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北汽福田汽车股份有限公司(简称福田汽车)成立于1996年8月28日,总部位于中国北京,目前经营中重卡、轻卡、VAN、皮卡、客车等商用车全系业务,旗下拥有福田雷沃、福田康明斯等动力品牌,是中国领先的商用车企业。自成立以来,以"福田速度"实现了汽车累计产销近600万辆,创中国汽车工业发展纪录,连续两年世界商用车销量领先,连续14年中国商用车市场占有率领先,连续14年轻卡市场占有率领先,目前品牌价值达508.67亿元。  相似文献   

过去十余年间,福田汽车实现了从农用车"老大"到商用车"龙头"的成功转变。在全球市场角逐中,福田汽车挑战国际巨头有几成胜算  相似文献   

福田汽车公司的奋进之路福田汽车公司成立于1996年,在短短的9年内,福田取得了令业界瞩目的成就:资产从5亿元增加到55亿元; 销售收入从7亿元上升到217亿元;汽车销量从2.6万辆攀升至34万辆;品牌从不为人所知到品牌价值119亿元。福田产销量名列全国第五位,轻型卡车连续6年全国第一,成为中国商用车产量最大、品种最齐全的企业。在8年  相似文献   

|上期回顾|英雄不问出身,即使再平凡的"丑小鸭"也有变成天鹅的可能。北汽福田汽车股份有限公司(简称"福田汽车")的发展再次验证了这个朴素  相似文献   

2015年1月5日,福田汽车集团&福田戴姆勒汽车2015中国山东汽车展览会在山东省济南市舜耕国际会展中心盛大开幕,福田汽车全系产品亮相车展。作为福田汽车商乘并举重要战略转型品牌的福田商务汽车,携旗下蒙派克S、G7以及即将于2015年上市的德系大VAN图雅诺等全员产品亮相,尤其展示了福田商务汽车在专用车领域的卓越品质和实...  相似文献   

低成本战略让福田汽车实现快速发展、资金管理让其发展有充足的"弹药",而预算管理则使企业战略与预算管理有机结合,保证了公司战略的有效落地和执行。1997年,对福田而言,是一个特别的年份,这一年,福田公司首次出现"预算"的概念。在福田,可能没有多少员工能准确记住这个年份发生的"小事件"。就连在  相似文献   

首次评级东莞证券首次给予江铃汽车"谨慎推荐"评级江铃汽车(000550):公司一季度实现营业收入21.58亿元,同比增长2.2%;实现归属上市公司股东净利润1.83亿元,同比下降5.49%,实现每股收益0.21元,符合预期。一季度公司销售了24251辆整车,同比上升了2%,包括9309辆JMC品牌卡车,7965辆JMC品牌皮卡及SUV,6977辆福田品牌商用车,分别同比增长13.7%,-6.7%和1%。一季度,公司毛利率为22.04%,尽管同比  相似文献   

美国的汽车业在“金融危机”中奄奄一息,一度面临破产境地。于是国内诸多媒体鼓噪国内的汽车企业前去美国“抄底”。面对此种诱惑和多变的经济环境,作为中国最大的商用车生产商——北汽福田汽车股份公司(600166)常务副总经理张夕勇对此有着清晰的认识和判断。他认为,公司任何的业务和决策都应紧紧围绕自身的战略进行,内涵增长和外部扩张要有机结合,应注重企业价值提升,不能盲目扩张。  相似文献   

目前,中国商用车市场份额被两家合资品牌垄断,而这种“双头垄断的格局,将随着欧系大VAN福田图雅诺的上市而被打破。即将在上海车展正式上市的福田欧系大VAN图雅诺重磅发力……大VAN市场战火即将重燃。众所周知,在大VAN行业中,欧系重技术,日系重舒适性,而全新上市的福田商务汽车图雅诺源于工业设计之都斯图加特,整合欧系和日系优势,动力技术和舒适性并重。业内人士分析,未来几年,随着图雅诺的强势上位,国内大VAN市场“双头”独大的局面将被改写。届时,行业将形成福田图雅诺与福特全顺、依维柯三足鼎立的市场格局。  相似文献   

福田公司党委副书记赵景光认为, 在福田汽车国际化道路上,链合创新一直贯串其中:前有莲花、丰田,后有潍柴动力、博世、AVL,未来可能还有其他的汽车企业。 4月28日,福田汽车与潍柴动力签署了一份特殊的战略联盟。在此之前, 中国还没有两家在汽车产业链的上下  相似文献   

