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煤炭企业在发展的过程中,应该重视科学技术的创新,使用先进的生产理念,通过对矿井技术的提高,不断增加矿井的产量,提高投入在科学技术方面的比重,使其竞争力不断提高。我国目前的煤炭行业存在着资源使用率低,安全生产受到威胁和污染严重的现象,无法实现可持续发展的要求。因此,应该转变对科技投入较低的现象,不断促进科技创新的水平。  相似文献   

"十二五"是我国调整经济发展模式的重要时期。对于金融业而言,在继续深化改革加快发展的同时,也必须以更新的思维和理念,做好这一时期的信息化工作。作为"十二五"承上启下的一年,2012年我国金融业的信息化建设,"创新"成为主线,无论是在工作  相似文献   

2011年是工商银行实施股改后第三个三年规划的开局之年,工商银行信息科技工作紧紧围绕全行整体经营发展目标和“十二五”信息科技发展规划,在业务量持续攀升的情况下,信息系统保持安全平稳运行,基础设施建设取得显著成效,信息安全工作取得重大突破,为工商银行提供更加高效、优质的金融服务奠定了强大的科技基础。  相似文献   

正随着银行业新的信息技术应用不断增加、互联网金融方兴未艾,信息科技已经成为提升银行核心竞争力的重要手段和载体。自2012年提出"自主可控、持续发展、科技创新"三大战略以来,我国银行业科技创新力度不断加大,科技引领作用进一步加强。信息科技工作年度回顾银行信息化自主可控工作进展较快。自2012年年末至今,来自各方面的信息表  相似文献   

李东荣:党和国家领导人对金融信息化和金融服务的高度重视和具体要求,指明了科技的作用是支撑和引领,强调坚持"产学研"结合,将"研究"作为推动创新的有效手段,对银行业的科技工作有重要的指导意义,也充分说明信息化和信息安全在金融风险防范和金融服务中的地位和作用。  相似文献   

当前,商业银行网点经营转型过程中出现的一些问题表明.只有依靠科技的力量,加大科技支撑力度,才能促进网点转型向纵深推进。  相似文献   

近几年,人民银行西宁中心支行结合总行信息化建设“十二五”发展规划,树立创新意识,推动全省金融行业特别是银行业金融机构信息化发展水平,发挥信息科技创新引领作用,力促高原地区金融稳定发展。在信息化建设、金融IC卡多行业应用、金融信息安全管理、人才队伍建设等方面积极探索,成效显著。  相似文献   

2012年是我国银行业转型发展之年,在这一年,作为银行业务发展和管理变革重要支撑的信息科技建设取得显著进展:信息科技基础设施日臻完善,信息系统数量、建设速度同步增长;信息科技创新力度不断加大,银行业充分运用新兴技术推进业务模式创新,电子银行业务迅猛发展;信息安全保障水平明显提高,信息科技风险管理体系日益健全……  相似文献   

信息化是我国中央银行适应经济信息化时代潮流的必然选择,也是防范和化解系统性金融风险、维护金融稳定、加强宏观调控的重要支撑。作为安徽省金融信息化的重要组成部分,人民银行合肥中心支行(以下简称合肥中支)信息化建设经历了从无到有、从单机处理到联网处理、从分散处理到集中处理、从处理简单业务到渗透至复杂业务、决策支持和技术服务的质的转变,成效显著。  相似文献   

正吉林农信省联社成立9年来,信息科技工作从无到有,从弱到强,由基础服务,到转型创新,再到引领发展,将"安全运行、保障服务、支撑创新、引领发展"的科技目标贯穿始终。多年的实践证明,业务转型创新需要科技转型创新作支撑,科技转型创新需要业务发展来驱动,而要实现科技的转型创新,思想理念转型是前提,科学规划是关键。吉林农信在科技转型创新发展方面做了一些探索,下文将进行详细介绍。  相似文献   

