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This paper gives an overview of the work of Carl Menger, the founding father of the Austrian School of Economics. Menger’s theoretical and methodological positions are compared and contrasted with those of contemporary Austrian Economics. The idea of the unintended consequences of individual purposive actions is seen as a key to Menger’s economics. Although many elements of contemporary Austrian Economics can be found already in the work of Menger, we argue that there are some differences with respect to economic theorizing and economic policy recommendations. We propose to bring Austrian Economics closer to mainstream economics, especially with respect to the analytical tools to be used.  相似文献   

This paper discusses Ludwig von Mises's proposals for monetary reform. We will largely focus on technical aspects—the concrete practical steps he recommended—without detailing how these relate to his general conceptions of money and of a sound monetary order. We will highlight two characteristic features of Mises's proposals. One, he stressed the role of the competitive market process and of private initiative in establishing a monetary order based on gold, effective gold coin circulation, and 100% reserve banking. Two, he presented an original scheme for privatizing the control of the money supply.  相似文献   

光线是电视艺术的基础,没有了光线也就没有了电视艺术。在电视艺术创作中只有充分认识光线的性质,了解直射光、散射光、顺光、侧光和逆光带来的不同视觉效果,才能充分发挥光线在表现时空、刻画人物、强化环境气氛中的造型作用,为电视艺术创作服务。  相似文献   

The roaring (20-) 20s are a decade of anniversaries and milestones. 2020 was the 100th anniversary of Ludwig von Mises's seminal article “Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth” and the 75th anniversary of F.A. Hayek's seminal article “The Use of Knowledge in Society.” 2022 brought a series of significant anniversaries: the 100th anniversary of Mises's Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis as well as the 60th anniversary of James M. Buchanan and Gordon Tullock's The Calculus of Consent: Logical Foundations of Constitutional Democracy, Milton Friedman's Capitalism and Freedom, and Murray Rothbard's Man, Economy, and State. It was also the 20th anniversary of Vernon Smith's Nobel Prize. The works and milestones celebrating anniversaries in 2022 owe much to Mises's and Hayek's pathbreaking contributions. This paper summarizes and contextualizes Mises's and Hayek's arguments about socialism and knowledge and introduces a Southern Economic Journal symposium on the anniversaries of “Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth” and “The Use of Knowledge in Society.”  相似文献   

中国入世后,国外利用技术性贸易壁垒对我国出口产品设限越来越多。本文分析了福建出口轻纺产品遭遇国外技术性贸易壁垒的情况,并提出对策措施。  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Kollaps der Kaufkraftparit?tentheorie im Lichte ko-integrierter Variabler? - Dieser Aufsatz nimmt das Kaufkraftparit?tentheorem wieder auf und untersucht, (i) ob Wechselkurse (im Verh?ltnis zur Basisperiode) und die entsprechenden Preisdifferentiale ko-integriert sind und (ii) ob (au▾erdem) die Differenz zwischen den beiden Variablen station?r ist. Es wird argumentiert, da▾ die Gesamtkosten pro reale Produktionseinheit, die dem Deflator der Gesamtproduktion entsprechen, am besten geeignet sind, um die relative Wettbewerbsf?higkeit der Volkswirtschaft zu messen. Besonderer Wert wird auf den Wechselkurs der D-Mark gegenüber den anderen EWS-W?hrungen gelegt. Es wird statistisch nachgewiesen, da▾ der Logarithmus des Wechselkurses mit dem Logarithmus des entsprechenden Preisdifferentials ko-integriert ist und da▾ sich - mit einem h?heren Grad an Unsicherheit - die relative Kaufkraftparit?t bew?hrt.
Résumé Collapsus de la parité de pouvoir d’achat en lumière des variables cointegrées? - Cet article s’occupe encore une fois de la parité de pouvoir d’achat (PPA) en analysant (i) si des taux de change (en relation à une période de base) et les différences de prix correspondantes sont co-intégrés et (ii) si (de plus) la différence des deux variables est stationnaire. L’auteur argue que les co?ts totaux par unité de la production totale qui sont identiques au déflateur de production totale sont très propres à mesurer la capacité concurrentielle relative d’une économie entière. L’attention particulière est prêtée au taux de change de la Deutschmark vis-à-vis les autres monnaies SME. Statistiquement, il est trouvé que le log du taux de change et le log de la différence de prix correspondante sont co-intégrés et que, avec un degré plus haut d’incertitude, la PPA relative est affirmée.

Resumen ?Se derrumba la paridad del poder de compra a la luz de variables cointegradas? - Este trabajo reexamina el teorema de la paridad del poder de compra (PPP) investigando (a) si las tasas de cambio y las diferencias de precios correspondientes son cointegradas y (b) si la diferencia entre las dos variables es estacionaria. Se arguye que el costo total por unidad de producto real, igual al deflactor del producto total, se presta para medir la competitividad de la economía en su conjunto. Se enfatiza particularmente la tasa de cambio del Marco Alemán frente a otras monedas del sistema monetario europeo. Se encuentra evidencia estadística en favor de una cointegración del logaritmo de la tasa de cambio y del logaritmo de la diferencia de precios correspondiente; el teorema del PPP relativo resulta válido, mas a un nivel de incertidumbre más alto.

文章选取液晶高分子偶氮苯为研究对象,采用偏振可见光诱导偶氮苯分子发生择优取向。通过光显微镜对其液晶基元的取向进行了研究,研究结果表明交联的偶氮苯分子的液晶基元沿着入射光的偏振方向取向。最后笔者将这种取向化的液晶薄膜应用到发光聚合物中,研究发现这种取向的薄膜可以调控发光高分子材料的取向有序结构的形成,并且可以诱导发光聚合物进行取向发光。  相似文献   

中国实行市场经济后取得的各项成绩使世界震惊.随着社会的发展,各种不同方式的通货膨胀也在所难免,特别是边疆地区由于受到区域性的经济、产业、思想认识和政策的滞后影响,发展速度相对缓慢.边疆地区和发达地区相比较,适当的通货膨胀有助于该地区经济发展.  相似文献   

姜海洋 《走向世界》2011,(15):106-108
虽不是猎猎寒风中灼灼的红日,亦不是夜色降临下皎洁的月光,但每个人心中总有一束光,是那样的温馨,家中的那盏灯光如是。只需几款造型奇特的灯饰,便可以将整个家居装饰点缀得熠熠生光。  相似文献   

This paper assesses the motives for Japanese outward direct foreign investment (DFI), drawing on a comprehensive private-sector survey (Toyo Keizai) of parent companies of foreign subsidiaries. It shows that the motivations behind Japanese DFI outflows are many and varied, with “securing market share” constituting the most salient motivation. DFI as a means of avoiding trade frictions is relevant only in developed countries in five industries, including transportation equipment, machinery, and electronics. Motivations are found to differ between developed and developing host economies, as expected.JEL classification: F2  相似文献   

This paper considers the modern situation in the domestic light industry, production of separate types of products, use of basic assets, employment and labor compensation, share in the total output of processing industries, raw materials base, pressure of imports on the internal market, and the properties of consumption behavior in separate income groups. The prospects for the innovative technical and technological development of the industry and problems arising owing to joining the World Trade Organization are discussed.  相似文献   

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