财政补贴率相同的条件下,住房消费补贴与住房供给补贴的成交价格、成交量与社会福利情况,可以发现这两者之间存在较大的差别,前者的成交价格、成交量和社会福利都高于后者,但前者比后者的财政补贴额更多。如果提高财政补贴率,那么前者成交价格会不断提高,而后者成交价格会不断降低,成交量都会呈现扩大趋势。成交价格、成交量和社会福利不但与财政补贴率及其补贴方式有关,也与住房的需求弹性和供给弹性有关。研究结论的政策意义在于,如果在政府财力有限、住房价格上涨压力较大的条件下,应当采用住房供给补贴;如果在政府财力相对宽松、住房价格上涨压力相对较小、依靠住房拉动经济增长的压力较大的条件下,则应当采用住房消费补贴,同时它还能实现公平与效率兼顾的目的。无论是采用住房消费补贴还是住房供给补贴,都应当增大供给弹性,减小需求弹性。  相似文献   

While at the start of systemic economic transformations in Eastern Europe, both indigenous reformers and Western observers tended to interpret the events as a rationally conceived and executed replacement of an economic system of inferior performance by another one whose superiority was proven, the developments that followed the disintegration of the Soviet polity did not support this view. Shortly after the former Soviet republics gained independence, they exhibited marked variations in speed and sometimes direction of market transformation that could not be satisfactorily explained within the framework of economic theories used by promoters of reforms. In this paper I compare the early stages of economic transformation in Belarus, where reforms were eventually abandoned, with the three Baltic states (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia), which are the most successful emerging market economies among the former Soviet republics. In this comparison I will attempt to highlight non-economic factors that might have contributed to this difference.  相似文献   

In the Czech Republic and elsewhere in the region, researchers have noted the widespread adoption of the multi-divisional form (MDF) by the former state-owned enterprises. In contrast to the accepted explanations in western capitalist societies, the spread of the MDF in post-Communist economies has had little or nothing to do with growth strategies such as diversification. Developing ideas from the existing western literature, the paper examines the role of economic, institutional and strategic choice factors in three large, former state enterprises within the Czech post-Communist context. The findings suggest that all three factors are theoretically important, but neither equally nor independently so. In particular, economic factors acted as a major constraint on structural choice only under extreme conditions, while institutional factors and strategic choice are best understood as interdependent moments in a recursive process of structural enactment.  相似文献   

内控文化与内控制度是构建商业银行内控管理体系的两个重要支柱。内控文化是内控制度有效执行的基础,而内控制度又是传播和提升内控文化的最好载体,两者相互依存、相互渗透。只有将它们进行有效的链接才能提高商业银行内控管理的执行效果。  相似文献   

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