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工程施工是与大自然做斗争的工作,尤其是大型工程施工,工期长、环境恶劣,常常导致一些预想不到的情况,从而造成工期延误。FIDIC条款第44.1条规定:如果由于a.额外或附加工作的数量或性质,或b.本合同条件中提到的任何误期原因,或c.异常恶劣的气候条件,或d.由业主造成的任  相似文献   

工期索赔是指承包商对延长施工工期的索赔。工期索赔对承包商有重要意义: 1、能够避免或减少拖期罚款。国际承包是一项高风险事业,承包商因拖延工期而被业主罚款,遭受严重损失的情况时常发生,重大的拖期罚款可以使承包商在某一项目、某一地区的经营归于失败,甚至使承包商破产。但是,造成拖期的责任有时井不在承包商方面,或主要不在承包商方面,而是恰恰相反,主要是业主一方的原因,或其他方面的原因,如意外风险。在这种情况下,及时、有效地进行工期索赔,就能避免或减少拖期罚款。  相似文献   

EPC模式下业主和承包商的风险分担与应对   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
EPC模式是指业主选择一家总承包商或者总承包联营体负责整个工程项目的设计、设备和材料的采购、施工及试运行,提供完整的可交付使用的工程项目的建设模式。EPC模式下业主的风险1. 项目定义不准确在招标阶段,业主只能给出项目的预期目标、功能要求及设计标准,业主要对这些内容的准确性负责。如果这些地方存在错误、遗漏和不合理,在工程建设过程中业主指令变更,如提高功能要求、增加关键设备等,由此引起的投资额增加和工期延长要由业主来承担责任。2. 选择承包商不当鉴于EPC项目投资额高、专业技术复杂、管理难度大的特点,加上业主要求合…  相似文献   

设计-建造模式具有节省工期的显著优势,这成为很多业主选择设计-建造模式的主要原因。本文分析了设计-建造模式节省工期的主要原因,即实现设计和施工的充分搭接;提高项目设计的可建造性,提供创新的设计方案;减少设计和施工的采购时间;提高设计和施工之间沟通的效率;减少设计的错误或漏项引起的工程延误;承包商协助进行设计管理,加快业主的设计决策过程。基于这些因素,本文从项目规划、招标文件编制、承包商资格预审、项目招标、项目设计、项目实施过程、项目竣工验收和交付几个方面,对业主在设计-建造项目中的进度管理提出建议,以实现预定的工期目标。  相似文献   

工程投资控制是固定资产投资具体实施过程中重要的控制点,也是项目监理中三大控制目标即投资、质量、工期的内容之一。投资控制的主要责任在项目业主,由项目法人制来体现,但作为项目管理三元化中的监理环节,为适应工程时常的变化,业主往往通过监理合同将施工阶段的投资控制交与监理主要负责。因此,监理在工程建设施工阶段的投资控制管理显得尤为重要。本文着重就监理三大控制中的投资予以论述,以利深入开展项目管理工作。  相似文献   

工程技术经济和法律等方面的风险1.工程项目的特殊性。现代工程规模大、结构复杂、功能要求高、综合性和技术性强,由于这些复杂因素的影响,使得工程项目在实施过程中存在许多不确定的因素,必然导致项目工期延长和成本增加,使承包商的风险增大。2.业主将工期限制得太紧,使得承包商不能顺利地履行施工合同条款中的有关内容,无法按时完成施工任务,可能导致承包商工期迟延,产生工期和费用索赔的风险。  相似文献   

现场签证是承包人、业主双方履行合同的一个重要组成部分,是办理工程结算的重要凭证之一.是造价控制和调整的重要依据.由非施工单位的原因引起的工期延长、工程量增加、费用增加或其他经济损失现场签证引起现场签证,一般分为工期签证和经济签证.  相似文献   

