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Retailers largely adopt nine-ending prices and these prices have attracted greater attention from researchers in marketing. Despite this increased interest, very few empirical studies have tried to quantify the effects of nine-ending prices on consumer actual behaviors. Those who have studied the behavioral effects of nine-ending prices have produced mixed findings. In this article, we investigated the cross-category effects of nine-ending pricing on consumer brand choice at the SKU level. We distinguished between different types of nine-ending while controlling for the rounded prices and other marketing-mix variables. We conducted our analysis on over 11,000 SKUs in 102 product categories of two (2) grocery retailers. We find that the effects of 99 ending prices on the SKU's category choice are larger in concentrated and promotional categories but smaller in expensive categories. However, their influence on purchase quantity is larger in expensive categories but smaller in concentrated categories.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to investigate the efficiency of laundering at low and recommended water temperatures using a heavy-duty biological detergent and a low-temperature detergent. The effectiveness of the process was measured in terms of the degree of stain/soil removal from laundered garments, and in the removal and transfer of bacteria from infected test pieces. The results indicate that with both detergents a reduction in washing efficiency occurs as the temperature of laundering is decreased, except when the difference between the recommended and low water temperature is small. Evidence was also obtained that shows that reducing wash temperatures decreases the degree of disinfection and increases the cross-infection of articles washed in the same load.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to investigate whether the performance of domestic washing machines is adversely affected by reduced levels of energy use. This was felt particularly worthwhile because of the introduction of energy labelling for washing machines in April 1996. Results were determined by conducting tests derived from BS EN 60456. This research also aimed to discover consumer awareness of energy labelling and factors likely to influence the future purchase of washing machines. The results indicate that washing performance may be adversely affected by lower levels of energy consumption and that washing machines with a higher energy consumption achieve a better washing performance. From the survey carried out, it was discovered that the most influential factors when purchasing a washing machine were price, washing performance and brand reliability. Environmental factors such as reduced energy consumption and reduced water consumption only played a minor role in consumers' considerations. However, the research indicates that consumers' decisions may, in the future, be affected by the information displayed on energy labels.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between training evaluation and the transfer of training in organizations. We hypothesized that training evaluation frequency will be related to higher rates of transfer because evaluation information can identify weaknesses that lead to improvements in training programs and create greater accountability among stakeholders for training outcomes. The data were obtained from 150 training professionals who were members of a training and development association in Canada. The results indicated that training evaluation frequency is positively related to training transfer. However, among Kirkpatrick's four levels of evaluation criteria, only behavior and results criteria were related to higher rates of transfer of training, indicating that the level of evaluation criteria is important for training transfer. These results indicate the importance of organizational‐level initiatives such as training evaluation in addition to individual‐level practices for facilitating the transfer of training.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of foreign versus domestic ownership in reducing the debt levels of acquired firms in Italy and Spain over the period 2002–2010. Acknowledging that lower debt levels can mitigate the risk of failure and thus enhance the chances for a positive post-acquisition performance and survival, we particularly examine the causal effect of foreign and domestic acquisitions on two firm-level debt measures: gearing and short-term leverage. To estimate causal relationships, we control for selection bias by applying propensity score matching techniques. Our results indicate that foreign acquisition leads to a significant and steady reduction in the debt ratios of the target companies. In contrast, the relationship between domestic acquisition and debt reduction appears to be smaller and statistically less robust.  相似文献   

Jones (1990) described ten workplace behaviors of a dubious ethical nature and determined that the hierarchical position adopted by respondents influenced the perceived acceptability of these behaviors. This measure seems promising, and therefore the purpose of this investigation is two-fold: (1) to explore further the psychometric properties of these ten items; and (2) to examine the role of individual difference variables as correlates of perceived acceptability. In two samples of working people, the Jones items were found to be internally consistent, not obviously subject to range restriction, modestly related to social desirability, largely orthogonal to age and managerial status, but clearly linked with Machiavellianism. The nature of the linkage between perceived acceptability and both sex and the Protestant work ethic differed across the two studies, which underscores the need for future research. Two additional variables worth investigating in such research may be locus of control and equity sensitivity.Peter E. Mudrack is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Management and Organization Sciences at Wayne State University's School of Business Administration, Detroit, Michigan, 48202, U.S.A. His publications have appeared inHuman Relations andJournal of Organizational Behavior. The author thanks Tony Cerezo, Cindy Hewitt, Mark Holowicki, Mark Lienau, and Shelley St. Amand for assistance with data collection and analysis.  相似文献   

