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This study compares the “at-home” and “while travelling” sustainable food practices of national park visitors in the US Intermountain West through an in-person survey. Results show that tourist's sustainable food practices do not carry over into their national park experience. Specifically, they shop for and consume fewer local foods and participate in fewer food-related activities when travelling, such as farmers' market and local farm visits. When divided into groups of low, medium and high sustainable food practices at home, the medium and high-level groups exhibited a significant reduction in sustainable food practices while travelling. This likely stems from poor promotion of local foods and food related events, lack of linkages between the tourism and food industries, as well as limited recognition of local food labelling schemes and interest in local culture by visitors. These results imply that local foods and culinary experiences do not currently play an essential role in national park experiences in the US Intermountain West. It raises important questions. Is there a link between sustainability practices at home and when on vacation? Should national park managements widen their environmental remits by becoming involved in local food production and promotional practices?  相似文献   


It frequently has been assumed that the poor and some minority groups largely lack the financial wherewithal to travel to America's national parks. Data showing an underrepresentation of the poor among visitors at some parks has spurred charges of “elitism” in national park use, and has been an often‐used argument to justify more development (especially the provision of low‐cost facilities) in the national parks. This study tested for relationships between several status characteristics and the national park visitation of residents of the Pacific Coastal Region. As hypothesized, income, education, occupation and a cumulative status measure were all positively related to the frequency of national park going. But the low magnitude of the relationships suggests that the charges of “elitism” in national park going are overdrawn, and that perhaps there has been a substantial democratization of social‐class access to a “national park experience” during this century.  相似文献   

境外国家公园社区管理冲突:表现、溯源及启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高燕  邓毅  张浩  王建英  梁滨 《旅游学刊》2017,(1):111-122
国家公园社区冲突研究对于目前中国正开展的国家公园体制试点工作具有指导意义。文章以境外国家公园社区冲突为现实案例,梳理公园管理机构与社区之间冲突的具体表现,发现社区冲突是由公园定界、公园生态保护和公园开发利用3个方面所引致,由此追根溯源至土地政策、利益机制和管理手段。当这三者置身于国家公园体制框架中时,从土地权属保障制度、社区参与制度和特许经营制度3个方面着手预防或改善公园与社区居民之间的关系是具有可操作性和针对性的。文章提出的4类土地权属关系可从一定程度上解决生态保护和社区发展的矛盾,PAC模式保证了社区在国家公园利益分配和补偿中的重要地位,透明顺畅的信息沟通增强社区对公园的信任和信心,社区特许经营制度向社区的倾斜可保障失地社区居民生计。当社区居民“得以偿失”,社区冲突就会止于源头。  相似文献   

National parks have become important tourist attractions and tools for regional development. New international initiatives, such as PAN (Protected Area Network) Parks in Europe, now promote sustainable tourism in protected areas. This paper examines the sociocultural sustainability of tourism perceived by local stakeholders of Oulanka National Park in northeastern Finland. The central question concerns the role of PAN Parks certification in community and tourism development. Four discourses were identified, based on 40 semi-structured interviews exploring different views on sociocultural development pertaining to tourism in the national park: (1) integrating nature-based tourism and conservation, (2) defending the rights of local people, (3) stressing the economic utilization of nature and (4) accepting tourism development and the national park. Although local stakeholders mostly have a positive perception of tourism in the park, it cannot be concluded whether the park facilitates development in a sustainable manner or not. Key problems identified are lack of participation opportunities and contradictions with traditional subsistence economies. The various positions of stakeholders in these discourses tend to influence their views on sustainability. Findings imply the necessity to monitor the distribution of benefits and burdens of park development holistically to multiple stakeholders.  相似文献   

《Tourism Management》1988,9(1):44-61
This article describes Environment Canada, Parks' Visitor Activity Management Process (VAMP) which attempts to integrate data about users, their characteristics and satisfactions with data about the natural environment of the park. VAMP provides a focal point for issues related to the appropriate mix of opportunities, activities, services and facilities, in a park or protected area. Parks' management process uses a marketing orientation to integrate visitor activity demands with resource opportunities and identify appropriate recreation opportunities in Canadian national parks. Social science data and a marketing orientation to visitor activity management provides a new strategy for park planning.  相似文献   

