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报关员是经海关批准注册,代表所属报关企业向海关办理进出口货物报关纳税等通关手续并以此为职业的人员.报关员是联系报关企业和海关之间的桥梁,在进出口货物的通关中起着十分重要的作用.但是,报关企业若忽视对报关员的管理,将给企业带来损失甚至是难以挽回的损失.  相似文献   

木子 《国际市场》2003,(6):34-34
由于非典(SARS)影响,许多潜在的欧洲买家不愿冒生命危险前往中国参加贸易展览,但很多中国公司依赖于欧洲定单.他们怎么满足这些客户呢?答案非常简单,如果买家不愿来找你,那么你就去找他们.为什么不在欧洲的贸易展览会上销售自己的产品昵?要么自己设摊,要么光顾客户摊位.  相似文献   

全球报告倡议组织(GRI)所主导制定的可持续发展报告指南已在世界范围内广为使用,目前,GRI正在推动新版本G4的发布,并邀请利益相关方参与,以期其更符合新形势下组织编制报告的指导需求。在此背景下,本文中GRI中国区总监刘嘉莹介绍了GRI可持续发展报告指南的发展历程,公众意见对GRI如此重要的原因,G4指南草案中的重大变化以及读者可以帮助GRI改进可持续发展报告指南的途径,以推动G4成为所有机构通用的标准实践。  相似文献   

Outdoor advertisements, billboards especially, represent important advertising vehicles yet they receive little attention from marketing researchers. Many managers assume that the medium has limited segmentation potential beyond geographical, yet this study reveals major differences. Based on two sets of focus groups and a survey of over 1600 users of heath service facilities in Louisiana, Black Americans appear significantly more receptive than White Americans to billboards, using measures of awareness, information conveyance, influence, and overall views.These differences persist across most education/income level combinations; significant interaction effects emerge between receptiveness, race, education, and income. The authors draw from socialization theory to explain some of the difference but suggest the high exposure of Black Americans to billboards, plus their greater openness to advertising, also contribute. Many advertisers target Black Americans and this targeting is a subject of public policy concern, giving these findings implications for marketers, researchers, and policy makers.  相似文献   

现代物流业作为融合运输业、仓储业和信息业等新兴复合型产业,已成为企业发展的第三利润源,成为合理配置资源、优化经济结构、增强竞争能力的基础性支撑产业。本文通过分析唐山市发展物流的优势,提出了唐山市发展物流业的对策。  相似文献   

<正>The Government Accountability Office has asserted that the Securities and Exchange Commission did not main- tain effective internal control over financial reporting as of the end of its September 2005 fiscal year. The congressional watchdog agency cited continued ma- terial internal-control weaknesses in the areas of prepar- ing financial statements and related disclosures, record- ing and reporting disgorgements and penalties,and information security.The GAO added that it would rec- ommend corrective actions in a separate report.  相似文献   

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