This paper examines the strategies that financial institutions use in order to implement the elimination of financial services. Through 20 in-depth interviews with managers of British banks, insurance companies and building societies, a set of ten alternative elimination strategies was identified. A mail survey (with a stratified random sample of 112 British financial institutions) indicated that the predominant strategy is to eliminate a financial service from new customers, while leaving its existing users unconditionally unaffected. However, the results revealed that the applicability of alternative elimination strategies is situation-specific, since it varies in relation to the degree of market orientation of a financial institution, to the intensity of market competition, to the austerity of the legislative environment and to the rhythm of technological change.  相似文献   

Brand managers are increasingly confronted with the option of licensing their brands when pursuing brand extensions. Such decisions are typically based on evaluation of the risks associated with such a contractual form, and with the nature of the asset at stake, i.e., the brand. Drawing on transaction cost economics and the brand extension literature, the authors investigate how managers balance the advantages of rapidly accessing new product categories through licensing with the risk of negative reciprocal effects and licensees' opportunistic behavior. Our results suggests that firms tend to be strategically conservative when examining how to extend their brands, as managers see the risk of negative effects on the parent brand as outweighing the advantages associated with licensing.  相似文献   

This research examines how patient experience is affected by various generational cohorts’ perceived ease of use and usefulness of healthcare patient portals and how this experience, in turn, shapes cohort technology use. Results suggest that digital technology needs to be designed and implemented with cohorts in mind. This study complements research in digital technology and customer experience by highlighting the relevance of generational cohort differences, that is whether they adopted digital technology (i.e., Generation X) or always had digital technology, (i.e., Millennials) on a patient’s experience.  相似文献   

Although gamification has received considerable attention from both researchers and practitioners, its influence on consumers remains ambiguous. This paper proposes that a negative process through decreased attention and a positive process through increased enjoyment explain the effects of gamification on different outcome variables. Study 1 examines these two processes and gamification’s downstream consequences on purchase intention and product information recognition. For purchase intention, the two processes operate in parallel and produce a null effect of gamification. For product information recognition, only the negative process emerges, resulting in a negative effect of gamification. Studies 2 and 3 focus on the negative effect of gamification on product information recognition and show that the negative effect disappears in gamification designs that link the game elements with meaningful information about the product (Study 2) or make consumers aware of the distraction potential of game elements (Study 3). The studies’ findings provide managerial insights into why not all gamification endeavors yield the desired results; they also specify two boundary conditions (i.e., meaningfulness and disclosure) that may help managers avoid potentially detrimental effects of gamification.  相似文献   

This study is an attempt to investigate empirically the suitability of the international accounting standards (IASs) to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) environment. A variety of parametric and nonparametric approaches were used to examine the underlying factors that could affect the level of adoption of IASs and to evaluate the suitability of such adoption to the UAE environment.The major finding of this study is that the companies examined have vigorously adopted IASs and 87 percent of the companies disclosed their financial information in the English language which can be considered as a robust factor for adopting IASs. This study finds that the size of the companies (as measured by total assets) in the UAE has a significant effect on the level of adoption of IASs. However, the type of sector and the trading status (listed or unlisted) have no significant effect on the level of adoption of IASs. This study also tests to determine if a general consensus exists between the user groups of financial information (auditors, brokers, finance managers, and financial analysts) regarding their perception of the adoption of IASs in the UAE. It is found that there is a general consensus among the user groups on the suitability of adoption of IASs in the UAE.  相似文献   

The policy of Best Value (BV) has been at the centre of the modernization of English and Welsh local government since 1999. At the heart of BV, is a performance management framework aimed at securing continuous improvement in the delivery of local services. This article critically examines the performance comparison – comprising performance indicators, audits and inspections – and consultation elements of this framework from the perspective of how they provide separate avenues to confirm the achievement of continuous improvement in local services. Three key issues are singled out for particular attention and investigated from a conceptual and empirical basis. The first issue relates to the construct validity of the performance comparison and consultation process in terms of the extent to which they are able to identify failing local services. The second issue involves an examination of whether the performance comparison elements of BV are conducted consistently between authorities, auditors and inspectors and thus the extent to which they provide accurate information about the performance of local services. The third issue identifies the impact of the consultation and performance comparison elements of BV on aspects of service delivery not subjected to these two confirmatory processes. Survey findings drawn from the views of 389 BV lead officers across local authorities in the UK reveal that whilst most respondents believe that the performance comparison elements of BV are able to accurately ‘identify failing services’, they strongly dispute the consistency of the performance comparison elements of BV. In addition, the survey findings reveal that more respondents than not believe that the performance comparison processes of BV serve to adversely skew resources away from areas of activity subject to less formal measurement. Detailed case study evidence drawn from three local authorities involved in the completion of the entire BV process offer further insights into the compatibility of the performance comparison and consultation processes of BV.  相似文献   

