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基于J2EE和MVC模式的Web应用程序开发方法   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了面向对象思想中设计模式的概念,着重阐述了MVC设计模式的体系结构和J2EE技术,提出了1种适用于中小型网站的基于J2EE和MVC模式的Web应用开发方法,并以某公司人事管理的web应用设计开发为例介绍了此方法的应用。  相似文献   

基于设计模式设计了一个分类系统,对于分类系统中的数据结构、流程、分类系统的对外接口等问题进行了探讨,提出了"分类任务"的概念,并设计了一个"分类语言"模型。该方案具有简单、灵活及通用性强的特点,对于设计、实现分类系统具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

Active Automation在AutoCAD二次开发中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简要介绍了 Active Automation技术的基本概念和基本开发方法 ,同时结合实例陈述了 VB6和 Active Automation技术在 Auto CADR1 4二次开发中的应用。  相似文献   

本文阐述了现金流量表在现代企业绩效评价中的作用,分析了编制现金流量表的难度和缺陷,提出了编制现金流量表的理论依据,并用VB语言在计算机上实现了现金流量表的自动生成系统。  相似文献   

MVC设计模式在.NET中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从视图、控制器、模型3个方面分析了MVC设计模式,结合.NET框架提出了基于MVC架构的三层体系系统结构的应用方案和扩展MVC模式的思路和方法,并结合MVC三层体系架构进行了高校教师绩效考评系统的设计,对设计过程和结果进行了分析,表明了该方案的有效性和先进性。  相似文献   

工业社会时期产生的煤矿废弃地,破坏了自然环境并对周围居民的生活产生严重危害。随着后工业社会的到来,人们更倾向于以土地复垦、生态恢复等方式对其进行弥补,然而这种模式耗时、耗金、耗力并且见效较慢。本文提出将展示设计用于煤矿废弃地中的设计理念,通过分析煤矿废弃地类型论述废弃地的展示原则、展示模式。利用展示设计模式将煤矿废弃地及其中的工业遗留物进行分批、分层的功能置换性改造,因地制宜与当地人文历史相结合,形成具有自身价值的展示场所。赋予煤矿废弃地新的社会、经济、科普和历史文化价值,达到变废为宝的目的。  相似文献   

在详细介绍Windows的消息机制的基础上,介绍了BorlandC++Builder采用基于控件的程序设计模式对消息处理的实现方法,重点研究了利用TwinControl类的WndProc方法来实现的窗体组件来获取消息、处理消息的过程。  相似文献   

服装电子商务B2B2C模式分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文介绍了服装电子商务B2B2C模式的内涵和它的特点,在此基础上着重研究了B2B2C模式的实现条件,指出该模式在实施和运用中的关键要素,对该模式的实施和运用具有指导意义。  相似文献   

基于VB的计算机并行数据采集系统   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
结合化学气相沉积(CVD)金刚石膜设备温度检测系统的实例,分析了计算机并行口的EPP接口协议,介绍了计算机并行口数据输入模式的设置方法,论述了采用VB语言程序来实现通过计算机并行口采集8位并行数据的技术,并给出了对数据进行采集、转换、显示、报警等处理的相关程序。  相似文献   

利用VB中的通讯控作MSCOMM实现系统机和前端单片机群之间的串行通讯,探讨了上位机和下位机数据传输格式的统一问题,并以一化工厂液位测控系统上、下位机之间串行通讯为例给出了相关程序。  相似文献   

对VisualBasic6.0在测控系统软件编程方面的应用进行了探讨,并对其数据处理,I/O操作,动态链接库DLL的编制与调用,数据库管理系统的接口设计、建立、数据格式的转换等方面进行了研究。给出了Windows应用程序建立DLL的方法与步骤,对于在VisualBasic程序中如何应用DLL进行了讨论。  相似文献   

基于Visual Basic与Auto CAD的包装纸盒参数化设计系统开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对包装纸盒设计过程复杂及现有设计软件昂贵的现象,利用纸盒结构设计的一般方法和图形显示及输出的通用模式,基于Visuall Basic和AutoCAD平台,开发了参数化纸盒设计系统。该系统形成了在纸盒结构设计系统中进行设计及在AutoCAD中进行结构显示的新模式,符合现代纸盒设计工作流程,最终达到克服现有纸盒设计过程及软件的不足,提高设计效率,降低设计成本的目的。  相似文献   

