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全球化和信息化的迅速发展,使得人们的价值观念和思想认识都发生了很大的变化。信息技术的长足发展和充分运用,政府对于贸易的管制,也越来越和市场的自由化相结合。从而激起了一浪高过一浪的跨国公司的发展浪潮。对于跨国公司的性质的思考也应该与时俱进了。  相似文献   

就钢铁企业的增长空间来看 ,虽然中国的钢铁市场需求量与发达国家有本质区别 ,仍处于增长阶段 ,但毕竟增长的速度会放慢。因此 ,钢铁企业要谋求发展 ,就要另辟蹊径 ,就要发展非钢产业 ,重视其发展战略的研究。  相似文献   

关于我国企业战略联盟的发展研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文首先回顾了中国企业战略联盟的发展历程,并概述了各种联盟形式的发展现状;最后分析了目前中国企业战略联盟发展中存在的问题,并提出推进其发展的政策建议。  相似文献   

我国中小企业的进一步发展需要进行战略调整。本文探讨了中小企业发展、企业竞争战略和技术创新战略之间的关系,基于竞争战略,进行了中小企业技术创新战略的选择。  相似文献   

关于跨国战略联盟研究的几个问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文针对目前国内外跨国战略联盟研究的现状,对跨国战略联盟定义作出了修改和补 充,并指出国际竞争的变化是导致跨国战略联盟兴起的直接原因,提出了“以市场换 联盟”的新思路,以培育我国的创新能力。  相似文献   

虽然预算管理的历史悠久,全面预算管理理念的提出也有很多年了,但是很多中小企业受到发展历程、管理理念、人员配备、公司规模及效应的制约,使得预算管理工作还停留在简单的收支统计分析阶段,无法为企业管理提供更多的决策依据。我国中小企业虽然规模小,但数量众多,对国民经济、民生就业起着非常重要的作用。提高中小企业的全面预算管理的能力,有利于增强企业的经营能力,让中小企业更好地助力经济发展。本文从对预算的认识、预算的制定、执行、调整和考核等几个环节入手,通过对存在的问题进行分析,提出相应的解决措施,促进企业更好更快的发展。  相似文献   

关于进一步发展福建外商直接投资的一点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文简要回顾了福建省近十几年来外商直接投资的发展状况,提出在吸引国外大型企业的同时,应注意外资优质中小企业的引资工作。使其成为推动海峡西岸经济区发展的新动力。  相似文献   

本文论述了中国经济发展战略的形成与发展、邓小平理论对中国经济发展战略的贡献,分析了实施中国经济发展战略取得的成就和存在的问题以及实施第三步战略部署需要解决的若干战略问题。  相似文献   

如何防止"中部塌陷"?笔者对中部地区经济发展的基本战略、区域发展战略、对外开放战略进行了思考。认为中部地区经济发展的基本战略应是促进信息化与工业化、城市化与工业化的相互融合,以信息化、城市化推动工业化,以工业化带动信息化、城市化,走新型工业化道路,迅速推进工业  相似文献   

跨国企业"人才本土化"概念初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本土化战略是跨国企业生存和发展的重要的经营策略,而人才本土化成为其重中之重,可以说是本土化战略的最为核心和重要的部分.人才本土化不仅仅是一般基层员工和技术人员的本土化,越来越重要的是跨国企业在所在国子公司中的中高级管理人员的本土化.  相似文献   

谈合同当事人的重大误解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苗晖 《华东经济管理》2002,16(1):130-132
关于我国应实行什么样的货币和财政政策 ,社会上观点很多。本文从封闭经济和开放经济两个角度对此进行了分析 ,并结合我国经济的实际情况提出了实施积极的财政和适当放松的货币政策的建议。  相似文献   

