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Professor Mansor H. Ibrhim 《International economic journal》2013,27(3):55-72
The paper analyses the roles of financial factors in the behavior of M1 and M2 demands for Malaysia. The focus is on the possible changes in the elasticities of the M1 and M2 money demands in the environment of financial innovations and on the influence of real stock prices on the holdings of monetary assets. Our results reinforce existing studies that find the presence of the long-run M1 and M2 money demands and structural instability in the dynamic specification of the M1 demand. However, we are able to identify stable error-correction model for the post-1986 M1 demand and for the M2 demand. Our results also indicate the reduction in the Long run income and exchange rate elasticities of the money demands. Meanwhile, the interest rate sensitivity of the demands becomes more inelastic. Lastly, we document the significance of real stock prices in influencing the demand behavior, indicating the dominance of the wealth effect over the substitution effect. [E41, E44] 相似文献
Yu Hsing 《International economic journal》2013,27(3):43-52
This study attempts to examine the money-demand function for Taiwan by applying the BCEA model of Savin and White (1978). Major Findings are: (1) the conventional double-log form is inappropriate for Taiwan; (2) the income elasticity of money demand rose from 1.29 in 1969. 2 to 1.74 in 1988. 3, compared to a range of 0.6 to 0.8 estimated for the U.S.; and (3) the interest elasticity of money demand varied from ?0.25 ti ?0.62 during the same period. The author has also found that estimated income and interest elasticities of money demand for the U.S. varied widely during 1970-1987. [310] 相似文献
货币需求弹性决定因素的实证研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
文章从企业和家庭层面的货币需求异质性,对传统货币需求函数进行修正,分析货币需求收入弹性和利率弹性的决定因素。实证结果表明,产业结构和经济开放度不但直接影响货币需求规模,而且通过货币需求弹性间接影响货币需求的变化,产业结构主要对货币需求收入弹性显著影响,而经济开放度对货币需求收入弹性和利率弹性均有显著影响。产业结构升级将弱化对货币需求收入弹性的影响,而加剧对货币需求规模的影响。经济开放度对货币需求的影响将逐渐由正转负,并最终导致货币需求下降。 相似文献
This paper deals with measuring total factor productivity (TFP) growth of financial institutions incorporating different types of deregulatory measures. TFP growth is decomposed into external, scale, and markup components. The external component is further dissected into deregulation and technical change components. The TFP growth relationship is included as an additional equation in estimating the cost system. The empirical model uses panel data on Spanish banks (savings and commercial banks). We find that deregulations contributed positively to TFP growth for both savings and commercial banks. Furthermore, domestic (European) deregulations had a greater effect on TFP growth of savings (commercial) banks. JEL Classification: D24, D40, G21Lozano-Vivas acknowledges financial support from the Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología and FEDER grant n° BEC2002-02852. The authors thank an anonymous referee, the editor of the JRE and seminar participants at the XI International Tor Vergata Conference on Banking and Finance: Monetary Integration, Markets and Regulation (Rome, Italy) and at the Asian Pacific
Productivity and Efficiency Conference (Taipei, Taiwan) for numerous
suggestions. A previous version of this paper was distributed as working
