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This paper analyses Turkish household food consumption, usingdata from the 2003 Turkish Household Expenditure Survey. A completedemand system is estimated taking into account demographic differencesand zero consumption. The highest expenditure elasticity isfound for the meat and meat products group, suggesting thatits demand will grow faster than the demand for other productsas the economy develops and income increases. Demand is moreprice-responsive for fats and oils and non-alcoholic beveragesthan all other food products. Regional and seasonal differencesand socio-demographic factors are as important as the conventionaleconomic variables in explaining observed differences in thehousehold's food consumption patterns in Turkey.  相似文献   

We have employed an error-corrected almost ideal demand system (ECAIDS) for major crustaceans at a disaggregated level in the United States. The proposed model can provide short- and long-run price elasticities. This article makes an important empirical contribution by reporting a set of reliable, policy-relevant estimates of the elasticities of demand for crustaceans in the United States. The habit formation behavior was significant only for crayfish. The value pricing strategy and the promotional pricing strategy are expected to benefit the domestic shrimp industry. Increasing prices through various marketing strategies can benefit domestic producers of lobsters and crabs.  相似文献   

The Demand for Food Quality in Rural China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Many studies of food demand do not use actual prices but unit values, obtained by dividing expenditures by the quantity consumed. This can bias empirical analyses because unit values are not exogenous market prices; they reflect household food quality choices within each food category. This article develops a framework for assessing the resulting bias in income and price elasticities of demand and applies the framework to data for rural China. Empirical results indicate that households in rural China tend to consume higher-quality food as income increases, with a greater sensitivity to income for basic foods than for luxury foods.  相似文献   

Promotion and Fast Food Demand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many believe that fast food promotion is a significant cause of the obesity epidemic in North America. Industry members argue that promotion only reallocates brand shares and does not increase overall demand. We study the effect of fast food promotion on market share and total demand by estimating a discrete / continuous model of fast food restaurant choice and food expenditure that explicitly accounts for both spatial and temporal determinants of demand. Estimates are obtained using a unique panel of Canadian fast food consumers. The results show that promotion primarily increases demand and has a smaller effect on restaurant market shares.  相似文献   

The modeling of micro-level food demand patterns requires not only allowing for household heterogeneity, but also addressing the problem of censoring. In this article, we present a variation of the Amemiya-Tobin framework for estimating a censored demand system that allows for household heterogeneity. The unique aspect of our approach is the use of a procedure that ensures the adding up of both latent and observed expenditure shares and also imposes expenditure share nonnegativity. This system is applied to an analysis of food demand based on a random sample of urban Mexican households.  相似文献   

This article reports tests of aggregation over consumer food products and estimates of aggregate food demand elasticities. Evidence that food demand variables follow unit root processes leads us to build on and simplify existing tests of the Generalized Composite Commodity Theorem. We compute food demand elasticities using a method of cointegration that is shown to apply to a convenient but nonlinear functional form. Estimates are based on consumer reported expenditure data rather than commercial disappearance data.  相似文献   

Price endogeneity has been ignored in previous analyses of food demand in urban China. We exploit data provided by the China National Bureau of Statistics on agricultural commodity supply shifters and use reduced‐form price equations to account for price endogeneity. Applying our unique econometric approach to the analysis of provincial‐level food demand in China, we find strong statistical evidence of price endogeneity. Models that ignore price endogeneity result in substantially biased elasticities and misleading estimates of future food demand in China.  相似文献   

对北京市一般食用油和高端食用油的消费现状、消费者需求偏好进行了深入研究,提出了北京市食用油企业市场发展的合理建议。一般食用油消费主要集中在花生油、大豆油和调和油,高端食用油消费主要集中在橄榄油和山茶油。一般食用油消费者偏好食用油的营养价值和功效,而高端食用油消费者偏好产品品牌。调查结果可为食用油经营者提供决策依据,为进驻食用油市场的商家提供参考。  相似文献   

This article provides a new interpretation of the scale effects in differential inverse demand systems. A scale curve is defined as a curve that shows how the expenditure share of a good or service changes as the consumption level changes. It is shown that Brown, Lee, and Seale's synthetic model has the same scale effects as do the Box–Cox scale curves. In this light, their model is not a mere composite but a model in its own right. An empirical illustration given for Japanese fresh food demand suggests that the underlying scale curves differ from both linear and loglinear forms.  相似文献   

Surveys are based on predetermined questions (PDQs), used in hypothesis testing. To validate surveys, an open-ended question (OEQs), probing for additional factors, is sometimes added. This approach could become more efficient by combining PDQs with OEQs in hybrid surveys. This study surveyed Japanese consumers on seafood quality (n?=?200). It started with three OEQs, asking participants to list the most important factors when evaluating packed mackerel fillets, before they assessed 26 PDQs on importance of different quality dimensions for the same products. The OEQs were grouped based on the PDQs and the answers were counted. The PDQs were rated on 7-point importance scales. The real-life relevance of PDQs was challenged based on the frequency counts of OEQs. The result revealed that the color, overall freshness, and price issues are the most important factors consumers consider in real life. The use of hybrid surveys led to increased validity of this study.  相似文献   