This paper reports on the results of a survey and qualitative analysis on the teaching of ‘Basic Design’ in schools of design and architecture located in 22 countries. In the context of this research work, Basic Design means the teaching and learning of design fundamentals that may also be commonly referred to as the Principles of Two- and Three-dimensional Design. The body of knowledge associated with Basic Design may be regarded as part of the general theory of teaching and learning design as practiced in many design schools and which has its origins in the classical design schools such as the Bauhaus. In the author’s perception and practice, the pedagogy of Basic Design promotes a holistic, creative and experimental methodology that develops the learning style and cognitive abilities of students with respect to the fundamental principles of design. This includes an understanding of the elements of shape, colour, texture, light, and rhythm in a manner complementary but usually unrelated to the common design methods teaching approach. As is well known among design practitioners, including architects and industrial designers, a deep understanding of the purpose of these fundamental design elements and principles is still relevant to contemporary design practice. The main objective of the research described in this paper was to determine the status and development of Basic Design pedagogy in a significant number of contemporary design schools. On the basis of the results of two surveys conducted in 2001–2002, this paper will identify and illustrate interesting aspects concerning the programmes and organisation of courses delivered by teachers of ‘Basic Design’. This work will also survey the viewpoints of Basic Design teachers in elementary years of design courses and of those teaching design through projects during the subsequent years of the same courses. Interestingly, the design project teachers surveyed in this research expressed a desire to be more involved in the teaching of Basic Design fundamentals which indicates strongly that Basic Design principles are still relevant in contemporary design education terms as they have ever been and that more research is needed in order to better understand and apply the related pedagogy.  相似文献   

利用平面设计软件Photoshop进行自定义图案库的设计与应用,绘制比手绘效果更加逼真、形式更加多样、表现技法更加丰富的图案,使旗袍设计师从最大程度上摆脱重复、繁杂的手工操作,有更多的时间去做创造性工作。图案库的研究也为服装企业生产提供随手可用的、可以灵活更改的图库,对于推动旗袍设计、生产、经营,促进中国民族服装行业的发展也具有极其重要的作用。  相似文献   

以Visual Basic 6.0作为开发平台,开发出活塞式压缩机设计计算软件.软件包括总体结构设计、热力学计算、动力学计算、数据管理等主要功能,操作简单,界面友好,可靠性高.该软件既可用于压缩机的实际工程设计,也可作为计算机辅助教学软件使用.  相似文献   

通过分析企业在盆式橡胶支座设计过程中遇到的问题,采用Visual Basic和Access对SolidWorks进行二次开发,结合盆式橡胶支座的特点,介绍二次开发流程,完成用户界面设计及实现桥梁盆式橡胶支座零件、装配体三维参数化建模,可以避免重复性工作,提高工作效率。  相似文献   

该系统为智能化可燃气体泄漏检测报警系统,可对现场的气体浓度进行实时监控,当气体浓度超标时,及时报警并启动通风设备,预防恶性事故发生。该系统使用Visual Basic和SQLSever 2000进行设计,详细介绍了系统实现的硬件、软件、数据库设计以及远程控制结构。  相似文献   

阐述了利用FrontPage、PowerPoint、Visual Basic、HTML Help Workshop等软件将教学中的典型知识点制作成《服装材料学》多媒体课件的方法及过程,同时介绍此多媒体课件在课堂教学中的应用方法,指出恰当运用多媒体教学手段,可取得良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

Sketching is widely used as a creative tool, playing a significant role in industrial design. Designers commonly use sketching to generate and evaluate ideas, leading to subsequent development of the most promising ideas. The current study examined the use of text in the idea generation sketching process among novices and experts. The electrophysiological correlates of thought processes were measured using electroencephalography (EEG). The thought process involved in idea generation was coded according to working memory components, and sketches were scored. The results revealed that experts generated better quality ideas, using similar thought processes. Importantly, the use of text increased the number of creative elements in ideas with lower creative quality among both novices and seniors. Electrophysiological analysis revealed that EEG signals corresponded with this behavioral pattern. Novices showed an activation pattern of low creativity, and the use of text activates the right hemisphere. Overall, the results revealed that the quality of concepts stored in memory was associated with a difference in quality between experts and novices, and that text elicited a higher volume of diverse analytical thinking that helped broaden creative possibilities rather than improving creative quality.  相似文献   

VB5.0开发工资管理系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用VisualBasic5.0 高级语言,采用面向对象编程技术,开发工资管理系统,介绍系统的开发方法和经验。  相似文献   

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