工程分包考虑到项目的复杂性及经济效益,有时承包商不可能将整个工程内容独家包揽,特别是涉及到一些专业化较强的个别施工,因此,最常用的解决办法就是实行分包,而且最好能力争在当地解决,从而转移部分风险。总承包商将整个项目化整为零,明确分包商的工作责任,由各专业大包、小包、包工包料或单纯包工等多种形式来承包各分项工程。另外,业主在标书中有时也会规定某些工程内容必须由他指定的分包商(Nominated Subcontractor)来承担施工。FIDIC合同第4款和第59款对分包商有明确规定。第4.1款 〔分包〕承包商不得将整个工程分包出…  相似文献   

在西方发达国家,EPC模式兴起于上个世纪80年代,主要适用于工业投资项目的建设。最初采用这种模式建设项目,业主是为了降低投资风险,希望工程项目最终的合同价格和建设工期在项目初期就可以确定。尽管采用不同的模式建设项目会存在很大的差异,但是业主的目标基本上是一样的,那就是希望项目取得成功,EPC项目也不例外。EPC项目通常是商业投资的一部分,项目建设的目的就是为了获得投资回报。EPC项目要获得成功,与工程项目的价格和全寿命周期费用、工期、质量和所选择的承包商的可靠性四个方面直接相关。EPC项目业主的目标1.价格与全寿命周…  相似文献   

回顾几年来我国公司在国际承包项目公开竞标中的实践,会发现一个值得反思、探讨的理论和实践问题:我对外承包公司投标时报出的施工工期与业主招标书的工期极少相同,而外国承包商提出的施工工期却常与业主招标的工期一致.原因何在?我认为,除了我们与外国承包商在对国际承包项目公开竞标内容的全面理解认识上有差别外,另一个原因是我们对承包项目的拟定工期与标价竞争力之间的辩证关系,尚缺深入系统的理论研究和实践探索,对每一具体承包项目拟定的施工工期,并就由此产生的诸个投入产出方案缺乏科学的经济分析.  相似文献   

This paper develops a two-sector model that considers Baumol's service paradox. The paper simultaneously incorporates two ideas about technological progress in the model: (1) the consumption of services contributes to human capital accumulation and (2) the production of manufacturing leads to technological progress due to learning-by-doing. Accordingly, productivity growth in both services and manufacturing is endogenously determined. We show that initially, a shift in the employment share toward the services sector decreases the per capita real GDP growth rate, but at some point in time, the shift begins to increase the growth rate. Therefore, we observe an endogenous phase switch from a phase where the employment shift toward services depresses the economy to another where the employment shift promotes the economy.  相似文献   

陈少华 《发展研究》2002,(7):21-21,36
自上个世纪九十年代以来,与我国市场取向的改革基本同步,农资市场以发挥市场机制作用为主线,经历了两次重大的整合。 农资市场第一次整合,主要以1992年《国务院关于加强化肥、农药、农膜经营管理的通知》为契机,市场经营机制开始进入农资市场,农资专营体制开始松动,农膜、农药经营逐  相似文献   

本文在简要回顾产业群已有概念解释基础上,提出了对它的另一种解释,认为现代意义的产业群既具有产业的和区域的一般特性,更具有专有技术集聚发展的本质特性。它是指相关联的企业与其支持性组织、辅助性组织与机构在一定地域集聚而成的、能够获得不断的某专有技术进步的一个开放系统。其次.分析了产业群产生的充分与必要条件以及在此基础上对产业群进行了三大发展阶段的划分,即产业群雏形、准产业群、产业群。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a general model of the joint data generating process underlying economic activity and stock market returns allowing for complex nonlinear feedbacks and interdependencies between the conditional means and conditional volatilities of the variables. We propose statistics that capture the long and short run responses of the system to the arrival of news, conditioning on the sign and time of arrival of the news. The model is applied to US data. We find that there are significant differences between the short and long run responses of economic activity and stock returns to the arrival of news. Moreover, for certain classifications of news, the respective responses of economic activity and stock returns vary according to the nature of the news and the phase of the business cycle at which the news arrives.  相似文献   

