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How to achieve integration on the human side of the merger   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Blake and Mouton use an actual case of a successful merger to show how their Interface Conflict-Solving Model, based on behavioral science principles, can be used to achieve integration. The authors outline the history of the two organizations, give illustrations of the kinds of changes that were necessary to more from the actual state of affairs within each organization to the conditions needed for synergy, and explain how the merging organizations collaborated to develop a model for the interface. The merger is evaluated from the perspective of what happened during the two years following the merger. Blake and Mouton also elaborate on the dynamics of group behavior that they took into consideration in designing the Interface Conflict-Solving Model: the effects of group members' shared history; the natural tensions that typically exist between groups that have a functional relationship and misperceptions and distortions that arise as a result of these tensions; and win-lose competitiveness instead of a win-win mentality as a shared expectation. Finally, the authors show how shared participation can overcome inappropriate and debilitating competition.  相似文献   

New organizing factors are emerging as human resources professionals seek performance breakthroughs, with process and competency emerging as key factors in determining how the HR function is organized. While the process focus rides the wave of interest in total quality management and reengineering, a growing number of organizations see competence as the key to enduring performance and to making HR most effective. This article combines experience from the authors' work with some emerging possibilities to describe a competency-based approach for designing a high performing HR organization. © 1996 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Although recent literature on mergers and acquisitions (M&A) has looked exhaustively at a variety of issues embracing organizational systems, practices and people, it has ignored the gendered nature of merging. The aim in this article is twofold. First, to demonstrate how segregation according to gender is determined in the merger process by the organizational histories of the two merger partners. Second, to specify how gender operates in connection with certain integrative mechanisms developed by top management to coordinate and control the merger as it unfolds. A longitudinal, in-depth analysis of the making of the Merita Bank in Finland suggests that mergers represent a particularly well-defined arena for the reproduction of gender segregation, due to a complicated weave of intended and unintended consequences of managerial actions during its formulation and implementation. It is suggested that the gendered career implications of mergers represent a particularly timely theme for further research.  相似文献   

企业并购风险问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从20世纪90年代并购在我国发展很快,并购不再是企业扭亏为盈的手段,已经成为企业资本运营的重要手段。但并购是一把“双刃剑”并购也存在着很多风险,本文从并购风险的形成动因,并购风险的种类,衡量并对其进行了实证研究,最后提出了风险防范的措施。以期为并购者提供借鉴,在并购中做出正确的决策,做好各风险的防范,达到并购的效果。  相似文献   

Hospital mergers and acquisitions create uncertainty and confusion among philanthropists. How can we reassure them about the future use of their gifts?  相似文献   

协同效应是两个企业合并后的价值大于单个企业的价值之和的一种经济现象.过高的收购价格会损害股东的权益,企业应在计算目标企业与本企业协同价值的基础上确定恰当的收购价格.本文拟就企业并购定价中的相关价值概念及获取并购协同效应的并购定价策略进行探讨.  相似文献   

As human resource organizations transform, staff competency requirements alter significantly. The question is: to what? The present study attempts to answer this question using data gathered within a single firm and employing a unique future-oriented, role-focused methodology. The results suggest a competency model with three parts: a relatively small number of core competencies, an even smaller number of leverage competencies applicable to half or more (but not all) of the roles, and a much larger number of competencies that are role-specific. This methodology can be readily replicated in an abbreviated form in virtually any organization. © 1996 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Mergers and alliances are two organizational forms which allow firms to combine complementary capabilities to realize strategic goals; they are, in many cases, strategic substitutes. Managerial decision‐makers, therefore, require a framework for choosing between the two strategies. This paper contributes to this decision‐making process by highlighting one advantage of alliances over mergers. Specifically, while the profitability of a cost‐reducing horizontal merger is diminished by the resulting expansion of non‐merging competitor(s), an alliance, where partners collaborate to reduce costs but sell their product independently, enables its partners to realize the benefits of merging but avoid the problem of strengthening competitors. A model is developed which demonstrates the profitability of establishing such an alliance compared to a merger. The implications of this strategy for antitrust review are briefly discussed. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paper studies with an endogenous growth model how the merger and acquisition (M&A) affects the aggregate growth rate. We model the M&A as a capital reallocation process, which can increase both productivity and growth rates of firms. The model is tractable and greatly consistent with patterns observed in the M&A at the micro level. Matching our model to the data, we find that prohibiting the M&A would lead to the reduction of the aggregate growth rate of US economy by 0.1% and the reduction of the aggregate TFP by 5%.  相似文献   