If we postulate a need for the transformation of society towards sustainable development, we also need to transform science and overcome the fact/value split that makes it impossible for science to be accountable to society. The orientation of this paradigm transformation in science has been under debate for four decades, generating important theoretical concepts, but they have had limited impact until now. This is due to a contradictory normative science policy framing that science has difficulties dealing with, not least of all because the dominant framing creates a lock-in. We postulate that in addition to introducing transdisciplinarity, science needs to strive for integration of the normative aspect of sustainable development at the meta-level. This requires a strategically managed niche within which scholars and practitioners from many different disciplines can engage in a long-term common learning process, in order to become a “thought collective” (Fleck) capable of initiating the paradigm transformation. Arguing with Piaget that “decentration” is essential to achieve normative orientation and coherence in a learning collective, we introduce a learning approach—Cohn's “Theme-Centred Interaction”—which provides a methodology for explicitly working with the objectivity and subjectivity of statements and positions in a “real-world” context, and for consciously integrating concerns of individuals in their interdependence with the world. This should enable a thought collective to address the epistemological and ethical barriers to science for sustainable development.  相似文献   

2009年是兴业银行科技工作获得突破与取得丰硕成果的一年。2010年张江数据中心不仅将承担兴业银行重要系统的运营职能,还将负责同业托管系统的运行和灾备,为兴业银行长远的业务发展、银银合作奠定良好的基础。  相似文献   

Means for hospitals and health systems to achieve necessary, sustainable cost transformation include: Using a structured approach with rigorous analysis. Understanding the organization's capital position and quantifing the shortfall. Identifing potential savings sources. Using internal and external benchmarks. Ensuring integration of cost-reduction targets with organizational plans and budget.  相似文献   

越石 《国际融资》2008,(7):33-35
6月10日至12日,天津市人民政府、中华全国工商业联合会和美国企业成长协会共同主办的第二届中国企业国际融资洽谈会在天津开幕。会议的规模释放的信息展示了会议的成果,值得关注的是会前会中天津政府领导对会议主旨的解读,反映出天津打造基金大本营和进行金融改革创新的势头  相似文献   

Tony Stevenson 《Futures》2009,41(4):246-252
Utopia, as a concept, is now used with varying intentions, engendering semantic confusion. When substituted with the notion of visioning, it can be also problematic, if sometimes for different reasons. An implicit engagement in visioning is examined in a community-based futures process for creating a strategy for the sustainable management of natural resources in the Mary River catchment, in Queensland, Australia. It is found that visioning, if it can be binding and impelling for common-interest groups, can be just as unrealistically utopian, or as slippery as the scaly creatures it is trying to protect, when applied afresh to a community exploring change from a variety of initial ideals and needs. It may be seen as an emergent property of active learning.  相似文献   

Gordon D. S. Ball 《Futures》1999,31(3-4):251-270
Some people view the planet, as well as its present and future inhabitants, as a precious, interdependent system, and demonstrate this awareness in their daily activities and relationships. While some of those people come to this realization gradually over a lifetime, others can point to one or several significant and time-bounded experiences as the source of their commitment. It is this latter group, and their transformative learning experiences, that are the focus of this article based on a qualitative study of the transformative learning experiences of 14 men and women, mostly Canadians.  相似文献   

The concept of sustainable development, its relevance for Bangladesh, and policies and strategies for promoting it in Bangladesh are discussed. Economic growth, population growth, mobilization of resources, the role of women, devolution and decentralization, equity and protection of the environmental base are treated as key issues, with emphasis given to the effective implementation of strategies for promoting sustainable development.  相似文献   

In preparation for the World Summit for Social Development in March 1995, an International Round Table on Innovative Resource Management for Social Development was held in Berlin in June 1994. The findings and recommendations reported here were formulated by the participants as a contribution to the preparatory process for the Social Summit.  相似文献   

2008岁末,国家开发银行股份有限公司(以下简称“开行”)正式挂牌,标志着开行开发性金融发展进入了一个新阶段。开行作为一个特色鲜明的国有大型银行,近年来结合自身的特点和优势,已将金融服务领域由传统的基础设施、基础产业、支柱产业和高新技术等领域扩展到国际业务、中小企业、新农村建设、低收入家庭、住房建设、教育、医疗卫生和环境保护等业务领域。  相似文献   

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