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张星  闵敏 《商》2013,(17):305-305
日本的动漫产业蓬勃发展,已成为其第三大产业。80年代日本经济开始腾飞,动漫产业原创得到了迅速发展,并逐渐成为动漫大国强国,世界市场的65%,欧洲动漫产品80%来自于日本。本文从从日本动漫的降低风险,共同发展的产业细分之路入手,分析在这一过程中日本声优文化所做出的自身贡献。  相似文献   

国家"十一五规划"将动漫产业设定为未来国家文化产业发展的九大领域之一。据经济学家推测,中国动漫产业有500亿的巨大"奶酪"。但是,中国动漫市场的发展状况并不乐观,从上个世纪90年代至今,美、日、韩动漫在我国动漫市场上逐渐占主导地位,中国动漫成为日本、美国的加工基地,我国动漫从创意、制作、发行到衍生品的开发都不尽如人意。动漫产业是一项知识密集型的产业,人才瓶颈是制约产业的发展的最大障碍。从我国动漫产业战略选择的角度出发,提出了动漫教育的对策措施。  相似文献   

日本动漫短短几十年的迅速崛起发展,带来了多方面的影响,给日本自身也带来了一条完整的产业经济链,在这样一个网络发达的时代,日本动漫的快速传播,形成了独特的日本动漫文化,这种文化中容易让人忽视的其自带的文化霸权。从动漫的文化渗透现象中,我们通过三个变量可以看出日本文化霸权的表现,动漫的文化渗透中所表现出的文化霸权有着自己的特点。而动漫之所以能成为传播的媒介,也具有多方面的原因,而最终都会通过"软实力"转化为文化霸权。  相似文献   

中国的动漫产业可以说是不断向前发展中,却至今都没有做出能够让国人真正喜欢、经典、深入人心的动画作品。我们也一直在向他人学习,比如动漫强国日本。日本的动漫发展的如此成熟并不是偶然,本文将浅析中国本动漫的现状以及分析日本动漫产业发展中值得我们学习的地方,通过对比来知道我国动漫发展的不足,好让我国人动漫产业真正强大起来。  相似文献   

王静 《商业时代》2012,(24):129-131
我国动漫产业有着广阔的发展空间,但该产业的产业链现状、人才培养、动画产出等,已出现制约其健康发展的瓶颈。本文在重点对我国动漫产业链现状进行分析的同时,对比分析日本、欧美动漫产业的发展历程及其成功运作模式,进一步结合实际情况,总结出我国动漫产业在发展中遇到的一些问题,在此基础上,本文提出用"三步走"战略来构建我国动漫产业链新模式,同时还提出一系列配套对策对新模式进行完善。  相似文献   

卢尚坤  王恋 《对外经贸》2024,(2):27-29+36
动漫作品作为极富想象力和创造力的文化载体,对于促进本民族文化在世界范围内的传播有着重要的意义。基于PEST模型从宏观角度探究我国动漫出版产业在法律、产业、市场、技术方面具有的优势与不足,深入了解我国动漫出版产业的海外发展现状。透过品牌定位、营销手段、传播方式等多个角度探究日本动漫出版产业的国际拓展成功经验,为我国动漫出版产业在海外的扩展提供有益的参考。研究发现,我国动漫出版产业可以从完善动漫知识产权保护、打造动漫产业生态园区、探索中华文化国际表达、构建国际动漫产业联盟四个方面,进一步完善国际拓展策略。  相似文献   

吴运东 《创业家》2009,(11):65-65
在动漫产业里,只有奥飞动漫是唯一一家打通了整条产业链的公司。在这一点上,它和美国的孩之宝和日本的万代非常相像。奥飞动漫的商业模式特点在于它实现了跨界创新:用"动漫+玩具"的组合营销模式,有效地将文化创意产业和传统制造业整合到一起,并实现资源利用最大化。  相似文献   

