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In a sample-selection model with the ‘selection’ variable QQ and the ‘outcome’ variable YY, YY is observed only when Q=1Q=1. For a treatment DD affecting both QQ and YY, three effects are of interest: ‘participation  ’ (i.e., the selection) effect of DD on QQ, ‘visible performance  ’ (i.e., the observed outcome) effect of DD on Y≡QYYQY, and ‘invisible performance  ’ (i.e., the latent outcome) effect of DD on YY. This paper shows the conditions under which the three effects are identified, respectively, by the three corresponding mean differences of QQ, YY, and Y|Q=1Y|Q=1 (i.e., Y|Q=1Y|Q=1) across the control (D=0D=0) and treatment (D=1D=1) groups. Our nonparametric estimators for those effects adopt a two-sample framework and have several advantages over the usual matching methods. First, there is no need to select the number of matched observations. Second, the asymptotic distribution is easily obtained. Third, over-sampling the control/treatment group is allowed. Fourth, there is a built-in mechanism that takes into account the ‘non-overlapping support problem’, which the usual matching deals with by choosing a ‘caliper’. Fifth, a sensitivity analysis to gauge the presence of unobserved confounders is available. A simulation study is conducted to compare the proposed methods with matching methods, and a real data illustration is provided.  相似文献   

This paper considers the semiparametric estimation of binary choice sample selection models under a joint symmetry assumption. Our approaches overcome various drawbacks associated with existing estimators. In particular, our method provides root-nn consistent estimators for both the intercept and slope parameters of the outcome equation in a heteroscedastic framework, without the usual cross equation exclusion restriction or parametric specification for the error distribution and/or the form of heteroscedasticity. Our two-step estimators are shown to be consistent and asymptotically normal. A Monte Carlo simulation study indicates the usefulness of our approaches.  相似文献   

In nonparametric instrumental variable estimation, the function being estimated is the solution to an integral equation. A solution may not exist if, for example, the instrument is not valid. This paper discusses the problem of testing the null hypothesis that a solution exists against the alternative that there is no solution. We give necessary and sufficient conditions for existence of a solution and show that uniformly consistent testing of an unrestricted null hypothesis is not possible. Uniformly consistent testing is possible, however, if the null hypothesis is restricted by assuming that any solution to the integral equation is smooth. Many functions of interest in applied econometrics, including demand functions and Engel curves, are expected to be smooth. The paper presents a statistic for testing the null hypothesis that a smooth solution exists. The test is consistent uniformly over a large class of probability distributions of the observable random variables for which the integral equation has no smooth solution. The finite-sample performance of the test is illustrated through Monte Carlo experiments.  相似文献   

For tests based on nonparametric methods, power crucially depends on the dimension of the conditioning variables, and specifically decreases with this dimension. This is known as the “curse of dimensionality”. We propose a new general approach to nonparametric testing in high dimensional settings and we show how to implement it when testing for a parametric regression. The resulting test behaves against directional local alternatives almost as if the dimension of the regressors was one. It is also almost optimal against classes of one-dimensional alternatives for a suitable choice of the smoothing parameter. The test performs well in small samples compared to several other tests.  相似文献   

Empirical implementation of nonparametric first-price auction models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nonparametric estimators provide a flexible means of uncovering salient features of auction data. Although these estimators are popular in the literature, many key features necessary for proper implementation have yet to be uncovered. Here we provide several suggestions for nonparametric estimation of first-price auction models. Specifically, we show how to impose monotonicity of the equilibrium bidding strategy; a key property of structural auction models not guaranteed in standard nonparametric estimation. We further develop methods for automatic bandwidth selection. Finally, we discuss how to impose monotonicity in auctions with differing numbers of bidders, reserve prices, and auction-specific characteristics. Finite sample performance is examined using simulated data as well as experimental auction data.  相似文献   

We propose a new nonparametric test of affiliation, a strong form of positive dependence with independence as a special, knife-edge, case. The test is consistent against all departures from the null of affiliation, and its null distribution is standard normal. Like most nonparametric tests, a sample-size dependent input parameter is needed. We provide an informal procedure for choosing the input parameter and evaluate the test’s performance using a simulation study. Our test can be used to test the fundamental assumptions of the auctions literature. We implement our test empirically using the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) auction data.  相似文献   