旅游生态补偿标准的测度方法与模型构建是建立旅游生态补偿机制的难点。本文以黄山国家公园创建区为例,基于国家公园旅游生态产品和服务显性和隐性供给成本的视角,综合考虑管理者、经营者、守护者(社区居民)等旅游利益相关者的供给成本和利益诉求,以保障生态系统的完整性、周边社区生存发展权的公平性和行政管理的可行性为原则,划分核心区、毗邻区和辐射区三级旅游生态补偿空间范围,确立国家公园旅游生态补偿标准测度方法与模型,测算得出黄山国家公园旅游生态补偿标准的下限值为5.1亿元/年。研究以期为构建国家公园旅游生态补偿机制,协调国家公园保护与利用的人地关系矛盾,实现国家公园生态共建、利益共享和经济共赢的高质量发展路径提供理论指导。  相似文献   

旅游生态补偿标准的测度方法与模型构建是建立旅游生态补偿机制的难点。本文以黄山国家公园创建区为例,基于国家公园旅游生态产品和服务显性和隐性供给成本的视角,综合考虑管理者、经营者、守护者(社区居民)等旅游利益相关者的供给成本和利益诉求,以保障生态系统的完整性、周边社区生存发展权的公平性和行政管理的可行性为原则,划分核心区、毗邻区和辐射区三级旅游生态补偿空间范围,确立国家公园旅游生态补偿标准测度方法与模型,测算得出黄山国家公园旅游生态补偿标准的下限值为5.1亿元/年。研究以期为构建国家公园旅游生态补偿机制,协调国家公园保护与利用的人地关系矛盾,实现国家公园生态共建、利益共享和经济共赢的高质量发展路径提供理论指导。  相似文献   

Tourism involving national parks manifests itself explicitly or implicitly as heritage tourism because national parks represent important symbols of the national landscape. This paper traces the journey of the proposed National Park Thy in northwestern Denmark from ordinary landscape to symbolic landscape, to candidacy for national park status and focus for heritage tourism. It is argued that the processes at work in Denmark are similar to those underpinning the creation of national parks elsewhere.  相似文献   

Nature-based tourism has been viewed as a large and growing segment of the tourism market. Advocates of nature-based tourism argue its potential to generate income for biodiversity conservation and local economic benefit, while detractors fear a risk of “loving our parks to death”. Some recent studies have suggested that nature-based tourism may be declining on a per capita basis, especially in economically developed countries. Others have detected no such trend. Nature-based tourism is a key industry within Australia, based strongly on its unique scenery and biodiversity. We compared nature-based visitation and population growth during 1998–2012 for Australia overall and specifically for the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area which is adjacent to the country's largest conurbation of Greater Sydney. We found substantial declines in domestic per capita visitation, both nationally and regionally. Because visitation provides the “political capital” for parks to survive, strategies to encourage visitation should be a target for land managers. Since children foster environmentally responsible behaviour in adults, they should be part of the focus for developing diverse experiences that encourage park visitation.  相似文献   

In recent years, attempts to improve the economic and environmental sustainability of both tourism and agriculture have been linked to the development of “alternative” food networks and a renewed enthusiasm for food products that are perceived to be traditional and local. This paper draws on research from two UK regions, the Lake District and Exmoor, to argue that local food can play an important role in the sustainable tourism experience because it appeals to the visitor's desire for authenticity within the holiday experience. Using evidence from qualitative interviews with tourists and food producers, the paper records ways in which local foods are conceptualised as “authentic” products that symbolise the place and culture of the destination. By engaging with debates surrounding the meaning of locality and authenticity, the paper challenges existing understandings of these concepts and offers a new way forward for tourism research by arguing that “local food” has the potential to enhance the visitor experience by connecting consumers to the region and its perceived culture and heritage.  相似文献   

