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This paper studies how congestion in the public health sector can be used as both an in‐kind and in‐cash redistributive tool. In our model, agents differ in productivity and they can obtain a health service either from a congested public hospital or from a noncongested private one at a higher price. With pure in‐kind redistribution, agents fail to internalize their impact on congestion, and the demand for the public hospital is higher than optimal. When productivities are not observable but the social planner can assign agents across hospitals, the optimal congestion is higher than in the full information case in order to relax incentive constraints and foster income redistribution. Finally, if agents can freely choose across hospitals, the optimal subsidy on the private hospital price may be negative or positive depending on the relative importance of redistribution and efficiency concerns. In this case, redistribution is limited if the quality of the public facility depends on the number of users.  相似文献   

资本性支出分权、公共资本投资构成与经济增长   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
本文建立一个财政分权框架下的两部门内生增长模型,从理论上分析最优公共资本投资配置及其对经济增长的影响,并以我国全国和省份经济数据为基础对本文理论分析进行实证检验。分析表明,我国公共资本投资构成不尽合理,全国和地方公共物质资本投资比重明显偏低;中央和地方政府间公共资本投资事权划分也欠妥,资本性支出分权水平明显过高。这些结论对于我国今后财政政策的合理调整、政府间事权的科学划分具有重要意义。  相似文献   

民间资本参与风险投资问题研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
现阶段对风险投资的研究多集中在于其退出机制,而对风险资本来源问题,特别是民间资本参与风险投资问题却很少涉及。本拟就民间资本参与风险投资所涉及的观念误区,制度安排以及内在机制等问题人一尝试性的分析解释,并借鉴国外经验给出我国民间资本参与风险投资的目标模式。  相似文献   

我国政府投资与民间投资的发展演变   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
政府投资对拉动我国经济增长在历史上曾经起到了积极作用,但也产生了许多消极影响.随着民营经济的发展,它在推动经济增长中的主导地位日益降低,并逐步被民间投资取代.民间投资具有巨大的潜力和明显的优势,它的发展对于推动增长、扩大内需、增加就业、提高人民的收入,将起到积极的作用.本文分析了政府投资和民间投资的发展变化现状、趋势,提出了促进民间投资的有关措施.  相似文献   

Optimal government policy is considered in a second-best framework where consumers and producers cause an externality of the congestion type and income distribution issues are taken into account. The theoretical results of the optimal tax literature are adapted using the concept of the net social Pigouvian tax. An illustrative AGE model uncovers the relative importance of its components. The model demonstrates that the level of the externality tax does not depend strongly on distribution concerns, as reoptimization of the other taxes ensures that the income distribution objective is reached. The model also allows us to study the interaction between externality taxes and public abatement.  相似文献   

公共投资对私人投资的挤出挤进效应分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文运用经济增长理论与新古典分析方法从短期与长期、宏观与微观两个层面分析了公共投资对私人投资替代与互补的影响机制.一方面,公共资本对私人资本具有替代性,增加公共投资会"挤出"等量的私人投资;另一方面,公共资本对私人投资具有正外部性,可提高私人投资的边际产出从而"挤进"私人投资.公共投资对私人投资的影响方向由这两种对立效应的相对强弱决定.实证检验表明,政府公共投资对私人部门投资在挤进的同时又有挤出,最终起主导作用的是挤进效应.政府在公共投资政策的制定和把握上应加强对私人投资的引导和规范,使私人投资者产生正确的理性预期,将项目投向更有效率、更有作用的领域.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to investigate whether there is a link between disaggregated measures of government expenditures and private investment in Greece. A cointegration analysis of a multivariate system of equations is applied in order to empirically estimate the long run relationships between private investment and different measure of government expenditures. Subsequently IRF and VDC are estimated. Government investment is found to assert a positive effect on private investment, supporting in this way the capital accumulation process. On the other hand, government consumption appears to compete for the same resources with government investment, while it negatively affects private investment. [E62]  相似文献   

We present new estimates of Australian public capital formation as a reasonably consistent time series for 1901 to 1975 and comment on some issues they raise. The series is disaggregated by level of government and by function and separates public enterprises from other junctions. Primarily because we recognize internal funding of capital formation by public enterprises the new estimates differ quite radically from existing estimates. After 1930 the government share of total capital formation declined from a traditional average of one half to less than 40 per cent. Associated with this relative restraint since the early 1950s were an increasingly ‘business-like’ management of public enterprise and a growing pressure on the private sector to provide additional infra-structure.  相似文献   

Public investment constitutes one of the main instruments of regional policies. The existence of a direct link between infrastructure and regional income per capita is usually accepted. Literature also describes a positive effect of public investment on private capital accumulation. This paper seeks to provide new empirical evidence on this latter relationship for the case of Spanish regions over the period 1965–1997 using panel data methodology. The results show a positive effect of productive and social public investment (especially in education) on private investment. The spillover effects generated by the productive infrastructures located in other regions do not seem to encourage the private investment in neighbouring regions. Public consumption and interest rate exert a negative influence on private capital accumulation. These results are robust to changes in the econometric specification.  相似文献   

