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作为我国农村金融体系的新生力量,新型农村金融机构为农村地区资金融通提供了新的渠道,改善了农村地区的金融服务质量。本文以新型农村金融机构为研究目标,探讨了新型农村金融机构发展中存在的风险,并提出规避风险的举措,这对于缓解"三农"问题,拓宽农村金融机构商业化运行和可持续发展之路,具有非常重要的意义。  相似文献   

2018年我国监管机构结合国际实践经验,经过反复修改调整后,出台商业银行流动性风险管理办法,引入流动性覆盖率(LCR)、净稳定资金比例(NSFR)和优质流动性资产充足率三项监管指标,对短期流动性和中长期流动性结构进行监测,进一步细化流动性监管可量化指标,加强流动性风险管理。这是在全球致力提升流动性风险管理水平的背景下,监管机构构建的具有跨时代意义的商业银行流动性风险监管框架。近年来一些高风险金融机构的风险暴露,对我国金融机构流动性管理敲响警钟。财务公司作为我国金融体系中的一员,流动性风险存在集团外溢风险,流动性管理能力和水平的提升也迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

本文分析了当前我国农村金融工作中存在的问题,提出了具体的发展对策:一是构建功能齐备的农村金融机构体系;二是组建农村民间金融机构,拓宽支农再贷款发放范围;三是完善农村资金回流机制,缓解农村资金供求矛盾;四是逐步改善农村金融服务的环境。  相似文献   

刘蒙 《中国市场》2023,(4):37-39
对于金融机构而言,流动性风险是重要的风险管理内容。现阶段,国内针对金融机构,尤其是中小型金融机构,未能创建完善、成熟的风险监管机制。尽管央行逐渐运用多元化流动性工具,向金融机构提供流动性支持;但是,国内的部分中小型金融机构依然会产生结构性、局部性、流动性风险。文章概述流动性风险,探寻针对金融机构流动性风险所开展的管理活动,研究国内金融机构流动性风险管理现状,重点探究国内金融机构针对流动性风险开展创新管理的有效策略。  相似文献   

汪敏 《中国市场》2013,(29):115-116
近年来,随着农村金融机构的不断发展壮大,很多存在于农村金融机构会计风险控制中的问题和缺陷逐渐显露出来,加强金融机构的会计风险管控与管理则显得尤其重要。本文从农村金融机构会计风险的特点入手,分析了目前会计风险管理中存在的问题,并阐述了如何加强会计风险的控制和管理,提出一些具体措施。  相似文献   

随着农村金融的快速发展,新型农村金融机构如雨后春笋般涌出,与此同时这些机构发展中所面临的困难也逐步显现出来。目前所面临的困难主要是机构各地分布不均、信用体系不完善、金融服务质量差、机构认可度低及资金实力弱、经营风险大等。要解决这些问题首先要发挥政府的职能,其次要重视创新的重要性,还要加强农村金融人才的引进和培养,更应注重农村地方实际情况,因地制宜发展新型金融机构。本文将针对目前新型农村金融机构在发展中所面临的困难提出解决问题的对策,为我国农村金融机构发展提供借鉴,对实践有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

当前我国金融支持新农村建设的障碍与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发展农村经济、建设社会主义新农村离不开农村金融的支持,我国现行农村金融体制的种种缺陷,如农村资金流失过多、农贷萎缩、农村金融机构锐减、农村金融品种单一不能满足农户需要等问题的存在,严重影响了金融对新农村建设的支持作用。可通过金融主管部门督促金融机构加大投入,改革农村信用社,完善农村金融机制,建立多种形式抵押担保机制,规范引导民间信贷等对策加以促进完善。  相似文献   

苏剑 《现代商业》2012,(35):60-62
自2007年以来发生的美国次贷危机,已经逐步演变成为全球性的金融危机,导致世界范围内多家金融机构破产、被兼并或接受政府托管,最直接的原因就是上述机构普遍运用高杠杆融资,在外部无法获得资金时,发生清偿危机,流动性短缺以致无法偿还到期债务。本文从流动性风险的成因和计量监测方法入手,通过抽样实证分析部分农村中小金融机构的流动性风险状况,提出了流动行管理的措施和建议。本文内容分为四部分,第一部分理论分析流动性风险的成因,第二部分列举目前通用的成熟的计量和监测流动性风险方法,第三部分对部分农村信用社流动性风险的现状进行实证研究,第四部分提出改善农信社流动性风险管理的措施和建议。  相似文献   

