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包容性领导的构建与实施——基于新生代员工管理视角   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从新生代员工成为职场主力军及企业面临日益复杂的管理环境出发,探讨包容性领导在平衡管理的规范性与灵活性的优势。文章提出了包容性领导的内容体系,构建了包容性领导的概念模型,给出了塑造包容性领导的建议,分析了企业实施包容性领导可能会遇到的挑战。  相似文献   

通过对变革型领导、心理授权和员工敬业度的相关文献进行回顾,分析了变革型领导与员工敬业度、变革型领导与心理授权以及心理授权与员工敬业度的相互关系,最后在总结已有成果的基础上为企业管理人员提供相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

当前,在国内企业中普遍存在员工敬业度低的现象。中国民营企业在现阶段的人力资源开发和人才培养体系创建上缺乏有效的机制。同时,员工敬业度和忠诚度对企业发展有着重要意义。民营企业作为国民经济和社会发展的主力军,为了适应市场中激烈的竞争,只有吸引、留住和用好人才,建立行之有效的人力资源管理体系,才是民营企业发展、生存的关键。论文综合了部分国内外的文献资料,阐述了员工敬业度的概念,指出了影响员工敬业度的因素,提出了解决民营企业员工敬业度问题的方法。  相似文献   

本文从企业政策实施层面的角度出发,对员工敬业度管理的重要性、影响面和管理策略进行研究,以期在具体的管理实践中,探索提高员工敬业度的方法和管理模式,说明员工敬业度管理的价值,为企业员工关系管理的定位提供可参考、借鉴的依据。同时,可以为企业在导入员工敬业度管理时提供更多的深层次思考。  相似文献   

采用问卷调查,探讨新生代员工心理资本与敬业度的关系,结果显示,心理资本及希望、自信和韧性与敬业度呈显著的正相关关系,乐观与敬业度的正相关关系较为微弱。  相似文献   

根据研究表明,快节奏的工作和繁重的绩效、不和谐的人际关系,让1/3员工准备离职。超过50%的员工认为压力过大,这让员工的敬业度直线下降,给公司的效率和发展前景带来了极大的不确定性。  相似文献   

如果你问一位CEO,一位HR,"您更关注员工满意度,还是敬业度?"答案必然更倾向于敬业度。因为敬业的员工对企业来说意味着更好的绩效,而满意的员工对企业来说意味着更多的成本投入。  相似文献   

基于契合度的企业员工敬业度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
员工敬业度是当前各行业组织所关注的焦点,是企业获得成功的关键因素。当前,企业之间人才竞争日趋激烈,如何有效激励员工并使之表现出较高的敬业度,积极努力为企业的发展目标做出贡献是企业管理中的重要课题。目前关于员工敬业度的研究大多将影响员工敬业度的各个维度分别进行研究,但却忽略了各个维度之间的相互作用,因此,本文提出基于契合度来研究员工敬业度的影响因素。  相似文献   

心理契约视角下新生代员工敬业度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新生代员工作为企业不可忽视的人力资源群体,其敬业程度对企业绩效目标的实现具有重要影响作用。但是,由于新生代员工不同的成长环境和特点,又在一定程度上增加了企业人力资源管理的难度。新生代员工的敬业度受到较多因素的影响,其中心理契约的作用不容忽视。本文基于心理契约和敬业度理论,针对企业新生代员工敬业度现状,结合其心理契约的类型和特点,分析心理契约与敬业度相互作用机制,探讨提升新生代员工敬业度的相关策略。  相似文献   

员工敬业度的高低直接影响着个人行为和企业绩效,进而决定着企业的竞争能力。本文首先探讨了学术界对员工敬业度的内涵界定,然后基于相关理论模型,分析员工敬业度的决定机制和影响因素,最后提出企业提升员工敬业度的具体措施。  相似文献   

员工即兴行为是企业应对外部环境动态性、复杂性和模糊性的有效抓手。虽已有研究对包容型领导和员工即兴行为之间的关系进行了探究,但目前对二者之间的作用机制知之甚少。论文从社会交换理论视角出发,基于458份问卷数据,实证了包容型领导与员工即兴行为的关系,研究结果表明:包容型领导正向影响员工即兴行为,工作卷入在包容型领导和员工即兴行为之间起部分中介作用,员工主动性人格正向调节包容型领导和工作卷入之间的关系。  相似文献   