Relaxing restrictive rules of origin (ROO) in preferential market access can promote exports in developing economies by improving input sourcing flexibility, but actual ROO impacts remain an empirical question. This paper examines the European Union’s trade preferences, where origin requirements for knit and woven garment products were relaxed for beneficiaries in the Interim Economic Partnership Agreements (IEPA) from 2008 and for those in the Everything But Arms (EBA) scheme from 2011, respectively. The results show that ROO liberalization had little aggregate impact on knit and woven garment exports in IEPA beneficiaries, but increased the export values of woven garments in EBA beneficiaries by 36.3% during the post-period. Among EBA beneficiaries, duty-free imports of woven garments from Bangladesh and Cambodia into the EU increased sharply after ROO liberalization. These countries increased imported fabric from China, consistent with the theoretical prediction of ROO impacts. Thus, the impact of ROO on exports is heterogeneous across products and countries.  相似文献   

政治文明建设是实施西部大开发战略的内在本质要求和根本目标,是化解各种社会矛盾、确保西部大开发战略顺利实施的重要保证,是西部大开发中发扬人民民主、调动人民群众积极性的必要手段.  相似文献   

罗毅 《特区经济》2008,(2):240-242
在民事诉讼中,为了获取胜诉判决,当事人通常会竭尽全力主张和举证。由于纠纷案件的复杂性、当事人以及代理人的诉讼技能参差不齐,当事人偶尔也会提出与己方主张相反,有利于对方当事人的证据。依据自由心证原则,在不违反辩论主义原则的情况下,法官可以通过证据共通原则做出自由的事实认定。证据共通原则是法官自由裁量权在证据认定程序中的体现,是民事诉讼中的一项重要的证据制度。  相似文献   

This study examines wholesalers’ roles in manufacturers’ exports in Japan. First, it is shown that, like in the case of manufacturing sector, a productivity sorting on the overseas activities is also present in the case of wholesalers. Namely, only the most productive wholesaler firms can engage in foreign direct investment, and the next productive wholesaler firms can participate in export activities, and the least productive wholesaler firms do domestic transactions only. Second, we investigate how the wholesalers facilitate manufacturers’ export activities in the form of indirect exports. We have found that the wholesalers through which manufacturing firms indirectly export their goods are predominantly located in Tokyo or Osaka. The probability of indirect exports is negatively correlated with distance between manufacturers and wholesalers, but there are certain threshold distances at 300–500 kilometers, over which the chance of indirect exports turns null. Another notable finding is that wholesalers’ productivities have positive correlation with the chances of indirect exports whereas manufacturers’ productivities do not matter. The number of manufacturers from which a wholesaler purchases goods, is found to have a positive correlation with the probability of indirect exports, a type of economies of scope effect.  相似文献   

The removal of trade barriers has encouraged the entry of new competitors into formerly protected markets. This situation creates pressure on many small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in emerging economies such as Tanzania. Using a survey method and cross-sectional research design, the research examines three dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation (EO), namely: pro-activeness, risk-taking and competitive aggressiveness. Understanding their relationships and variance may help to improve our ability to explain SME performance. The findings contribute to how SME performance in emerging economies can be enhanced to enable SMEs to face challenges posed by competitor influx in the context of an open market economy. The findings indicate a strong relationship between EO dimensions and performance, with risk-taking and competitive aggressiveness moderating the effect of pro-activeness. The proposed model could predict 72% of the variance explained in SME performance.  相似文献   

In this paper, an economy means a national economy; an economy's relative steady state means an economy's steady state of per-capita output relative to the mean of those of a broad set of economies. This paper provides a method used not only to get the path of an economy's relative steady state, but also to assess whether an economy's relative steady state changed between two given periods and whether an economy's relative steady state in a given period differed from another economy's in the same or a different given period. This paper also shows the paths of relative steady states of six economies (China, India, South Korea, Taiwan, Japan and USA) using the estimates of their relative steady states in four successive periods (1960s, 1970s, 1980s and 1990s). A comparison of the paths gives valuable information.  相似文献   

常征 《华东经济管理》2001,15(5):136-137
会计委派制是我国会计人员管理体制的一项重大改革 ,近年来 ,各地区加大了会计委派制试点的力度 ,在试行过程中 ,出现了种种问题 ,需要在理论上和实践上不断总结完善。本文对尚在探索中的会计委派制的形式、存在的问题及会计委派制的进一步完善进行了阐述和讨论。  相似文献   

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