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我国区域经济增长因素的实证分析——以东北地区为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济增长受消费、出口、投资这“三驾马车”的影响,但各个因素对经济增长的影响程度不同。本文以灰色关联度分析为基础,依据东北三省1992~2007年统计数据,对各个因素与东北经济增长的关联度进行了实证分析,发现影响东北经济增长的主导因素是投资,而消费的拉动作用也在逐渐增大,同时提出如何促进经济增长的政策建议。  相似文献   

近年来随着国内外经济环境的改变,居民消费对经济增长的贡献率不断增加,渐渐成为拉动经济增长的重要因素。因此,结合地方实际扩大居民消费对于促进地方经济增长将起到重要的作用。本文以杭州为例,通过对消费影响因素的分析,提出来促进杭州居民消费的建议。  相似文献   

晓蔚 《市场周刊》2005,(47):37-37
过去中国的汽车消费之所以迅速增长,尤其是2003年的“井喷”,主要原因是因加入WTO后,持币待购的消费能力逐步释放.消费潜力转化为购买力,于是2003年轿车增长达到85%.SUV增长达到180%,而这种爆发式的增长显然误导了不少企业和投资者,促动他们纷纷制订投资计划。而从经济资源等国情出发,一直采取的是抑制性政策,直到亚洲经济危机爆发之后,出于扩大内需的需要,才提出鼓励轿车进人家庭,但是面对如此迅猛的汽车消费增长.政府准备不足。  相似文献   

国务院总理李克强10月29日主持召开国务院常务会议,会议指出,消费是经济增长重要“引擎”,是我国发展巨大潜力所在。在稳增长的动力中,消费需求规模最大、和民生关系最直接。要瞄准群众多样化需求,改革创新,调动市场力量增加有效供给,促进消费扩大和升级。  相似文献   

针对当前经济增长缓慢的情况,党中央和国务院采取了扩大内需的政策。扩大内需包括扩大投资需求和扩大消费需求两个方面,从投资与消费对经济增长作用的特点来看,只有消费需求才是经济增长真正和持久的拉动力量。消费需求得不到适度增长,经济就难以回升,刺激消费是促进当前经济回升的重中之重。一、消费热点对经济发展的作用目前,消费市场相对疲软的背后,实际上正孕育着巨大的消费潜力。我国国民经济正处于一个结构调整的关键时期,居民收入不断增长,消费结构进入升级换代的剧变期,消费领域正酝酿着新的消费热点。城镇居民的消费需求…  相似文献   

拉动经济增长的“三驾马车”:消费、投资和出口.消费是最终需求,是经济增长的主要动力.当前最需重视的问题是扩大居民消费需求,促进国民经济快速增长.而国内居民消费需求不足一直是我国经济发展中的一条短腿,这在很大程度上影响了我国经济的良性循环和发展后劲.  相似文献   

在“十二五”规划中,消费被提为中国经济增长的第一驱动力.未来中国经济的增长由投资拉动型向着消费拉动型转变.本文将依托相关数据,揭示我国居民消费与经济增长之间存在着长期均衡的关系,主张我国应该从大力发展生产力提高居民收入、营造合理的消费环境、优化消费结构等方面努力,促进和扩大居民消费促进经济的增长的贡献.  相似文献   

我们是否准备好迎接消费时代的到来   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国决心从“十一五”规划期间提高消费对经济增长的贡献率,改变一直以来过度依赖投资的增长模式。2005年年底召开的中央经济工作会议强调,要实现经济平稳较快增长,关键是要努力扩大国内需求,把增加居民消费特别是农民消费作为扩大消费需求的重点,不断拓宽消费领域和改善消费环境,显然,扩大消费需求将成为中国经济发展的“重头戏”。然而,目前投资在中国GDP的比重高达44%,而消费率却降至53%,较世界平均水平低20多个百分点。如何拉动消费需求将直接关系到经济能否持续快速的发展。  相似文献   

在出口需求不能大幅增加的情况下,消费和投资是拉动经济增长的主要手段。我国现阶段,商业银行积极稳妥地扩大消费信贷业务,是扩大消费需求,促进经济增长的一条有效途径。 发展消费信贷有利于扩大国内总需求。我国目前经济处于需求约束型阶段,消费信贷作为刺激消费的金融手段,可以实现扩大国内消费需求。发展消费信贷对培育主导产业至关重要。消费信贷增强了居民对住宅、汽车、新型家电等耐用消费品的购买力,无疑会使这些领域的生产积极性提高,使这些支柱领域的投资需求扩大,从而促进经济结构调整和产业升级。消费信贷的开展,为普…  相似文献   

