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梳理总结其他稀缺资源定价方法在排水权交易定价中的适应性,结合排水权交易市场特征,运用完全成本定价模型和改进后的价格上限模型(RPI-X),明确排水权交易价格的上下阈值。以句容市赤山湖2016年汛期排水权交易事件为案例,计算出两地排水权交易价格上下阈值为7347.68万元、13225.82万元。研究结果显示:该定价方法能有效表现排水权转让区所承担的洪涝灾害损失,保护交易双方权益;契合我国目前防洪调度注重损失补偿的现实,利于实现价值量化;交易定价过程应综合考虑转让区的机会成本,以协调流域和谐、可持续发展。  相似文献   

针对目前我国水权交易价格与价值不符的状况,将价值流与水权交易相结合,分析水权交易价值形成机理。以此为基础,采用买卖双方水资源价值量作为水权交易的最低及最高价格,探讨水权交易价格的定价方法,为合理估算水权交易价格提供新的思路。  相似文献   

水权交易制度作为自然资源资产产权制度改革和生态文明建设的重要内容之一,理论与实践领域均迎来新一轮探索热潮。交易价格机制是水权市场建设中的重要环节之一。结合当前我国水权交易试点地区实践,剖析其价格总体水平与价格形成方法,认为价格构成不全面、定价测算不科学、议价机制缺失、监管不到位是驱动水权交易价格改革的主要动因。提出应树立水权价格为财产性收益的认识,科学界定水权的价值构成和价格的形成方式,依托水权平台的交易组织功能,发挥市场在水权价格形成中的决定作用,并构建有效的水权交易市场监督管理体系。  相似文献   

针对江苏省水量水质双缺型水资源冲突问题,基于准市场交易模式,考虑水权交易决策主体各自议价能力,引用合作博弈理论方法,构建区域内跨行业水权交易Nash-Bargaining议价模型,并给出准市场条件下水权交易的最优价格。以江苏省工业、农业之间跨产业水权交易为例开展实例研究,分析交易水量、议价能力对水权交易价格的影响。研究成果表明:水权交易总量与水权交易单价呈现正向相关关系,但水权交易单价存在上限,价格天花板受政府部门调控影响;水权交易能够有效提升江苏省工农业主体的收益,同时交易水量与交易价格的升高均能够有效提升江苏省整体社会福利;在高交易水量情况下,水权交易购买方的议价能力对提升水权交易整体福利具有更强的作用。  相似文献   

目前水权交易中存在水权交易价格不合理问题。研究在水权初始价格的基础上,将谈判者不同心理压力、谈判者不同的价格区间信息等因素引入讨价还价动态博弈模型中,分析水权交易价格,以及信息完全与信息不对称条件下水权交易者心理因素对水权交易价格的影响。结果表明,市场中的情境因素对水权交易主体双方有重要影响,并在不同市场条件下水价交易价格是有差异的。  相似文献   

随着水权交易市场的不断完善和水权交易体系的逐渐成熟,我国关于水权交易价格的研究不断深入。利用CiteSpace软件对CNKI上2001—2019年858篇关于水权交易价格的文章进行可视化图谱分析,以定量分析的方法将这些文章进行梳理和整合,重点分析了水权交易价格研究的时空分布情况以及研究的热点主题和关键词。在此基础上,结合传统的文献综述方式,对不同聚类分别进行综述。最后探讨了水权交易价格的研究趋势,为未来的相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

南水北调中水权制度优化构想--以中线为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文首先阐述南水北调中基础水权体系建设的制度路径,然后探讨我国南水北调中水权交易市场建设模式和具体步骤,即第一步,建立规范完善的政府规制体系,颁布实施《水权交易法》、建立独立运行的跨流域调水管理机构和建立严密科学的水权交易实施细则;第二步,建立完善的水权市场,实施“官督商办”机制,培育水权交易市场主体和交易模式。  相似文献   

