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中小企业网络营销发展探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着现代信息技术的不断发展,中小企业的营销环境也发生了巨大的变化,网络营销正成为一种更加有效的营销形式。以网络营销的内涵分析为基础,分析了中小企业网络营销存在的问题,提出了相关对策建议。  相似文献   

This paper explores the concept of internal marketing (IM) as an internal supportive system that could provide the infrastructure for a strategic business take-off. It investigates how IM, as a concept, is understood and made practical in the context of Ghanaian small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This qualitative research method was used due to the nature of the enquiry. The government of Ghana is constantly searching for more effective ways of assisting SME performance, through various strategic growth and development schemes. Despite the fact that much has been said in the literature, the IM concept remains elusive. Most SMEs are not aware of IM and demonstrate little understanding of the concept. And SMEs have problems with the implementation of IM. The manufacturing sector demonstrates more IM orientation than does the service sector. This paper unravels sociocultural factors that frustrate the practice of IM among Ghanaian SMEs and calls for a greater awareness of the concept by stakeholders. Suggestions include more general business support for SMEs to improve performance and subsequently grow. The paper finishes by drawing attention to management implications within the practice of IM.  相似文献   


This study examines the impact of entrepreneurial marketing on innovative marketing in small- and medium-sized companies producing industrial tools and mechanical parts. The statistical population of this study consisted of all owners and workers of industrial tools and mechanical parts around the world. The sample size includes 195 people who were chosen through simple random sampling method and Cochran formula. This is a correlational research and the data were collected using a questionnaire designed by theoretical foundations and Likert scale. The validity of the tool was confirmed using the opinions of experts and specialists and the reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed using Cronbach’s alpha (0.891). Data were analyzed through structural equation modeling. The results show that value creation that includes creating value for customers through the products and services, and marketing activities and technology has the greatest impact on innovative performance. Also, innovation, which includes innovative strategy, management believes in innovation, and using new methods to carry out activities, is in the next place. Among the factors, the leverage of resources, which include the financial and human forces, has the least effect on innovative performance.  相似文献   

崔文芳 《中国市场》2008,(6):116-117
中小企业是我国国民经济中不可或缺的一部分,但融资状况却制约了其发展。传统的融资方式无法解决中小企业面临的困境,商业银行只能通过业务创新来发展这部分市场。供应链金融是一种新型的融资模式,它把供应链上的相关企业作为一个整体,根据交易中构成的链条关系和行业特点来设定融资方案,由供应链上的相关企业共同分担融资风险。相较于传统的融资模式,在对中小企业融资业务上有着极大的优势。  相似文献   

This paper investigates how governance mechanisms affect the ability of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to introduce strategic change. Previous research typically assumes that governance mechanisms operate independently of each other. Building on agency theory and insights from the literature on small firm governance, we hypothesize that governance variables related to ownership, the board of directors and the top management team all affect strategic change and that it is important to examine the interaction effects of these governance mechanisms. Using a longitudinal sample of over 800 SMEs, our general logic and hypotheses are supported by the analyses. We find that closely held firms exhibit less strategic change than do SMEs relying on more widespread ownership structures. However, to some extent, closely held firms can overcome these weaknesses and achieve strategic change by utilizing outside directors on the board and/or extending the size of the top management teams. Implications for theory and management practice in SMEs are discussed. All three authors have contributed equally to the paper. Their names are listed alphabetically.  相似文献   


This paper addresses two key questions on how supplier firms can better manage industrial buyers to create higher loyalty. The first involves whether to focus on relationship quality or exchange satisfaction. This dual route model towards enhancing loyalty in essence is concerned with comparing the relative strengths of the effect from relationship quality to loyalty and from exchange satisfaction to loyalty. The second point of interest pertains to whether the effects from relationship quality and exchange satisfaction to loyalty are moderated by environmental conditions such as switching barriers and viable alternatives. Using data on business customers' ratings of a major information technology provider, we find that the effect of exchange satisfaction on loyalty is significantly greater than the effect of relationship quality on loyalty. We also find that the impact of exchange satisfaction on loyalty is less sensitive and more stable across different levels of switching barriers and viable alternatives. Conversely, the effect of relationship quality on loyalty is more pronounced to such moderating variables in that the effect of relationship quality on loyalty was greater when switching barriers were low and many viable alternatives existed. Implications for marketing theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

