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赵飞  于洋 《工程经济》2021,31(5):47-49
PPP项目合同作为项目合同体系的基础与核心,是政府和社会资本的长期合作关系的纽带,由于目前国家层面尚未出台PPP合同范本,且合同内容的设置以咨询机构为主,社会资本方处于被动的情况下,应结合项目具体情况设计具有前瞻性、合法依规的合同条款.以财政部、世界银行发布的《PPP项目合同指南》为参考,并结合项目实操经验就PPP项目...  相似文献   

PPP项目围绕基础设施和公共服务项目构建政府和社会资本之间的长期合作关系, 在决策或招标阶段制定合理的投资回报水平是建立政企之间长期合作的关键工作, 事关公正、公平和项目可持续健康运营。本文基于资本资产定价(CAPM) 和加权平均资金成本(WACC) 模型构建资本金和全投资回报率测算模型, 并以污水行业为例, 实证得出了近年来污水PPP项目资本金和全投资回报率合理范围,不仅为污水PPP项目决策提供参考依据, 而且为其他行业PPP项目决策提供模型参考。  相似文献   

PPP模式中, 社会资本不仅扮演着与政府合作的角色, 而且扮演着代理人的角色。 如何有效地解决政府与社会资本的委托代理问题, 是保证项目能否顺利建设、 持续运营的关键。 本文基于委托代理理论构建了两阶段委托代理模型、 绩效激励模型, 分析了社会资本的最优努力水平与最大期望效用定量研究了政府对社会资本补贴与分成比例之间的关系。 研究认为, 社会资本付出的最优努力水平能够优化公私双方的利益分配, 降低政府补贴比例与分成比例, 实现项目综合效益的最大化。 本文的研究, 为科学制定PPP 项目的收益分配机制与激励机制提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

自党的十八届三中全会以来,作为基本建设深化改革的重要举措,政府和社会资本合作(PPP)模式逐步兴起。截止去年底,全国公布推荐的PPP项目6650个,总投资额达8.7万亿元。但就PPP市场近两年来的发展状况看,目前还存在一些问题。虽然官方未全面公布PPP推荐项目的签约情况,但据媒体报道,目前发改委、财政部入库项目签约率仅为三四成,抛开一些仅签订意向协  相似文献   

模式在我国应用前景广阔,合理的特许权期对PPP项目的成功运作至关重要。本文在已有研 究的基础上,根据PPP项目价值的波动规律,将PPP项目价值波动分解为磨损造成的价值下降 与维护引起的价值上升两个方面,从项目残值必须符合预期的角度,分析PPP项目的维护投 入,进而构建考虑残值的PPP项目特许权期决策模型。研究表明:(1)项目的报废率与建设 成本正相关,与经济寿命期负相关;(2)社会资本对PPP项目的维护投入随着运营时间逐渐 增加,且与建设成本负相关、与经济寿命期正相关、与特许权期负相关;(3)当社会资本 的投资回收速率较低或期望报酬率较高时,政府应制定较长的特许权期;(4)较长的特许 权期对社会资本增加建设投资具有激励效果。本研究旨在为政企双方进行合理特许权期的决 策提供新的角度与方法。  相似文献   

随着中国经济整体增速放缓,地方政府进入偿债高峰期,面临经济建设和债务偿还的双重压力,PPP成为吸引社会资本参与基础设施建设的有效模式,被寄予厚望。而随着近期政府各项有关PPP文件、政策、指南等的纷纷出台,政企合作的大幕逐渐拉开,各地对PPP模式的应用项目相继落地。如何更好地把握PPP的运作理念、运作机制、运作规则、运营流程?项目执行和项目移交中都有哪些需要注意的问题?如何解决投融资过程中资金  相似文献   

产业集群中社会资本的作用研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
社会资本根植于一定的社会关系网络中,又反过来促进了关系网络的进一步拓展和强化.本文把产业集群视为一个基于分工的网络组织,分析了产业集群这一网络中的社会资本的特点和作用及其作用途径.并借用资源基础论和能力理论的分析范式,认为社会资本有利于产业集群中企业竞争优势的获取,从而为有关产业集群中企业竞争优势的研究提供了一条新的思路.  相似文献   

“浙江模式”转型中的社会资本投资与“战略再嵌入”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
理论与经验案例都证明了,基于正式制度与非正式制度在认知和能力方面有效分工的社会资本互补投资而形成的多律协调的制度体系,能够满足经济组织伴随竞争环境日益开放的演化需要。20世纪80年代中期至今的浙江模式转型历程,在总体上也符合社会网络诱致的嵌入→脱嵌的演化特征。然而,为避免在开放过程中因国际代工偏好而造成的低端价值链锁定危机以及企业家社会网络单维演化的缺陷,目前迫切需要以创新型组织为导向,在关系与结构的二维战略再嵌入过程中激励社会资本的互补性价值投资活动。在转型中,盲目放弃内源发展模式的价值内核是不明智也是不经济的。在全球竞争的环境中促使社会网络与集群经济的协同演化,是战略再嵌入的政策意义所在。  相似文献   