The immigrant effect consists of the ‘employer’ and the ‘employee’ effect. This study focuses on the ‘employee’ effect. Existing studies on the immigrant effect have identified its contributions to international trade and international marketing management but have not explained under what circumstances this effect can be used to achieve a firm's objectives when operating in a foreign market. This study explores the profile of the firms which have used this effect to assist their operations in three foreign host markets (China, Hong Kong and Taiwan). Based on the outcomes of a multivariate logistic regression analysis, this study has generated a number of useful findings. Firm size is not suggested as a factor for the selection of immigrant effects. Firms are more likely to adopt an immigrant effect when their products are new to the markets. FDI mode users tend to be more likely to use the immigrant effect. Usage of immigrant effects is also found to be associated with firms from a smaller domestic economy. The immigrant effect is often used to break cultural barriers between home and host markets, but is more helpful when the marketing infrastructure in the home and host markets is similar. The choice of immigrant effect is suggested to have no influence on firms' performance in the host markets.  相似文献   

This study investigates the important role of a retailer's return policy in consumers' decision making. Utilizing signaling theory and the Cue Diagnosticity framework, this study posits that return policy, as a cue from a retailer, interacts with other cues (product, price, and product quality) to reduce perceived purchase risk and increases store image and patronage intention. Employing factorial experiment design, the authors conduct two studies and find support for several hypotheses. Results show that consumers value return policies depending upon the situation. A lenient return policy drives down purchase risk and leads consumers to have positive store images and higher patronage intentions. Both theoretical and managerial implications of the findings are provided.  相似文献   

The purpose of current study is to investigate the relationship between SERVQUAL dimensions and positive word-of-mouth intention in a Chinese context. A survey was carried out with a sample of 241 customers of China Mobile, the biggest telecommunications company in China. A structural equation model was created. It was found that Reliability and Assurance encouraged more positive word-of-mouth intention, while Tangibles, Responsiveness, and Empathy did not have a significant effect on word-of-mouth intention. In addition, age was negatively correlated to positive word-of-mouth intention. These findings have useful implications to international service companies, particularly those operating in a Chinese environment, by identifying factors that are salient for the generation of positive word-of-mouth.  相似文献   

我国的粮食流通政策经过多年的改革已经日趋成熟和完善,通过提高农民的收入水平等途径,粮食流通政策对内需的增长做出了一定的贡献。本文在建立粮食流通政策变量指标的基础上,运用实证方法对粮食流通政策的内需效应进行了分析,结果表明国家粮食流通政策对内需有着较大的影响。  相似文献   

Two studies investigate the impact of retail density and time pressure on shoppers' store attitudes and behavioral intentions. In a goods setting, experiment 1 results show a curvilinear pattern as the level of retail density increases. That is, individuals prefer a medium level of crowding to a store with low or high crowding. This inverted-U shaped crowding effect has not previously been tested in the retailing literature. Experiment 2 employs a service setting, where the relationship between retail crowding and outcome variables is found to be linear rather than curvilinear, except under conditions of time pressure. In contrast to the goods setting, individuals have more favorable attitudes and expect to pay more for a service as the level of crowding increases. Thus, our study findings suggest that the optimal level of crowding depends on the type of retail setting.  相似文献   

Trust has traditionally been regarded as conducive to ethical decision making. However, empirical studies on the relationship between trust and ethical decision making are rare, especially those concerning the negative effects of trust. Therefore, our study aimed to provide empirical evidence in this area. An experiment was designed to investigate whether trusted parties are more likely than non‐trusted parties to enter into a collusion that will have unfair consequences for a third party. The results showed that trusted parties are significantly more likely to collude than are non‐trusted parties. Furthermore, an ancillary analysis revealed the mechanism of trust. First, participants with a stronger need to collude were the most likely to collude in the trust group. Second, experimental and hypothetical settings generated different results, and we suspect that real harm plays a vital role. Overall, we conclude that the absence of trust serves as an impediment to collusion.  相似文献   

Many advertisers are looking to cinema advertising as a nontraditional medium to reach consumers. Although several scholars have examined the effectiveness of this advertising vehicle, there is a dearth of empirically grounded research on how to improve such effectiveness. This study, based on the reactance and the equity theories, is probably the first academic project investigating how to manipulate an advertising environment in a real movie theatre to maximize advertising effectiveness. Results indicated that audiences in a distractive environment held a more positive attitude toward cinema advertising in general, but those in a restrictive environment were more likely to remember the advertised brands. In addition, the provision of ticket price information improved audiences’ acceptance of cinema advertising, but did not enhance recall. Moreover, the influence of ambient scent emitted into the atmosphere in a cinema room on ad recall dissipated when movie viewers became accustomed to such stimuli. Based on these findings, theoretical discussions and recommendations for practising managers were made.  相似文献   

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