曾华锋  蒋莹  聂影 《林业经济问题》2013,33(1):56-60,79
以江西省林权交易市场为例对林权交易市场价格进行调查研究,首先介绍了江西省林权交易市场的基本情况、林权流转价格的形成方式、林权流转中底价的确定方法等江西省林权交易市场价格调查结果。然后指出林权流转价格存在农户间协商交易较多,价格难以通过自由竞争的方式形成;缺乏科学的流转评估制度,价格评估机构缺失;评估方法的选择较为简单,不具有普遍适用性;完善的价格体系还没有建立,价格形成机制缺失等问题。最后针对林权流转定价中存在的问题,提出建立系统的林地市场价格机制,加强森林资源评估工作;积极培育林权交易市场,引导农民进场参与竞价;规范林权交易市场,为市场竞价提供良好的环境等规范林权流转价格的对策建议。  相似文献   

为落实党中央国务院关于建设和运用水市场、提高水资源配置效率和效益的重要部署,推进我国水权制度建设,对宁夏回族自治区、内蒙古自治区和广东省水权水市场建设的实践开展调研。总结我国各地区水权交易制度建设的路径、模式和经验,通过实地调研、座谈、资料收集等定量研究方法,分析3个典型省份的案例,明确了建设水权交易制度在提高水资源利用效率、拓宽水利设施融资渠道等方面的积极作用,提出有关省区在实践中存在过分强调政府作用、定价机制不完善、缺乏社会参与、水资源监控能力不够等问题,并针对性地提出健全水权交易制度、建立价格形成机制、构建多层次交易平台、构建有效监督体系等政策建议。  相似文献   

刘燊暘 《水利经济》2013,31(6):27-29
为充分发挥市场的基础配置作用,促进水资源高效利用,在论述电子商务发展现状、特点及我国水权交易发展状况的基础上,探讨了电子商务对水权交易市场的影响,剖析了电子商务进入水权交易市场面临的挑战,提出促进我国水权交易健康发展的建议:尽快建立和完善相应法律、法规,充分利用电子商务这一交易平台,增加网上水权交易的透明度。  相似文献   

Capital asset pricing model (CAPM) and arbitrage pricing theory (APT) are used to assess the financial performance of eight forestry-related investment vehicles. Although results from APT support previous findings from CAPM about timberland investments, three bodies of evidence show that APT findings are more robust. The major conclusions are (a) institutional timberland investments and timberland limited partnerships have a low risk level and excess returns; (b) forestry industry companies have not earned risk-adjusted returns, and the performance of medium forest industry firms is worse than that of large firms; (c) stumpage price does not resemble the return generation process of timberland investments; and (d) lumber futures have little excess return.  相似文献   

In this article we adapt Burtless and Hausman's (1978) methodology in order to estimate farmers' demand for irrigation water under increasing block-rate tariffs and empirically assess its effect on aggregate demand and inter-farm allocation efficiency. This methodology overcomes the technical challenges raised by increasing block-rate pricing and accounts for both observed and unobserved technological heterogeneity among farmers. Employing micro panel data documenting irrigation levels and prices in 185 Israeli agricultural communities in the period 1992–1997, we estimate water demand elasticity at −0.3 in the short run (the effect of a price change on demand within a year of implementation) and −0.46 in the long run. We also find that, in accordance with common belief, switching from a single to a block-price regime, yields a 7% reduction in average water use while maintaining the same average price. However, based on our simulations we estimate that the switch to block prices will result in a loss of approximately 1% of agricultural output due to inter-farm allocation inefficiencies.  相似文献   

宿晓  倪简  汪蕊 《水利经济》2016,34(6):68-71
通过对已有再生水定价方法进行分析,以基于成本的再生水定价模型为基础,建立了再生水供方最低定价模型;引入排污权交易这一重要因素,得出再生水需方最高定价模型,从而得到较为合理的再生水定价区间,并以常州市为例对上述再生水定价模型进行实证研究,最后讨论了基于排污权交易的再生水定价模型的特点与适用条件。  相似文献   