<正>近年来,政府和社会资本合作模式(PPP模式)作为新兴基础设施融资方式从国外引进到国内,受到各级政府的大力推广。PPP模式主要宗旨是为了增强公共产品和服务供给能力、提高供给效率。本文希望通过对PPP项目绩效评价分析研究,提出进一步做好该项目的建议。一、PPP项目中绩效评价已有应用,尤其是绩效付费项目目前我国有关PPP项目的核心政策文件主要有三个,分别为《基础设施特许经营  相似文献   

读者:2014年9月24日,财政部发布《关于推广运用政府和社会资本合作模式有关问题的通知》(以下简称76号文),称将在全国范围开展政府和社会资本合作(Pub]1c—PrjvatePartnershlp,PPP)模式项目示范。其对建筑行业有什么积极影响?律师:对于使用者付费的PPP项目而言,76号文是利好。一是76号文对于拟开展示范工作的PPP项目列出了正面清单,利于引导各方更好地参与PPP项目。76号文表明,财政部将统筹考虑项目成熟度、可示范程度等因素,在全国范围内选择一批以“使用者付费”为基础的项目进行示范,并进一步将示范项目重点锁定在城市供水、供暖、供气、污水和垃圾处理、保障性安居工程、地下综合管廊、轨道交通、医疗和养老服务设施等领域内的收费定价机制透明、有稳定现金流的项目。  相似文献   

本文以新型城镇化建设中的准公益性PPP项目为研究对象,建立政府、企业、银行三方合作的理论模型,采用一般均衡分析与数值仿真模拟方法对项目最优资本结构及其影响因素进行分析,结果表明:PPP项目存在理论上的最优股权结构与资产负债率,公众收入水平、资本产出效率、折旧率、债务利率、企业所得税率以及政府偏好等因素影响项目经营收益与成本、资本运作效率、利润分配方式,并重置最优资本结构。因此,PPP项目融资方案设计应该参考多方合作共赢条件下的最优资本结构,同时,基于项目风险控制以及经济社会效益平衡的目标,通过调节各类影响因素完善项目最优资本结构。  相似文献   

公私合作(PPP public-private-partnership)模式是一种有效的公共产品或服务的供给方式。我国水务市场正逐步允许民间资本参与投资和经营,由于其自然垄断性以及我国传统的公有制要求,水务市场主要由国有企业参与项目融资建设。文章通过案例分析的研究方法,讨论政府和重庆水务集团公私合作关系、运作模式和特点,分析了该模式存在的困惑及障碍。针对问题提出了明晰政府定位、建设公私合作信息公开机制、合作竞争机制、构建合作结构等四方面的体制改革途径,从而实现新型的水务提供方式、让公众享受最好的供水服务和提升水务产品公私合作效率。  相似文献   

刘佳  任旭 《河北工业科技》2019,36(6):369-376
为了降低棚改PPP项目中的风险,提高社会资本参与棚改PPP项目的积极性,以社会资本方为研究视角。通过文献回顾和案例分析,总结社会资本参与棚改PPP项目面临的主要问题,筛选出社会资本参与棚改PPP项目面临的17个主要风险因素;运用DEMATEL法分析各风险因素的重要程度及相互影响关系,确定政府信用风险、相关法律法规不健全风险、市场收益不足风险、规划设计风险为关键风险因素;针对关键风险因素提出社会资本方防范措施,即多举措并举、细化合同条款、合理界定棚改PPP项目使用者付费范围、选择实力强的设计院是防范社会资本的有力措施。研究结果为分析棚改PPP项目风险提供了新思路,有助于提高社会资本参与棚改项目的积极性,所提对策对社会资本合理规避棚改PPP项目关键风险具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with how firms in a project‐based industry cooperate in technological innovation projects in the construction industry. The main focus of the paper is on the sharing of capabilities in cooperative innovation projects and how these cooperations are governed. A knowledge‐based perspective is applied, and four cooperative innovation projects in the construction industry are compared. Based on the case studies, a set of propositions is defined. First, a cooperation aimed at a mutual strategic benefit in mutually gaining access to the knowledge bases of the involved firms, while maintaining their own differentiated knowledge base, can result in more stable and long term relationships with mutual trust between the cooperating firms. Second, in a cooperation aimed at a mutual strategic benefit in mutually gaining access to the knowledge bases of the involved firms, partners not only gain access to each other's technological capabilities but also develop and share knowledge about organizational aspects and market situations and gain knowledge about the way of working of the partner firm. Third, in a cooperation aimed at mutual strategic benefit in mutually gaining access to the knowledge bases of the involved firms, noncodifiability of the capabilities is conditional to create a win–win situation. And fourth, cooperation aimed at a mutual strategic benefit in mutually gaining access to the knowledge bases of the involved firms is based on mutual competence and intentional trust as its main governance mechanism, whereas contracting between market parties aimed at knowledge–output transactions is represented by limited trust and arms' length (contractual) relationships as its main governance mechanism.  相似文献   

