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An infinite-order asymptotic expansion is given for the autocovariance function of a general stationary long-memory process with memory parameter d∈(−1/2,1/2)d(1/2,1/2). The class of spectral densities considered includes as a special case the stationary and invertible ARFIMA(p,d,qp,d,q) model. The leading term of the expansion is of the order O(1/k1−2d)O(1/k12d), where kk is the autocovariance order, consistent with the well known power law decay for such processes, and is shown to be accurate to an error of O(1/k3−2d)O(1/k32d). The derivation uses Erdélyi’s [Erdélyi, A., 1956. Asymptotic Expansions. Dover Publications, Inc, New York] expansion for Fourier-type integrals when there are critical points at the boundaries of the range of integration - here the frequencies {0,2π}{0,2π}. Numerical evaluations show that the expansion is accurate even for small kk in cases where the autocovariance sequence decays monotonically, and in other cases for moderate to large kk. The approximations are easy to compute across a variety of parameter values and models.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a class of locally stationary diffusion processes. The model has a time varying but locally linear drift and a volatility coefficient that is allowed to vary over time and space. The model is semiparametric because we allow these functions to be unknown and the innovation process is parametrically specified, indeed completely known. We propose estimators of all the unknown quantities based on long span data. Our estimation method makes use of the property of local stationarity. We establish asymptotic theory for the proposed estimators as the time span increases, so we do not rely on infill asymptotics. We apply this method to interest rate data to illustrate the validity of our model. Finally, we present a simulation study to provide the finite-sample performance of the proposed estimators.  相似文献   

There is compelling evidence that many macroeconomic and financial variables are not generated by linear models. This evidence is based on testing linearity against either smooth nonlinearity or piece-wise linearity, but there is no framework that encompasses both. This paper provides an econometric framework that allows for both breaks and smooth nonlinearity in between breaks. We estimate the unknown break-dates simultaneously with other parameters via nonlinear least-squares. Using new central limit results for nonlinear processes, we provide inference methods on break-dates and parameter estimates and several instability tests. We illustrate our methods via simulated and empirical smooth transition models with breaks.  相似文献   

Following Hamilton [1989. A new approach to the economic analysis of nonstationary time series and the business cycle. Econometrica 57, 357–384], estimation of Markov regime-switching regressions typically relies on the assumption that the latent state variable controlling regime change is exogenous. We relax this assumption and develop a parsimonious model of endogenous Markov regime-switching. Inference via maximum likelihood estimation is possible with relatively minor modifications to existing recursive filters. The model nests the exogenous switching model, yielding straightforward tests for endogeneity. In Monte Carlo experiments, maximum likelihood estimates of the endogenous switching model parameters were quite accurate, even in the presence of certain model misspecifications. As an application, we extend the volatility feedback model of equity returns given in Turner et al. [1989. A Markov model of heteroskedasticity, risk, and learning in the stock market. Journal of Financial Economics 25, 3–22] to allow for endogenous switching.  相似文献   

A commonly used defining property of long memory time series is the power law decay of the autocovariance function. Some alternative methods of deriving this property are considered, working from the alternate definition in terms of a fractional pole in the spectrum at the origin. The methods considered involve the use of (i) Fourier transforms of generalized functions, (ii) asymptotic expansions of Fourier integrals with singularities, (iii) direct evaluation using hypergeometric function algebra, and (iv) conversion to a simple gamma integral. The paper is largely pedagogical but some novel methods and results involving complete asymptotic series representations are presented. The formulae are useful in many ways, including the calculation of long run variation matrices for multivariate time series with long memory and the econometric estimation of such models.  相似文献   

We develop an easy-to-implement method for forecasting a stationary autoregressive fractionally integrated moving average (ARFIMA) process subject to structural breaks with unknown break dates. We show that an ARFIMA process subject to a mean shift and a change in the long memory parameter can be well approximated by an autoregressive (AR) model and suggest using an information criterion (AIC or Mallows’ CpCp) to choose the order of the approximate AR model. Our method avoids the issue of estimation inaccuracy of the long memory parameter and the issue of spurious breaks in finite sample. Insights from our theoretical analysis are confirmed by Monte Carlo experiments, through which we also find that our method provides a substantial improvement over existing prediction methods. An empirical application to the realized volatility of three exchange rates illustrates the usefulness of our forecasting procedure. The empirical success of the HAR-RV model can be explained, from an econometric perspective, by our theoretical and simulation results.  相似文献   