We define a new procedure for consistent estimation of nonparametric simultaneous equations models under the conditional mean independence restriction of Newey et al. [1999. Nonparametric estimation of triangular simultaneous equation models. Econometrica 67, 565–603]. It is based upon local polynomial regression and marginal integration techniques. We establish the asymptotic distribution of our estimator under weak data dependence conditions. Simulation evidence suggests that our estimator may significantly outperform the estimators of Pinkse [2000. Nonparametric two-step regression estimation when regressors and errors are dependent. Canadian Journal of Statistics 28, 289–300] and Newey and Powell [2003. Instrumental variable estimation of nonparametric models. Econometrica 71, 1565–1578].  相似文献   

We show how a wide range of stochastic frontier models can be estimated relatively easily using variational Bayes. We derive approximate posterior distributions and point estimates for parameters and inefficiency effects for (a) time invariant models with several alternative inefficiency distributions, (b) models with time varying effects, (c) models incorporating environmental effects, and (d) models with more flexible forms for the regression function and error terms. Despite the abundance of stochastic frontier models, there have been few attempts to test the various models against each other, probably due to the difficulty of performing such tests. One advantage of the variational Bayes approximation is that it facilitates the computation of marginal likelihoods that can be used to compare models. We apply this idea to test stochastic frontier models with different inefficiency distributions. Estimation and testing is illustrated using three examples.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the issue of testing hypotheses in symmetric and log‐symmetric linear regression models in small and moderate‐sized samples. We focus on four tests, namely, the Wald, likelihood ratio, score, and gradient tests. These tests rely on asymptotic results and are unreliable when the sample size is not large enough to guarantee a good agreement between the exact distribution of the test statistic and the corresponding chi‐squared asymptotic distribution. Bartlett and Bartlett‐type corrections typically attenuate the size distortion of the tests. These corrections are available in the literature for the likelihood ratio and score tests in symmetric linear regression models. Here, we derive a Bartlett‐type correction for the gradient test. We show that the corrections are also valid for the log‐symmetric linear regression models. We numerically compare the various tests and bootstrapped tests, through simulations. Our results suggest that the corrected and bootstrapped tests exhibit type I probability error closer to the chosen nominal level with virtually no power loss. The analytically corrected tests as well as the bootstrapped tests, including the Bartlett‐corrected gradient test derived in this paper, perform with the advantage of not requiring computationally intensive calculations. We present a real data application to illustrate the usefulness of the modified tests.  相似文献   

This paper develops tests for comparing the accuracy of predictive densities derived from (possibly misspecified) diffusion models. In particular, we first outline a simple simulation-based framework for constructing predictive densities for one-factor and stochastic volatility models. We then construct tests that are in the spirit of Diebold and Mariano (1995) and White (2000). In order to establish the asymptotic properties of our tests, we also develop a recursive variant of the nonparametric simulated maximum likelihood estimator of Fermanian and Salanié (2004). In an empirical illustration, the predictive densities from several models of the one-month federal funds rates are compared.  相似文献   

We propose an easy-to-implement simulated maximum likelihood estimator for dynamic models where no closed-form representation of the likelihood function is available. Our method can handle any simulable model without latent dynamics. Using simulated observations, we nonparametrically estimate the unknown density by kernel methods, and then construct a likelihood function that can be maximized. We prove that this nonparametric simulated maximum likelihood (NPSML) estimator is consistent and asymptotically efficient. The higher-order impact of simulations and kernel smoothing on the resulting estimator is also analyzed; in particular, it is shown that the NPSML does not suffer from the usual curse of dimensionality associated with kernel estimators. A simulation study shows good performance of the method when employed in the estimation of jump-diffusion models.  相似文献   

A nonparametric multiple comparison test for differences in scale parameters is suggested The asymptotic distribution of the test statistic is derived. A modification of the test when the location parameters are unknown and unequal is suggested. This modified test is not asymptotically distribution free for all underlying location-scale families; however, we give sufficient conditions on the families under which the test is asymptotically distribution free.  相似文献   

