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We compare wages between school leavers who participate in government-fundedyouth training and those who do not. Using a subset of all schoolleavers in Lancashire between 1988 and 1991, we find that wagedifferentials are large and negative for all types of participantwhen training. Once training finishes, differentials are smallbut still negative. There is no evidence that participants havesteeper wage profiles. A ranking of lifetime wages suggeststhat the occupations chosen by participants may offer positivereturns compared to occupations with no training. The largestimpact comes at the firm level: training providers pay lowerwages to both ex-participants and non-participants.  相似文献   

Andrew Jones 《Local Economy》1998,13(3):278-282
Ashton, D. and Green, F. 1996: EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND THE GLOBAL ECONOMY. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, £18.95 paper, £55.00 cased.

Booth, A. and Snower, J. (eds) 1996: ACQUIRING SKILLS: MARKET FAILURES, THEIR SYMPTOMS AND POLICY RESPONSES. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, £15.95 paper, £45.00 cased.

Deakin, B. 1996: THE YOUTH LABOUR MARKET IN BRITAIN: THE ROLE OF INTERVENTION. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, £35.00 cased.

Godfrey, M. (ed) 1997: SKILL DEVELOPMENT FOR INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIVENESS. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, £59.95 cased.

Shackleton, J. with Clarke, L, Lange, T. and Walsh, S. 1995: TRAINING FOR EMPLOYMENT IN WESTERN EUROPE AND THE UNITED STATES. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, £55.00 cased.  相似文献   

Why do younger black males earn more relative to whites than do older black males? The literature offers two competing explanations. Smith and Welch suggest this pattern is evidence that employers are rewarding the improved skills of more recently, better-educated blacks. Lazear, and Duncan and Hoffman suggest that the pattern is the result of employer discrimination that prevents blacks from entering occupations that offer on-the-job training (OJT) and wage growth with experience. The competing views are tested by using the National Longitudinal Survey of Labor Market Experience of Young Men to compare black and white earnings and regression estimates in two periods. Regression results for 1968 and 1978 indicate that, as the NLS cohort aged, only white males had an age-earnings profile exhibiting the positive effect of OJT. Over the period, education coefficients decreased for both groups with the reduction greatest in black coefficients. This suggests that the earnings effect of education is not as stable for blacks as it is for whites over the life cycle. Black-white earnings ratios were approximately the same in both periods. The results reported here support the explanations offered by Lazear and by Duncan and Hoffman, implying that policies focusing on eliminating racial differences in educational quality may be insufficient in improving the relative position of blacks over the life cycle.  相似文献   

This paper analyses production and labour market data on manufacturingfirms in Ethiopia in order to test for skill formation and job-matchingeffects in wage growth. Estimated age and job seniority profilesof relative marginal productivity and relative wages indicatethat both on-the-job skill formation and job matching are significantsources of the growth of productivity and wages with time inthe labour market. However, there is also evidence that jobmatching is by far the more important of the two sources.  相似文献   

"The purpose of this paper is to analyze migration as an investment in human capital using panel data. [The authors] focus on two issues. The first is the economic motivation for migration and the reasons some movers receive high returns relative to other migrants. The second issue, and the major focus of the paper, is a test of the human capital model explaining wage profiles of nonmovers, first-time, and repeat migrants." The data are from the National Longitudinal Survey of Young Males, 1966-1971 cross-section, and concern the United States.  相似文献   

W. Driehuis 《De Economist》1975,123(4):638-679
Summary Starting from traditional neo-classical results, a theory is developed in which, in addition to prices, labour productivity and unemployment, the degree of unionization, the profit rate and the shifting-on of direct taxes and social security contributions influence nominal contract wages. A separate theoretical framework is constructed for wage drift.It is furthermore shown how the wage theory presented is related to Friedman-Phelps specifications. After a discussion of wage policy and its potential influence on wages, wage equations are estimated for the key bargaining sector as well as for wage followers. After their characteristics have been dealt with, as well as the effects of wage policy and the role of wage drift, the relationship between key bargaining, inflation and employment is analysed, showing that the model presented is able to explain stagflation.My thanks are due to Mr. H. von Eye for his help in carrying out the calculations and to Mr. A. de Reyger for providing me with the sectoral unionization rates and his general research assistance. Mr. A. J. van Geel kindly prepared the graphs.  相似文献   