从日本动漫看我国动漫产业的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
众所周知,日本对动漫文化的重视与开发由来已久,在发展动漫产业同时,日本不忘将这种颇具穿透力的动漫文化在广度上和深度上向世界推广。提出了中国动漫产业发展实现国际化的思考。  相似文献   

目前,在国家政策积极推动下,我国动漫产业发展迅速。就数量而言,我国动漫产业的规模与日本、美国等不相上下,甚至比其更大;从产值来看,早在2002年,日本仅销往美国的动画片以及相关的产品总收入就已达到43.5911亿美元,韩国动漫及游戏的产值占整个GDP的六分之一,而我国目前动漫的产值占GDP不到1%,动漫出口的收入只有数千万美元。  相似文献   

日本的动漫一直在全球具有相当大的影响力。在1933年,日本就出现了第一部有声动画作品。而在二战之后,动画就成为了日本人主要的一种娱乐方式。在上世纪七十年代,日本的动画开始趋向于成熟。在鲁邦三世这部作品中,日本更是实现了动画和漫画的结合。并开始形成动漫市场的雏形。日本动画的制作素材多样,种类丰富,制作的水平也不断提高。除了动画外,还衍生出了漫画、音像制品等一系列产业,并形成了庞大的动漫产业链。现在日本的动漫产业作为文化产业的一种,已经成为了日本的第二大支柱产业,并且在本国有着巨大的市场。而中国动画也拥有较长的历史,但是中国政府对于动画片没有给予足够的重视,在题材上也一直没有摆脱低龄化的标签,整个产业也仅仅停留在动画上,导致现在中国动画从制作、题材和商业化方面完全落后于日本。  相似文献   

We apply a trilateral trade approach to examine how Japanese exports and investment to China, or seven other Asian economies, affect Chinese, or the seven Asian economies', exports to the US market. The results suggest that while Chinese and Japanese exports are directly competitive in US markets, Chinese exports to the US are supported partly by Japanese exports to China. The positive correlation between Japanese exports to China and Chinese exports to the US is explained by vertical trade between Japanese multinationals and their affiliates in China. Indonesian and Philippine exports are also competing with Japanese exports in US markets, though the extent of the competition is much higher for China than for these countries.  相似文献   

In Poland, in recent years, the number of Japanese cuisine restaurants is still increasing. The aim of this article was to estimate the popularity of Japanese cuisine in Poland and to examine attitudes of Polish consumers towards it. The reasons why this cuisine is chosen by consumers are also studied. The scope of this work includes two anonymous questionnaires. The first study was conducted in Warsaw among 527 random respondents to estimate the level of familiarity with Japanese dishes. The second one was conducted among 115 consumers of a particular Japanese restaurant in Warsaw. Research of the target group was aimed at the characteristics of Japanese dishes consumers. On the basis of the results, it was found that random respondents have relatively little knowledge of Japanese dishes. However, a large percentage of them declared interest in Japanese culture and traditions and was inclined to taste the dishes of this region. Japanese restaurants are mainly popular among young people who follow current culinary trends and fashions and also care about their diet. High prices limit the customer group to well‐off people. Polish consumers visiting Japanese restaurants are usually persons between 31 and 40 years old, with higher education, live in the big cities, as well as with very good or good financial situation. Regular restaurant goers eat out quite often: once a week (38%) or at least once a month (27%). The restaurant studied is mainly visited by people familiar with Japanese cuisine. Sushi is the most popular of the dishes offered.  相似文献   