This paper explores the properties of jackknife methods of estimation in stationary autoregressive models. Some general results concerning the correct weights for bias reduction under various sampling schemes are provided and the asymptotic properties of a jackknife estimator based on non-overlapping sub-samples are derived for the case of a stationary autoregression of order pp when the number of sub-samples is either fixed or increases with the sample size at an appropriate rate. The results of a detailed investigation into the finite sample properties of various jackknife and alternative estimators are reported and it is found that the jackknife can deliver substantial reductions in bias in autoregressive models. This finding is robust to departures from normality, ARCH effects and misspecification. The median-unbiasedness and mean squared error properties are also investigated and compared with alternative methods as are the coverage rates of jackknife-based confidence intervals.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analytically investigate three efficient estimators for cointegrating regression models: Phillips and Hansen’s [Phillips, P.C.B., Hansen, B.E., 1990. Statistical inference in instrumental variables regression with I(1) processes. Review of Economic Studies 57, 99–125] fully modified OLS estimator, Park’s [Park, J.Y., 1992. Canonical cointegrating regressions. Econometrica 60, 119–143] canonical cointegrating regression estimator, and Saikkonen’s [Saikkonen, P., 1991. Asymptotically efficient estimation of cointegration regressions. Econometric Theory 7, 1–21] dynamic OLS estimator. We consider the case where the regression errors are moderately serially correlated and the AR coefficient in the regression errors approaches 1 at a rate slower than 1/T1/T, where TT represents the sample size. We derive the limiting distributions of the efficient estimators under this system and find that they depend on the approaching rate of the AR coefficient. If the rate is slow enough, efficiency is established for the three estimators; however, if the approaching rate is relatively faster, the estimators will have the same limiting distribution as the OLS estimator. For the intermediate case, the second-order bias of the OLS estimator is partially eliminated by the efficient methods. This result explains why, in finite samples, the effect of the efficient methods diminishes as the serial correlation in the regression errors becomes stronger. We also propose to modify the existing efficient estimators in order to eliminate the second-order bias, which possibly remains in the efficient estimators. Using Monte Carlo simulations, we demonstrate that our modification is effective when the regression errors are moderately serially correlated and the simultaneous correlation is relatively strong.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the concept of risk parameter in conditional volatility models of the form ?t=σt(θ0)ηt?t=σt(θ0)ηt and develops statistical procedures to estimate this parameter. For a given risk measure rr, the risk parameter is expressed as a function of the volatility coefficients θ0θ0 and the risk, r(ηt)r(ηt), of the innovation process. A two-step method is proposed to successively estimate these quantities. An alternative one-step approach, relying on a reparameterization of the model and the use of a non Gaussian QML, is proposed. Asymptotic results are established for smooth risk measures, as well as for the Value-at-Risk (VaR). Asymptotic comparisons of the two approaches for VaR estimation suggest a superiority of the one-step method when the innovations are heavy-tailed. For standard GARCH models, the comparison only depends on characteristics of the innovations distribution, not on the volatility parameters. Monte-Carlo experiments and an empirical study illustrate the superiority of the one-step approach for financial series.  相似文献   

We define a new procedure for consistent estimation of nonparametric simultaneous equations models under the conditional mean independence restriction of Newey et al. [1999. Nonparametric estimation of triangular simultaneous equation models. Econometrica 67, 565–603]. It is based upon local polynomial regression and marginal integration techniques. We establish the asymptotic distribution of our estimator under weak data dependence conditions. Simulation evidence suggests that our estimator may significantly outperform the estimators of Pinkse [2000. Nonparametric two-step regression estimation when regressors and errors are dependent. Canadian Journal of Statistics 28, 289–300] and Newey and Powell [2003. Instrumental variable estimation of nonparametric models. Econometrica 71, 1565–1578].  相似文献   

This paper studies the estimation and testing of Euler equation models in the framework of the classical two-step minimum-distance method. The time-varying reduced-form model in the first step reflects the adaptation of private agents’ beliefs to the changing economic environment. The presumed ability of Euler conditions to deliver stable parameters indexing tastes and technology is interpreted as a time-invariant second-step model. This paper shows that, complementary to and independent of one another, both standard specification test and stability test are required for the evaluation of an Euler equation. As an empirical application, a widely used investment Euler equation is submitted to examination. The empirical outcomes appear to suggest that the standard investment model has not been a success for aggregate investment.  相似文献   

Novel transition-based misspecification tests of semiparametric and fully parametric univariate diffusion models based on the estimators developed in [Kristensen, D., 2010. Pseudo-maximum likelihood estimation in two classes of semiparametric diffusion models. Journal of Econometrics 156, 239-259] are proposed. It is demonstrated that transition-based tests in general lack power in detecting certain departures from the null since they integrate out local features of the drift and volatility. As a solution to this, tests that directly compare drift and volatility estimators under the relevant null and alternative are also developed which exhibit better power against local alternatives.  相似文献   