The increase in foreign direct investments raises concerns about labor market consequences in many countries. It is feared that multinational firms are inclined to shift jobs abroad and increase job volatility. We use firm-level data to examine if multinationality and foreign ownership affect the wage elasticity of labor demand. Unlike previous studies, we distinguish the effect on different skill groups of employees. We find no general difference in wage elasticity between foreign and domestic firms but the wage elasticity is higher in multinational firms than in national firms, in particular for medium-skilled workers.  相似文献   

An analysis of wage growth and labor productivity in the military-industrial complex of Russia is given in the article. The evaluation and analysis of military spending in Russia and countries in the world are presented. Error correction calculations of the amount and proportion of military spending in GDP compared with the data of the World Bank has been made.  相似文献   

As the population bonus disappeared, the wage rate has increased significantly since the early 2000s in China. Increasing wages have significantly affected export-oriented industries as well as agriculture. Mechanization is another factor affecting China's agriculture. This study shows the increasing wage and the mechanization have a negative impact on land area devoted to labor-intensive crops but a positive impact on land area devoted to labor-extensive crops. Based on nationally representative data, the empirical results conform well to the theoretical predictions.  相似文献   

This paper examines the income distribution and welfare effects of appropriation activities in an economy. In the short run, with a given number of firms, appropriation can narrow wage inequality between skilled and unskilled labor when the capital resources accrued by appropriators are not large. However, wage inequality widens when the capital accrued is large. In the long run, with free entry and exit of firms, an increase in appropriation can cause firms to enter when the accrued capital is not large. This gives rise to a win–win outcome by raising the wages of skilled and unskilled labor. However, if accrued capital is large, firms exit and a lose–lose situation may occur in which skilled and unskilled wages are reduced.  相似文献   

We examine the wage trends of ordinary workers and the wage convergence between unskilled and skilled workers in China. First, we find that wages in all non-agricultural sectors, wages of migrant workers, and wages of hired workers in the agricultural sector have increased dramatically since 2003. Second, through comparing wage differentials between migrant and urban resident workers and between heterogeneous education groups within migrant workers, and by investigating the changes in the contribution of the returns to education to wage differentials, we find that the wages of unskilled and skilled workers have converged. Both the increasing wage trends and wage convergence are interpreted as evidence supporting the hypothesis that China has passed what can be called the Lewis turning point in the industrial sector. We conclude that the sustainability of economic growth in China requires an upgrading of labor market institutions to accommodate the merging of the rural and urban labor forces.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Protektion, starre Reall?hne und Besch?ftigung. — In diesem Aufsatz wird ein Portfolio-Modell für eine offene Volkswirtschaft vorgestellt, mit dem die Besch?ftigungswirkungen analysiert werden, die von der Einführung eines Zolls bei flexiblen Wechselkursen und starren Reall?hnen ausgehen. Von den L?hnen wird angenommen, da\ sie sich nur allm?hlich einem exogenen Reallohnziel anpassen. Das Modell wird unter verschiedenen Annahmen über die Verwendung der Zolleinnahmen gel?st. In jedem der F?lle wirkt der Zoll zun?chst expansiv. Dagegen h?ngen die langfristigen Besch?ftigungseffekte entscheidend davon ab, wie die Zolleinnahmen verwendet werden. Abschlie\end werden die Ansto\wirkungen für den Fall einer vollen Indexierung betrachtet.
Résumé Protection, la résistance du salaire réel et l’emploi. — Cet article présente un modèle de balance de portefeuille d’une économie ouverte qui est appliqué pour analyser les effets d’emploi d’un tarif des douanes imposé sous les conditions des taux de change flexibles et de la résistance du salaire réel. Il est supposé que les salaires s’ajustent graduellement à un objectif exogène de salaire réel. Le modèle est solutionné sous quelques suppositions concernant la disposition des recettes douanières. Dans chaque cas, l’effet immédiat est expansif. En contraste, il est démontré que les effects d’emploi à long terme dépendent décisivement de la disposition des recettes douanières. Finalement, les effets d’impact sont reconsidérés pour le cas d’une indexation totale.