机动车辆保险费率市场化是近些年来保险市场上的一个热门话题,也是制约机动车辆保险市场发展的一个瓶颈和唯一的出路。回顾30多年来车险费率的变化、利弊以及市场化的前提条件等,对加快费率市场化有一个更为清晰的认识,既要充分认识车险费率市场化的重要性和必要性,摈弃那些保守怕乱的错误认识,从市场经济和市场化对接的高度理解车险改革特别是费率改革的迫切性,又要认真做好思想准备、技术准备、人员准备和流程准备工作,积极搭建适合费率市场化操作平台的步伐,坚定不移地走机动车辆保险费率市场化改革之路。  相似文献   

The existing literature on the trade news effect on asset prices generally looks at exchange rates and stock market indexes. We focus on individual stocks: the U.S. and Japanese “Big Three” automobile stocks. We examine Japanese automobile American Depositary Receipts (ADRs), not the stocks per se, to avoid the time lag problem. First, we find deficit news shocks, especially the positive shocks, have a negative effect on the Japanese automobile ADRs. Second, we find only weak evidence that the news effect is different under different economic conditions. Third, trade news is found to be a competitive shock to the automakers in the sense of Karolyi and Stulz (1996) . Last, statistically generated U.S.–Japan bilateral trade deficit news and bilateral auto trade deficit news have no effect on the automobile stock in general.  相似文献   

汽车产业的关联度极高,在经济发展中具有重要的地位,汽车产业也因此成为关注度极高的主导产业之一.为了适应社会经济形势的发展变化,我国近几年先后对原有的税收制度做出局部调整.分析税制调整对我国汽车产业发展产生的影响,可得到如下结论:税制调整对我国汽车产业发展的影响大多是积极的.  相似文献   

一个地区的经济发展,最终要通过企业的发展来带动当地经济的腾飞。汽车产业作为吉林省未来的经济增长点,要抓住机会,加快发展,用好政策,占领先机。这不仅关系到吉林省"工业省"建设的成败,而且主导吉林省区域经济的未来。  相似文献   

Ove Svidn 《Futures》1983,15(6):478-490
The Information society provides a challenge for the future of the automobile. This article, based on a two-year Swedish study as part of the MIT Future of the Automobile Programme, used four scenarios against which to predict the future of the car in Sweden. It concludes that, overall, information technologies will not substitute for travel, only for the information carried on paper; rather, future moves towards increasingly dispersed living will keep car usage high.  相似文献   

From an economic perspective, the automobile insurance plays an important role in regulating the activity level of driving by closing a prevention gap of the strict liability for automobile accidents. The gap is caused by bounded rationality of car owners and drivers. Unrealistic optimism and self-serving bias lead to an underestimation of expected damages. As a result, the activity level of driving would rise above the optimum, social costs would exceed the utility from driving and too many accidents would occur. The article illustrates how the automobile insurance counteracts these inefficiencies and thereby leads to a more efficient activity level.  相似文献   

This article investigates asymmetric information problems for the automobile insurance market in Taiwan. Using panel data for the comprehensive automobile insurance coverage from 1995 to 1999, this article analyzes how types of coverage, deductible amounts, and experience ratings have affected the adverse selection and moral hazard problems in Taiwan's automobile insurance market. The empirical results provide partial evidence to demonstrate that the loss frequency and loss ratio were reduced by the addition of self-selection mechanisms in policies with different levels of coverage. In addition, the deductible amounts, experience ratings, and better control of underwriting and claims processing were shown possibly to have decreased potential losses from adverse selection and moral hazard problems.  相似文献   

汽车产业具有高度的关联性,其发展直接影响到相关行业的发展,对经济发展具有巨大的促进作用,是我国新的经济增长点。影响我国汽车消费的主要因素有宏观经济环境、消费者收入状况、消费政策、消费环境、城市规划与交通管理等方面。  相似文献   

Stringent pricing regulations have long been in effect in the Taiwan automobile insurance market. In April 2009, a pricing deregulation was adopted, enabling insurers to establish their own auto insurance premium rates. This study examines the effects of deregulation in terms of three hypotheses that we propose pertaining to market shares, loading factors, and last policy month claims. The quantitative analysis results show that pricing deregulation prompts insurers to lower their rates. The effects of deregulation for insurers are determined by not only the decision to deduct premiums and the deduction percentages, but also by policy type.  相似文献   

This article proposes a computer‐intensive methodology to build bonus‐malus scales in automobile insurance. The claim frequency model is taken from Pinquet, Guillén, and Bolancé (2001) . It accounts for overdispersion, heteroskedasticity, and dependence among repeated observations. Explanatory variables are taken into account in the determination of the relativities, yielding an integrated automobile ratemaking scheme. In that respect, it complements the study of Taylor (1997) .  相似文献   

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