This paper outlines a class of statistical procedures that permit testing of a broad range of multidimensional stochastic dominance hypotheses and, more generally, welfare hypotheses that rely upon multiple stochastic dominance conditions. We apply the procedures to data on income and leisure hours for individuals in Germany, the UK, and the USA. We find that no country first‐order stochastically dominates the others in both dimensions for all years of comparison. Furthermore, while in general the USA stochastically dominates Germany and the UK with respect to income, in most periods Germany stochastically dominates with respect to leisure hours. Finally, we find evidence that bivariate poverty (which refers, for example, to the working poor, that is, those who have little leisure and low income) is lower in Germany than in either the UK or the USA. On the other hand, poverty comparisons between the UK and the USA are sensitive to the subpopulation of individuals considered. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present discrete time survival models of borrower default for credit cards that include behavioural data about credit card holders and macroeconomic conditions across the credit card lifetime. We find that dynamic models which include these behavioural and macroeconomic variables provide statistically significant improvements in model fit, which translate into better forecasts of default at both account and portfolio levels when applied to an out-of-sample data set. By simulating extreme economic conditions, we show how these models can be used to stress test credit card portfolios.  相似文献   

《Journal of econometrics》2005,124(2):335-361
This paper discusses estimation of nonparametric models whose regressor vectors consist of a vector of exogenous variables and a univariate discrete endogenous regressor with finite support. Both identification and estimators are derived from a transform of the model that evaluates the nonparametric structural function via indicator functions in the support of the discrete regressor. A two-step estimator is proposed where the first step constitutes nonparametric estimation of the instrument and the second step is a nonparametric version of two-stage least squares. Linear functionals of the model are shown to be asymptotically normal, and a consistent estimator of the asymptotic covariance matrix is described. For the binary endogenous regressor case, it is shown that one functional of the model is a conditional (on covariates) local average treatment effect, that permits both unobservable and observable heterogeneity in treatments. Finite sample properties of the estimators from a Monte Carlo simulation study illustrate the practicability of the proposed estimators.  相似文献   

Most stochastic frontier models have focused on estimating average productive efficiency across all firms. The failure to estimate firm-specific effiicency has been regarded as a major limitation of previous stochastic frontier models. In this paper, we measure firm-level efficiency using panel data, and examine its finite sample distribution over a wide range of the parameter and model space. We also investigate the performance of the stochastic frontier approach using three estimators: maximum likelihood, generalized least squares and dummy variables (or the within estimator). Our results indicate that the performance of the stochastic frontier approach is sensitive to the form of the underlying technology and its complexity. The results appear to be quite stable across estimators. The within estimatoris preferred, however, because of weak assumptions and relative computational ease.The refereeing process of this paper was handled through J. van den Broeck.  相似文献   

This paper describes the small and moderate sample behaviour of three studentized non-parametric statistics by Sen and a modified Wilcoxon statistic by Potthoff for testing the equality of location parameters in the presence of dispersion differences. Based on the agreement between the asymptotic and small sample distributions of the statistics as well as a comparison of their power under heteroscedasticity, the studentized Wilcoxon and the studentized Brown and Mood tests arc preferred in the two-sample and c-sample situations, respectively.  相似文献   

We extend the identification results for nonparametric simultaneous equations models in Matzkin (2008) to situations where the observations on the vector of dependent variables might be limited, and where the number of exogenous unobservable variables is larger than the number of dependent variables.  相似文献   

Small sample properties of t-tests are compared with those of tests based on relative goodness- of-fit in the context of the first order moving average time series model. Monte Carlo experiments reported in the paper suggest that the actual size of these t-tests greatly exceeds theoretical large sample significance levels, while conformity of goodness-of-fit statistics to the appropriate chi-square or F-distributions is much closer. The evidence presented suggests that practitioners are well advised to employ goodness-of-fit tests as a check on results of t-tests particularly when the latter indicate ‘significance’.  相似文献   

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