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对马克思再生产理论的新认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者按照马克思《资本论》的逻辑进程,先从本质上,再从形式上,最后从总体上,即把本质和形式综合起来,对资本主义再生产过程进行了新的系统的阐述。  相似文献   

对马克思再生产理论的再认识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

马克思研究社会再生产问题时,不只是研究物质资料的再生产以及人类自身的再生产问题,而且还把生产关系的再生产问题放在非常重要的地位上加以研究.生产关系的再生产是随着生产力的发展而不断进行自我扬弃的过程.这一过程,必须保持生产关系的根本属性不变质,但决不是原版复制,对生产关系中不适应生产力发展的某些方面和环节必须废弃掉,而代之以新的内容和形式.社会主义生产关系一经建立,它的本质特征便具有相对稳定性,但并不是所有方面和环节都凝固不变了.它在自身基础上的再生产运动,仍然是一个自我扬弃的过程.  相似文献   

社会再生产理论是马克思主义政治经济学的一个重要组成部分,马克思在《资本论》的第一到第三卷中逻辑缜密地提出了自己关于社会生产平衡的思想,对社会再生产理论的学习有助于认识我国社会经济发展所必需的社会各部门保持协调发展的重要性。  相似文献   

马克思的再生产理论科学地揭示了企业再生产和社会再生产的一般规律,本文拟通过对马克思有关企业规模缩小再生产理论的梳理和再认识,以期梳理出有利于我国国企摆脱发展滞后状况的可行性对策。  相似文献   

闫雪梅 《经济师》2003,(1):38-39
马克思的再生产理论对我国的产业结构调整有着诸多启示 ,在产业结构调整的过程中 ,我们必须遵循客观规律 ,在马克思再生产理论的指导下进行调整 ,使我国经济健康、持续发展。  相似文献   

何金龙 《经济师》2005,(8):18-19
在资本有机构成不变假设下,马克思再生产理论认为经济能得到静态的短期均衡,在该均衡条件下经济以“常量”增长;放弃该假设,并对扩大再生产模型进行动态化扩展,则发现经济总是伴随“经济周期”、“就业下降”等非均衡状态,即市场要素不能出清,从而经济增长率下降成为必然。引入现代宏观经济学分析手段,避免经济非均衡发展,必须调节资本有机构成比例,这正是宏观经济长期均衡的条件。  相似文献   

司甜 《经济研究导刊》2010,(14):252-254
市场经济具有内在合道德性,同时,市场经济具有局限性,对我国社会道德生活产生了负面影响.市场经济发展与道德总体是一致的,必须通过确立社会主导的道德价值观、加大社会诚信建设、强化约束规范、法制建设和道德教育相结合等方面加强社会主义道德建设.  相似文献   

社会主义市场经济理论是邓小平理论的重要组成部分。众所周知,十九世纪,马克思、恩格斯在设想未来的社会形态时,认为商品生产将被取消,市场经济不复存在,取而代之的是社会主义的计划经济。这种观念的细枝末节虽有改动,但作为整体一直延续到十一届三中全会之前。十一届三中全会以后,我国实际上已经开始逐步从计划经济  相似文献   

劳汉生  贺兵 《经济师》2007,(9):41-43
我国当前的制度伦理建设仍然滞后于社会经济的发展,尚存在不少问题,通过完善制度伦理以推进社会主义道德建设不仅有其必要性,而且有其可行性。我们应采取一系列具体有效的措施,如建立一套以保护产权为实质内涵的准则、精心设计信用制度等等。如此,才能为当前我国的道德建设提供坚实的制度伦理保障。  相似文献   

We examine the behavior of the labor-managed firm in the capital market and show that the decentralization of capital allocation decisions in the socialist labor-managed economy is hazardous. We first show that the firm's behavior, when equilibrium is disturbed, is disequilibrating, and that therefore the importance of free entry is greater in this economy than in a capitalist one. We then establish that the difficulties raised by the credit-rationing literature are next to insoluble in the labor-managed market, due to the impossibility of requiring any collateral in a socialist market. As a result, free entry is impossible. We conclude that meaningful decentralization is impossible in the socialist labor-managed economy.  相似文献   

