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相关背景从历史来看,A H股中A股始终对H股存在溢价。去年上半年,A股市场出现多次明显的大幅震荡,在时间和相关板块上都与H股市场有密切联系,因此市场上关于A股市场成为H股“影子”市场的质疑喧嚣一时。不过,从2006年下半年开始,基于人民币升值预期以及中国银行、中国国航、大秦  相似文献   

短期内全面启动实施A/H股互换的条件似乎并不具备,如果仓促启动可能只会造成两地市场暴跌暴涨,巨幅动荡,但是A/H互换中长期的全面启动是可能的。如果管理层意图采取换股方式来解决同股不同权和同股不同价问题,A/B股互换的紧迫性和现实可能性似乎更大。  相似文献   

Clinical commissioning groups (CCGs), part of the UK's National Health Service (NHS) since April 2013, are complex organizations requiring buy-in by GPs for strategic success. CCG budgetary deficits and lack of sustained engagement by GPs are a problem. This paper utilizes evidence of GP experience in commissioning models to determine the factors that may influence engagement in the governance of CCGs by GPs, which is crucial if clinically-led commissioning is to be part of a financially sustainable NHS.  相似文献   

The recent literature investigating profitability anomalies defines profitability in various ways (i.e., gross, operating, and cash based). We show that limits to arbitrage are associated with returns of gross and cash-based operating profitability anomalies, suggesting mispricing. In contrast, returns from the operating profitability strategy have no relation with barriers to arbitrage and exhibit no evidence of mispricing. Additionally, we show that the differential effects of limited arbitrage-related mispricing of gross and cash-based operating profitability anomalies are attributable to their respective correlations with selling, general, and administrative (SG&A) expense and accruals anomalies. We find that SG&A return predictability, like that of accruals, is related to limits to arbitrage. These findings suggest that investors and researchers should proceed with caution when searching for return predictability by redefining profitability measures.  相似文献   

<国家税务总局关于房地产开发业务征收企业所得税问题的通知>(国税发[2006]31号,以下简称"31号文")规定,开发企业开发、建造的住宅、商业用房以及其他建筑物、附着物、配套设施等开发产品,在其未完工前采取预售方式销售的,其预售收入先按预计计税毛利率分季(或月)计算出当期毛利额(以下简称"预计毛利额"),扣除相关的期间费用、营业税金及附加后再计入当期应纳税所得额.  相似文献   

本文选取了先发行H股后发行A股的40只交叉上市股票作为研究样本,在统计检验的基础上,采用事件研究法和面板数据回归方法相结合分析了交叉上市的流动性效应。研究结果发现,H股回归A股市场这一事件公布后的30个交易日里,A、H股交叉上市公司所发行H股的换手率相对于公告前有显著的增大,即A、H股交叉上市能够提高上市公司股票短期内的流动性。本文的研究结果对交叉上市的相关文献做出了重要补充,并且具有重要的政策含义。  相似文献   

The Boot, Milbourn, and Schmeits (2006) model (Boot model) predicts certain credit rating events are likely to be more informative than others and that credit watch procedures are an important driver of such differences. We test the core empirical predictions of their model. Our sample comprises U.S. corporate issuer credit ratings provided by Moody's, 1990–2006. Our findings fail to uncover compelling evidence for the empirical predictions of the Boot model in relation to the role of watch procedures as coordinating mechanisms. Rather, our findings are more supportive of the view that rating agencies are always at an informational advantage relative to investors.  相似文献   

In recent years, the gradual increase in international portfolio diversification within the UK institutional investment community has led to a growing need to manage foreign exchange (FX) risk. This paper reports on the findings of a postal questionnaire survey relating to FX risk management practices in UK institutional investment organisations. The findings demonstrate an increasing awareness of the FX risk management problem and indicate that UK investment institutions actively manage FX risk within their investment portfolios. The paper also focuses on the interesting question of whether UK institutional investors manage their own portfolio's FX risk, simultaneously concerning themselves with their investee companies’ FX risk management practices. Overall, the findings indicate that institutional investors adopt adual strategyfor managing FX risk; not only managing their own FX risk, but also requiring that their investee companies manage FX risk. There is also evidence to suggest that the institutional investors require their investee companies to disclose information relating to their FX risk management policies.  相似文献   

股指期货推出在即,港股直通车已然启动,在当前的高估值时代,A股、H股、股指期货到底谁能独领风骚?股指期货到底是避险的工具,还是做空的手段?H股只是崭新的投资渠道,还是分流内地市场资金的罪魁祸首?市场莫衷一是。股指期货到底对市场冲击有多大,投资港股需要注意哪些因素,  相似文献   

郑京平 《金融研究》1993,(12):24-25
自1988年第三季度抢购风潮席卷华夏大地开始,'保值储蓄'这一金融名词便以极高的频率出现在我国的新闻媒体之中,并很快成为百姓们议论的话题。两年以后,由于物价上涨得到抑制,通货膨胀率快速回落到1990年全国居民生活费用价格指数的上涨率仅为3.1%,以明显低于三年期储蓄存款的年利率。因而,中国人民银行于1990年公布保值储蓄贴补率为0,实际上结束了第一次保值储蓄。但是93年上半年由于固定资产投资过度,金融秩序混乱,居民对人民币贬值的心理过强,以及政府有计划地提高粮食、燃料等价格,放开了某些商品或劳务的价格。  相似文献   

新金融工具准则的实施是近年来我国资本市场上最为重要的会计准则变革之一,对企业的金融投资行为有着深层次的影响。本文以“A+H”股上市公司率先实施新金融工具准则为准自然实验,实证研究新金融工具准则实施对企业金融化的影响。结果表明:第一,新金融工具准则实施会抑制企业投资替代动机下的金融化程度,这主要是由于新金融工具准则强化了对上市公司持有金融资产目的以及机会主义行为的约束;第二,在股权制衡度较高、管理层薪酬激励较强、审计质量较高、短期利润动机较强、金融损益调整程度较大的企业中,新准则实施的上述影响更为显著;第三,新准则实施抑制了企业的投资替代动机,增强了其预防性动机,这种影响在融资约束较低的企业中更加显著。上述研究结论表明,新准则的实施有利于推动我国上市公司 “脱虚向实”。为此,要进一步做好新准则的宣传辅导,引导企业对金融交易进行客观公允的确认与计量,同时完善企业内部治理、强化外部监督,防止企业利用新旧准则交替中的监管漏洞进行利润操纵等违规行为。  相似文献   

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