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I build a dynamic game consisting of a continuum of players to investigate the effects of previous winners’ actions on the spreading of subsequent players’ actions. In each stage, besides the private signal, each player also observes actions taken by the winners of all previous stages as public signals. A unique equilibrium of the game is found and characterized. I then define the variances of three forms of gap: the gap between the average play and the underlying fundamental value, the gap between a generic player’s action and the average play, and the gap between a generic player’s action and the winner’s play. By checking their dynamics in the equilibrium, it is shown that the accumulation of private signals always reduces the first variance and the accumulation of the public signals always reduces the second variance. However, the effects of accumulated public (private) signals on the first (second) variance are rather ambiguous. Based on a theoretical finding that expresses the third variance as a weighted sum of the other two, I conduct an empirical study on the Miss Korea pageant during 1994–2013. I find a descending trend in the variance of the gap between the average face and the underlying “true beauty” face over these years. Moreover, this process is accompanied by ascending trends in the other two variances, indicating that contestants’ faces have been converging to the “true beauty” overall but diverging from each other over the two decades, which is consistent with our theoretical results.  相似文献   

《Ecological Economics》2001,36(3):397-411
In most applied cost–benefit analyses, individual willingness to pay (WTP) is aggregated without using explicit welfare weights. This can be justified by postulating a utilitarian social welfare function along with the assumption of equal marginal utility of income for all individuals. However, since marginal utility is a cardinal concept, there is no generally accepted way to verify the plausibility of this latter assumption, nor its empirical importance. In this paper, we use data from seven contingent valuation studies to illustrate that if one instead assumes equal marginal utility of the public good for all individuals, aggregate monetary benefit estimates change dramatically.  相似文献   

In constitutional political economy, the citizens’ constitutional interests determine the social contract that is binding for the post-constitutional market game. However, following traditional preference subjectivism, it is left open what the constitutional interests are. Using the example of risk attitudes, we argue that this approach is too parsimonious with regard to the behavioral foundations to support a calculus of consent. In face of innovative activities with pecuniary and technological externalities in the post-constitutional phase, the citizens’ constitutional interests vary with their risk preferences. To determine what kind of social contract is generally agreeable, specific assumptions about risk preferences are needed.
Ulrich WittEmail:

Murray D 《Medical economics》1993,70(19):106-12, 117, 121-33

Can corruption be used to improve re-election chances of politicians in office? What is the optimal level of corruption for doing so? In this paper I use suspicious patterns of public procurement allocations in local government as a proxy measurement of corruption, based on combining quantitative and qualitative evidence on corrupt practices in local government. I then tie suspicious procurements to re-election probabilities of mayors in Croatian cities and municipalities from 2009 to 2017, and find that due to a rent-extracting relationship formed between firms and political elites, local politicians can engage in potential corruption and still win elections. There is an optimal level of suspicious procurements for which politicians maximize their re-election chances. When a mayor surpasses the cut-off level of around 20% of suspiciously allocated funds from public procurement his or her probability of re-election starts to decline, while he or she loses office for at least one half of all procurements allocated suspiciously. In order to address potential endogeneity issues I apply a fuzzy regression discontinuity design based on population thresholds that determine the size of the local council, where the intensity of the treatment (potential corruption) increases with increasing council size. The results overall confirm the hypothesized nonlinear relationship between corruption and re-election.  相似文献   

We measure the impact of individuals' looks on life satisfaction and happiness. Using six data sets, from Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States, we construct beauty measures in a number of different ways. Beauty raises happiness: A one standard-deviation change in beauty generates about 0.08 standard deviations of additional satisfaction/happiness among men, 0.07 among women. The finding is robust to a rare opportunity to measure it using an instrumental variables approach. Accounting for a wide variety of covariates, particularly educational, marital, and labor-market outcomes that might be affected by beauty, the gross effects are roughly halved, with small reductions arising from the impact of beauty on monetary outcomes.  相似文献   

This essay examines Keynes' views on banking behaviour and the relationships between central banks and banks as they evolved from his Tract on Monetary Reform to The General Theory. The objective is to clarify in what sense money may be exogenous in his final work. We identify a distinctly Keynesian position on the money-supply process, featuring money exogeneity due to bank behaviour. Our findings run counter to both neoclassical synthesis view on exogenous money cum passive banks as well as the post Keynesian challenge of endogenous money cum passive banks.  相似文献   

Bae SH 《Nursing economic$》2012,30(2):60-71; quiz 72
To provide the best care to patients, the physical wellness of nursing staff is essential. Current evidence indicates long work hours can lead to adverse nurse and patient outcomes. To provide quality and safe patient care, both staff nurses and nurse managers need to recognize the adverse effects of overtime, whether it is mandatory or voluntary. Results of this study showed overtime was not used more when there was an increase in nursing shortages. Further, overtime was not used to control shortages; rather, understaffing was an underlying condition of the nursing practice, at least in the study sample. Thus, efforts must be made not only to prevent nurses from working long hours, but also to resolve the problem of understaffing in order to retain qualified nurses in hospitals.  相似文献   

Some problems are more easily solved if context is provided. A stylized result from beauty contest experiments is that most choices are consistent with level-1 or level-2 thinking rather than the Nash equilibrium. The beauty contest experiment reported in this paper includes treatments in which context is added. In these treatments, participants are told choices represent the high temperature on a future date, and the winner is the participant whose choice is closest to 2/3 of the average of all choices. The context provided in this experiment hinders, rather than enhances, higher-level thinking.  相似文献   