German national parks are increasingly under pressure from land use change and need objective information on economic values associated with different forms of use to help policy-makers resolve conflicting policy goals. To date, a complete cost–benefit analysis of a German national park has not been undertaken. This paper addresses this gap through a study from the Bavarian Forest National Park (BFNP), the oldest and best known park in Germany. The research questions are: (1) Is the designation of the national park economically justified? and (2) Can revenue from park tourism compensate for its costs? Databases used include a visitor and enterprise survey, qualitative interviews and secondary sources; analyses involved several interrelated environmental valuation methods. Results suggest that the BFNP is an economically favourable land use option under most scenarios. At national level, half of the scenarios show a benefit–cost ratio (BCR) greater than 1. At regional level the park acts as a tool for economic development, generating net monetary gains for surrounding counties, with BCRs of over 1 throughout. Tourism contributes to over 60% of the benefits and compensates for more than two-thirds of the costs in half of the scenarios discussed. Key policy implications are listed.  相似文献   

This research undertook a visitor survey in two protected areas in different cultural contexts, namely China and the UK, to explore whether the value a person attaches to the environment influences their attitude towards sustainable tourism development in national parks. Structural equation models were developed with data from 597 and 368 questionnaires collected in Jiuzhaigou National Scenic Area, China and the New Forest National Park, UK respectively. The results suggested that anthropocentric or ecocentric values significantly influence people's attitudes to tourism and sustainable development. The same structured causal relationship was found in both samples, between people's attitudes towards the natural environment, conservation and tourism in a national park context.  相似文献   

This study expands research on geotourism by using the Geotraveler Tendency Scale (GTS) to profile geotravelers. The results demonstrate the GTS's ability to effectively identify different levels of geotravelers. An a priori segmentation was conducted using the respondents’ overall geotraveler score from the GTS as the segmenting criterion. The resulting three segments were labeled “minimal geotravelers”, “moderate geotravelers” and “strong geotravelers”. MANOVA and Pearson Chi-square analysis showed significant differences between the three groups on all items within the GTS as well as significant differences between the segments on the variables of gender, income, country of origin and likelihood to visit national parks. This study (1) confirms the usefulness of the GTS for identifying and segmenting travelers, and (2) provides the sustainable tourism field with a more holistic tool for measuring sustainable travelers. Destination managers interested in marketing to geotravelers can use this tool to identify how many geotravelers come to their area, their level of geotraveler tendencies and what the destination can focus on to attract more of this travel segment. Geotourism is positioned as a sustainable marketing strategy that attracts conscientious visitors whose impacts help promote the “character of place” rather than detract from it.  相似文献   


As a road-side attraction for 24 years after its construction in 1965, the Big Banana succeeded in three respects, by providing the basis of a profitable business for the proprietor and staff, a satisfying experience for many travellers, and a promotional symbol for its locality. In 1989, perceiving a growing tourist market, new owners built a horticultural theme park. Within months the business failed, and went into liquidation. Examining the case suggests that road-side attractions and theme parks relate to different elements in systems of tourism geography and, therefore, to different kinds of markets. These differences were not clearly recognised in the feasibility report prepared in 1988. Moreover, they tend to be overlooked by perceptions of tourism that focus on destinations and products there, a focus that marketing practice has tended to follow. Pathological research of the sort represented in this review of business at the Big Banana, pinpointing problems in a business venture, might help entrepreneurs, investors and tourism marketing analysts avoid similar mistakes in the future.  相似文献   

Tourism stakeholders’ perceptions of national park management in Norway   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Local tourism firms represent an important stakeholder interest in national parks. The present study examines these stakeholders’ perceptions of management processes and their assessments of the resulting management plans and operations. This research is based on qualitative interviews with representatives of tourism businesses in two different national park settings in Norway – Rondane National Park and Jotunheimen National Park. The findings illustrate that despite their general support for the national park status, the local tourism stakeholders interviewed had experienced only minor involvement in the management planning process, and had had very little influence in the final management decisions. They believed that opportunities for business operations were lacking due to excessive management restrictions, and that managers lacked competence with regard to business management and tourism development issues. In addition, they thought that management authorities should more explicitly include sustainable tourism development in their visions and goals. Based on the findings, it is assumed that there is potential for local tourism operators to take greater responsibility in planning processes and management operations. It is concluded that measures should be taken to foster durable social links and trustworthy planning partnerships between responsible managers and local tourism stakeholders in the two national parks.  相似文献   

