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论电力价格改革中的政府管制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电力行业是对整个社会经济影响极大的自然垄断产业,发电领域有着明显的竞争性,而政府对国有电力的优惠,实际上导致发电领域的垄断经营。政府对电价的管制导致电价不能真实反映成本的变动,在一定程度上阻碍了电力企业之间的公平竞争。政府应该放松管制,有所不为;同时应该努力建立起电力企业之间公平的竞争秩序,实现发电企业类型多元化,减少电力单一能源的风险,减少环境污染,在这些方面,政府又要有所为。  相似文献   

现有的国内文献对管制政策与公交均衡产量涉及不多.由于公交需求存在高峰与低降差别,单一的价格管制只能使公交服务满足一般时段需求;通过补贴可以使公交服务的供给满足高峰需求,但不同的补贴方式的效果不同;单一最优管制价格下取消进入限制对供给量没有影响,市场定价与自由进入会增加供给量,但供给量小于有补贴的均衡产量.在竞争模式下.各种竞争经营模式对公交企业经营效率改善有作用,但对公交均衡产量的影响不明显.公交优先发展政策需综合考虑不同政策对公交均衡产量的作用效果.  相似文献   

由于信息严重不对称,食品安全市场存在不同程度失灵。消费者对食品安全的需求是通过对食品安全的支付意愿向企业传递信号的,并以此激励企业提高食品安全水平。部分食品价格上涨是消费者增加食品安全需求的反应。借助案例研究发现,政府对食品价格管制将增加市场的不确定性,食品价格管制与食品安全管制目标间存在冲突。食品安全危机重重,政府应慎用价格管制。在经济转型过程中政府应明确管制职能定位,放松食品价格管制,切实有效地加强食品安全管制。  相似文献   

浅议区域供电企业政府管制途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
政府管制实际上是政府用规范的手段,在垄断行业建立起一种符合各行业特点和社会要求,不同于竞争性产业的一种管理秩序.本文从区域供电企业角度出发,对电价、电力产品质量、电力服务和电力安全四个方面规范管制的路径进行了分析.最后,围绕电力价格管制进行了案例分析.  相似文献   

我国目前对汽车行业的管理仍然局限于经济性管制。与之相匹配的汽车产业政策已经暴露出保护垄断、遏制创新、缺少法规约束等等诸多弊端。事实证明,这种传统的管理方式已经很难适应WTO规则的要求,也不能满足保护环境和建立节约型社会的需要。从经济性管制向社会性管制转变,已经成为未来制定汽车产业政策的必然走向。管制方式的转变主要包括三方面内容:一是管制理念应当由保护生产者利益转为维护消费者权益;二是管制核心应当由制定产业计划转为完善汽车立法;三是管制重点应当由汽车制造业转为汽车服务业。  相似文献   

管制、政府管制与经济管制   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
曾国安 《经济评论》2004,(1):93-103
经济管制问题的研究已经成为国内经济学研究的重要领域 ,特别是关于经济管制问题的案例研究和应用研究已经出现了一些重要的研究成果 ,这些研究对于经济管制理论的发展和推动中国经济管制体制的改革是有价值的。但是关于经济管制问题的一般理论研究仍然十分薄弱 ,甚至可以说还是经济管制理论研究的盲区 ,这种现状对于全面、系统和深入地研究经济管制问题是不利的。弄清管制、政府管制的含义 ,厘清政府管制与非政府管制的关系 ,准确界定经济管制的含义、弄清经济管制与政治管制、社会管制之间的关系 ,对经济管制进行适当的分类 ,分析经济管制演变的长期趋势是经济管制问题的一般理论研究的重要内容 ,对其中的一些问题 ,学界已有一些研究 ,但研究盲区仍然存在 ,已有的研究也需要深化 ,基于此本文拟对这些问题及相关问题进行全面的讨论 ,给出笔者对这些问题的研究结论。  相似文献   

政府管制理论对我国政府管制改革的启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对政府管制理论进行了回顾和总结,简要介绍和评析了政府管制的公共利益理论、集团利益理论、公共选择理论和激励理论,提出了我国政府管制改革的几点建议。  相似文献   

