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技术进步研究评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为人类改造自然的一切知识的总和,技术进步象一条涓涓溪流始终贯穿于整个经济增长与发展史,技术的进步是推动经济增长与发展的基础,经济学家们就技术进步对一国经济发展的影响进行研究是在对经济增长影响因素的理论探索中逐步展开的,许多经济学流派都曾关注过技术进步并试图将技术进步溶入其理论框架,从不同角度不同程度地用技术进步来解释经济增长的源泉和增长过程。本文从亚当.斯密体现在积累及劳动分工上的技术进步因素开始,循经济增长理论的发展时序,分别进一步评析了熊彼特的技术创新理论、以索洛经济增长模型为代表的新古典增长模型以及色彩斑斓的内生经济增长理论,各大理论流派均认同技术进步一定会推动经济增长和发展,但人类显然还没有找到一把普适的经济发展的"魔杖",关于技术进步与经济增长的理论研究在不断延续展开着。  相似文献   

浅析现代经济增长理论的演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济增长不仅是经济学研究的永恒主题,更是全世界都普遍关注的问题。从亚当·斯密开始,经济学家就不断地对经济增长进行探索。正是由于经济增长与全世界人民的福利息息相关,所以我们对经济增长的研究就显得格外重要。然而随着经济全球化的发展,传统经济增长理论已经不能解释现代社会经济发展过程中出现的种种现象。理论和现实之间的矛盾促使我们探求现代经济增长理论,以更好地解释世界。因此,对现代经济增长理论的演变进行探索,具有积极的理论和现实意义。本文从经济增长的事实入手,首先界定了现代经济增长的概念,然后对现代经济增长理论的发展脉络进行梳理和阐述,分别对哈罗德一多马模型、新古典经济增长模型(外生增长理论)和新增长模型(内生增长理论)进行了详细分析。通过分析可见现代经济增长理论经历了由技术外生增长到内生增长、市场结构由完全竞争到垄断竞争的演变。  相似文献   

文章对分工、报酬递增和经济增长相关理论的演进进行了梳理和总结.古典经济增长理论奠定了思想基础.其中,斯密理论是通过拓展新的分工实现内生和自我持续增长理论的基础;马克思关于分工形式的划分推进了对于报酬递增机制的认识;杨格开创了分工、报酬递增和经济增长的动态分析思路.内生增长理论以技术进步、知识资本和人力资本积累促进经济增长为核心,将分工和技术进步、知识积累紧密联系起来,以分工为重要分析框架论证报酬递增和长期经济增长的实现,吸收和发展了分工理论.内生增长理论和相关模型分别依循由古典经济学开创的两种分工观进行分析,对分工、报酬递增和经济 增长的相关理论和模型进行了重要扩展和充实.  相似文献   

In elaborating his stadial approach to economic and social progress, Smith placed special emphasis on the evolution of the conceptual pair authority/subordination. The aim of this paper is to analyse the reciprocal relations which link together the evolution of the relations of subordination, personal incentives, and the division of labour with special reference to the agricultural and the commercial stages. In the former case, Smith pointed out the exclusive role performed by personal incentives in increasing labour productivity, a role which is consistent with his manifest preference for the figure of the 'independent small-scale proprietor'. In the latter case we note a change of emphasis due both to the pervasive role of the division of labour in increasing labour productivity, and—as a by-product of this change—to the emergence of a new form of relation of subordination. In this new context the division of labour engenders a new form of property polarisation, one connected no longer to land but to capital accumulation. Moreover, because of its harmful effects on the mental capacity of manufacturing workers, the division of labour appears to act as an obstacle against social mobility, and this in turn further reinforces the process of property polarisation.  相似文献   

The double contrast between allocation and process and between formal proof and empirically based reasoning is selectively applied to the history of economics. Hume's rejection of provable knowledge led to Smith's psychological explanation of science and thence to his theory of growth through the division of labour. Marshall's cautious theorizing and cognitively based evolutionary perspective stimulated contrasting responses from Sraffa and Young. Robinson matched method to content but Chamberlin did not, and Andrews's attempt to develop a process-based price theory met more resistance than Penrose's reinvention of growth theory. We currently observe conflicting methods of handling evolution and business strategy.  相似文献   

分工思想最早可以追溯到古希腊时期的柏拉图,古典经济学时期亚当.斯密第一次从经济学意义上对分工进行了系统的论述,新古典经济学时期的马歇尔用规模经济概念替代了专业化经济概念,同时期的马克思对分工与协作进行了较为深刻的研究。自19世纪末马歇尔对资源配置问题重视以来,分工问题就逐渐被主流经济学所忽视,经济学的研究重心转向资源配置问题。随后,杨格(1928)指出马歇尔的替代是个错误,但直到20世纪50年代,随着产业组织和经济增长理论的发展,经济学家们才再次认识到分工的重要意义。20世纪80年代以来,以杨小凯为代表的新兴古典经济学家,用现代分析方法分析了分工问题。进入20世纪90年代,针对新的分工及贸易现实,一些学者对产品内国际分工理论(垂直解体)进行了深入探讨。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a compact two-region economic model with endogenous capital accumulation. The system produces one industrial commodity and service. Each region consists of one industrial sector and one service sector. The model describes the interaction between capital accumulation, the regional distribution of capital and labour, the division of labour, the capital distribution within each region, land rents, regional service prices and commodity prices over time and space. Accepting some simplifying assumptions, we show a way to integrate economic geography. equilibrium theory and neo-classical growth theory. We analyse how differences in regional resources such as land and amenities and the preference structure of the population may affect the equilibrium structure of economic geography.  相似文献   

