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In an experiment, choice-based (revealed-preference) utility of money is derived from choices under risk, and choiceless (non-revealed-preference) utility from introspective strength-of-preference judgments. The well-known inconsistencies of risky utility under expected utility are resolved under prospect theory, yielding one consistent cardinal utility index for risky choice. Remarkably, however, this cardinal index also agrees well with the choiceless utilities, suggesting a relation between a choice-based and a choiceless concept. Such a relation implies that introspective judgments can provide useful data for economics, and can reinforce the revealed-preference paradigm. This finding sheds new light on the classical debate on ordinal versus cardinal utility.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes individual decision making. It is assumed that an individual does not have a preference relation on the set of lotteries. Instead, the primitive of choice is a choice probability that captures the likelihood of one lottery being chosen over the other. Choice probabilities have a stochastic utility representation if they can be written as a non-decreasing function of the difference in expected utilities of the lotteries. Choice probabilities admit a stochastic utility representation if and only if they are complete, strongly transitive, continuous, independent of common consequences and interchangeable. Axioms of stochastic utility are consistent with systematic violations of betweenness and a common ratio effect but not with a common consequence effect. Special cases of stochastic utility include the Fechner model of random errors, Luce choice model and a tremble model of [Harless, D., Camerer, C., 1994. The predictive utility of generalized expected utility theories. Econometrica 62, 1251–1289].  相似文献   

Efficient sets with and without the expected utility hypothesis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Consider a feasible set, X, of c.d.f.'s. Assume that the set of decision makers, who must choose from X, includes non-expected utility decision makers who are risk averse in some weaker notions. We show that in this case the efficient set of X expands relative to the expected utility case. We characterize the efficient sets for each notion of risk aversion including the expected utility case. It is also shown that the limited-coverage insurance policies, which are not efficient under the expected utility hypothesis, belong to the efficient set when weakly risk-averse non- expected utility functionals are assumed to exist.  相似文献   

A body of work proposes a decision cost argument to explain expected utility (EU) violations based on pair similarity. These similarity models suggest various measures over the risky pairs that define decision costs and benefits. This paper assesses the empirical modeling success of these similarity measures in explaining risky choice patterns showing EU independence violations. We also compare model fit for these similarity models relative to EU and to a selected generalized EU model. Although the candidate models exhibit some degree of substitutability, our results indicate support for models that use relatively simple measures as instruments for similarity.  相似文献   

The paper first shows that financial market equilibria need not to exist if agents possess cumulative prospect theory preferences with piecewise-power value functions. This is due to the boundary behavior of the cumulative prospect theory value function, which might cause an infinite short-selling problem. But even when a non-negativity constraint on final wealth is added, non-existence can occur due to the non-convexity of CPT preferences, which might cause discontinuities in the agents’ demand functions. This latter observation also implies that concavification arguments which has been used in portfolio allocation problems with CPT preferences do not apply to our general equilibrium setting with finite many agents. Existence of equilibria is established when non-negativity constraints on final wealth are imposed and there is a continuum of agents in the market. However, if the original prospect theory is used instead of cumulative prospect theory, then other discontinuity problems can cause non-existence of market equilibria even in this case.  相似文献   

This paper considers a new nonparametric estimation of conditional value-at-risk and expected shortfall functions. Conditional value-at-risk is estimated by inverting the weighted double kernel local linear estimate of the conditional distribution function. The nonparametric estimator of conditional expected shortfall is constructed by a plugging-in method. Both the asymptotic normality and consistency of the proposed nonparametric estimators are established at both boundary and interior points for time series data. We show that the weighted double kernel local linear conditional distribution estimator has the advantages of always being a distribution, continuous, and differentiable, besides the good properties from both the double kernel local linear and weighted Nadaraya–Watson estimators. Moreover, an ad hoc data-driven fashion bandwidth selection method is proposed, based on the nonparametric version of the Akaike information criterion. Finally, an empirical study is carried out to illustrate the finite sample performance of the proposed estimators.  相似文献   

Invoking the parameterized distribution formulation of agency theory, the paper develops axiomatic foundations of the principal’s and agent’s choice behaviors that are representable by the maximization of the minimum expected utility over action-dependent sets of priors. In the context of this model, the paper also discusses some implications of ambiguity aversion for the design of optimal incentive schemes.  相似文献   

A mixture preorder is a preorder on a mixture space (such as a convex set) that is compatible with the mixing operation. In decision theoretic terms, it satisfies the central expected utility axiom of strong independence. We consider when a mixture preorder has a multi-representation that consists of real-valued, mixture-preserving functions. If it does, it must satisfy the mixture continuity axiom of Herstein and Milnor (1953). Mixture continuity is sufficient for a mixture-preserving multi-representation when the dimension of the mixture space is countable, but not when it is uncountable. Our strongest positive result is that mixture continuity is sufficient in conjunction with a novel axiom we call countable domination, which constrains the order complexity of the mixture preorder in terms of its Archimedean structure. We also consider what happens when the mixture space is given its natural weak topology. Continuity (having closed upper and lower sets) and closedness (having a closed graph) are stronger than mixture continuity. We show that continuity is necessary but not sufficient for a mixture preorder to have a mixture-preserving multi-representation. Closedness is also necessary; we leave it as an open question whether it is sufficient. We end with results concerning the existence of mixture-preserving multi-representations that consist entirely of strictly increasing functions, and a uniqueness result.  相似文献   