金融危机下,日本企业境况明显恶化,收益急剧下降,融资难度明显增加,破产的企业数量大幅增加,而且倾向于大型化。中国是日本企业设有海外网点最多的地区及今后扩大海外事业规模的首选地区,但今后计划在华扩大事业规模的企业比例及对华业务的扩展速度均出现明显的下降趋势。中国稳定的汇率、较为完善的基础设施及较高的产业集聚度等是吸引日本企业开展对华业务的重要因素,而法律制度缺乏可操作性、知识产权保护问题、用工成本上涨等则是影响日本企业开展对华业务的主要不利因素。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to explain various aspects of Chinese and Japanese business negotiating styles. Both the Chinese and Japanese have a reputation for being tough negotiators, but their strategies and tactics are neither unpredictable nor insurmountable. Although they share similar cultural traditions, they do have some notable differences. This article begins with an analysis of general perceptions of the Chinese and Japanese on negotiations, and then goes through different stages of the formal negotiating process while focusing on some of the tactics used either commonly or respectively by the Chinese and Japanese. It ends with a discussion on conflict management. Throughout the article, similarities and differences between the Chinese and Japanese are highlighted. The article presents a conceptual framework for understanding and comparing Chinese and Japanese negotiating styles. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

A significant difference between Japanese and American corporate environments is the existence of extensive networks of intercorporate agreements among firms in Japan. Networks in Japan are the dominant factor in determining how firms transact with other organizations. Given that Japanese networks are taking root in the American business environment, what does this mean for American firms competing and cooperating with Japanese firms? Drawing on a recent study of North American-Japanese joint ventures, this article examines the Japanese network and considers the implications for outsider firms gaining temporary, and perhaps even permanent access to the network through the formation of alliances and joint ventures with Japanese firms. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper explores the internationalisation of Japanese professional business service (PBS) firms. The UK was chosen as the geographical area of study due to the large number of Japanese foreign direct investments over the last 20 years. A comparative study of Japanese and Western service providers was conducted in the UK in spring 2002 to ascertain if there are any significant differences in their ways of doing business with Japanese clients. The preliminary results show that Japanese firms tend to be very small in the UK in terms of both size and market share. They seem also to be tightly connected with Japanese businesses operating in the UK.  相似文献   

In the post-bubble era, Japan is going through major structural upheavals and the relevance of the five perspectives presented here on the implications of these changes for the Japanese employment system can hardly be overstated. The institutions and practices of the Japanese employment system are closely linked to the Japanese model of skill formation, human resource management and innovation. The relevance of “lifetime employment” for the accumulation and preservation of knowledge within companies has been documented for example in comparative studies on the Japanese and US semiconductor industries. The knowledge sharing, problem solving capacities and high commitment of Japanese employees are very much enhanced by the late selection characteristics as implied by “seniority” based promotion schemes. If the skills, the innovative capacities and the commitment of Japanese employees have been so much supported by the salient features of the Japanese employment system, it is essential to see what is happening to the latter when reflecting on the future of the former. This is the prime purpose of this article. Each of the following sections looks at specific changes in the economic environment, that are challenging the further viability of “traditional” human resource management practices: In particular, the first section looks at the rapid aging of the work force as a key “domestic” factor, while the second section looks at the implications of Japanese internationalisation in the post-bubble era and, especially, the “hollowing out” of the industrial system due to increasing competitive pressures from low labor cost countries. Adaptations necessitated by these challenges have already transformed the Japanese employment system and will continue to do so, as is discussed in the third section. It is not difficult to guess that this will have repercussions on the process of knowledge creation and transfer in the Japanese economy and the final section therefore looks specifically at the changes to the Human Resource Management system in the Japanese Innovation System.  相似文献   

接单现尴尬海外拓展忙 自金融危机爆发以来.Et本造船业一直处于衰退的态势。受人力、钢材成本较高等历史因素的影响.加上危机后日元的强劲升值.使得13本船企在接单方面处于比较尴尬的态势。一方面.日本造船业尽管在技术方面依然存在优势.但是受日元升值等因素影响在承接高技术船订单不敌韩国造船业。另一方面.在散货船等普通商船领域.日本造船业尽管产品性能较佳.但是在成本方面又着实不敌中国造船业。在这种情况下.13本造船业新接订单量呈现下滑态势.2011年日本造船业新接订单量仅为290万载重吨.甚至低于2009年船市低谷时期。2011年年末日本造船业手持订单量为5315万载重吨.按2011年造船完工量推算.仅可维持一年半左右。  相似文献   

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