paper E2004/24, CentrA. 相似文献
程贵 《技术经济与管理研究》2014,(11):104-107
稳定的货币需求是货币目标制有效发挥作用的前提条件。文章首先从理论上阐述了货币需求与货币目标制的内在关联。其次,基于协整理论与误差修正模型,利用1996-2011年季度数据实证检验了中国货币需求函数的稳定性。实证研究结果表明,中国长期货币需求函数和短期货币需求函数的系数都缺乏稳定性。货币需求函数的不稳定势必增加中国以货币供应量为中间目标的货币政策操作难度,从而导致现行货币目标制的有效性和适宜性不断降低。最后提出为提高货币政策框架的有效性,中国应择机引入通胀目标制。 相似文献
Previous studies of the stability of the demand for money have been largely conducted in the context of individual countries. To the extent that these countries have control over their monetary policies, such an approach is well justified. However, for monetary unions, where the control over monetary policy is usually vested in a central or outside authority, it is more appropriate to examine the stability of the money demand for the union as a collective entity. This paper follows this approach with respect to a West African monetary union, the WAEMU, whose monetary policies are largely dictated by the French authorities. Using cointegration theory and CUSUM stability tests, we find evidence that the demand for broad money is stable in this union. Given the empirical results, the paper draws inferences regarding their implications for the formulation of optimal monetary policy for the WAEMU. 相似文献
70年代初,麦金农和爱德华·肖提出了著名的"金融深化论",他们认为,发展中国家存在着严重的"金融抑制",阻碍了经济的发展,因此,这些国家必须进行以金融自由化为特征的"金融深化"改革,改革的核心是实行利率自由化,放开对金融市场的严格控制,依靠市场机制作用提高金融业的效率.这一理论的提出,既符合当时的世界金融自由化潮流,又在相当程度上满足了许多发展中国家金融深化改革的要求,因此得到国际货币基金组织和世界银行的赞同和推广,成为发展中国家金融自由化实践的理论依据. 相似文献
In this Paper, using the techniques in cointegration theory, we find strong support for the existence of a long-run equilibrium relationship among money demand variables in Canada. Additionally, when the conventional partial adjustment model (PAM) is compared to the two-stage error correction model (ECM), the latter approach is found to perform better, with M2+ showing better results than M2. Our results are also found to be in line with other studies from the U.K. and the U.S.A. These findings provide rationale for further in-depth studies on broader monetary aggregates to formulate sound monetary policy in Canada. [E41] 相似文献
Major changes to the Australian financial system in the 1980s may possibly have influenced the effects of monetary policy on economic activity. Using vector autoregressive econometric techniques we find that the deregulation of the financial system has made very little difference to the reduced form relationships among interest rates, employment growth, inflation and the growth rate of real credit. We find that interest rates are an important determinant of the business cycle, with credit being much less significant. We also find that monetary policy reacts to unexpected movements in real variables but does not react to surprises in the inflation rate. 相似文献
本文采用"从一般到特殊"的动态建模方法对中国经济转型过程中的货币需求函数进行了再估计,通过引入市场化进程相对指数作为衡量经济转型的制度变量考察货币需求、经济增长、通货膨胀、利率和经济转型之间的相互关系。结果发现,尽管1978—2007年间30年的改革开放使得中国的经济体制和金融体系发生了较大的转型,但通过引入适当的制度变量,仍然可以得到稳定的货币需求函数。本文建立的货币需求动态模型证实了经济体制的市场化转型无论长短期都是拉动货币需求增加的因素,通货膨胀是解释货币量的有效外生解释变量,短期内利率变量对实际货币需求影响不显著,但其确实显著地进入了长期货币需求关系。 相似文献
Jana Hromcová 《Journal of Economics》2007,90(2):143-166
A stochastic growth model with money introduced via a cash-in-advance constraint is used to analyze the behavior of the income
velocity of real monetary balances and money demand. Agents can purchase consumption goods only using government issued money.