分工思想是古典经济学的重要组成部分,但在马歇尔之后的新古典经济学中却一度被忽视。其缘由何在?本文以马歇尔为中心,做了思想史的考察。发现马歇尔的分工思想内含于对组织的分析中,这一分析采用了生物类比的方法。该方法与经济力学方法的兼容性是有争议的,这引发了20世纪20-30年代有关“报酬递增与代表性企业”的争论,使主流经济学走向了“去经济生物学,近经济力学”这一背离马歇尔思想的道路,这是分工思想被忽视的重要原因。  相似文献   

The paper claims that, in The Wealth of Nations, the divisionof labour refers simultaneously to two different things: a socialdivision of labour and an organisational division of labour.The central point is that the organisation of work (the organisationaldivision of labour) in the firm is the logical counterpart ofthe social division of labour, and that these reflect two inseparableaspects of the process of the division of labour. Smith is thusconcerned with organisations as well as with markets, each functioningaccording to the same principle. Hence, Smith does not believethat the organisational and the social divisions of labour arefundamentally different, although he does recognise some variationbetween them and describes different states of the divisionof labour within the firm, liberal and capitalist.  相似文献   


Adam Smith played a key role in Foucault's archaeology of political economy. This archaeology, which Foucault accomplished in The Order of Things, is the focus of this article. Foucault may have disagreed with the writings of the classical political economists but he widens our perspective through new possibilities of understanding. It is very illuminating to understand Smith's thinking as following a discursive practice that economic thought shared with the knowledge of living beings (natural history) and language (grammar). Foucault's archaeology highlights some ontological and epistemological conditions that shed light on some of the pillars of Smith's thinking: the centrality of exchange, the division of labour and the labour theory of value. The proximity between Newton and Smith is also examined in ontological and epistemological terms which can be understood through an investigation of that interdiscursivity practice. Beyond testing Foucault's considerations, our aim is to demonstrate their potential for the current scholarship of Smith's works. Foucault's archaeology of knowledge offers a range of elements that warrants greater analysis by historians of economic thought.  相似文献   


Nicholas Kaldor was much influenced by the Smith-Young view of increasing returns. The objective of this paper is to critically examine Kaldor’s interpretation of Smith and Young. In particular, five questions are addressed: (1) Does Smith’s Wealth of Nations have nothing much to contribute in terms of disequilibrium theory or increasing returns after the middle of chapter four? (2) Did Smith and Young have a sectoral view of increasing returns in the sense that they saw increasing returns being confined to manufacturing only? (3) Does the Youngian growth mechanism need to be supplemented with Keynesian aggregate demand so that growth does not fizzle out? (4) What are the important policy differences between Kaldor and the Smith-Young analysis of increasing returns? (5) Finally, what explains Kaldor’s interventionist bent of mind and his dirigiste approach to policy making?  相似文献   


Adam Smith and Alexis de Tocqueville dealt with the division of labour as a characteristic feature of commercial society. There are connections and similarities between the two-sided understanding they both had of the division of labour. One of these coincidences is their assessment of the effects it has, jointly with the extension of the market, that points to the vulnerability of the labouring poor. Exploring this coincidence brings light to their understanding of the social consequences of the market and the possible solutions they propose.  相似文献   

The significance of Penrose's theory for the development of economics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Adam Smith identified the division of labour as the prime sourceof growth, through the generation of differentiated knowledge;the co-ordination problem was a consequence of this causal sequence.But Jevons, Walras, and their successors isolated co-ordinationfrom the growth of knowledge, and replaced causal sequenceswith formal proofs, despite Marshall's efforts to preserve Smith'stheoretical system. Penrose reinvented the Smith-Marshall analysisof the growth of knowledge, centred on the firm, but explicitlyendorsed the separation. Nevertheless her theory may permita more convincing treatment of the co-ordination of differentiatedknowledge than current models of rational choice equilibrium.  相似文献   

We study the effects of an economic policy in an endogenous growth general equilibrium framework where production of consumption goods requires two resource inputs: a polluting non-renewable resource and a non-polluting labour resource. The use of the former contributes to the accumulation of pollution in the atmosphere, which affects welfare. There is a specific research sector associated with each of those resources. We provide a full welfare analysis, and we describe the equilibrium paths in a decentralized economy. We go on to study the effects of three associated economic policy tools: a tax on the polluting resource, and two research subsidies. We show that the optimal environmental policy has two main effects; it delays the extraction of the resource and with it the level of polluting emissions and it reallocates research efforts, decreasing the amount put into “grey” research to the benefit of “green” research. We also show that the environmental policy is grey-biased in the short-term, and green-biased in the long-term. Finally, we compute the optimal values for these tools.   相似文献   