Revealed preference theory on the choice of lotteries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The choice behavior of a decision-maker is said to be consistent with expected utility maximization if there exists a utility function defined on the set of prizes such that the decision-maker chooses lotteries with the highest expected utility. We present a revealed preference characterization of choice behavior that is consistent with expected utility maximization. A necessary and sufficient condition for expected utility maximization is that there does not exist a way to compound lotteries such that the probability distribution over the final prizes generated by the chosen lotteries of each observation is equal to that generated by the rejected lotteries of each observation. Our result is quite general and can be applied to any compact set of prizes and any choice correspondence.  相似文献   

Microeconometric treatments of discrete choice under risk are typically homoscedastic latent variable models. Specifically, choice probabilities are given by preference functional differences (given by expected utility, rank-dependent utility, etc.) embedded in cumulative distribution functions. This approach has a problem: Estimated utility function parameters meant to represent agents’ degree of risk aversion in the sense of Pratt (1964) do not imply a suggested “stochastically more risk averse” relation within such models. A new heteroscedastic model called “contextual utility” remedies this, and estimates in one data set suggest it explains (and especially predicts) as well as or better than other stochastic models.  相似文献   

The standard one-period model for insurance demand does not consider the interaction between the present and the future. Reflecting this observation, we analyze intertemporal insurance demand and saving in a two-period model with multiple loss states. When an individual has no access to a capital market, we first find that an actuarially fair premium does not guarantee full insurance in general, unlike in the standard approach. Income stream and discount factors are also important in determining insurance demand. Second, insurance is neither an inferior good nor a Giffen good. Third, an increase in concavity of the utility function does not always lead to an increase in insurance demand. The current income level and changes in downside risk aversion affect insurance demand. When the individual has access to a capital market, we further have the following observations. Fourth, an actuarially fair premium leads to full insurance. Fifth, insurance is an inferior good and can be a Giffen good under decreasing absolute risk aversion (DARA). An increase in the interest rate leads to a lower insurance demand and a higher saving when the relative risk aversion is less than unity. Lastly, an increase in concavity of the utility function leads to an increase in insurance demand and a decrease in saving. In conjunction, our findings point to the fact that the standard results are not obtainable if insurance demand is considered in isolation from the capital market.  相似文献   

Separation results, as they are usually understood, refer to conditions under which a firm’s production decisions are independent of its risk attitudes. Well-understood situations where separation occurs typically include those where technically feasible production opportunities are replicable in financial markets. This paper gives necessary and sufficient conditions for separation that go beyond these well-understood spanning conditions. To do so, we present a unified treatment of the production and financial decisions available to a firm facing frictionless financial markets and a stochastic production technology under minimal assumptions about the firm’s technology and objective function.  相似文献   

We observe that care must be taken when using a regression‐based approach to construct a standard error for the Gini coefficient.  相似文献   

Decisions in Economics and Finance - The standard problem of portfolio choice between one risky and one riskless asset is analyzed in the model of expected utility with a safety-first component...  相似文献   

The potential shortcomings of the regression (or stochastic) approach for computing exact standard errors of the Gini coefficient using ordinary least squares or weighted least squares are pointed out.  相似文献   

Thomas L. Saaty 《Socio》1986,20(6):397-398
It is shown here that one cannot simply take columns of numbers, normalize them and add to obtain results corresponding to operations in the AHP. This is what traditional expected value theory using a single scale would lead one to do. Care needs to be exercised. What one must do is to interpret the data represented by each column according to relative importance to a decision maker so that the alternatives under each criterion are pairwise compared according to the fundamental scale used to represent judgments. This procedure then leads to a set of vectors which belong to the same ratio scale and they can now be combined by using the weights of the criteria.  相似文献   

Using the measure of risk aversion suggested by Kihlstrom and Mirman [Kihlstrom, R., Mirman, L., 1974. Risk aversion with many commodities. Journal of Economic Theory 8, 361–388; Kihlstrom, R., Mirman, L., 1981. Constant, increasing and decreasing risk aversion with many commodities. Review of Economic Studies 48, 271–280], we propose a dynamic consumption-savings–portfolio choice model in which the consumer-investor maximizes the expected value of a non-additively separable utility function of current and future consumption. Preferences for consumption streams are CES and the elasticity of substitution can be chosen independently of the risk aversion measure. The additively separable case is a special case. Because choices are not dynamically consistent, we follow the “consistent planning” approach of Strotz [Strotz, R., 1956. Myopia and inconsistency in dynamic utility maximization. Review of Economic Studies 23, 165–180] and also interpret our analysis from the game theoretic perspective taken by Peleg and Yaari [Peleg, B., Yaari, M., 1973. On the existence of a consistent course of action when tastes are changing. Review of Economic Studies 40, 391–401]. The equilibrium of the Lucas asset pricing model with i.i.d. consumption growth is obtained and the equity premium is shown to depend on the elasticity of substitution as well as the risk aversion measure. The nature of the dependence is examined. Our results are contrasted with those of the non-expected utility recursive approach of Epstein–Zin and Weil.  相似文献   

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