公共住房项目PPP模式研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
公共住房建设是政府实现住房领域公平目标的重要手段,但由于其社会福利属性,面临着资金来源不足、后续发展乏力的困境。文章将普遍应用于国内外基础设施领域的PPP模式引入公共住房建设领域,对PPP模式的中国公共住房项目进行内部、外部条件分析,论证研究的可行性;在此基础上结合经济适用房与廉租房的不同特点探索具体操作形式;对保障高效合作的运行机制进行探讨,以推进城镇公共住房建设发展。  相似文献   

A simple model RJV is presented to examine the private and social incentives for cooperative R&D in the presence of product market competition. The key assumption to our analysis was that the spillover rate increases with cooperation in R&D and total industry profit decreases as the spillover rate increases due to intensified post-innovation competition. This leads to a negative impact of cooperative R&D, introducing a trade-off in the model. It is shown that private firms prefer a cooperative R&D to non-cooperative R&D competition when spillover rates are high and that the private incentive for cooperative R&D is less than the social incentive.  相似文献   

汶川大地震后损失巨大,灾后恢复重建工作需要巨额的资金投入,需要多渠道的融资。这为民营资本的进入提供了机遇,使得PPP模式在灾后恢复重建中大有用武之地。探索有针对性的PPP模式,积极应对应用过程中可能会出现的问题,对促进灾后恢复重建工作,解决资金缺口问题有现实意义和可操作性。  相似文献   

While there is an overwhelming amount of publications on cooperation in product development projects, they mainly focus on cooperation between business functions within an organization (internal cooperation) or on cooperation between organizations (external cooperation). Yet the relationship between internal and external cooperation has received only scarce attention. This article studies how internal and external cooperation relate. Following an extensive literature study and 12 exploratory interviews with managers in eight organizations, a case‐research design was set up. More specifically, six product development projects were studied in depth, combining data from interviews, questionnaires, and information from secondary sources. Based on these cases, the authors present four different links between internal and external cooperation: (1) Internal cooperation may serve as a mechanism to coordinate external cooperation; (2) Internal cooperative norms are similar to external cooperative norms; (3) External cooperation may stimulate internal cooperation; and (4) Internal cooperation may be an essential part of organizational learning from external partners. The results of this exploratory study prove the interaction between internal and external cooperation to be a subject worthy of investigation and demonstrate that in order to appreciate fully the quality of a firm's external cooperation efforts, they should be studied in combination with the firm's internal interfaces. The authors also show the managerial implications of these links, as well as some directions for further research.  相似文献   

The paper examines the incentives provided by public–private partnerships (PPPs) to stimulate private market parties to participate in municipal fibre networks in the Netherlands. Although there has been a growing interest of Dutch municipalities in fibre technologies since the beginning of the 2000s, PPP models to implement these technologies developed rather slowly in response to changes in public policy, the legislative environment and experiences gained in early projects. In 2005, the viability of a cooperative PPP model called “Ons Net” Nuenen was tested in an experimental setting for the first time using government subsidies. In undertaking a techno-economic analysis of the PPP “Ons Net” in Nuenen, the paper examines its objectives, boundaries and viability. It shows that the experience of this PPP based on ubiquity, open fibre access and demand aggregation provided important incentives for companies to invest in (other) municipal fibre networks in the Netherlands. The paper concludes furthermore that mandating of open access will become a key task for (local) governments to foster competitive entry and to facilitate innovation in municipal fibre networks.  相似文献   

社会资本结构与民营企业成长   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
本文以个人关系资本与集群网络资本构成的社会资本结构为理论工具,通过两者的禀赋差异与组合,将我国经济转轨时期民营经济成长的环境分为四种类型。在实证地比较这四种环境下民营经济发展绩效的基础上,本文提出了集群网络资本有助于缺乏个人关系资本的中小企业发展的观点,并指出了伴随我国市场制度的逐步完善,个人关系资本弱化与集群网络资本强化的趋势。  相似文献   

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