在21世纪,企业的竞争最大化地表现在人才的竞争上,对于企业来说,拥有高度敬业的员工是竞争力最强的表现。因此,如何提升员工敬业度是企业需要迫切解决的问题。尤其是对于处于创业期的企业来说,只有增强员工的凝聚力和敬业度,才能使企业有快速的发展。  相似文献   

伦理型领导对领导有效性的研究是领导学研究的重点和热点之一。但是,现有研究很少涉及伦理型领导在中国情境下的适用性。本文以中国企业为对象,运用相关统计与分析方法对随机抽样获得的问卷调查数据进行研究,试图探索出中国情境下实施伦理型领导的可行性和必要性,以及应该注意的问题。  相似文献   

人力资源是企业的关键资源之一,具有高度敬业度的员工已经成为企业最好的竞争资源,如何有效地提升员工敬业度成为企业管理人员的重要工作之一。然而,对于中小企业而言,提高员工敬业度不是一朝一夕的工作,而应放眼未来着手眼前。中小企业管理者应该从企业自身实际出发,摸清本企业员工敬业度的基本状况,从满足员工心理需求入手,帮助员工树立职业理想,在企业内部创设"以人为本"的企业文化,提高员工的满意度,进而提升员工敬业度,促进企业和谐发展。  相似文献   

科技型企业作为市场最敏感、新技术创新活动最为活跃、最敢于冒风险的一支力量,其知识型员工的敬业度直接影响到企业的绩效。而个人因素中的性别、学历、工作年限、职位以及性格特征等因子会在员工敬业度上形成差异影响。所以,企业管理者应该根据差异有针对地甄选、留任员工。  相似文献   

Developing employee engagement has been one of the major areas of interest in the field of human resource management (HRM), and research identifies the positive effect that engagement has on both employee and organizational performance. However, while research on engagement has been substantial, there have been limited studies on key variables such as supervisor support, voice, and trust. We examined the role of supervisor support and direct voice on engagement experienced by nurses and the mediating role trust plays in those relationships. Data were collected though an online survey of 1,039 Australian nurses and analyzed using structural equation modeling. As hypothesized, results showed that both supervisor support and direct voice are positively associated with employee engagement, and these relationships are mediated by supervisory and senior management trust, respectively. The implications of the results for human resource (HR) practitioners are discussed and include the challenge of resourcing effective direct voice systems and enlisting the support of supervisors in order to impact on the engagement of nurses who are the “front line” of the health sector. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Interest in the employee engagement construct has gained increasing attention in recent years. Measurement tools focused on nuanced areas of engagement (i.e., job engagement and organizational engagement) have been offered; however, no measure of employee engagement has been advanced despite persistent calls in the research. We present the development, method, and results of a three‐dimensional employee engagement measurement tool developed for use in the human resource and management fields of study. Across four independent studies, the employee engagement scale (EES) was found to consist of three subfactors (cognitive, emotional, and behavioral) and a higher‐order factor (employee engagement). Across a series of four studies, we explored the factor structure and reliability of the EES (Study 1), then refined the scale, confirmed the factor structure, and examined reliability and both convergent and nomological validity evidence (Study 2). Next (Study 3), we completed a final reduction in scale items and examined additional evidence of reliability and nomological validity as well as evidence of discriminant validity. Finally (Study 4), we tested for evidence of incremental validity. In the implications for theory and practice section, we discuss the importance of an employee engagement measure aligned alongside an agreed‐upon definition and framework. Limitations and future directions for research—such as the need for further psychometric testing and exploring issues of measurement invariance—are discussed. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

透析组织中的员工沉默行为   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从企业管理的角度提出了员工沉默的四分法,即:个体沉默、群体沉默、同行沉默和上行沉默四种形式,并分析了员工沉默的产生原因,以及员工沉默对组织和员工个体带来的消极影响。在此基础上,提出了改善员工沉默的人力资源管理和开发策略。  相似文献   

The present study utilized sexual harassment, organizational climate, and engagement theories to articulate a process model of how perceived anti–sexual harassment practices and sexual harassment incidents relate to affective commitment and intentions to stay. The authors hypothesized that perceived anti–sexual harassment practices and sexual harassment incidents would relate to employee engagement, both directly and indirectly through psychological distress. Moreover, psychological distress and employee engagement were hypothesized to mediate the relationships of perceived anti–sexual harassment practices and sexual harassment incidents with affective commitment and intentions to stay. Study findings supported these hypotheses within two subsamples of female (N = 3,283 and 3,207) and male (N = 3,460 and 3,300) military personnel. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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