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随着大众传媒的发展,媒介审判的参与和表现形式与之前有所不同,其造成的社会影响逐渐增大。本文从媒介审判的起源出发,通过对媒介审判存在状况与产生问题的解析,厘清媒介审判、舆论监督与言论自由的关系,并为消除媒介审判的负面影响进行法制层面的探索,力求寻找对于法制建设有意义的切入点,为新时代法制与媒介融合交集探索可能性。  相似文献   

雷蕾  张文静  沈丽娟 《华商》2008,(15):166-166
中国实行市场经济体制以来,其社会形态是市场社会,是一种开放的、自由的市场经济社会。目前已成大势的全球化经济,任何开放的国家都不可能抛开这个世界独自存在。在这一进程中,中国政治、经济、社会、文化都在发生着相当大的变化。最显著的变化就是中国跟其他市场社会一样,早已进入的消费社会,"广义的大众传媒"是消费社会的产物。在这一基本氛围中,中国传媒也进去了以人与社会为核心的媒介营销时代,本文通过几个案例,分析当今中国的媒介营销环境。  相似文献   

面对党和国家文化建设的需要,作为传播文化信息媒介的大众传媒来说,必须对当前传媒市场的中有悖于弘扬优秀文化传播主旨的现象,引起我们的警醒和思考。在我国文化建设与文化繁荣中,大众传媒应当坚持社会本位,履行社会责任,发挥其独有的文化整合功能、文化导向功能,正视其文化反向功能和文化互动功能,促进社会文化的传播与发展。  相似文献   

大众文化是商业文明和工业文明相结合的产物.它以巨大的影响力使得它的传播载体--大众传媒能遵循市场经济原则,以市场要求取代精神要求.在这种既是意识形态的又是物化形态的商业化运作中,大众传媒以其强大的影响力传播了大众文化.  相似文献   

大众传媒在新闻传播中必须具有必要的法律意识,但当前,大众传媒在信息传播中却存在法律意识缺失的现象。大众传媒在信息传播实践中,应树立和强化法律意识,实施恰当的传媒法律规避策略。  相似文献   

王菁 《消费导刊》2014,(6):163-163
德性与幸福的关系具有复杂性,文章通过对德性与幸福之关系的辨析以及德性与幸福统一路径的历史考察,分析得出当代中国德性与幸福统一的路径为:在经济发展的基础上,制度正义是获得幸福的外在保证,主观德性修养是获得幸福的内在保证。  相似文献   

吴阳 《中国报业》2014,(2):86-87
大众传媒总是伴随着音乐,贯穿在其制作、流通等各个阶段。到20世纪,传媒行业逐步壮大,大众传媒同音乐二者间的关系也逐步变得复杂和紧密起来。本文首先介绍了大众传媒的定义、特点及作用,进而分析了数字化条件下大众传媒对音乐传播的影响,最后提出优化大众传媒对音乐传播的路径。  相似文献   

曹锐 《消费导刊》2009,(6):232-232
随着信息时代的到来,大众传媒已成为人们日常生活不可缺少的一部分,渗透到社会生活的各个领域,影响着各类人群的思想态度、价值取向和行为方式。大众传媒对女性刻板形象的刻画影响着社会中女性形象的建构,因而大众传媒应树立的性别平等意识,为构建性别和谐社会作出贡献。  相似文献   

在现代文化向农村社会传播的过程中,大众传媒不仅本身作勾一种新的文化形式被农民群体所接受,成为衣村文化变迁的内容之一,而且充当了推动农村文化由传统向现代转型的“加速器“.  相似文献   

大众传媒对青少年的身心发展具有正面的作用,也有负面的影响。当前青少年在大众媒体接触种类、接触动机、信息偏好等方面呈现出一定的发展趋势。对青少年影响的主要媒体有电视媒体、网络媒体、移动媒体等,他们都对青少年产生了特定的作用。应采取积极措施,消弱大众传媒对青少年身心发展的不利影响,促进青少年身心的健康发展。  相似文献   