Most rational expectations models involve equations in which the dependent variable is a function of its lags and its expected future value. We investigate the asymptotic bias of generalized method of moment (GMM) and maximum likelihood (ML) estimators in such models under misspecification. We consider several misspecifications, and focus more specifically on the case of omitted dynamics in the dependent variable. In a stylized DGP, we derive analytically the asymptotic biases of these estimators. We establish that in many cases of interest the two estimators of the degree of forward-lookingness are asymptotically biased in opposite direction with respect to the true value of the parameter. We also propose a quasi-Hausman test of misspecification based on the difference between the GMM and ML estimators. Using Monte-Carlo simulations, we show that the ordering and direction of the estimators still hold in a more realistic New Keynesian macroeconomic model. In this set-up, misspecification is in general found to be more harmful to GMM than to ML estimators.  相似文献   

This paper investigates statistical properties of the local generalized method of moments (LGMM) estimator for some time series models defined by conditional moment restrictions. First, we consider Markov processes with possible conditional heteroskedasticity of unknown forms and establish the consistency, asymptotic normality, and semi-parametric efficiency of the LGMM estimator. Second, we undertake a higher-order asymptotic expansion and demonstrate that the LGMM estimator possesses some appealing bias reduction properties for positively autocorrelated processes. Our analysis of the asymptotic expansion of the LGMM estimator reveals an interesting contrast with the OLS estimator that helps to shed light on the nature of the bias correction performed by the LGMM estimator. The practical importance of these findings is evaluated in terms of a bond and option pricing exercise based on a diffusion model for spot interest rate.  相似文献   

Newey and Powell [2003. Instrumental variable estimation of nonparametric models. Econometrica 71, 1565–1578] and Ai and Chen [2003. Efficient estimation of conditional moment restrictions models containing unknown functions. Econometrica 71, 1795–1843] propose sieve minimum distance (SMD) estimation of both finite dimensional parameter (θ)(θ) and infinite dimensional parameter (h) that are identified through a conditional moment restriction model, in which h could depend on endogenous variables. This paper modifies their SMD procedure to allow for different conditioning variables to be used in different equations, and derives the asymptotic properties when the model may be misspecified  . Under low-level sufficient conditions, we show that: (i) the modified SMD estimators of both θθ and h   converge to some pseudo-true values in probability; (ii) the SMD estimators of smooth functionals, including the θθ estimator and the average derivative estimator, are asymptotically normally distributed; and (iii) the estimators for the asymptotic covariances of the SMD estimators of smooth functionals are consistent and easy to compute. These results allow for asymptotically valid tests of various hypotheses on the smooth functionals regardless of whether the semiparametric model is correctly specified or not.  相似文献   

Two classes of semiparametric diffusion models are considered, where either the drift or the diffusion term is parameterized, while the other term is left unspecified. We propose a pseudo-maximum likelihood estimator (PMLE) of the parametric component that maximizes the likelihood with a preliminary estimator of the unspecified term plugged in. It is demonstrated how models and estimators can be used in a two-step specification testing strategy of semiparametric and fully parametric models, and shown that approximate/simulated versions of the PMLE inherit the properties of the actual but infeasible estimator. A simulation study investigates the finite sample performance of the PMLE.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the Dynamic Additive Quantile (DAQ) model that ensures the monotonicity of conditional quantile estimates. The DAQ model is easily estimable and can be used for computation and updating of the Value-at-Risk. An asymptotically efficient estimator of the DAQ is obtained by maximizing an objective function based on the inverse KLIC measure. An alternative estimator proposed in the paper is the Method of L-Moments estimator (MLM). The MLM estimator is consistent, but generally not fully efficient. Goodness-of-fit tests and diagnostic tools for the assessment of the model are also provided. For illustration, the DAQ model is estimated from a series of returns on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) market index.  相似文献   

A new model class for univariate asset returns is proposed which involves the use of mixtures of stable Paretian distributions, and readily lends itself to use in a multivariate context for portfolio selection. The model nests numerous ones currently in use, and is shown to outperform all its special cases. In particular, an extensive out-of-sample risk forecasting exercise for seven major FX and equity indices confirms the superiority of the general model compared to its special cases and other competitors. Estimation issues related to problems associated with mixture models are discussed, and a new, general, method is proposed to successfully circumvent these. The model is straightforwardly extended to the multivariate setting by using an independent component analysis framework. The tractability of the relevant characteristic function then facilitates portfolio optimization using expected shortfall as the downside risk measure.  相似文献   

This paper considers a class of finite-order autoregressive linear ARCH models. The model captures the leverage effect, allows the volatility to be arbitrarily close to zero and to reach its minimum for non-zero innovations, and is appropriate for long memory modeling when infinite orders are allowed. However, the (quasi-)maximum likelihood estimator is, in general, inconsistent. A self-weighted least-squares estimator is proposed and is shown to be asymptotically normal. A score test for conditional homoscedasticity and diagnostic portmanteau tests are developed. Their performance is illustrated via simulation experiments. It is also investigated whether stock market returns exhibit some of the characteristic features of the linear ARCH model.  相似文献   

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