The cash-in-advance constraint may become nonbinding because of the uncertainty about the realization of the state of the
economy. We find that the precautionary money demand may introduce significant changes into the volatility of the income velocity
if it happens almost always. Its presence can also alter the relationship between the average growth rate of money supply
and the average growth rate of the economy. 相似文献
Privatization, the removal of regulatory control and similar changes in property rights within firms can be expected to shift cost functions downward and permit increased output, lower final service prices and more efficient resource allocation The US Airline Deregulation Act of 1978 was clearly expected to have these effects. This paper investigates whether the widely anticipated reduction in costs following the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978 actually occurred. We utilize an empirical procedure that explicitly takes the multi-product characteristics into account and identifies the various sources of changes in costs. The change in airline's costs are decomposed into components and separately measured to identify the effects attributable to deregulation A number of other countries are now considering important changes in the public ownership and control of their airline industries and a quantitative assessment of the actual effect of US deregulation on costs may be thought of as providing lower bound estimates of what might be expected in other countries. 相似文献
The Australian dairy processing industry is currently undergoing a program of substantial regulatory reform. In this paper we assess the impact of this deregulation on the production and cost systems of the industry. This is undertaken using a translog restricted cost function, for the period 1969 to 1996, with labour, milk and energy as the variable inputs and capital as the one fixed input. We find that this industry has undergone significant changes in terms of factor demand and cost structures associated with the introduction of new technology. 相似文献
中国货币需求稳定性的实证研究--基于1994-2005年的协整分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文以经济改革和金融发展为背景,从经典货币需求理论分析出发,运用协整检验和误差校正模型对我国货币需求的稳定性问题展开研究.分析结果显示,货币需求、国民收入、利率和通货膨胀率之间存在协整关系;我国货币需求主要受收入因素影响而呈现出长期稳定性特征,长期稳定的货币需求对其即期增长的抑制作用不明显,货币需求函数表现出高收入弹性和低利率弹性,而利率的外生性削弱了货币需求对利率的调节作用;基于VEC模型的短期Granger因果检验,支持货币量、利率和货币政策最终目标之间短期均衡关系的存在. 相似文献
货币需求是被理论界和政策制定者长期关注的重要理论和实践问题,是货币政策决策的一个重要参考变量。货币需求的长期均衡和短期均衡关系反映了收入水平、利率、消费价格水平以及资产价格水平和货币需求之间的重要关系。这些关系也是确定货币政策时所需要考虑的重要内容。本文对中国的长期货币需求和短期货币需求1985~2010年年度数据进行了协整和误差修正模型分析。结果发现:资产价格(房地产价格水平)对货币数量在长期和短期都有着十分重要的影响;利率水平在长期仍是货币需求的重要影响因素;消费价格的长期货币需求弹性较低,短期和货币需求没有关系;当货币数量失衡时,向长期均衡进行调整的速度很慢。由此,中国的货币政策在中介指标、操作指标以及货币政策工具等方面都需要做出适当的调整。 相似文献
本篇主旨为探讨澳大利亚的教育变革是在去管制化趋势下,朝向偏重资源运用的效率、市场竞争导向和消费者利益为考虑的变革,对教育本身产生价值冲击。去管制化政策保障新市场的运行,扩大既成市场利润,导致教育资源的垄断和财团化。这也意味着财团的权力扩大,社会冲突增加,公民权力受到限缩与压制。其结果)中击到澳大利亚人民一百多年来所建立的平等主义、进步主义和多元文化等人文社会价值,以及这些价值所体现的不分阶级、性别、种族和国籍的社会内容与教育哲学。随着新自由主义的管理主义导向,这些传统价值逐渐流失。于是,澳大利亚教育工会和公共大学协会等公民组织开始反思新自由主义所带来的危害,他们经由倡议、论辩与活动,提出不同的观点与行动策略。本文旨在探讨澳大利亚公民社会自20世纪90年代以来如何对新自由主义去管制化政策进行批判,如何重新组织教育,如何经由论辫提出建设性的方案。 相似文献
本文根据技术扩散模型阐释,中国的技术进步取决于它对先进技术的吸收能力和可吸收的世界先进技术集合的乘积。金融改革通过消除经济扭曲提升我国的吸收能力。如果国际先进技术通过对外贸易扩散到中国,那么对外贸易和金融改革在增长中就存在相互促进的作用。利用中国改革开放后的数据,我们没有发现对外贸易(出口或进出口)和金融改革在促进经济增长中有显著的互补作用。该结论在控制条件收敛、其他经济增长因素、分省和时间效应后成立,并在解决贸易的内生性后仍然稳健。将该结论和我们已发现的金融改革和外商直接投资在促进经济增长中有显著的互补作用的结果相对照,可见,与国际贸易相比,国际先进技术更可能通过外商直接投资扩散到中国。 相似文献