扩大内需,促进经济增长,关键是启动城乡居民的消费需求。研究消费需求疲软的原因,采取相应对策,以扩大消费需求来拉动经济增长。  相似文献   

中国企业的国际化战略,已逐渐聚焦于"在全球范围创造新的价值",其实质正是一种跨国创业行为,传统的围绕动机、阶段、模式展开的国际化理论已不足以解释及指导中国企业的国际化实践。本文从"创业导向的定义和维度"、创业导向维度和组织绩效的测度方法,创业导向与组织绩效的关系、"跨国创业导向"等四方面对国内外相关研究进行了综述。并指出现有跨国创业导向研究存在"套用封闭环境下的创业导向研究框架"、"未区分不同规模、不同发展阶段国际化企业的跨国创业导向差异"、"对时滞因素和前因变量等缺乏关注"等不足之处。  相似文献   

This paper expands the scope of a market orientation from downstream markets to most of the major constituents of the firm. In so doing this paper addresses four questions: 1) Can constituent market orientation be measured based on modifications of the theory, concepts and measurement scales developed by Kohli and Jaworski (1990, 1993)? 2) What are the antecedents for a constituent market orientation? Are they similar across constituents? 3) What are the consequences of constituent market orientations? Which are unique for a constituent? Which stem from the sum of orientations towards all constituents? 4) What are the historic and situational moderators of orientations and consequences?  相似文献   

Organizational corruption is a wide-spread negative aspect of economic activity, and a seemingly never-ending series of corruption scandals has been made public around the globe. Although research is performed in a broad variety of disciplines, ranging from psychology to management to law, a fully satisfactory explanation for the causes of organizational corruption has not been found. By looking at organizational factors as potential triggers for corruptive behavior, this study draws upon the concept of entrepreneurial orientation (EO). Diverse studies have shown that EO, as an antecedent to company performance, has a positive effect. Recent EO literature, however, indicates that EO has not only positive but also negative consequences. In this line of reasoning, this study builds upon principal agent theory and makes a first step in exploring the impact of EO on a negative aspect of business behavior, namely organizational corruption. We gathered survey data and publicly available data from 411 firms, inquiring for both acts of corruption from within the top management team over the last 3 years and the level of entrepreneurial orientation within the organization. Results show diverging effects along the individual dimensions of EO; they point to risk orientation as the dark side of EO, as it significantly increases the likelihood of corrupt behavior in companies. In contrast, innovation orientation, to a certain extent, counterbalances by reducing the likelihood of corrupt behavior.  相似文献   

Misconceptions about Market Orientation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Given the benefits of a market orientation, why do so many organizations fail to become market-driven? One reason is confusion over what it means to be market-driven. Some organizations have become “customer compelled ” and try to respond to whatever their customers say they want, without exercising any discipline. Others argue that it is sometimes best to “ignore the customer.” This latter view finds listening to customers deficient as a guide to action. This is a misconception based on three false dichotomies: (1) that you can either lead or follow customers, (2) that you can't stay close to both current and potential customers, and (3) that a technology push can't be balanced with a market pull.  相似文献   

There exists contradictory theoretical arguments and counter-intuitive empirical results regarding the market orientation, learning orientation and organizational performance nexus. We ask, can we simplify relations in this nexus? This study analyzes data from Australian organisations and employs non-nested encompassing tests. Contrary to recent findings extolling the virtues of a learning orientation, our results suggest that a market orientation may be the pre-eminent strategy to achieve superior organizational performance.  相似文献   

Creating a Market Orientation   总被引:4,自引:8,他引:4  
A market orientation is a business culture in whichall employees are committed to the continuous creation of superiorvalue for customers. However, businesses report limited successin developing such a culture. One approach to create a marketorientation, the approach taken by most businesses, is the programmaticapproach, an a priori approach in which a business uses educationprograms and organizational changes to attempt to implant thedesired norm of continuously creating superior value for customers.A second approach is the market-back approach, an experientialapproach in which a business continuously learns from its day-to-dayefforts to create and maintain superior value for customers andthereby continuously develops and adapts its customer-value skills,resources, and procedures. Theory suggests that both approachescontribute to increasing a market orientation. It also suggeststhat when the a priori education of the programmatic approachis sharply focused on providing a foundation for the experientiallearning, the combined effect of the two learning strategiesis the largest. The implication is that the two strategies mustbe tailored and managed as a coordinated joint strategy for creatinga market orientation.  相似文献   