农村金融风险的财政化是我国现阶段农村金融体制改革的一种必要的制度安排,我国农村金融风险的财政化具有典型的转轨特征.从积极的角度看,农村金融风险的财政化可以缓解农村金融风险的现实压力,但不可否认的是也可带来消极的影响.农村金融风险的财政化会削弱财政能力,导致农村金融机构的"道德风险",还可导致农村财政支出的"挤出效应".化解农村金融风险财政化,应深化农村金融机构改革,从源头上控制金融风险产生的机率,建立金融机构、监管部门和地方政府三位一体的金融安全防护体系,放宽农村金融市场准入限制,实现农村金融机构多样化.  相似文献   

农村金融组织功能效率包括基本功能效率、核心功能效率和扩展功能效率.提升基本功能效率,应创新农村金融组织的经营模式、拓展农村政策性金融业务范围、推进农村小额信贷可持续发展、提高农村金融制度核心竞争力;提升核心功能效率,应引入利率竞争机制、有效激活农村金融市场、构建农村资金回流导入机制、全面优化农村金融生态环境;提升扩展功能效率,应降低农村金融组织信用风险、推进金融创新、提高流动性风险管控水平.  相似文献   

This paper provides a novel analysis of the South Korean financial crisis drawing on the findings of a unique survey of IMF/World Bank and South Korean experts. The survey reveals that over‐optimism and inadequate recognition of financial risks inadvertently led to excessive risk‐taking by Korean financial intermediaries. It also indicates that the sources of over‐optimistic assessments of East Asian economies were mainly to be found outside East Asia and included the Bretton Woods Institutions themselves, Western media and analysts. In Korea, weaknesses in risk management were the result of (i) lack of expertise in relation to handling the risks associated with capital flows, and (ii) disincentives to manage risks emanating from a relatively successful history of government‐provided safety nets for both industry and banking. Financial liberalisation widened risk‐taking opportunities, by allowing Korean financial institutions to both borrow from and lend to institutions outside Korea. It also created additional disincentives for managing risk by intensifying competition and eroding bank franchise values. Weaknesses in prudential regulation allowed bank portfolios to become riskier, especially in terms of increased liquidity risk as a result of maturity mismatches between dollar‐denominated assets and liabilities. The liquidity crisis, which followed the re‐assessment of the South Korean economy by international lenders in late 1997, triggered a full‐blown financial crisis because of the absence of an effective international lender of last resort.  相似文献   

Financial crises have occurred periodically for hundreds of years, and Adam Smith had important insights into their causes. Although by no means all that we know about such crises has been derived from Smith, it is interesting and important to reflect on what he did know and how ignoring his warnings about the creation of excess liquidity has contributed to the current crisis. In addition to the complexity of contemporary finance and the role of central banks and other regulatory institutions, a major difference between Smith's day and ours is the emergence of “moral hazard” as an important policy issue and its corollary, “immoral results.” It is important to realize that the risks of financial crisis, moral hazard, and immoral results cannot be avoided by financial and accounting gimmicks, and that there is no substitute for adequate capital in the creation of liquidity.  相似文献   

本文认为,信用过度无序扩张导致金融系统不断积累风险直至最终爆发.信用扩张在金融风险扩大过程中起主导作用,银行信贷扩张可以通过多样的流动性效应使大量资金流向股市等虚拟经济领域,推动能源、原材料以及房地产等资产价格快速上涨.信用过快扩张会加剧我国经济、金融结构失衡,阻碍产业升级和经济增长方式的转变,最终影响经济与金融体系的安全及稳定.  相似文献   

本文认为,发展中国家的金融自由化在提高金融机构效率和赢利的同时,会带来许多新的风险,而且在一定条件下有可能导致金融危机。金融自由化带来的乐观预期和大量国外私人资本的内流会使汇率高估,极易遭受投机的攻击。从带来风险到最终引发金融危机,主要有三个风险阶段,即违约风险阶段、到期不能偿还风险阶段和汇率风险阶段。当金融自由化(如利率自由化、金融业务与机构准入自由化和资本账户自由化)带来的新的风险累积到风险临界值时,在受到国内突发事件、国际金融市场波动和投机资本攻击的情况下,金融自由化风险便会向金融危机演变。  相似文献   

