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大学生的求职方式从传统的现场招聘会求职转为网上求职和现场招聘会求职方式并重,这为大学生个人信息泄密提供了更大可能性。求职中涉及的大学生信息多而广,有巨大的利用价值,不法分子利用各种手段对大学生的信息进行非法收集,可能为求职大学生带来经济损失。为避免求职时由于信息安全问题造成损失,大学生应注意搜集和分析招聘企业信息,通过合理填写和管理个人简历、防范"网络钓鱼"等手段加强个人信息保护。  相似文献   

胡治达 《商》2014,(28):145-145
鉴于当代大学生的空暇的时间较多,很多大学生都希望在空暇时间里可以做一份兼职,这样既可以锻炼自身的素质,又可以赚到一些额外的收入。但是如何寻找兼职目前还是存在很多问题,例如现在网上存在着许多虚假的兼职信息,不是每个兼职都适合大学生等问题。为此,我们小组决定建设大学生兼职信息平台。为了建设大学生兼职信息平台,我们必须掌握一定程度的网络信息平台建设技术。为了让大学生了解到我们这个平台呢,我们就得做一些必要的宣传,在各个大学校园内发放调查问卷和传单。同时我们网络平台拥有两大索引——专业指引和兼职分类索引以及下设的许多小索引。我们的网站最大特色是主要为大学生提供网络平台的兼职信息。  相似文献   

一、关于职达求职旅社 职达求职旅社是全国首家连锁型大学生求职旅社,以卫生、安全、便捷、经济的星级酒店住宿服务模式,专业为异地求职、旅游、实习、兼职、考试、培训、考察的大学师生提供后勤住宿管理服务。目前在上海、广州、深圳、北京、杭州五大城市均设有连锁门店,共计13家。经过两年多的发展,职达已由原先的大学生求职移动宿舍,发展成为以旅社为实体,集求职住宿、职前培训、文化传播、人才服务于一体的集团公司。  相似文献   

◆黑龙江省黑河市工商局、黑河市个体私营企业协会、黑河市人才交流中心于2009年12月初共同组织了大学生网上招聘会。通过对个私企业的调查,个私协会确立了3个大学生见习基地,收集整理了854个适合大学生的不同岗位,由人才交流中心在网上发布,实现快捷、面广、方便、低成本的新的大学生求职方式。(刘卓勤吴丽新)  相似文献   

孙田 《适用技术市场》2011,(18):135-138
当代大学生做兼职的现象十分普遍,任何现象都有同一性和斗争性两个方面,兼职也如同一把双刃剑,有利有弊。如何扬长避短、使兼职的利益最大化是笔者考虑的焦点。通过广泛的社会实践调查制成统计表格直观大学生兼职理由、兼职途径、兼职内容和工资等方面,全面分析大学生做兼职的动因、利弊以及法律性质,最终给出合理化的建议,鼓励做兼职的大学生群体充分运用法律武器维护自身的合法权益,希望营造一个高效、稳定、健全、有序的兼职环境,为大学生做兼职提供保障。  相似文献   

大学生兼职是当今社会较为常见的行为,本研究通过对重庆地区几所高校大学生进行访谈、问卷调查等方式,分析了兼职对于家庭经济困难大学生与非家庭经济困难大学生,在资金积累、文化资本积累,社会资本积累等方面,具有哪些不同的影响,指导学生正确兼职,适度兼职。  相似文献   

高磊  郭群 《电子商务》2015,(4):89-90
为了方便大学生找到合适安全的兼职工作,运用先进的Web技术在大学校园内建立大学生兼职中介管理网站,为同学与用人单位搭建方便快捷的信息服务的平台,使学生更及时方便地获取兼职信息。该项目主要包括求职信息管理、招聘信息管理、岗位匹配管理等。系统开发过程体现了软件工程的思想,具有相对稳定、便于维护和更新等优点。  相似文献   

大学生兼职作为一种较为普遍的现象,近年来受到一定的关注,但人们对大学生兼职培训相应关注较少。针对这一问题,本文认为对大学生兼职问题需要予以系统性思考,通过相关调研,提出对大学生兼职既要支持鼓励,从用人单位及学校来说又要加强培训,以便使大学生在兼职方面能够正确有效开展。  相似文献   