We ask three questions. First, do election systems differ in how they translate physical attractiveness of candidates into electoral success? Second, do political parties strategically exploit the “beauty premium” when deciding on which candidates to nominate, and, third, do elected MPs use their beauty premium to reap some independence from their party? Using the German election system that combines first-past-the-post election with party-list proportional representation, our results show that plurality elections provide more scope for translating physical attractiveness into electoral success than proportional representation. Whether political parties strategically use the beauty premium to optimize their electoral objectives is less clear. Physically attractive MPs, however, allow themselves to dissent more often, i.e. they vote more often against the party line than their less attractive peers.  相似文献   

This is a first study about labor discrimination against Afro‐descendants in Peru. We randomly assigned Afro‐Peruvian and white surnames and photographs (subjectively beautiful, homely looking, or not photos) to 3,828 fictitious résumés, sent for unskilled, technical, and professional occupations. We find an unprecedented, sizeable beauty premium in unskilled occupations (232.5 percent), no effect of looks in technical occupations, and a beauty penalty in professional occupations (–71.3 percent). Overall, whites receive 19.37 percent more callbacks than similarly qualified Afro‐Peruvians; this racial discrimination affects only Afro‐Peruvian females, and particularly those employed in technical occupations. These results remain unaltered when we restrict the sample to those markedly “Afro” surnames. Our findings unveil different dynamics of discrimination across job categories, which tend to be overlooked by the existing literature.  相似文献   

Background: Efficient use of government funding has been increasingly relevant for the success and sustainability of ongoing health-system reform in China; however, as there is no generic substitution policy, patients and basic health-insurance programs pay more for public-preferred brand originators. Such phenomenon is especially typical in public hospitals. The objective of this study is to estimate the potential cost savings in procurement by Chinese public hospitals when switching from brand originators of anti-hypertensive and anti-diabetic medications to their generic equivalents between 2012–2014.

Method: IMS Health volume and value consumption data (IMS China Hospitals Audit system 2012–2014) were used, which covered all Chinese hospitals with 100 beds and above. The top 60% IMS volume consumption of respective anti-hypertensive and anti-diabetic medication with unique dosage form and strength were included. The potential cost savings were calculated from a switch of brand originators with their generic equivalents on the Chinese and international market. An independent sample t-test was conducted to compare the difference of proportion of cost savings in value between the Chinese and international market.

Results: An average of 44% (US$44 million) and 87% (US$90 million) and a total of US$1.4 and 2.8 billion (2014?US$) could be saved from a switch from originator brand anti-hypertensives and anti-diabetics to domestically and internationally available generic equivalents, respectively. The differences of cost savings (in proportion) between domestic and international market were statistically significant (α?=?0.005, p?=?0.003, p?=?0.002, p?=?0.000).

Conclusion: Expensive brand originators dominated the anti-hypertensive and anti-diabetic market in Chinese hospitals between 2012–2014. Preference of brand originators wastes a huge amount of health resources in China and these limited resources could have been used more efficiently. As one of the world’s key generic suppliers, if China wants to use its health resource more efficiently on medicines, comprehensive measures are needed to address both demand-side (consumers’ low trust in the quality of local generics) and supply-side barriers (health professionals’ preference of brand originators).  相似文献   

《Research in Economics》2001,55(1):39-60
We use Italian repeated cross-sectional data from 1984 to 1998 to highlight trends in Italian household saving. The use of repeated cross sections allows us to control for the presence of cohort effects, which are important determinants of the level of saving. The data are drawn from the Bank of Italy Survey of Income and Wealth. The reliability of the saving measure is assessed also using data from the ISTAT Survey of Household Budgets. The purpose of the paper is to provide a set of stylized facts about household saving in Italy. At a more general level, the paper also highlights the importance of distinguishing between discretionary saving and mandatory saving when analysing household behaviour and comparing saving across countries.  相似文献   

This paper provides an empirical estimate of the macroeconomic effects of the Portuguese pay-as-you-go social security system based on data for the period 1970?C2007 and on VAR estimates using GDP, the unit cost of labor, the unemployment rate, the savings rate and social security spending. The major findings are twofold. First, growing social security spending has had detrimental effects on all of the private sector variables under consideration suggesting the existence of sizable inefficiencies. Second, these inefficiencies persist despite the successive reforms that took place over the last two decades. These results highlight the need for structural reforms of the pay-as-you-go system thereby addressing the sources of these inefficiencies, regardless of whether or not the system is financially sustainable. Furthermore, any reforms designed to address sustainability concerns cannot ignore these inefficiencies or risk making them even worse and thereby hindering the quest for sustainability itself.  相似文献   

This article examines factors contributing to the substantial change in the terms of payment, such as letter of credit (LC) and cash terms, in Korean export transactions during the period 1997–2015, using the Autoregressive Distributed Lag bounds test approach. We find that high competition in the world market, the expansion of exports of information technology products and intra-firm trade, and the improvement of information and communication technology (ICT) decrease the share of exports on LC terms in total exports in the long run. However, the increase in exports to developing countries raises the use of LC terms. On the other hand, the increase in intra-firm trade and ICT improvement raise the share of exports settled in cash, and higher trust between trading partners increases the use of cash terms.  相似文献   

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