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The importance of the insurance salesforce because of the constitutive character, the increasing competition on the insurance market and the orientation on the shareholder value force insurance companies to deal with the contribution of the salesforce to the objectives and the steering of the sales agents. The concept of a performance adequate differentiation of commission rates in incentive systems shall support the orientation of the sales agent on business objectives. The parallelity to the relationship between insurer and insurant allows to revert to concepts of the credibility theory for the development of a commission rate system with classes and rules of reclassification. The system adjusts the commission rates on the performance of the sales agent allowing for the individual potential, the sales respone function and the utility function. The ex post calculated, stabilized profit margin is used as the performance criterion.  相似文献   

This article uses a survey of insurance agents in Florida to examine the manner in which insurance agents use and view the Internet as a method of marketing insurance products. The results of the survey suggest that the agents’ use of the Web and their attitudes toward the Web do not vary by demographic characteristics (including age, education level, gender, and income). In addition, the agents’ perception of the Internet as a threat (rather than an opportunity) does not vary by age or education level and is not correlated with their attitudes toward the use of the Web. However, while Internet marketing and other means of direct selling are viewed by the agents as equal threats to their sales, the agents believe that such marketing by other companies is a greater threat than that done by the companies they represent.  相似文献   

New service development (NSD) is becoming increasingly important as the insurance industry in many countries opens up and becomes more competitive. This paper examines how customer views are integrated into the NSD process in the Thai insurance industry. The qualitative research was conducted using in-depth interviews with top officers, sales managers, senior vice-presidents of marketing and actuary managers in a number of leading life insurance and non-life insurance companies. The interviews investigated how NSD works in the Thai industry, focusing on how customer views enter the process. The results showed that the NSD process in Thailand is not oriented towards developing truly innovative products, but there is much NSD for adaptation of products from other markets. Sales agents act as a main information transfer mechanism, bringing in customer views through the sales managers, who play a role in NSD. Lack of cross-functional teamwork can cause failure in developing new products and services.  相似文献   

In the new world of financial services, comparisons are going to have to be made on the productivity and performance of the various sales representatives within the industry: stockbrokers, bank sales representatives, financial planners and insurance agents and brokers. This paper discusses the problems involved in making cross-sector comparisons and proposes a way to compare the production of sales representatives who sell equity products with sales representatives who sell risk products. Comparisons are also presented for sales rep earnings and turnover.  相似文献   

寿险营销的创新战略——数据库营销   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
傅杰 《保险研究》2011,(5):77-82
客户是企业的生命,也是企业唯一诉求的目标.开拓新客户,服务老客户,培养长期的忠诚的客户群,这是企业的价值所在.目前,寿险营销的核心问题就是客户问题.以代理人为主体的行销过程中,存在着准客户积累不足、新客户开拓不足、老客户留存不足、忠诚客户沉淀不足的问题.本文提出了数据库营销的创新战略,从根本上解决了服务客户时的"找不到...  相似文献   

保险电子商务具有降低成本、提高效率的特点,能够帮助保险公司解决营销方式单一化与保险市场多样化的矛盾。在我国发展了十几年的保险电子商务已经成为一种保险销售应用的新型商业模式。本文介绍了保险电子商务的三种营销模式,分析了现阶段我国保险电子商务发展状况以及存在的问题,并为解决这些问题、促进保险电子商务进一步优化发展提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

寿险公司网络投诉案例实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过世纪保网3年549个寿险投诉案件,采用内容分析法揭示寿险业诚信问题的真正原因,研究发现引发消费者不满的三大问题依次为:销售误导、销售员隐瞒合同内容和退保问题,理赔难仅位列第四。结论表明,寿险业增进消费者信任最有效的手段是加强对销售人员的管理,杜绝销售误导和隐瞒,并就退保规定向消费者作出明确说明。研究还发现,相对于市场占有率而言,外资寿险公司的被投诉率比中资寿险公司还高。  相似文献   

本文应用博弈论的方法,分析了当保险公司拥有信息优势时,在完全竞争、垄断经营和销售渠道垄断等不同竞争条件下的市场均衡状况,并通过航意险业务的实际发展过程说明从保险业长远发展角度看,应着力培养市场竞争环境,推动保险费率市场化,丰富保险销售渠道,提高投保人理性购买保险的意识,促使市场实现公平、有效的均衡。  相似文献   

While the impact of an Internet-based sales strategy on sales performance has been well studied, there is little academic research that examines the impact of a mobile application (MA) sales strategy on the sales performance of insurers. Using a unique data set for term life insurance policies from a Chinese life insurer, we study the impact of implementing this strategy on insurance purchases. We find a significant growth in the insurance purchase quantity and somewhat lower growth in premiums received from new policies. This paper determines that this is due to improved channel accessibility and the cost reduction of the MA channel. Although sales of traditional distribution channels are cannibalized in the short term by the MA distribution strategy, this substitution effect does not persist in the long run. In addition, we find that this strategy reduces impulsive purchases.  相似文献   

2012年中国保监会主席项俊波在全国保险监管工作会议上指出,保险业力抓服务,抓服务体现监管为民的思想。借助创新,不断拓宽服务渠道,优化服务流程,创新服务手段。在保险业提升服务水平与服务能力的大环境下,各家保险公司力求通过借助IT以及多渠道、跨平台的整合来提升客服水平。  相似文献   

This study explores the determinants of earnings of salespersons in financial services using nationwide data from the 1990 U.S. Census. The study reveals that security and insurance salespersons earn substantially more than do persons in real estate sales. The returns to K through 12 schooling are highest in the insurance and securities areas, while the returns to college are highest in security sales. For males, the returns to graduate education are negative in real estate and insurance. For females in these same areas, returns are large and positive in insurance and negative in real estate. In all areas of financial services, earnings are higher in larger, more wealthy, homogenous cities.  相似文献   