Equilibrium, Trade, and Capital Accumulation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper summarizes the author's principal contributions to economic theory: (1) one of the first rigorous proofs of the existence of competitive equilibrium; (2) existence of competitive equilibrium with weakened assumptions; (3) the minimum income approach to demand theory; (4) tatonnement stability with weak gross substitutes; (5) a general theory of comparative advantage; (6) factor price equalization with attention to factor supplies; and (7) turnpike theory allowing for von Neumann facets and neighbourhood convergence.
JEL Classification Number: B10  相似文献   

随着知识经济的兴起,民营企业开始更多地关注人力资本投资。人力资本投资风险是作出某一人力资本投资决策时由于未来不确定因素的影响不能准确判断,可能引起财务损失的机会。民营企业须具有风险意识才可以最大限度地降低人力资本投资上的损失,提高投资效率。风险管理对于民营企业的生存与发展至关重要,只有成功解决了风险管理的课题,民营企业才能更健康地发展。  相似文献   

基于我国战略性新兴产业特征,指出风险资本承担高风险、谋求高回报的形态与战略性新兴产业具有良好的对接作用,通过辨析公共风险资本和私人风险资本的不同利益诉求及使命,分析当前我国公共风险资本和私人风险资本对战略性新兴产业的介入现状,提出促进风险资本介入我国战略性新兴产业发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

本文将政府公共投入、人力资本和居民收入置于同一分析框架内,运用1990~2014年省级面板数据进行经验研究。采用固定效应模型的估计结果证实,政府公共投入与人力资本促进了居民收入的增长,且地方政府对区域人力资本的投资强化了后者对居民收入增长的促进作用。从全国层面来看,教育、医疗等非经济性公共投入比经济性公共投入更有利于居民收入提高。分样本实证结果显示,公共投入对居民收入的影响呈现出区域差异,东部地区非经济性公共投入对居民收入影响较大,而中西部地区经济性公共投入对居民收入的影响则更为明显。为此,公共部门在确保基础设施有效供给的同时应着力加大教育、医疗卫生等与民生相关的人力资本方面的投入,并充分考虑公共投入效果的区域差异性,以提高财政调控的区域有效性和针对性。  相似文献   

This paper incorporates public spending on industries (in terms of a durable public intermediate good) into a two-country, two-period, and two-sector, model with international labour mobility. The relationship between international trade policies, private investment, and public spending on industries has been examined. Due to international labour mobility, a policy change in one country also affect the relevant variables in the other country. The timing of the policy change is shown to be ciritical. [H30, F20]  相似文献   

民间投资接力公共投资:后危机时期的重要选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在应对全球金融危机的过程中,政府公共投资对我国经济在世界范围内率先企稳回升功不可没。在后危机时期,让民间投资接力公共投资是保持经济可持续增长最重要的战略选择。相对公共投资而言,民间投资具有机制活、效率高、潜力大、可持续性强、有利于创业创新、就业效应强的特点。当前政府需要以城镇化发展推动民间投资、以创业激活民间投资、以消费带动民间投资,并在投资领域、投资方式、融资渠道、财税扶持、创新引导、服务环境等方面采取措施积极扩大民间投资。  相似文献   

Tax Policy and Human Capital Formation with Public Investment in Education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper studies the effects of distortionary taxes and public investment in an endogenous growth OLG model with knowledge transmission. Fiscal policy affects growth in two respects: first, work time reacts to variations of prospective tax rates and modifies knowledge formation; second, public spending enhances labour efficiency but also stimulates physical capital through increased savings. It is shown that Ramsey-optimal policies reduce savings due to high tax rates on young generations, and are not necessarily growth-improving with respect to a pure private system. Non-Ramsey policies that shift the burden on adults are always growth-improving due to crowding-in effects: the welfare of all generations is unambiguously higher with respect to a private system, and there generally exists a continuum of non-optimal tax rates under which long-run growth and welfare are higher than with the Ramsey-optimal policy.  相似文献   

民间资本脱实向虚的异化现象加重了民营企业融资难与融资贵,对民营实体经济全要素生产率提升构成直接抑制,并最终影响民营经济的高质量发展,从全要素生产率提升视角,在对我国31个省(自治区、直辖市)(不含港澳台)私营工业企业TFP测算的基础上,本文实证分析民间资本异化对民营实体经济TFP的影响.研究发现:股票价格变动指数、房地产市场价格变动指数、网贷行业综合收益率三个资本异化变量对民营实体经济TFP提升具有显著负作用,阻滞了民营经济高质量发展.扭转民间资本异化、引导民间资本回归实体经济,需要规范民间金融发展,强化房地产市场调控以及加强对民营实体企业的正确引导.  相似文献   

基于招商引资的西部地区民间资本投资动机和行为分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国民间资本投资已成为促进区域经济增长的主要动因,如何推动民间资本加大对西部地区的投资,是促进我国经济健康、协调、持续发展和促进西部经济快速发展的关键。从投资动机、影响投资环境因素、投资决策方式层面上剖析民间资本,对于指导西部地区民间资本投资工作具有现实意义。  相似文献   

In the last decades, financial activities have grown disproportionately compared to other activities. This aroused a growing discussion in Keynesian and Marxian economists about the structures of modern capitalism and the role played by the dominance of finance on capital accumulation. After a brief review of the main issues, we discuss some mechanisms explored in this literature connecting financialization and aggregate investment.  相似文献   

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