黄丽秋 《商业研究》2006,(20):58-60
我国的中小企业已经成为国民经济的重要组成部分,它们的快速健康发展将直接促进我国经济的发展。当前,我国成千上万的中小型企业面临着严峻挑战,他们在单一的市场或有限的几个市场上运作,创建者的经验、个人价值观影响企业战略定位,有着很大的局限性。因此,我国中小企业有必要加强其战略管理,增强企业竞争力,将企业做大做强。  相似文献   

This article draws on an integrated perspective of institutional theory and the resource-based view of the firm by studying the causal relationships among Web technology adoption, social and economic rational managerial perceptions, and firm results. It does so in the context of the fashion industry. The article suggests that both resource-based view and institutional factors may better explain firm performance. Isomorphic rationality as institutional forces of firm homogeneity are proposed as determinants of rent potential that complement and extend resource-based explanations of firm success variation and sustainable competitive advantage in the fashion industry.  相似文献   


Import intermediary firms, domestic firms that serve U.S. industries by linking domestic wholesalers/retailers and foreign distributors/manufacturers, handled a whopping U.S. $1.85 trillion of commodity good imports in 2006. This study focused on these important firms by assessing the role of capabilities and competitive advantages as key determinants of import intermediary performance. The empirical results showed that market interpretation, sourcing, and service capabilities, overall, positively affected cost, product, and service competitive advantages. These competitive advantages, in turn, positively affected their relationship performance with business partners. Results, however, also indicated some interesting negative associations among sourcing capabilities, service advantages, and relationship performance with foreign partners, raising questions about extant firm performance theory.  相似文献   

邢方  贾彧 《商业研究》2007,(1):193-195,213
加快企业经济发展速度并取得良好成效,必须提高企业核心竞争力已成共识。那么如何才能提高?无论从理论、经验还是企业实践均证明了:企业文化是提升企业核心竞争力的动力源,因此加强企业文化建设便成为人们探究的热门话题。但是,从现阶段看,我国不少企业在企业文化建设中存在许多问题,步入误区。  相似文献   

中小企业是我国国民经济的重要组成部分,在促进全社会就业、企业经济增长方式转变、构建社会主义和谐社会等方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。但是,我国中小企业在电子商务应用方面,无论是在内部条件、外部环境,还是在应用模式上都存在一些制约因素和问题,在一定程度上影响和妨碍了中小企业电子商务应用的发展。我国应加强政府的宏观规划和指导,加快电子商务人才培养和信用体系建设,全面建立健全安全认证体系,推进在线支付体系建设,加快完善电子商务的相关法律,为推进中小企业电子商务应用发展创造条件和提供有力支持。  相似文献   

在经济全球化背景下,我国企业的发展,经济总量及质量的大幅度提升,必须以品牌建设为前提。品质是品牌建设的基础,是企业参与市场竞争的基本筹码;品牌能为顾客传递品质价值,是企业获利的重要源泉。要搞好品牌建设。必须做好两方面工作。唱响品质标准的三步曲,即制定并完善标准、优化提升标准、走进国际化行列,最终赢得国际化标准制定的话语权、决定权;确立品牌经营新理念,精心培育品牌,精准市场定位。  相似文献   

在企业信息化建设过程中,由于各个企业在发展阶段和管理模式等方面存在较大差异,信息化模式选择成为突出问题。根据中小企业集群的演进理论,阐述了中小型制造企业集群生命周期阶段与信息化模式选择,并详细探讨了每个生命阶段的信息化模式。  相似文献   

