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Willis J. Goudy Phyllis M. Goudy Myers 《Leisure Sciences: An Interdisciplinary Journal》2013,35(4):479-485
Retirement Communities: An American Original, by Michael E. Hunt, Allan G. Feldt, Robert W. Morans, Leon A. Pastalan, and Kathleen L. Vakalo. New York: Haworth Press. 1984. ISBN 0–86656–267–2. 278 pp. $29.95. Senior Settlers: Social Integration in Retirement Communities, by Nancy J. Osgood. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1982. ISBN 0–03–059792–7. 296 pp. $29.95. Life After Work: Retirement, Leisure, Recreation, and the Elderly, ed. Nancy J. Osgood. New York: Praeger Publishers. 1982. ISBN 0–03–060437–0. 372 pp. $32.95. Work and Retirement, by Stanley Parker. London: George Allen & Unwin. 1982. ISBN 0–04–658238‐X. 203 pp. $9.95 paper, $28.50, cloth. Adults and Their Leisure: The Need for Lifelong Learning, by John R. Verduin, Jr., and Douglas N. McEwen. Springfield, Ill: Charles C. Thomas. 1984. ISBN 0–398–04985–8. 170 pp. $17.50. 相似文献
《Journal of Sustainable Tourism》2013,21(5):434-440
Crisis Management in the Tourism Industry Dirk Glaesser. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, ISBN 978-0-7506-6523-0 (pbk) Extreme Tourism: Lessons from the World's Cold Water Islands. Elsevier, ISBN 978-0-08-044656-1 (hbk) Environmental Planning in the Caribbean. Ashgate, ISBN 0754643913 (hbk) 相似文献
Tazim B. Jamal 《Journal of Sustainable Tourism》2013,21(6):530-535
John Tribe's paper 'Education for Ethical Tourism Action' (10 (4), 2002) proposes an action-oriented ethical tourism curriculum based on Aristotle's notion of phronesis, aimed at developing a disposition towards 'good' action rather than 'correct' action. This paper investigates the implications of Tribe's paper for the pedagogy and practice of sustainable tourism. Drawing upon Aristotle, it is argued that principles are an important guide to developing and exercising phronesis (practical wisdom) for living a good life, and for the practice of sustainable tourism. The paper also examines issues related to theoretical or scientific knowledge (episteme) and skill development (techne), and argues for a praxis-oriented curriculum that incorporates: (1) knowledge of sustainable-tourism principles, and (2) practice in which learned principles and phronesis (practical wisdom) constitutively guide tourism action and good conduct. The study also suggests that scholars and practitioners need to be more proactive and cognisant of the telos (purpose) and good of various tourism activities and curricula, for the individual and for the destination. Especially lacking in the study of sustainable tourism is discussion of the development of virtues and character for a good life in and through tourism. Virtue ethics offers potential for supplementing existing theories of rightness and obligation in sustainable tourism, and for conceptualising the meaning of 'good tourism'. 相似文献
Stroma Cole 《Journal of Sustainable Tourism》2013,21(1):89-95
Water is a human right and it is essential to sustain life and livelihoods, as well as the health and happiness of tourists. This paper examines a destination with ample rain, but rapid and unchecked tourism development: Bali, Indonesia. The mismanagement of water resources means underground supplies are polluted and local people suffer from water scarcity. A multi-method approach with the various stakeholders was used to develop a stakeholder map that identifies duty bearers and rights holders. The government is the primary legal duty bearer to provide communities with water, but companies also have unique responsibilities. This paper examines why tourism businesses need to conduct human rights impact assessments. Taking due diligence for human rights can be seen as a business opportunity, leading to reduced operating costs and increased reputational strength. The benefits and challenges for business are explored. 相似文献
《Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing》2013,30(2):89-93
Abstract China's Outbound Tourism. By Wolfgang Georg Arlt. Oxon and New York: Routledge, ISBN 10: 0-415-36536-8 (hard back), 2006, xv + 300 pp. (tables, figures, notes, bibliography, index), £85. Reviewed by Tony Tse Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2005. Edited by Andrew J. Frew. Springer-Verlag Wien New York (New York), ISBN 3-211-24148-5, 2005, 576-pp (figures), US$ 169.00 (paperback). Reviewed by Rob Law 相似文献
随着Web 2.0的广泛应用,在线评论对酒店销售产生了重大影响.由于无法获取确切的在线销售数据,已有的研究用在线评论量来替代,但其并不能有效地衡量酒店的在线销售量.因此,文章引入订满率,从TripAdvisor.com上采集酒店数据,研究消费者推荐比率和酒店位置评分等在线评论因素对不同档次酒店订满率的影响.结果表明:(1)订满率比在线评论量更能反映酒店的销售情况;(2)消费者推荐比率对豪华型酒店的订满率有正面影响,但对经济型酒店无显著影响;(3)消费者对酒店位置的评分对所有酒店的订满率都有显著的正面影响. 相似文献
网络Web 2.0时代,游客在预订酒店时常常通过查询先前住客点评内容来了解酒店情况。住客生成的网络点评内容是影响口碑效果的重要因素,但点评内容正负性和详略性的作用现有研究还存在一些争议。以调节焦点理论为基础研究酒店预订中住客点评的说服效果,通过2×2×2实验研究发现,负向酒店点评对预防焦点个体的说服效果更优,正向酒店点评对促进焦点个体的说服效果更优,详尽的酒店点评内容对预防焦点个体的说服效果更大,简略的酒店点评内容对促进焦点型个体的说服效果更大。 相似文献
This study aims to identify the structure of online restaurant reviews and examine the influence of review attributes and sentiments on restaurant star ratings. While past research indicated four attributes specific to restaurant reviews—food, service, ambience, and price—this study proposes context as the fifth attribute unique to online reviews. Sentiment analysis of online restaurant reviews has confirmed the proposed underlying structure of online restaurant reviews. Results showed that consumers’ sentiments in these five attributes significantly explained the differences in star ratings. Food, service, and context are the top three attributes affecting star ratings, followed by price and ambiance. 相似文献
In view of the increasing popularity of online reviews and their significant impact on individual buying behavior as well as on the supply side, this study reviewed and analyzed articles related to online reviews in tourism and hospitality published in academic journals between 2004 and 2013. Based on a keyword-driven search and a content analysis, 50 articles were identified as relevant and classified into five topics. The findings revealed that (a) more than half of the analyzed articles focus on hotels and apply empirical methods based on secondary data, (b) more attention has been paid to the relationship between online reviews and online buying as well as satisfaction and online management, and (c) opinion mining of online reviews, motivation to post reviews, and the role of reviews are evenly distributed. This paper also discussed significant topical and methodological trends, contributes to an overall understanding of existing research and its limitation. 相似文献
随着在线旅游产品销量的快速增长,大量在线评论信息也随之生成.文章基于可信度相关理论,探究旅游产品在线评论可信度影响因素及其形成过程.通过实证调查,借助SEM模型剖析了旅游产品在线评论可信度的形成阶段,进一步完善了在线评论可信度的形成链条,将已有过程的“刺激-感知”改进为“固有感知-刺激-新感知”.其中,评论接受者对在线评论可信度的感知分为两个阶段——固有可信度和最终可信度.在线评论的发布渠道(网站评价)、评论接受者的自身因素(信任倾向、网上购物经验和评论态度)主要作用于第一阶段,在线评论本身(方向、类型)、评论发布者(相似性、专业性、利他性)主要作用于第二阶段.另外,文章将在线评论可信度的概念引入旅游产品中,充实了旅游产品的研究内容,进一步挖掘在线评论的现实意义,对旅游电子商务网站及商家筛选和利用在线评论具有启示作用. 相似文献
随着移动互联网的飞速发展和普及,越来越多的在线平台为了更好的满足消费者需求,为消费者提供了对产品进行自由、匿名的评价模式。基于此,各大线上平台已拥有大量的产品评价信息,对此类信息数据的研究和分析能够为企业的运营和管理服务带来新的价值。文章以tripadvisor.cn第三方平台中杭州高星级酒店的点评信息为研究数据基础,采用贝叶斯网络构建各维度和对应因素之间的相互关系,确定顾客满意度影响因素,并建立相应的杭州高星级酒店顾客满意度评价体系。研究表明,基于在线评论文本构建的顾客满意度评价体系较传统的方式更为精准、科学,更有利于酒店对顾客满意度做出准确的评价。 相似文献
当前,酒店受收益最大化的驱使,透过电商平台更加频繁地对价格进行动态调整,而借助互联网,顾客获取价格信息的渠道也越来越多,对价格歧视的感知更明显,动态定价策略势必会对顾客情绪和购后行为产生影响。因此,以携程旅行网3256条酒店在线评论为分析文本,运用内容分析法中的词频分析、情绪分析以及社会语义网络分析进行研究。词频分析结果显示高频词集中于动态定价类、情绪类以及顾客行为类;情绪分析结果显示顾客情绪中消极情绪占据主导地位,其次是积极情绪,最后是中性情绪;结合编码方法总结出顾客购后行为有:自我保护、报复、顾客忠诚、利他四类;社会语义网络分析中顾客对动态定价总体表现出“核心层—次核心层—边缘层”的层级结构。最后根据研究结论,文章提出了相应的管理建议。 相似文献