卓志  张晓涵 《金融研究》2022,502(4):97-113
保险消费者权益保护是保险监管的目标之一,也是保险市场健康发展与成熟的标志。本文以中国保险监管部门开通首个保险消费者投诉热线作为外生政策变量,利用2009-2018年中国163家保险公司数据设计准自然实验,研究了保险消费者投诉热线的外部监督职能及其对保险公司业绩的影响。研究结果表明:保险消费者投诉热线的开通显著降低了消费者权益保护水平更差的保险公司业绩;佣金激励水平越高,保险消费者投诉冲击对消费权益保护水平更差的保险公司业绩的负向影响越显著;区分人身保险公司与财产保险公司后发现,保险消费者投诉冲击对消费者权益保护水平更差的财产保险公司业绩的负向影响更显著。本文研究成果丰富了消费者权益与保险公司治理理论,对保险消费者权益保护实践和保险市场高质量发展具有启示意义。  相似文献   

将影响财产保险需求的因素分为宏观性间接因素和结构性直接因素两大类,进而选择新增汽车拥有量、固定资产投资、民事案件受理数量和出口贸易总值等四个具有代表性的结构性直接变量,利用1980年~2009年我国的时间序列数据,运用脉冲响应和方差分解的方法考察了各因素对产险需求影响的动态特征,以及这些影响因素的相对重要性。实证结果较好地解释了产险内部各子险种需求的动因,以及产险内部险种结构严重失衡的内因。  相似文献   

Societal and technological developments (i.e. expansion of the use of the Internet) continue to challenge insurance product distribution. These trends have lately given rise to a stronger market orientation in sales controlling and management. This paper discusses these trends and develops a conceptual framework for evaluating the advantages and disadvantages that follow from the implementation of so-called internal markets. The analysis concludes that a stronger market orientation is not only relevant for business units close to the sales force, but may also increase pressure on the insurance company as a whole to improve its customer orientation. The same holds with respect to innovative products and the efficient use of available resources.  相似文献   

The need for speed and efficiency in life insurance underwriting has never been greater. With increasing acquisition costs, the need for timeliness to complete the sales process, and the need for accurate mortality prediction a great deal of resources have been devoted to the development of non-traditional underwriting processes and criteria in hopes of streamlining the process. In this paper, we describe an exploratory analysis of mortality linked data from the US NHANES III study. Our goal for this analysis was to identify mortality predictors that would be good candidates for further investigation in insurance applicants, especially in the context of simplified issue products which focus on younger age applicants. We identified aerobic exercise, dental health, alcohol beverage type and quantity, and dietary components and patterns as factors that may hold promise as mortality predictors in persons age 17-65. Though the limitations of this analysis preclude the immediate use of these factors as underwriting criteria, it does appear that several of these hold promise, and should be tested in an insurance application context. Focus groups, market testing, or even insertion as non-actionable questions in a subset of applications may be ways to collect further data on them.  相似文献   

我国保险公司税收制度的完善   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国保险公司税制存在诸多弊端 ,如 :中外资保险公司所得税待遇不同 ,营业税负担过重等 ,阻碍了保险业的发展。笔者建议在考虑政策目标 ,税收原则 ,最终纳税人等相关因素的前提下 ,改革现行保险公司税制。如 :统一中外资保险公司所得税税率 ,降低营业税率并实行差别税率等。  相似文献   

赵斌  宁婕 《保险研究》2011,(10):30-38
新医改提出政府向商业健康保险公司购买医疗保障管理服务的思路,为私营医疗保险市场的进一步发展提供了政策支持。但医改方案公布后,除人保健康进入这一市场外,其他公司仍举旗观望,提供该类服务的公司寥寥无几。这一困境出现的原因是保险机构对政府购买经办服务政策下,相关产品组合的盈利模式缺乏认识。对可得的有限数据进行分析,期望总结中...  相似文献   

本文从运行层面评估了中国安徽天气指数保险试点计划.研究发现,中国指数保险试点在运行层面积累了丰富的经验,也面临不少的挑战.为了提高指数保险试点的运行效果,需要加强政府的支持力度、为指数保险寻找已有的发展平台、提高保险意识与促进销售、建立严格的法律和监管体系以及发挥农户这一重要主体的积极性,建立其参与农业保险制度决策与管...  相似文献   

"十二五"时期车险费率市场化改革可能在全国范围内推行,这将会对整个车险市场产生深远影响。国内财险公司应积极把握车险费率市场化政策机遇,采取创新产品服务、拓宽销售渠道、控制费用以及互利合作等策略,避免单纯的价格竞争,促进我国车险市场的健康有序发展。  相似文献   


In this study, the authors propose a theoretical framework and show how salespeople’s locomotion orientation and effort increase financial sales outcomes (e.g., performance and cross-selling). We propose that a salesperson’s happiness plays a mediating mechanism in these main effects. The authors collected data from two samples. In Study 1, the authors collected data from financial insurance brokers, which worked as a link between insurance companies and customers. In Study 2, the authors analyzed answers from salespeople working on home improvement and construction products and services. First, the results demonstrate that the salespersons’ locomotion (an orientation toward a behavior), effort, and happiness increased sales performance (main effects). Second, salespersons’ locomotion and effort have an indirect effect through individuals’ happiness on our dependent variables, such as sales performance, product performance and cross-selling. Firms can improve individuals’ locomotion and effort by developing goal setting and goal striving.


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