随着经济社会的发展,大学生兼职的现象屡见不鲜。然而市场经济发展不完善,社会保障机制不健全,公民法律意识淡薄等原因导致大学生的权益时常遭受侵害。通过对大连地区大学生兼职情况的社会调查分析,得出了一定的调查结论,本文将从兼职中介机构入手,结合居间合同探究兼职中介机构对于大学生的权益侵害问题,寻求保障大学生兼职权益最大化的合理有效方法。  相似文献   

高职学生兼职的现象已经成为一种普遍的现象,通过对100名在校大学生开展的一次兼职状况的调查,从调查结果中分析了大学生中出现这种普遍兼职现象的原因,学习与兼职之间的协调关系,并对如何正确看待大学生的兼职现象进行了分析及价值观的引导。  相似文献   

如今在校大学生兼职越来越普遍,不仅促进了大学生自身发展,也有利于社会的和谐发展。然而,在兼职过程中,由于种种原因,大学生权利常常受到侵害。调查了大学生兼职维权状况和被侵权的原因.并提出相关对策对于维护兼职大学生的合法权益具有重大的现实意义。  相似文献   


The employment portfolio of Japanese retail businesses is composed of regular employees and part-time workers. Even though part-time workers are assigned to significant jobs, their wages tend to be lower than those of regular employees. However, the job satisfaction and motivation of part-time workers are not low. This article aims to consider why part-time workers have a positive attitude toward their jobs. Data were collected from part-time workers of retail businesses (n?=?1133). The specific focus is on two groups: part-time workers compared to regular employees and part-time workers compared to other part-time workers. Results showed that the group compared to part-time workers had more positive job attitude than others. From the point of view of social comparison, the job attitude of part-time workers may differ depending on the choice of who they compare themselves against. The implications of the findings and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Prior studies investigate factors that affect consumer preferences in online shopping websites. However, prior studies, due to their methodological limitations, do not thoroughly investigate consumer preference structures that reflect the relative importance of attributes and features of shopping websites. By synthesizing prior literature, this research proposes and investigates a comprehensive list of attributes and features of shopping websites that increase consumer purchase intention. This research used IT-based platforms for data collection, and collected data from university students. Data analysis enabled us to categorize consumers that use online shopping websites into three groups based on the attributes they prefer. Consumers with different levels of computer expertise also showed differing preference structures. This research has implications in both research and practice.  相似文献   

本文界定了网络表达概念,研究了90后大学生网络表达的影响因素和性别差异。主要发现包括:90后大学生的现实生活更多地影响其网络生活;90后大学生网络活跃度与家庭状况和家庭所处经济社会环境不相关;男生网络活动倾向于寻求资讯,女生倾向于交流;女生比男生更倾向于使用网络语言。并进一步发现了网络表达选择机制,最后提出了高校学生管理和教学管理创新的建议。  相似文献   

Growth pattern of academic entrepreneurial firms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Academic entrepreneurship, the creation of new business ventures by university professors, technicians, or students, is increasingly being promoted by university-based innovation centers and university business offices. It is seen as an efficient university-industry technology transfer mechanism, and, in some cases may contribute to university revenue. Whereas most entrepreneurs leave the university at time of start-up, others keep their academic postings as full-time or part-time professors. “Part time” entrepreneurship may be interesting from a university point of view, because (i) it keeps in the laboratory a creative individual, (ii) it may provide through part-time academic positions for a more efficient use of university resources, and (iii) it encourages more contacts between faculty, students, and the business world. However, manufacturing firms led by part-time entrepreneurs do not seem to be as aggressive and growth-oriented as “independent” firms. The university professor interested in the successful transposition of an idea, an invention, to the commercial sector, may therefore have to do it through licensing, or resign from the university to devote all his time and energy to the development, manufacturing, and commercialization process. And the university interested in investing in a new “academic firm” created to exploit commercially an invention made in its own laboratories should beware of keeping the academic entrepreneur on staff, or, if he stays on staff, of involving him with the management of the new company.These are the main conclusions of a study of the evolution from 1980–1981 to 1984–1985 of 38 young firms originally created by entrepreneurs while at various universities in several Canadian provinces. The results, supported by the observation of a small control group of 8 Canadian hightechnology companies, bring out a dichotomy: for firms offering technical services, the continued this project were made by Colleen Bigelow and Branko Peterman. Their help was greatly appreciated. academic posting of the firm's creator does not appear to overly affect its operations and growth; however, manufacturing firms completely independent from the university tend to g row faster. Other results support the negative correlation that seems to exist between the growth rate of sales and closeness to academic life, as measured, for example, by the use of university laboratories and equipment. Whether they are still closely connected to a university or not, the entrepreneurs in our sample do note many potential positive benefits from continuing contacts with the academic world. It is possible that the negative correlation between growth and university links observed in the sample results more from the individual characteristics of the entrepreneurs than from a negative influence by the university. As venture capitalists have long noticed, one of the main determinants of growth and success is the entrepreneur himself. The entrepreneurs staying close to the university and using university services may be less aggressive and less risk-oriented than the others.  相似文献   