Several recent studies have used multivariate unobserved components models to identify the output gap and the non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment. A key assumption of these models is that one common cycle component, such as the output gap, drives the cyclical fluctuations in all variables included in the model. This article also uses the multivariate approach to estimate the euro area output gap and the trends and cycles in other macroeconomic variables. However, it adopts a flexible way of linking the output gap to the cycle components in the other variables, in that we do not impose any leading or lagging restrictions between cycle components, as has been done in most previous studies. Our approach also allows us to assess the strength of cycle association and cross-correlation among cycle components using the model??s parameter estimates. Finally, we demonstrate that our multivariate model can provide a satisfactory historical output gap estimate and also a ??real-time?? estimate for the aggregate euro area.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between the practices put in place by firms to search for local and distant knowledge, ambidexterity and firms’ performances; attention is then focused on analysing the antecedents and consequences of ambidexterity in the search phase of the innovation process. Structural equation modelling has been used in order to test these hypotheses in a sample of Italian high-tech companies. Results of the study show a positive impact of the practices used by firm to search for distant knowledge on both ambidexterity and firms’ performances as well. Implications of these results are discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

跨国公司经营国际化阶段与人员配置政策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
人员配置就是跨国公司基于自身发展中合作与控制的需要,在其实施全球战略过程中对管理和技术人员的配置。具体来讲,它涉及到跨国公司国外分支机构的外派人员与东道国人员管理的问题。不同阶段手段各异国外学者就这一问题作了大量的研究。90年代以后,维农的跨国企业产品周期理论得到学术界的普遍推崇。他认为根据贸易、投资状况的区别,国际产品周期可以划分为高科技期、成长与国际化期、成熟期三个阶段。在此基础上,Adler&Ghadar(1990)提出了企业国际化经营的阶段划分,即国内生产阶段、国际化阶段和多国经营阶段,此外,根据国际市…  相似文献   

Objective: In the phase III SECURE trial, isavuconazole was non-inferior to voriconazole for all-cause mortality for the primary treatment of invasive mold disease (IMD) caused by Aspergillus spp. and other filamentous fungi. This analysis assessed whether hospital resource utilization was different between patients treated with isavuconazole vs voriconazole in SECURE. Methods: The analysis population comprised adults with proven/probable/possible IMD enrolled in SECURE. The primary endpoint was hospital length of stay (LOS) in the overall trial population. Patients were also stratified by estimated glomerular filtration rate-modification of diet in renal disease category (< 60?mL/min/1.73 m2 [moderate-to-severe impairment] and ≥60?mL/min/1.73 m2 [mild or no impairment]), body mass index (BMI; <25, ≥25–<30, and ≥30?kg/m2), and age (≤45, >45–≤65, and >65 years). Results: Data from 516 patients (258 per arm) were evaluated. Overall, median LOS was not statistically significantly different between the isavuconazole (15.0 days) and voriconazole (16.0 days; p?=?0.607) arms. Median LOS was statistically significantly shorter in patients with moderate-to-severe renal impairment treated with isavuconazole (9.0 days) vs voriconazole (19.0 days; hazard ratio [HR]: 3.44; 95% confidence interval [CI]?=?1.51–7.83). Median LOS was shorter, but not significantly, in patients with a BMI ≥30?kg/m2 (isavuconazole 13.5 days vs voriconazole 22 days; HR?=?1.57; 95% CI?=?0.70–3.52) or aged >65 years (isavuconazole 15.0 days vs voriconazole 20.0 days; HR?=?1.37; 95% CI?=?0.87–2.16). Limitations: As the patient subgroups analyzed were small, sub-group findings should be interpreted with caution in light of the lack of statistical significance for each sub-group-by-treatment interaction. Conclusions: Isavuconazole may reduce hospital LOS in certain subgroups of patients with IMD, especially those with moderate-to-severe renal impairment.  相似文献   

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