Increasing flows of goods, capital and labour across various national borders have signalled the ever‐increasing integration or ‘globalisation’ of international markets. The impacts of globalisation are complex and multidimensional and have been intensely debated in the academic literature. Likewise, globalisation and its impacts have also gained attention in the mass media. Yet findings on the way globalisation has been portrayed in the mass media are mixed. In this paper, we examine the conceptual evolution and overall progression of tone of globalisation coverage in the Associated Press from 1984 to 2004. We find that AP reporters have weaved a number of key themes in their stories: growth and efficiency, poverty, employment, environment and migration among others. More‐over, we find ‘balance’ in reporting to the extent that both sides of an argument are presented in an article. However, in absolute terms reporting is skewed in favour or against a specific issue depending on story narrative employed. Our empirical results go some way to reconciling why news organisations feel they present balanced and objective coverage while proponents and opponents on a specific issue feel that coverage is biased one way or the other.  相似文献   

It is argued here that business firms can and do provide an incubator that enables the Aristotelian category of friendships of advantage to develop into friendships of virtue. This contradicts other literature that views acquaintances of utility as the business norm, and expresses pessimism concerning more advanced virtuous development of friendship within the business firm. It is argued here, however, that this virtuous development is integral to the Kantian social aim of pursuing a moral community, an aim which declares the appropriate moral motivation for business, and that certainly should incorporate a role for developing virtuous relations as a component of that pursuit. An atmosphere that encourages the development of relations of virtue is feasible, exists in real business, and is optimal for pursuit of moral business communities.  相似文献   

素质是指事物固有的性质和特点.素质有广义狭义之分.广义的素质指的是人所具有的思想、品德、知识、能力、情感、意志、风度等的全称.它是在一个人先天基础上,通过后天的实践的基本特征.它体现一个人的整体面貌,是发展自己、实现自身价值的基本条件,同时,它又具有很强的可塑性,总是随着社会实践发展而发生变化.不少同学进入大学后都希望担任学生干部,因为这是全面培养和锻炼自己能力的极好机会.  相似文献   

With the emergence of participative social media, the ways in which stakeholders may interact with companies are changing. Social media and Web 2.0 technologies change gatekeeping mechanisms and the distribution of information. In consequence, organizations must realize that they are structurally embedded in online networks of interconnected and equitable actors. In this paper, we analyze how this change in today’s information and communication technologies may affect Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) action. We utilize social network analysis to investigate the CSR blogs of three IT firms: Google, Hewlett-Packard, and Intel. The analysis reveals that their Internet-enabled social networks exhibit patterns of power law distribution and an uneven distribution of structural social capital among the actors involved, especially on the corporate side, which fails to fully engage with the network. We conclude by indicating the research implications of shifting social capital dynamics and by deriving implications for management and practice.  相似文献   

问:编辑部的老师您好!我是一家民营企业的负责人,最近一段时间,我们收到一些参加评选“优秀企业公民”活动的通知,并要求我们提供相应的参评材料,我们平时也听到过相关的说法,但是不太清楚应该如何定义企业公民,作为优秀企业公民应该具备哪些条  相似文献   

基于电子计算机技术的电算化会计信息系统的建立,提高了会计数据处理的速度和准确性及会计信息的时效性,提升了会计工作的质量.随着会计电算化普及程度的提高,对会计电算化人员的业务素质也提出了与之相适应的更高的要求,本文主要从六个方面对此要求进行了简要分析.  相似文献   

This paper examines mass media advertising in the developing country of Morocco, with a special reference to the relevance of standardized versus localized advertising strategies. The advertising infrastructure is described, highlighting strengths and weaknesses of local advertising agencies. Advertising budgets are discussed according to size and type of company, before presenting a detailed assessment of the advertising media. Five selected campaigns serve to illustrate current advertising practices and problems. The authors conclude that knowledge of the local environment and a willingness to address consumers in their own terms are essential for advertising effectiveness in Morocco, and recommend use of localized rather than standardized marketing strategies.  相似文献   

This article provides a comprehensive and systematic review of the product placement literature in order to map the thematic development of product placement research, help researchers understand the current research status, and suggest directions for future research. A pool of 874 publications related to product placement in mass media was retrieved from the Web of Science, Scopus, EBSCOhost, and Google Scholar databases. Bibliometric and network analyses were used to identify the leading journals, scholars, and publications to capture information about emerging issues and to map the development of product placement research. Three major clusters of product placement research were identified: (1) basic concepts, fundamental research frameworks, and empirical studies on product placement in movies and television programs; (2) empirical studies on product placement in games, especially focusing on children and food product placements; and (3) empirical studies on the effects and underlying mechanisms of product placement disclosures. This article concludes by suggesting a future research agenda for product placement research.  相似文献   

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