高层管理者持股、政府管制与公司股利政策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
魏锋  孔煜 《生产力研究》2007,(1):118-120
文章将我国上市公司划分为受管制的公司与未受管制的公司,以研究高层管理者持股与政府管制对公司股利政策的影响。实证结果表明,上市公司股利支付水平与每股货币资金、公司规模、股东总人数和政府管制呈正相关关系;与公司资产负债率呈负相关关系,而高层管理者持股与公司股利政策之间不存在显著相关关系。但是,政府管制却与高层管理者持股在降低公司代理成本方面具有替代关系。  相似文献   

论西方国家的环境管制政策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文试图运用博弈理论 ,通过建立一个简单的游说—竞选模型 ,来分析西方国家的环境政策与其所特有的政治制度之间的关系。得出的结论是 ,西方国家的环境政策之所以较多地采用数量管制这一手段 ,是因为在其所谓的民主制度下 ,政治家与利益集团之间形成的一种政治均衡所致。由此 ,我们得到的启示是 ,在借鉴国外包括环境政策在内的许多政策时 ,必须考虑到各个国家的政治背景 ,才能制定出真正适合我国国情、符合广大人民利益的政策。  相似文献   

龚俊朋 《经济导刊》2011,(12):66-67
管制是政府为控制企业的价格、销售和生产决策而采取的控制行为,是社会管制的一项重要内容,目的在于达到保持发展环境和经济发展的相互协调。管制通常可以分为经济管制和社会管制。社会管制指的是政府为保护广大消费者、雇工及公众的健康和安全,而对环境、产品和服务及工作场所的质量进行管制,  相似文献   

What is the impact of patent citations on patent renewal behaviour? Patent citations are commonly used as an indicator of technology spillovers. For cited patents, therefore, patent citations have a potentially ambiguous impact. On the one hand, patent citations may indicate a scientific breakthrough, a high value of the cited patent and therefore a long survival period. On the other hand, patent citations may indicate competing innovations that render the cited patent obsolete. By discriminating patents by technology field, it is demonstrated that patents that receive citations across technology fields survive longer than other patents. Patents that receive citations within the same technology field lapse earlier.  相似文献   

In this study, we provide support for the argument that patents are at their maximum value at those times when they are under litigation. We develop a heuristic procedure to determine the way in which such patents under litigation form a network of patent family members, and then go on to examine the priority patents involved. We subsequently attempt to develop a simple procedure to further identify both the ‘critical’ and ‘significant’ chains within our proposed patent priority network. We suggest that the ‘critical’ and ‘significant’ chains that are created within the above network provide companies with important information which will ultimately provide them with valuable support for the subsequent decision of their patent portfolio strategies.  相似文献   

The paper investigates price dynamics under market liberalization, with a focus on the effects of lowering price floors. We analyze price dynamics by specifying and estimating a dynamic Tobit model under time-varying volatility, where the market price is censored by a government-set support price. The model is applied to the U.S. butter market over the last three decades. The econometric results show how the price support program affects both expected prices and the volatility of prices. It is found that the censoring effects of a price support program can be significant and large even if the price support is set relatively low.
Jean-Paul ChavasEmail:


This paper studies the use of patent statistics in identifying four aspects of technological structure, namely, the potential knowledge pool, cumulativeness, inter-firm homogeneity in technology levels, and the scope of innovations. The firms are sampled from the chemical (CHEM), the computer (COM) and the electrical and electronic (EE) industries worldwide. Using the proxies defined, we find that (i) the contributions of intra-industry spillover are low, at 12%, 10%, and 9% for the three industries respectively; (ii) they can internalize 15%, 19% and 13% of their previous research efforts respectively; and (iii) a positive relationship between knowledge spillover and technology overlap, and between scope of innovation and number of patents being cited in future.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationships between corporate market value and four patent quality indicators - relative patent position (RPP), revealed technology advantage (RTA), Herfindahl-Hirschman Index of patents (HHI of patents), and patent citations - in the US pharmaceutical industry. The results showed that RPP and patent citations were positively associated with corporate market value, but HHI of patents was negatively associated with it, while RTA was not significantly related to it. Thus, if pharmaceutical companies want to enhance their market value, they should increase their leading positions in their most important technological fields, cultivate more diversity of technological capabilities, and raise innovative value of their patents. In addition, this study found that market value of pharmaceutical companies with high patent counts was higher than that of pharmaceutical companies with low patent counts, and suggested that pharmaceutical companies with low patent counts should increase RPP in their most technological fields, decrease HHI of patents, or raise patent citations to further enhance their market value. Furthermore, this study developed a classification for the pharmaceutical companies to divide them into four types, and provided some suggestions to them.  相似文献   