Resumen Protección, resistencia de salarios reales y empleo. — En este artículo se presenta un modelo de equilibrio de cartera de una economía abierta para ser usado para analizar los efectos de empleo de una tarifa impuesta bajo tasas de cambio flexibles y resistencia salarial real. Se supone que los salarios se ajustan gradualmente hacia una meta exógena de salario real. El modelo se resuelve bajo varios supuestos sobre la disposición de ingresos tarifarios. En cada instancia, la tarifa es expansionaria por impacto. En contraste, los efectos ocupacionales de largo plazo resultan girar críticamente trente a la disposición de ingresos tarifarios. En una sección final, se rcconsideran los efectos del impacto en presencia de una indexación completa.

In this paper gender wage decompositions are performed for three very different countries, that is, Japan, Russia and the USA for the years of 1993 and 2000, using the ISSP data set. From the research of this paper, it is shown that the gender wage differential in Japan has narrowed between 1993 and 2000, and the results reveal price and characteristics effects for this country that differ markedly from those observed elsewhere, with female disadvantage being particularly marked. Also, this paper finds that gender wage differentials in Russia and the USA have increased during the years considered here.  相似文献   

The path‐breaking work of Card and Krueger, showing that a higher minimum wage can increase employment, turned the age‐old conventional wisdom on its head. This paper demonstrates that this apparently paradoxical result is perfectly plausible in a competitive general equilibrium production structure of a small open economy with a non‐traded good, without recourse to monopsony, spatial heterogeneity, heterogeneity of consumers and so on, the usual theoretical drivers behind the result. Following Jones and Marjit, we build a simple general equilibrium model with production complementarity and we show that a higher minimum wage can raise aggregate employment. Expansion in the non‐traded sector following a wage hike may be consistent with the overall expansion of the export sector in a multi‐good framework, an unlikely outcome in a conventional two‐good model which cannot accommodate with production complementarity.  相似文献   

This paper sets up a two country monopolistic competition modelwith intra-industry trade to study the effects of an exogenousdifferential in wage and social policies on the location ofindustry. Two model scenarios are considered. In the traditionalone with physical capital, such a differential induces a relocationeffect which increases with the level of trade integration.The ‘new economic geography’ world assumes mobileentrepreneurs which can relocate thus bringing agglomerationforces into play. The most significant difference between thisworld and the traditional one is that, at high levels of tradeintegration, where one country has emerged as the core and theother as the periphery, the core may have more generous socialpolicies and higher wages than the periphery without inducinga relocation of firms. The scope to have higher wage is constrained,however, and related to the level of trade integration in abell-shaped way.  相似文献   

This paper analyses child labor and children's human capitalformation in response to the changes of the relative wage/productivitybetween child labor and adult labor. It implies that becausechildren's labor market participation raises the financial resourcesspent on their education, a small increase in child labor mayenhance children's human capital. It also shows that in a pooreconomy, the laws that punish or partially deter child labormay result in children working more and accumulating less humancapital.  相似文献   

Real Wage Rigidities, Accommodative Demand Policies, and the Functioning of EMU. — The paper shows that the primacy of politics over economics in the decision to start EMU with eleven countries on January 1, 1999 could have serious consequences concerning the functioning and stability of EMU, in particular during the transition phase. The paper demonstrates empirically that real wages in EMU member countries are highly rigid by international comparison and that demand policies played a considerable role in absorbing adverse shocks in the past. Considering that real wages are unlikely to become much more flexible soon, and taking also into account that the use of demand policies in EMU is severely curtailed, it becomes clear that EMU will face a severe crisis if large asymmetric shocks do in fact occur.  相似文献   

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