Lapses in ethical conduct by those in corporate and public authority worldwide have given business researchers and practitioners alike cause to re-examine the antecedents to personal ethical values. We explore the relationship between ethical values and an individual’s long-term orientation or LTO, defined as the degree to which one plans for and considers the future, as well as values traditions of the past. Our study also examines the role of work ethic and conservative attitudes in the formation of a person’s long-term orientation and consequent ethical beliefs. Empirically testing these hypothesized relationships using data from 292 subjects, we find that long-term perspectives on tradition and planning indeed engender higher levels of ethical values. The results also support work ethic’s role in fostering tradition and planning, as well as conservatism’s positive association with planning. Additionally, we report how tradition and planning mediate the influence of conservatism and work ethic on the formation of ethical values. Limitations of the study and future research directions, as well as implications for business managers and academics, are also discussed. Jennifer L. Nevins is an assistant professor of marketing in the Walker College of Business at Appalachian State University. Her articles have been published in journals such as Journal of the Academy of the Marketing Science and Journal of Business Research.Her research interests include export marketing, distribution channels, and the influence of cultural values on international channel relationships. William O.Bearden is the Bank of America Chaired Professor of marketing in the Moore School of Business at the University of South Carolina. His articles have been published in journals such as journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and Journal of Retailing. His research interests include consume perception of value and prices,measurement of consumer and marketing constructs, and the effects of marketplace Promotions. R.Bruce Money is the Donald Staheli Fellow and associate professor of marketing and international business in the Marriott School of Management, Brigham Young university. His articles have been published in journals such as Journal of Marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of International Business Studies, and Sloan Mangement Review. His research interests include the international aspects of national culture’s measurment and effects, business-to-business marketing, word-of-mouth promotion, services marketing, and negotiation. “It appears many executives based their business decisions on how they could quickly build, and then protect, their own personal fortunes – and cared less about the long-term growth and profitability of their company.” – Associated Press (Clendenning, 2002) on the Enron collapse  相似文献   

There is no doubt that at least since the 1990s process orientation has evolved into one of the central paradigms of organizational design. Since then, all process management subtasks have matured. Process management decisions, however, lack economic foundation. They are usually based on qualitative or technical criteria or on plausibility considerations that do not necessarily comply with typical objectives in a market economy. Consequently, design alternatives are hardly comparable and an integrated valuation of a company’s assets is impossible. The status quo is astonishing for several reasons: First, process management decisions usually imply investment projects with different risk/return positions and capital tie-up. Second, the need for designing processes according to their contribution to corporate objectives has been explicated repeatedly. Third, the paradigm of value-based management is an accepted theoretical framework from economic research that enables to consistently valuate the risk/return effects of decisions across functional areas, hierarchy levels, and asset classes. This suggests the hypothesis that process management in general as well as the goal orientation of process management decisions in particular have evolved almost independently of value-based management. In the paper at hand, this hypothesis is confirmed based on a sample of process management publications. We therefore explicate the research gap as regards value orientation in process management. In order to bridge the gap between value-based management and process-oriented organizational design, we transfer economically well-founded objective functions to process management decisions.  相似文献   

Several studies in the market orientation literature demonstrate a positive relationship between a market orientation and firm performance. However, the mechanisms of this relationship have yet to be explored in detail. This article addresses such a gap by proposing a conceptual model that links market orientation to wealth creation in firms. The model posits that a market orientation guides investment in market-based assets that may be deployed to create customer value. The realisation of customer value helps to both capture and retain customers. Quicker and more extensive market penetration, shorter sales cycles, and decreased marketing and sales costs enhance the cash flow of a market-oriented firm. This may be recognised in higher valuations, which ultimately translate into higher share prices and wealth creation for the owners of the firm. This model is used to describe the creation of value in the Major Business Division of BT, a large information technology service company. Recent success in this Division of BT is attributed to the creation of a market orientation and customer value-based strategy and processes. The experience of BT provides a clear illustration of how a market oriented firm creates value for both customers and shareholders.  相似文献   

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