Among the many technology forecasting indicators, patents and patent citations are useful and important indicators. The more frequently a certain patent is cited by subsequent patents, the more the related technology can be said to be diffused, implying that the technology is more widely applied and thus more valuable. This paper analyzes the business methods technology which retrieves patents from the USPTO database. There are two purposes of this paper: 1. establish the indicators for finding basic patents and measure the relationship of these basic patents; 2. classify the basic patents and explain the groups of technology diffusion. Finally, this study identifies the two mainstreams in business method technology: one is focused on marketing technology, and the other one stresses on data security. Both are important for Internet data processes or e-commerce activities.  相似文献   

As a developing economy, China's unprecedented patenting surge is puzzling. We study China's patent surge and its driving forces using a novel and comprehensive merged dataset on patent applications filed by Chinese firms. We find that R&D investment, FDI, and patent subsidy have different effects on different types of patents. First, R&D investment has a positive and significant impact on patenting activities for all types of patents under different model specifications. Second, the stimulating effect of foreign direct investment on patent applications is only robust for utility model patents and design patents. Third, the patent subsidy only has a positive impact on design patents. The results imply that FDI and patent subsidy may disproportionately spur low-quality patents.  相似文献   

药品研发及市场化具有高风险、高投入特征,药品专利制度通过为制药企业提供专利期内垄断市场激励,促进药物创新。TRIPS协议在全球范围内建立了对药品专利的高标准保护,然而这一药品专利国际保护制度突出了药品专利私权属性以及对利润的过分追求,在现实中引发了药品创新悖论与药品获得困难两方面问题。借鉴并完善国际社会已有的药物研发多元融资措施、税收优惠机制以及公私合作模式,有助于纾解药品专利制度面临的现实困境。  相似文献   

药品专利链接制度作为专利纠纷的早期解决机制,解决了药品上市行政许可与专利权保护的衔接机制问题,该制度的创设遵循我国私有财产不受侵犯的宪法原则。制度构建应以法益衡平理念为基本指导原则,结合我国药品监管体系、医药产业政策和专利行政、司法保护运行机制设计相关内容,该制度构建涉及行政权、财产权、健康权之间的冲突与协调问题。我国具体制度设计应遵循生命健康权优先保护、合理保护、效率与公平兼顾协调3个原则,重点调和不同利益主体之间的紧张关系。除科学设置药品上市目录集、专利声明、暂缓审批期、首仿药市场独占期外,还应注重药品专利链接制度与药品试验例外、专利诉讼、专利行政处理、强制许可等制度的协调与衔接。  相似文献   

This paper contributes to understanding the determinants of patent value. By drawing on a real options approach, we develop a theoretical model of patent value, which explicitly considers the uncertainty about future value. On this basis, we rely on Monte Carlo simulations with data from a case study in a large chemical firm to estimate patent value according to our model. In the simulation analyses, we compare an R&D project with patent protection and the same project without patent protection. The difference of the values of the two projects is the surplus in profit that may be expected from having a patent covering the project. This surplus is regarded as the value that is directly attributable to the patent. The results of the simulation analyses indicate that the development costs and expected net cash flows of a patent-protected project are higher than of an unpatented project. The higher net cash flows outgrow the increased development costs, and patent value is positive. However, this value is smaller than the overall project value of the patent-protected R&D project.  相似文献   

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