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Arecent survey by the State Statistics Bureau tends to leave little room for being optimistic for the country‘s automobile manufacturers and dealers about the market prospect.According to the figures,China produced a total of 158.6 thousand sedans  相似文献   

Special Report for Trend of China‘s Metallurgy Mine recently released by Morgan Stanley stated that the key of China‘s steel industry lies in the equilibrium between supply increase and consumption demand. It is predicated by this bank that China‘s consumption for major metals will double in next five to six years, and furthermore China‘s borrowing consumption pattern is the factor to promote the increase in global demand for metal. As China‘s income per capita just reaches the critical point that caused substantial increase in metal consumption per capita in the history of other countries, China‘s metal consumption still stays at the early stage of increaseof high speed.  相似文献   

Three outstanding institutions, Tsinghua University‘s China Cen tre for Financial Research (CCFR), the Massachusetts Institute of Technology‘s (MIT) Sloan School of Management, and the China Europe In-ternational Business School (CEIBS), came together to promote the country‘s reform and opening of its financial mar-  相似文献   

China‘s entry of WTO signifies its connection with the world market.More and more Business opportunities will be found in China with the development of its market economy. The great potentials of China‘s market arc especially attractive to foreign manufacturers and firms. It is ncccssary for foreign companies to adopt new strategy to adapt to China‘s local conditions if they hope to enter China‘s market.Only with effectivc localization strategy can they obtain a space for themselves on China‘s Market.  相似文献   

China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) was authorized by law to regulate and supervise all the banking institutions in China and their business activities. CBRC plays an active role in China‘s banking reform. According to a press release by the State Council on December 5, under the leadership of the central government and the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of“ Three Represents,“ the CBRC continues to practise the scientific concept of development, deepen the banking reform, further the opening up and enhance banking supervision, so as to ensure a safe and sound development of China‘s banking sector.……  相似文献   

Bo Xilai, Minister of Commerce, indicated China‘s stance on the issue of textile disputes with the United States of America(USA) and the European Union(EU) in a press conference of the State Council on May 30.   China will not accept the Overall Arrangement Bythe USA, nor the Guidelines for the use of safeguards on Chinese textiles exports to the EU. Bo stated that the USA and the EU base their limits on China‘s textile on the quote of the Paragraph 242 of Report of the Working Party on the Accession of China, but the quote is groundless and incorrect.   ……  相似文献   

On the occasion of French President Chirac‘s visit to China and in line with the trade promotion and culture exchange of “Sino-French Culture Year”, on the morning of October 9, “2004 Sino-French Real Estate CEO Forum” were held at The Great Mall in Beijing organized by China‘s Foreign Trade, an English Semimonthly of Department of Media and Press of CCPIT.  相似文献   

As good neighbors of China,Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia play important roles in China‘s diplomacy. In recent years,the relations between China and these three countries have developed rapidly. Leaders frequently conduct visits, cooperation in various fields are advancing, economic and trade ties grow stably,and wade volumes keep on increasing annually.According to the statistics of China‘s Customs, in 2003, the total trade volume between China and the three countries reached US$5.064 billion (Sino-Vietnam US$4.634 billion, Sino-Laos US$110 million and Sino-Cambodia US$320 million), about 40.5% higher than the previous year, among which China‘s export reached US$3.572 billion and import US$1.492 billion.  相似文献   

Sharp reduction
Many Chinese PC producers' revenue has decreased greatly due to the influence of the crisis. Sales and profits witnessed a dramatically decrease in China's PC market. Lenovo, China's largest PC manufacturer, grew 17 percent in PC sales in the second quarter of 2008 in Greater China, declined by 8 percent from its first quarter, and the market share fell to 27.9 percent from 28.8 percent. Worse situation came across to other major PC producers. Founder, the second largest PC producer in China, decreased 11.36 percent year on year in PC sales volume. Similar decline happened to other peers in no exception.  相似文献   

The People‘s Daily,a Chinese central government-backed newspaper,issued an article at the end of May, stressing that the issue of petrol safety is of vital importance to the sustainable development of China‘s economy and society as well as to the improvement of the comprehensive national power, and even to the National Security.……  相似文献   

When China‘s status of great economic country has been recognized, the proposal of uniting the domestic and foreign enterprises‘ income taxes into one has been put on the agenda. Hot discussion has been triggered on this overture because the interests of different sides will be affected by the reform if it is launched. The article analyzes the setback of the current system of seperating the two taxes and puts forward the idea that the unity of Two Taxes is unavoidably to be conducted because it will be benefit for China‘s reality, and be in line with international economic regulation.  相似文献   

The Supreme People‘s Court and Supreme People‘s Procuratorate of the People‘s Republic of China have issued ““Judicial Explanations on Handling the Criminal Cases of Infringing the Intellectual Property Right““, which entered into force on December 22,2004.  相似文献   

China‘s focus on the sustainable development and efficient usage of natural resources echoes Daimler-Chrysler‘s idea of long-term growth, Li Jie, Vice-President of Daimler-Chrysler China Ltd. (DCCL), said recently in Beijing.  相似文献   

China‘s focus on the sustainable development and efficient usage of natural resources echoes Daimler-Chrysler‘s idea of long-term growth, Li Jie, Vice-President of Daimler-Chrysler China Ltd. (DCCL), said recently in Beijing.……  相似文献   

Liu Mingkang, President of China Bank Regulatory Commission said that China‘s regulation on foreign-invested banks is rigid and scientific and the cooperation between domestic invested banks and foreign invested banks will not threaten the security of finance.  相似文献   

In order to enhance the general public‘s awareness on intellectual property protection and showcase China‘s efforts in IPR protection, the Office of the National Working Group on IPR Protection has joined the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Culture, the General Customs Administration, the State Intellectual Property Office, the Supreme People‘s Court and the Supreme People‘s Procuratorate in launching an online selection of “the top ten cases of IPR infringement, 2005“ over such web portals as Sohu. The selection lasted from 13th of February to the 13th of March.……  相似文献   

In the beginning of November, Israel has given an official recognition to China ‘s status of complete market economy. What is the significance of this event? What influence will Israel ‘s recognition bring to the bilateral economic and trade relations ? etc. With these questions born in mind, China‘s Foreign Trade magazine interviewed Dr. Yehoyada Haim, Israel Ambassador in November.……  相似文献   

China has become the fifth supplier of Spain and has achieved great development in the Spanish market. But China‘s investment in Spain is not in a high level, which does not assort with her status of world‘s great economic country.……  相似文献   

Mr. Yao Jingyuan, Chief Economist of the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) delivered a speech on “Chinese Consumption Demand and Price Projection“ at the Forum on China‘s Economic Development Trend and Macro-Control recently. He thought that it is a crucial moment for macro economic control. In addition to investment, consumption should be a driving force for the development of China‘s economy.  相似文献   

“Media reports that ‘China will appreciate the Renminbi by 5% and‘the Central Bank may start to take steps to that end if it decides to adjust the Renminbi‘s exchange rate,‘ are absolutely groundless,“a People‘s Bank of China (PBOC) news release read.  相似文献   

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