网络亚文化的出现与影响日渐凸显,其多样的表现形式与广泛的影响力,逐步被主流文化认同并与主流文化融合。作为大学文化主体之一的当代大学生,对于网络亚文化的接受与传播势必影响现代大学文化的建构;同时,网络亚文化对于当代大学文化的建设与发展影响深远,必然对当代大学生的思想观念,价值观念及行为方式产生多重影响,把握其形式与内容中的合理因素,对现代大学文化的建构与发展有积极意义,这也是必然趋势。  相似文献   

Training professionals for the new 21st century requires universities to make major changes in their conception of teaching, which, through the active, committed participation of teachers and students, will lead to the building and developing of the competencies needed by students for them to perform efficiently, ethically and with social commitment in their future jobs. The participation of teachers and students and their commitment to quality in the teacher training process are essential elements in the search for alternative ways to enhance university teaching. This article discusses the teacher training experiences had by the author in the ICE of Madrid Polytechnic University with the inclusion of data from a study undertaken on the Environmental Sciences course of this university where teachers, students and postgraduates’ perception of the quality of their vocational training at university is an important starting point for the design of strategies aimed at enhancing the quality of teaching.  相似文献   

To date, entrepreneurship literature overlooks part-time entrepreneurs, i.e., those who devote time to entrepreneurial ventures and wage employment at the same time. In contrast, recent evidence from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, a large cross-national study on the level of entrepreneurial activity, establishes that 80% of nascent entrepreneurs also hold regular wage jobs. This paper offers a model of entrepreneurial entry under financial constraints where individuals choose between wage employment, part-time, and full-time entrepreneurship. Those who become nascent entrepreneurs must further decide how much capital to invest and what proportion of time to spend in business. I test this model using data from the Panel Study of Entrepreneurial Dynamics, which covers start-ups and nascent entrepreneurs. My findings show that part-time entrepreneurs are not affected by financial constraints. The analysis suggests that industry barriers, risk aversion, and learning by doing might be other factors worth investigating.  相似文献   

High-school students who enrolled in a hospitality-degree course at Victoria University in Melbourne, Australia, reported that their choice was based on the reputation and availability of a particular course of study rather than on the overall reputation of the university. This study, which used focus groups and a questionnaire completed by 143 first-year students, found that only 53 percent had decided to study at the university before deciding to pursue hospitality studies. Slightly more than a third reported that they chose the university at the same time that they decided on a hospitality career. Only 10 percent knew that they wanted a career in the hospitality industry before they chose a college. Many students were influenced by positive perceptions of the hospitality industry from personal observations, experience as casual or part-time employees, and media reports on the projected rates of growth in the hospitality industry. The influence of peers and knowledgeable adults was surprisingly low.  相似文献   

随着互联网、移动互联网和经济全球化的高速发展,跨境电商近年来逐渐成为我国国际贸易的重要组成部分。许多大学生看到跨境电商的前景,对其相关理论进行学习、参与跨境电商竞赛。在此过程中,往往会受到许多阻碍,其中不可避免的就是选品。因此,为了研究跨境电商选品综合服务平台进入大学生市场的可行性,本文以“选你所想”平台进入湘潭大学市场为例,了解湘潭大学学生群体的消费偏好及对于这种模式的接受程度;以湘潭大学学生群体及跨境电商选品平台为研究对象,通过发放网络调查问卷对数据进行分析,得出了湘潭大学学生面对学习和竞赛过程中的困难,是非常愿意使用“选你所想”平台来解决问题的结论。从平台内容建设、付费方式方面,为跨境电商选品平台进入大学市场提出意见。  相似文献   

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