Sluggish growth in per capita consumption and a downward pressure on beef price at the farm level has required producers to raise cattle that precisely target the meat attributes desired by consumers. Coupled with the consumers' preference for beef with lean tissue and less external fat, the beef packing plants have used the dualistic grading system that emphasizes leanness and palatability; both important to carcass prices. Ultrasound technology can help farmers to produce a carcass with an optimal mix of attributes such as marbling and muscling, and external fat. The results of this study show a high level of accuracy of ultrasound technology in predicting carcass attributes. An estimated hedonic regression model shows that the carcass attributes are reflected on the implicit beef price. Ultrasound technology helps producers to produce carcass with the desired attributes and thus obtain a higher price.  相似文献   

The problems caused by water scarcity demand important changes in the criteria and objectives of water policies. The agricultural sector in Spain consumes up to 80% of all available hydric resources and the need to increase the efficiency of current uses of water in the agricultural sector is at the core of the country's national water policy. One alternative would be to resort to water pricing policies with the aim of providing incentives to save water consumption although it would inflict a certain degree of income losses to the farmers and raise the revenue collected by the water authorities. The objective of this research is to analyze the effect caused by the application of different water pricing policies on water demand, farmers' income and the revenue collected by the government agency. To undertake this analysis a dynamic mathematical programming model has been built that simulates farmers' behavior and their response to different water pricing scenarios. Empirical application of the model has been carried out in several irrigation districts in Spain covering varied farm regions and river basins. Results show that the effects of alternative pricing policies for irrigation water are strongly dependent on regional, structural and institutional conditions and that changing policies produce distinct consequences within the same region and water district. Thus, equivalent water charges would create widespread effects on water savings, farm income and collected government revenue across regions and districts.  相似文献   

We examine the effect of wheat stocks on the relationship between port and inland wheat prices in western Canada after the dissolution of the Canadian Wheat Board in 2012. Standard statistical tests find no evidence that the port price is cointegrated with inland prices. We argue that large harvests in 2013–2014 and 2014–2015 are responsible for this lack of cointegration. A simple theoretical model demonstrates how wheat stocks drive a wedge between inland and port prices. After including wheat stocks in the cointegrating vector, we find the expected cointegrating relationships between the port and inland prices. Using an error correction model, we show that a 10% increase in the wheat stocks reduces producer prices in Alberta and Manitoba by 6% and 4%, respectively. We conclude by discussing policy options for reducing the size of wheat stocks on the prairies.  相似文献   

We measure the relationship between clean prices of individual lots of wool sold at auction and a range of characteristics of the raw wool. Based on the data for 111,440 fleece lots sold in the 2008–2009 auction season, five hedonic models are estimated to determine the premiums and discounts associated with each wool characteristic in five micron categories. Several wool characteristics exhibited significant nonlinear relationships, and therefore, joint density functions were assessed where appropriate. The results indicate that fibre diameter has the greatest influence on price in all markets. Brand contamination, higher levels of unscourable colour and vegetable matter contamination were found to negatively influence price.  相似文献   

This paper uses auction data and the adjacent period hedonicprice regression approach to estimate the return to storingpremium Australian wine during the period 1989Q4 to 2000Q4.The results indicate that the return to storing premium Australianwine is probably superior to the return to Bordeaux wine. Therisk-return profile of premium Australian wine is shown to bebroadly comparable to that of Australian equities.  相似文献   

谈飞  赵莹 《水利经济》2017,35(6):50-53
从产品角度出发,通过分析河道航运补水准公共产品的属性,讨论河道航运补水的定价原则,并利用多目标规划决策法构建河道航运补水定价模型。在考虑政府对各方利益关注度的条件下,求解最优化定价。以解台翻水站为例,证明该模型的合理性和可行性,以期为航运补水价格的收取提供参考。  相似文献   

在分析了森林环境资源的经济学特性的基础上,将森林环境资源的定价理论分为基于经济学的定价理论、基于自然生态系统的定价理论以及基于伦理学和可持续发展的定价理论三类,并就不同的定价理论的思路和重点问题进行了对比阐述。通过对森林环境资源定价理论的梳理,认为森林环境资源定价的机理和定价模型及森林环境服务市场的建立等是该领域亟待研究解决的问题。  相似文献   

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