This study examines the merger premiums paid for a sample of 320 bank acquisitions consummated during the period January 1982 through October 1990. The results of the research indicate that higher merger premiums were paid for, (a) smaller size targets, (b) targets with higher return on common equity ratios (pre-merger), (c) targets with higher leverage as measured by the percentage of primary capital to total capital, (d) targets in a different state than the bidder, and (e) transactions carried out through exchange of stock as opposed to a cash purchase.  相似文献   

Many experts believe the only sustainable advantage an organization will have in the future is its ability to learn faster than its competitors. This competitive advantage can be achieved by transforming the organization into a learning organization. This article describes the basic elements of a learning organization and how to transform an organization to focus on learning. The article also describes methods for evaluating the training and learning that occurs within the organization to ensure that training dollars are wisely spent. Finally, the article describes what individuals can do to focus on their own learning and personal development within an organization.  相似文献   

企业合并是资本运营的高级形式,但在我国成功的案例还不多,同时也存在许多问题,文章通过对我国企业合并现状的分析,重点提出企业合并的主要问题——企业合并后的资源整合问题,并就此提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

企业合并是资本运营的高级形式,但在我国成功的案例还不多,同时也存在许多问题,文章通过对我国企业合并现状的分析,重点提出企业合并的主要问题———企业合并后的资源整合问题,并就此提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

Corporate merger since the war has transformed the private sector of the economy in Britain. This has had significant effects on collective bargaining arrangements and outcomes. In this article the authors review these effects and consider their implications for trade union organisation.  相似文献   

Increasingly often, executives are being called upon to manage organizations through downturns. Of critical importance to the long-term health of a firm is how its employees are treated during these stressful periods. Human resource strategies must minimize the loss of key personnel needed for organizational survival and turnaround. The purpose of this article is to discuss why key employees leave organizations following a downturn. We propose two reasons: Either employees abandon a sinking ship or upon considering a lack of career opportunities, they take well-timed exits. Then, by considering individual career issues that arise from an organization downturn, ways to counteract ill-timed employee exit are identified. These human resource strategies either reduce organizational uncertainty or increase career opportunity.  相似文献   

伴随着市场经济的发展成熟,市场竞争日益加剧和激烈,而作为市场主体的企业欲在激烈的市场竞争中生存和发展,一般通过内部扩充和外部扩张而运行,而并购则是企业外部扩张最迅速、最典型、最重要的方式。而全球经济一体化的加速发展,中国的企业并购也愈来愈频繁。本文拟对企业并购传统会计处理方法及其新理论作初步的探讨。  相似文献   

Unions frequently restructure through merger, most often in the form of absorptions involving one bigger union absorbing a smaller one. However, the individual‐level effects of merger resulting in big amorphous organisations remain unclear. In this article, we highlight the role of the individual member in union absorptions, and investigate the relative importance of being a member of a large absorbing union or a small absorbed union, as well as the attitude of members towards merger in predicting post‐merger member attachment. The results from longitudinal data before and after absorption showed that members' attitude towards merger significantly predicted the members' attachment levels after absorption—this was, however, not the case for union commitment. We also uncovered a significant interaction indicating that the effect of members' attitude towards merger was more strongly related to perceptions of union support and instrumentality among members of the absorbed union.  相似文献   

如何保持组织的有效性,如何通过一定的组织形式保持乃至增强组织的有效性是管理方面永恒的话题.本文通过分析评价组织有效性与否的因素角度入手,提出了在当前环境下,通过使组织形式有机化是有效性组织的发展方向.  相似文献   

论我国国有企业并购风险及其防范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章深入分析了当前我国国有企业并购中存在的主要风险及其成因,并提出了其防范和控制措施。  相似文献   

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