传统城市旅游就业研究侧重总体效应评估,忽略了具体的就业分配,也缺乏对就业者生活境况的实际考察,这正是旅游就业研究的"断层"。文章通过对华侨城主题公园这一典型城市大型旅游项目的探索性案例研究,围绕城市大型旅游项目开发能否为本地居民创造就业,改善就业者生活境况展开讨论。文章首先指出,中国城市大型主题公园与欧美主题公园在就业分配及就业者生活境况方面存在较大差异,欧美国家的研究结论并不能直接借鉴到中国。案例研究的结果表明:第一,主题公园这类城市大型旅游项目所创造的就业具有结构性(包括正规部门就业和非正规部门就业),不可等同视之;第二,这类具有结构性就业的分配呈现明显的"外向型"特征,主要面向外来务工者。在没有其他干预的情况下,这类旅游项目开发所带来的就业将主要面向外来务工者;第三,就业者的实际生活质量并不乐观,旅游就业在改善就业者生活质量的积极效果不宜夸大。该研究为反思传统城市旅游就业评估提供了新思路和新证据。  相似文献   

This paper examines the public perceptions of stakeholders towards a proposed cultural heritage public–private partnership (PPP) within a national park in Sydney, Australia. Governments in Australia are initiating PPPs for the purposes of designing, planning, constructing and operating projects that would traditionally be regarded as ‘public goods’. The North Head Quarantine Station (Sydney, Australia) was one of the first proposed PPPs in national parks that moved beyond the licensing of private sector operations within park boundaries. The Quarantine Station is used as a case study to offer insights into the PPP process because of its place in the cultural heritage of Australia, its prime a facie tourism position within Sydney Harbour and its prolonged history of development. The case study provides a mechanism for examining public opinion on cultural heritage tourism issues in national parks through understanding stakeholder perspectives presented in newspaper media accounts. The accounts are analysed on political and environmental considerations with implications drawn for future developments.  相似文献   

This paper discusses issues in tourism to protected areas/parks. Emphasis is given to the relationships between the globally growing numbers of parks, the rise in tourism to those parks and its economic impacts, and finance and management policies used within the parks. In-depth consideration is given to park pricing policies, park tourism competencies, the need for better visitation/visitor statistics, and new tourism management structures. The development of parastatal management structures with greater links between tourism competencies and conservation management techniques is seen to be central to the creation of both successful parks and sustainable tourism within those parks.  相似文献   

中国国家公园体制以“生态保护第一、国家代表性、全民公益性”为核心理念,通过游憩功能体现其公共资源属性,促进全民公益性目标实现,是确保国家公园生态保护成效的基本要求。为寻求实现国家公园功能的路径,本文基于问卷调查,考察游客对武夷山国家公园功能的认知、对游憩服务的期待以及参与国家公园保护的态度。研究表明,游客看重与其切身利益密切相关的游憩和环境教育等功能,但在空间认知上割裂了保护和利用在国家公园内的统一性;游客关注国家公园在游憩机会上的多样化和创新性,关注点受到年龄、职业、收入、教育程度等人口统计学因素影响;游客的生态保护参与意愿普遍较强,但对保护对象并无具体认知。因此,国家公园游憩功能的发展需要从前端导入国家公园概念、功能和管理目标等公益性的基础理念,既需要根据游客多样性需求完善服务,也需要引导游客了解公园区域定位和内部功能分区。研究指出,国家公园需要在增强游客对其功能公益性理解的基础上,探索自然保护地旅游发展的新范式,从而改善游憩体验,促进游客更好地参与生态保护。  相似文献   

This paper provides a supply-side perspective on how tourism development might be fostered by enhancing the links between tourism and transport. This question is explored by identifying issues raised by tourism suppliers relating to the Cook Strait ferry services between Wellington and Picton (New Zealand) and examining how visitation in these two gateways might be developed so that they have more of a destination function. Five major themes emerged; “the characteristics and products of contrasting places”; “sales and marketing”; “the implications of ferry cancelations”; “fast ferry speed restrictions and environmental impacts”; and “threats and opportunities from the creation of another gateway ferry port in Clifford Bay”. The question of destination development is thus extended by focusing on ferries, a less commonly studied mode of transport, drawing on the perspectives of tourism suppliers, stakeholders whose voice is rarely heard in the transport and tourism literature; and in studying places with multiple nodal functions.  相似文献   

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