中国经济增长动力及前景分析   总被引:68,自引:1,他引:67  
中国经济在过去26年间持续快速增长,高增长的动力是什么?未来10—20年,能否继续保持这种态势?引起了国内外广泛的关注。本文通过建立中国经济增长的综合因素模型,得出如下基本结论:资本投入增加是中国经济增长最主要的源泉,包括结构升级、人力资本效率提高、制度变迁等在内的技术进步的贡献也较强,劳动投入增加的贡献相对较弱,这与中国劳动力供给相对过剩、劳动边际效率较低有关。未来16年,中国经济仍可望继续保持适度较快增长,但要达到目前的高速度,将面临投资率继续增高,能源约束加大等矛盾。大力转变经济增长方式是解决这一症结的根本途径。  相似文献   

This paper develops a general equilibrium model with endogenous clusters and an endogenous network of division of labour to formalize and explore the interrelationship and rules of industrial clusters, the network of division of labour, and the economies of specialization and agglomeration in the new era of globalization and regionalization. The model suggests that institutional efficiency and competition among countries and industries will facilitate important circular effects, propelling and shaping the arrangement and allocation of industrial clusters, establishing their position in the value chain, and, consequently, determining the status of economic growth. In particular, the improvements in institutional efficiency of economic and technology systems will expand the demand for transactions and network size, which, in turn, will determine the development of cluster and network scope, as well as the position in the production value chain.  相似文献   

Regional differences in economic growth have been observed within many countries. Our story emphasises three region-specific factors driving growth—capital, labour and political factors. Conditional on differences in production factor (i.e., labour and capital) variations across democratic states, what role do differences in underlying “political factors” across regions play in accounting for regional growth disparities? We build a political economy model of endogenous growth where regions have the same political institutions, but experience different (and estimable) distributions over voter political biases (i.e., our “political factors”). In our model, political factors affect regional productivity as a consequence of politico-economic equilibrium. We discipline our regional growth accounting exercises by calibrating/estimating each model to American state-level economic and political-survey data. We show that the capital factor is the predominant driving force behind growth in American states. Nevertheless, regional variations in distributions of voter's political biases also account a great deal for regional growth disparities. We also evaluate how much politics would have distorted agents' welfare and regional growth, were regional economies given the opportunity to live under an efficient social planner's allocation system; and, if agents were to live under the same democratic system but where all voters have equal voting influence.  相似文献   

Evolutionary economists have tended to assess firms and industries separately, neglecting the role of their interaction in the process of economic growth and development. We trace the separation of firms and industries to the introduction of population thinking in the discipline of industrial economics, including some broadly evolutionary analyses. If researchers conflate a population of firms with an industry, they introduce “thin” means of relating firms to one another and to industries. Despite his device of the ‘representative firm’, Marshall develops “thick” means of relating firms to industries by means of their internal and external organizations. Penrose avoids the notion of industry by focussing on heterogeneous and potentially mobile firms. Young and Steindl develop mundane explanations of firms’ relations within groups and locate the impetus for economic growth in a poorly understood environment. We conclude that evolutionary economists should revisit firms’ boundaries, not in the sense of explaining the existence of firms but in a relating and communicating sense in which boundaries signify the selective means of firms’ relationships.  相似文献   

Both exogenous and endogenous growth theories in neoclassical economics ignore the resource constraints and wavelike patterns in technology development. The logistic growth and species competition model in population dynamics provides an evolutionary framework of economic growth driven by technology wavelets in market-share competition. Learning by doing and knowledge accumulation ignores the interruptive nature of technology advancement. Creative destruction can be understood by using knowledge metabolism. Policies and institutions co-evolve during different stages of technology cycles. Division of labor is limited by the market extent, numbers of resources, and environment fluctuations. There is a trade-off between the stability and complexity of an ecological-industrial system. Diversified patterns in development strategy are shaped by culture and environment when facing learning uncertainty. The Western mode of division of labor is characterized by labor-saving and resource-intensive technology, while the Asian and Chinese modes feature resource-saving and labor-intensive technology. Nonlinear population dynamics provides a unified evolutionary theory from Smith, Malthus, to Schumpeter in economic growth and technology development.  相似文献   

马克思的劳动价值论继承和发展了斯密、李嘉图等人承认人类财富主要来源于劳动的理论 ,既表明了劳动与物的共性 ,又表明了劳动与物的区别 ,为我们结合现代实际建立适合我国先进生产力发展要求和最广大劳动人民根本利益的收入分配理论 ,奠定了最重要的理论基础。在马克思劳动价值论的基础上 ,创立适合中国实际和需要的能够解放劳动、保护劳动的收入分配基础理论 ,是顺应历史发展潮流 ,符合经济学现代趋势 ,适应中国发展要求 ,是一项具有重要实践价值的工作。  相似文献   

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