知识经济时代要在市场竞争中取得优势,中小型企业必须加强内部知识转移,提升其知识竞争力。为此,中小型企业必需利用自身的结构特征和知识转移的要求进行管理创新。本文通过对中小型企业时代竞争特点和其内部知识转移内涵的描述,进而分析中小型企业内部知识转移过程模型以及其作用和影响因素,并从激励机制、企业文化、学习型组织、知识转移情境、信息化建设和知识主管的设立等六个方面进行企业管理创新方面的探讨。  相似文献   

高晓燕 《商业研究》2001,(11):84-90
中小企业结构调整是我国经济结构战略性调整、国民经济战略性重组的重要组成部分。我国中小企业在结构方面存在着产业结构层次低、重复建设严重,模式雷同,淘汰率高、与大企业的协作配套关系差、企业创新能力弱等“散、乱、差”的问题.解决此问题的总体思路是发展特色经济、重组企业优势、进行技术引进与技术创新、发挥政府的导向作用。此外,还要根据经济发展的趋势选择好未来的发展方向.  相似文献   

中小企业作为最有活力的经济细胞,其作用和地位不可忽视。但是由于中小企业自身存在的问题以及外部环境方面的问题,导致了中小企业的融资困难,进而制约了我国中小企业的发展。本文通过对中小企业融资难的原因分析,并借鉴相关的国际经验,提出了建立适合中小企业融资特点的多层次金融体乐的对策。  相似文献   

中小型企业在国民经济活动中的重要性越来越突出,如何提高他们的生存、创新与发展空间也越来越受到各方面的重视。企业孵化是一种扶持新型企业从启动到投入市场的专业机构,是一种扶持中、小型企业,振兴地方经济、提高就业机会、解决经济危机留下的疑难问题的有效手段,它的实用性在西方已经得到有效证实,近20年来,这种概念已被世界各国所接受,在发达国家以及一些发展中国家,企业孵化模式已经发展成为知识公园。事实证明,企业孵化对于实现知识的产业化和企业创新的实现有着极为重要的作用。  相似文献   

搜索引擎是中小企业的一种有效网络营销手段。目前比较吸引企业的搜索引擎营销模式主要有搜索引擎竞价排名、关键词广告、搜索引擎优化等。中小企业搜索引擎营销策略包括基于搜索引擎的网站优化策略、基于搜索引擎的网站推广策略、基于搜索引擎的广告投放策略、基于搜索引擎的信息收集策略.以及这些策略综合形成的组合。随着搜索引擎市场规模不断扩大并稳步发展,我国搜索引擎用户数量快速增长,用户对搜索引擎高度认可并广泛使用,搜索引擎营销的前景广阔。  相似文献   

世界现代生物技术发展已经进入大规模产业化阶段,生物技术企业是产业化的主要推动力量。我国生物技术企业普遍存在融资困难的问题.既有高新技术产业在融资中存在的普遍性问题,也有其自身的特殊问题。阐述生物产业特征与融资特点,分析我国生物技术企业融资现状和存在的问题,并提出政策建议。  相似文献   

随着第四次工业革命的到来,工业机器人的使用成为制造业智能化的重要表征,并对出口贸易产生了愈发深远的影响。研究使用中国2000—2014年行业层面的机器人应用数据、企业层面的机器人进口数据以及中国企业和产品层面的两类微观数据,检验工业机器人对出口产品质量的影响。企业和产品层面的实证结果均表明,工业机器人的使用能够显著促进中国出口产品质量升级。且在考虑工具变量的因果识别、样本选择偏误及多重稳健性检验后依然成立。基于进口工业机器人的准自然实验同样稳健,且促进效应随引进时间递增。机制分析表明,工业机器人主要通过全要素生产率提振、企业创新能力增强和劳动要素升级三个渠道提高企业出口产品质量。  相似文献   

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