中国耕地供需变化规律研究   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25  
研究目的:探讨中国城市化 — 工业化用地需求和满足粮食安全的耕地供给之间的消长关系及变化规律,以期为国家土地利用政策提供科学依据。研究方法:首先提出关于最小人均耕地面积(即满足粮食安全的人均耕地需求)和耕地非农化逻辑斯蒂的假设。然后对历年中国耕地的统计数据进行订正,重建1980 — 2006年耕地数据序列。据此计算了同期的最小人均耕地面积和耕地压力指数(反映耕地需求和供给的对比关系),并验证耕地非农化逻辑斯蒂假设。研究结果:保障粮食安全的人均耕地需求数量逐渐降低,耕地压力指数虽先降后升但总体呈下降趋势。中国在基本满足城市化 — 工业化用地需求和生态退耕,因而满足粮食安全需求的耕地供给不断减少,同时人口又不断增加的情况下,粮食安全状况非但没有恶化,反而有所改善;耕地压力指数非但没有加重,反而有所减轻,根本原因在于土地生产率的不断提高。耕地非农化逻辑斯蒂增长过程的推导和证明,显示了两个拐点分别出现在1980年和2050年,前者是从缓慢到加速的转折点;后者是从增长到停滞的转折点,保证粮食安全的耕地供给将趋于稳定。其间还有一个由加速到减缓的拐点将出现在2015年。研究结论:城市化 — 工业化用地需求和粮食安全用地需求可以兼顾。  相似文献   

木材加工企业规模结构及经济性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
认识木材加工企业的规模以及效率问题,对产业政策制定有重要的指导意义。以2004年山东省经济普查数据为基础,运用统计分析、比较分析等手段,对山东木材加工工业的规模结构、影响因素以及规模经济性展开了讨论。认为:木材加工业企业规模受技术进步、资源和市场以及政策影响;在当前条件下,木材加工业具有企业规模小、集中度低的特征,产业发展更倾向于通过外部规模经济途径实现。  相似文献   

Lack of access to credit prevents poor households in developing countries from diversifying into income‐generating activities that could safeguard them against unforeseen shocks and seasonality, leaving them susceptible to food deprivation, even when aggregate food supplies are adequate. Microcredit programmes help these households to access financial capital that could help improve their food security situation. We examine how microcredit affects different measures of food security; namely, household calorie availability, dietary diversity indicators and anthropometric status of women of reproductive age (15–49 years) and children under the age of 5 years. We find that microcredit programme participation increases calorie availability both at the intensive and extensive margins, but does not improve dietary diversity and only has mixed effects on the anthropometric measures. We also find that the effect of microcredit participation on food security may be non‐linear in which participation initially has either no effect on food security or may actually worsen it, before improving it in the longer run. Our results help to explain why existing short‐term evaluations of microcredit sometimes do not show any positive effects.  相似文献   

广东省是我国酒类消费第一大省,酒类产业是广东食品产业的新兴经济增长点.为主动适应区域内酒类产业发展对人才的需求,优化专业布局,本文以广东省高职院校食品类专业为例,分析专业设置中存在的问题,探讨专业结构调整和优化动态机制的构建路径,为广东省高职院校食品类专业设置与酒类产业发展的有效对接提供参考.  相似文献   


Worldwide food advertising has certain common elements such as the role that executional elements play in affecting the success of commercials. This study will examine the impact of a variety of executional elements on both recall and persuasion for 15-second and 30-second television advertising. The data was collected by well known advertising agencies.  相似文献   

文章总结了工业化国家经济增长和能源需求关系的一般规律,在分析我国工业化以来经济增长和能源需求关系与之相比的共同性和特殊性的基础上,提出了我国能源强度的变动要依次经历“倒U”曲线、“U”曲线和再次“倒U”曲线三个阶段的假设,并进行了经济计量检验,最后对我国“十一五”时期的能源需求进行了预测。  相似文献   

The Russian food system has undergone substantial changes. However, knowledge on how economic transition has affected the structural parameters of food demand is lacking. Based on a two‐stage LES‐LA/AIDS model and annual panel data from the Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (1995–2010), we provide a comprehensive set of food demand elasticities for Russia along two dimensions. First, we estimate demand parameters for three characteristic time periods in order to trace changes during transition. Second, to account for the Russian population's diversity, we derive elasticities for five different consumer segments. These groups are established by a cluster analysis based on households' food purchases. Our findings suggest that demand for food is far from satiated in Russia. We find generally high unconditional expenditure and own‐price elasticities for food. Both expenditure and own‐price elasticities show slight decreases in absolute terms over time. Low expenditure elasticities for staple foods like bread or cereals and high values for luxury goods such as meat, alcohol and tobacco suggest considerable changes in the composition of food baskets with further income growth. Results indicate that food production at home loses in importance while more affluent households in particular increase their demand for food consumption away from home.  相似文献   

研究目的:新一轮退耕还林补助资金即将到期之际,分析新一轮退耕还林对农户家庭收入的净效应并揭示其内在机制。研究方法:理论上阐述了新一轮退耕还林政策促进农户收入增长的作用机理,基于赣南、鄂北地区农户调查数据,利用倾向得分匹配法进行实证分析。研究结果:(1)无论是否包含退耕补贴,新一轮退耕还林政策对农户收入有正向影响;(2)退耕林种对农户收入的作用机理不同:种植经济林的农户增加了林果业收入和非农经营收入,减少了工资性收入;种植生态林的农户通过提高工资性收入,进而提高总收入水平。研究结论:新一轮退耕还林加快了农户生计转型的进程。政策实施5年后,农户形成与生态环境相适应且稳定的生产方式,为补偿政策的逐步退出创造有利条件,实现了新一轮退耕还林政策的造血功能。  相似文献   

There is considerable interest in the effect of labels on food product demand. Labeling statements may convey new information about attributes and place consumers in different choice contexts; consumers' assessment of information in labels may be affected by reference points. We examine labeling context relating to genetically modified (GM) food as a factor in the stochastic component of a random utility model and assess reference points over a set of observable characteristics of consumers. We find that labeling context effects are present, although relatively small, while reference dependence is a very important factor that varies over observable characteristics of the sampled consumers.  相似文献   

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