党的十四大和十四届三中全会确立了我国建立社会主义市场经济体制改革的目标及实现这一目标的体制框架和总体规划。今年是加快我国经济体制改革和经济发展的关键一年,目前各项新的重大改革举措已陆续出台,改革和发展正朝着积极、健康的方向推进。如何在新的形势下既加快新旧体制的转换并构建新的经济体制,又持续、快速、健康、稳定地促进社会生产力的发展,是我们面临的新的重大课题。本文从五个方面论述了这一问题;改革目标模式的选择与生产力经济学科建设的再思考;社会主义市场经济体制的基本框架与生产力经济学研究内容的拓展;建立现代企业制度与微观生产力研究,培育和发展市场体系与生产力要素组合方式的研究;建立健全宏观经济调控体系与进一步完善"生产力系统工程"。  相似文献   

经济学的理论创新有力地推动着改革开放和社会主义建设的实践,中国的马克思主义经济学已经成为最富影响力的一门学科,成为时代的显学。社会主义市场经济理论是中国改革开放实践经验的理论升华,这一崭新理论的确立使改革的目标模式得以明确,各项重大措施得以有序和顺理成章地推出。基于我国现阶段的新情况和发展新要求,在经济学的理论研究中应该总结当代的实践经验,深化对市场经济的理论认识,不断发展和完善社会主义市场经济体制。  相似文献   

This paper models the dynamic adjustment path of a socialist firm in transition to a market economy by a price shock that renders old capital obsolete. The firm can adjust with investment in more productive capital equipments. The optimal time paths of investment, output, and employment are analyzed and the impact of fiscal incentives like investment subsidies and a reduced corporate income tax rate are studied. Like output, the aggregate capital stock follows a J-curve. The conditions for viability of firms and the impact of variables such as wage increases on the value of the firm are discussed.  相似文献   

Rapid population ageing increases interest in economic flows across ages and intergenerational transfers in general. This article uses the National Transfer Accounts methodology to measure consumption and production at each age, and how the difference between consumption and production is financed through (private and public) transfers and the interaction with assets, i.e. ‘asset-based reallocations’. During working ages, people earn more than they consume and with the surplus they finance the deficit of the young and old generations who consume more than they produce. Such a pattern of economic dependency is universal across countries and across time, but huge differences exist in the ages at which individuals produce more than they consume and vice versa. Moreover, the importance of private and public transfers and asset-based reallocations varies across countries and times. In the last three decades, life expectancy at birth in Slovenia increased by 9.3 years, while the age span in which production exceeds consumption narrowed rather than increased. Child dependents are predominantly financed by private transfers, whereas the elderly mainly rely on public transfers. Young and old individuals increasingly rely on public transfers. Together with rapid population ageing, this is likely to jeopardise the public finance system in the future.  相似文献   

This paper considers an incentive structure BT as an alternative to the incentive structure BD recently suggested by Domar. Both of these incentive structures induce managers in a planned economy to provide the socially desirable output level while allowing them to set prices. In two aspects BT is better than BD. First, BD works only if demand is elastic at the optimal output level while BT works whether demand is elastic or inelastic at that level. Second, even when demand is elastic at the optimal level, there are circumstances for which output converges to the optimal level faster under BT than under BD.  相似文献   

This article examines a hitherto neglected book published in 1918 by M. I. Tugan-Baranovskii, which is devoted to outlining his vision of an international socialist economy. It focuses on Tugan's approach to economic planning, money and prices in socialism, and the new international economic order. It is shown that Tugan attempted to assimilate marginalism into his vision of planning, and was more flexible than the Bolsheviks in adapting socialist economics to the task at hand. The reception of Tugan's approach is also briefly sketched, as is the context of the socialist calculation debate.  相似文献   

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