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Abstract. A brief review is first presented of the changes in pricing institutions in China since 1949, with particular emphasis on the shift from an equilibrium price system to a distorted price system. The authors argue that distorted prices are harmful to economic growth even in a planned economy, since even an experienced economic planner can never escape from the full implications of a distorted price system. Examples are given showing the detrimental results of such a system. The central point of China's economic reform is the extension of decision-making power to enterprises and the introduction of a market mechanism so as to improve microeconomic efficiency. But such a goal cannot easily be achieved due to the false information provided by the distorted price system. So price adjustment becomes an issue of primary importance, and the authors discuss the difficulties for price adjustment posed by various interest groups.  相似文献   

市场经济改革的深化不仅要在计划经济中加入交易方式,构建市场,将命令转换成交易,更是要转换经济系统,最大限度地以“自由”取代“管制”。否则,按照“命令”构建的市场未必能充分发挥应有的作用,现在我们日益感受到市场功能不全,经济变量含义错位等问题。其重要原因之一是用“交易”取代“命令”。这不仅降低效率,甚至还会造成原来系统的紊乱。所以经济系统的转换必须让所有的生产要素都自由流动,才能打破市场分割,形成均衡的价格和利率体系,才能实现调控方式由“命令”向“交易”的转移。  相似文献   

The change from a centrally planned economy into a market economy is likely to have created a unique situation in economic history. Consequently, no existing economy theory is able to depict the process of transformation. It is argued in this paper that a Kaleckian theoretical approach may provide a starting point for the analysis of the formerly centrally planned economies of Central and Eastern Europe. This approach is applied to Hungary, within the framework of a computable general equilibrium model. A number of policy measures, such as wage constraint, devaluation and mark-up reduction, are considered and their effects on production, inflation and income distribution assessed.  相似文献   

Do credit market imperfections justify a central bank׳s response to asset price fluctuations? This study addresses this question from the perspective of equilibrium determinacy. In the model we use, prices are sticky and the working capital of firms is subject to asset values because of a lack of commitment. If credit market imperfections exist to a small degree, the Taylor principle is a necessary and sufficient condition for equilibrium determinacy, and monetary policy response to asset price fluctuations is good from the perspective of equilibrium determinacy. However, if credit market imperfections exist to a large degree such that the collateral constraint is binding, then the Taylor principle no longer guarantees equilibrium determinacy, and monetary policy response to asset price fluctuations becomes a source of equilibrium indeterminacy. We find that the existence of credit market imperfections makes it unsuitable to initiate a monetary policy response to deal with asset price fluctuations. We also find that reductions in credit market imperfections can enlarge the indeterminacy region of the model parameters.  相似文献   

汇率作为相对价格和政策变量,具有引导贸易流向和调整贸易结构的作用。由于汇率变动引起生产中所使用要素相对价格发生变化,从而改变一国生产某类商品比较优势程度发生变化,使统一汇率政策可以成为差别产业贸易政策。本文从我国进出口商品贸易结构以及贸易国别来源角度分析人民币汇率改制后我国进出口商品贸易结构变化。采用实证方法考察人民币实际汇率变动对我国进口和出口商品贸易结构的影响。  相似文献   

肖亮 《价值工程》2012,31(9):246
我国长期实行计划经济体制,许多法律、法规仍然是为适应计划经济而制定的,没有体现市场经济体制中的市场调节和竞争机制,与规则相悖;已有的有关市场经济的立法也不够完善,特别是对我国法律和法学教育改革尤为重要和迫切。  相似文献   

胡青 《价值工程》2014,(3):157-159
随着国家投资体制改革,我国传统计划经济体制发生了彻底的改变,取而代之的是社会主义市场经济体制。投资体制的深入改革,不仅使得项目投资过程中政府的干预作用降低,同时也使得相关的项目投资决策者对项目本身的控制性增强,进而有效增强了项目风险评估的必要性。本文基于投资体制改革的基础之上,随着投资体制改革的不断深入,对我国项目评估方面产生的深层次影响进行了研究,主要集中于银行的信贷方面、企业方面以及信托企业方面的影响进行了深入的研究。  相似文献   

经过30多年的探索和发展,我国城镇住房制度成功地由住房实物分配的福利体制转向了住房配置货币化的市场模式,客观来看,这项改革取得了一定成就。通过回顾这一历程发现住房制度改革提高了城镇居民居住质量、提高了住房市场化和社会化程度、促进了房地产业的发展、初步建立了住房保障体系,但也存在改革目标与改革手段混淆、中低收入家庭住房问题突出、住房不公平程度加剧、社会为住房改革付出沉重代价和市场化程度过度的偏差。最后提出综合制定房地产政策并实行普通商品住宅限价限购、进一步完善住房保障体系、政府加强住房消费引导等政策建议。  相似文献   

An increase in income taxes to fund education was one of the demands made by the social movements that emerged in Chile in 2011. Currently, the Chilean Congress is enacting a tax reform to raise money for higher education. This study aims to show the dynamic effects on the general equilibrium of the Chilean economy under two alternative approaches: a subsidy to lower the price of higher education (public and private), and greater spending on public higher education to reduce household payments for education. The social accounting matrix (SAM) used to calibrate the computable general equilibrium (CGE) model has 38 economic sectors, including the production structure of private education and public education. The study mainly concludes that a subsidy policy has significant advantages over increasing higher public education spending, regarding its effects on variables such as GDP, investment, and household incomes, while both policies have a similar effect on poverty and income distribution.  相似文献   