目前,美国金融危机所产生的影响仍未消除,对外开放程度越高的国家受到的影响越严重。金融危机包括货币危机、外债危机、银行业危机以及资本市场危机,四种危机之间相互感染,通过金融、贸易、心理等渠道将其传导到不同的地理空间及市场或领域之中。危机的传导在时间和空间上是同步进行的,并产生"连锁反应",对世界各国的影响极为严重。世界各国应健全金融法规,加强投资者的教育,并加大各国之间的经济交流,以更好的防范金融危机,共谋世界经济平稳健康地发展。  相似文献   

The Eurosystem has been operating in crisis mode for more than four years now. Massive quantitative and qualitative easing in its monetary policy stance are the visible marks of its response to the turbulence in the financial sector. This policy aims primarily at maintaining financial stability in the euro area by providing vast liquidity support to commercial banks that are operating in nationally segmented banking systems. The sovereign debt crises in some member countries further exacerbate the segmentation problem along country borders. As a side effect, cross-border capital flows are substituted by money market operations by the national central banks. The latter are engaging more and more often in substantial balance-of-payments financing, and financial risks are shifted from investors to European taxpayers via the Eurosystem. Symptomatically, this shows up in exploding TARGET2 positions in the national central banks’ balance sheets. The longer this process continues, the stronger the centrifugal forces become that ultimately might burst the single currency. A solution requires a euro area-wide regulatory approach for the financial sector. Next to a uniform scheme for banking regulation, supervision and resolution, we recommend the comprehensive introduction of contingent convertible bonds (CoCos) as a major refinancing source for the banking industry. As this proposal cannot be introduced overnight, national and European banking resolution funds are necessary in the short run. The latter do not rescue banks, but they kick in as soon as a bank’s equity is depleted in order to wind down failing banks in a systemically prudent way.  相似文献   

Prior to the Asian crisis, easy liquidity conditions contributed to credit expansion and overinvestment in the East Asian economies until they were hit by a deep recession. Similarly to the developments in the tiger economies in the 1990s, Central and Eastern European (CEE) grew rapidly from 2001 to 2007, due to foreign capital inflows. But the current global financial turmoil and economic downswing pulled the CEE economies into the maelstrom of the crisis. With the Asian experience in mind, the aim of this paper is to analyze whether overinvestment due to easy liquidity conditions possibly emerged and contributed to the crisis in CEE.  相似文献   

The study examined the mediating role of social capital in the relationship between institutions and financial inclusion of poor households in rural Uganda. Cross-sectional design was adopted and data were collected and analyzed using SPSS/20, MedGraph and Sobel-z test. The findings indicated that social capital partially mediates the relationship between institutions and financial inclusion. Besides, institutions and financial inclusion are significantly related. Thus, managers of financial institutions, financial inclusion working groups, and policy makers should pay more attention to the role of social capital in promoting cooperative behavior among the poor in accessing scarce resources such as financial services.  相似文献   

巴塞尔Ⅲ以资本要求、监管检查、市场约束为三大支柱,主要侧重第一支柱的改革,在重视资本监管的同时,将流动性风险提升到信用风险同等重要的高度;在第二支柱和第三支柱上也有所调整,引入了宏观审慎监管,将其与微观监管手段相结合。中国银行监管当局明确了宏观审慎与微观审慎兼顾、资本监管和流动性监管并重、资本数量和质量同步提高的改革方向,并提出同步推进实施巴塞尔Ⅱ和巴塞尔Ⅲ。2008年金融危机之后,中国宏观经济基本面复苏强劲,为中国银行业顺利推行巴塞尔Ⅲ创造了良好的外部环境,中国银行业在危机中的损失较小、其自身各项经济指标相对稳健也为推行巴塞尔Ⅲ创立了有利的先决条件,但是当前监管工具和银行自身存在的诸多问题仍会影响巴塞尔Ⅲ实施的进程和效果。  相似文献   

This study analyzes the impact of risk profile on sustainability reporting and its quality in European banks. Financial institutions (FI) play a social role in the financial inclusion process and incorporate environmental considerations into credit risk assessment, making corporate social responsibility (CSR)-related issues vital for risk management systems. FI with lower capital risk, higher liquidity risk, higher profitability in banking, and higher sensitivity to market risk tend to issue CSR reports. The findings suggest that FI with lower profitability in banking disclose higher quality CSR financial services sector (FSS)-specific information, whereas FI not submitting CSR reports for external assurance or having their CSR reports assured by certain auditors issue lower quality CSR/FSS-specific information.  相似文献   

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