我国空间规划体系的时代困境与模式重构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国现行的空间规划体系成形于计划经济时期,虽伴随国家公共政策的变化经过多次调整,但规划体系仍不完善,规划的运行也出现了诸多问题,不仅降低了规划的有效性,并且浪费了大量运行成本。空间规划是协调人地关系和促进区域发展的重要手段,在实践中必须实现规划行政体系整合、规划编制体系整合和规划法规体系整合。本文提出了整合模式的初步设想,试图为空间规划体系的改革提供参考。  相似文献   

A bstract Adolph Lowe's work was dedicated chiefly to developing "political economics" as a foundation for economic theory and instrumental analysis to direct a politically free economy along the path of economic growth
This paper argues that the public management inherent in instrumentalism is not likely to be acceptable in the U S or the U K, except in national economic emergency Yet, the formerly planned economies of central and eastern Europe, whose history is one of stringent control, may have a political preference for a Lowe type of instrumentalism to avoid the results of uncontrolled market processes
The reception accorded Lowe's political economics by economists, as members of a professional community, reflects their methodological preferences and policy views Those who are skeptical of the market clearing capability of the price mechanism, and explain capitalist development as an ongoing historical process, are more likely to be appreciative of instrumental analysis as a policy tool  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to define a new notion of local equilibrium in an exchange economy, where the consumers face lower bounds on net trades. Then, we show that the local equilibrium is unique if the lower bounds are closed enough to 0. By the way, we also provide a convergence result of local equilibrium price toward Walras equilibrium price of a suitable tangent linear economy.  相似文献   

王希泉 《价值工程》2014,(3):325-326
医疗服务的特殊性决定了完全由市场机制来组织与生产会产生较大的公平及效率问题,而完全由政府筹资与供给则又会导致激励不足、效率低下。中国20多年的医疗体制改革的确不成功,其根源与其说是医疗服务的市场化,不如说是在市场化过程中政府职能的缺位。因此,中国医疗体制进一步改革的战略性选择,并不是放弃市场化、甚至恢复计划经济时代的医疗体制,而是走向有管理的市场化,探寻将国家介入与市场竞争有效结合的新路。  相似文献   

The paper addresses the effect on consumer saving behavior of queue rationing and of price reform in a Soviet-type economy in a lifecycle framework with overlapping generations. It is shown that consumers save less for retirement in a queue-rationed exchange economy with black markets than they would in a free-market system with the same endowments. The expectation of price reform is thus likely to cause an increase in consumer savings. In addition, an analysis is given of the effect of the increase in controlled prices on the black market prices and on the prices of unrationed goods.  相似文献   

Abstract.  A political economy approach to the neoclassical gradualist model of transition requires the exposition of what I define the primary elements of the model, which are economic analysis, definition of a good society, speed, political structure, ideological structure and whether the initial conditions were incorporated in the model. After the identification of the primary elements of the neoclassical gradualist model the next step is to identify secondary elements, the desired changes with respect to price liberalization-stabilization, privatization, institutional structure, monetary policy and the financial system, fiscal policy, international trade and foreign aid and social policy. The analytical framework developed makes possible to understand the neoclassical gradualist model from a new and more enlightening perspective. We are better able to comprehend the complexities involved and the disagreements about the reform process. The adoption of a gradual process of transition did not only involve specifying the required policies of a successful transition but also entailed a process, a sequence by which the reforms should be introduced. As such, a process of transition consistent with the policies recommended by the neoclassical gradualists economists is developed. The conclusion reveals the inconsistencies in the model.  相似文献   

邢晶然 《价值工程》2012,31(30):157-158
随着我国社会主义市场经济体制改革的不断深入与进步,客观上对企业内部会计制度水平也相应提出了新的要求,要确保现代企业会计秩序井然,帮助企业经营者做出正确有效的管理决策。完善会计制度,有利于规范会计工作秩序,也是加强会计工作的重要手段之一,具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

We formulate a microeconomic model of the dual-track price system for households and use it to analyze ‘transitional policy’ reforms, i.e., a rise in the plan-track price and a reduction in the plan-track quantity. Each of these reforms has a negative effect on the market price, but a positive effect on the weighted average price (CPI). Under fairly mild assumptions, if households are heterogeneous and resale of goods can occur, transitional policy reform creates losers (state employees) as well as winners (non-state employees). Thus, although the transition from central planning to DTP potentially occurs with no losers, further reform is painful for some.  相似文献   


An industrial cluster is an important link in the process of industrialization. The existing research is mainly based on the market economy. Our paper considers external policy design for cluster innovation based on the transition from planned economy to market economy in China. This paper finds some enterprises in the cluster are transferred from micro-enterprises to small ones, but does not find clustering from the small enterprise to middle or larger enterprise. Furthermore, our paper explained why such a cluster occurs by applying a semi-parametric counterfactual approach. The results indicate that building cluster zones as upgrading the enterprise structure policy and implementing VAT tax systems as the tax benefit policy has the most proponent role in industrial clustering, whereas increasing the loan/financing as the credit policy has a minor impact, which is not negligible either. Overall, this study explains why clusters shift to high output valued with a high interpretation of up to 97%. The contribution of this paper is not only to describe the time process of micro-to-small enterprise clustering but also to give the policy design how to achieve rapid micro-to-small enterprise clustering.  相似文献   

天然气在我国能源结构中有着重要的地位,天然气价格的变化会对我国经济和下游产业链产生重要的影响。论文利用CGE模型研究了我国天然气价格波动对我国宏观经济、居民福利和微观产业部门的影响,对不同的天然气价格冲击进行了情景模拟分析,研究表明:天然气价格波动对宏观经济变量和21个产业有很大的影响;在相同的价格波动下对不同产业的影响是不同的,与天然气产业关联度越大,其影响也就越大。在此基础上,对我国宏观经济政策和天然气价格改革提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

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