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This paper tests the collective model against the unitary model by estimating the labor supply of both the husband and wife. Using data from a developing country, China, we reject the hypothesis that distribution factors have no effect on household time allocation decisions. On the other hand, we cannot reject restrictions implied by the collective model. Thus the unitary model is not supported while the collective model gains credence in this study. Our findings suggest that the traditional patriarchalism in Chinese families is giving ways to power sharing between spouses.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of wealth on individual labor supply by considering inheritance receipts as an exogenous change in household wealth. Using Japanese microdata consisting of individuals aged 26–51, we find that (i) while men’s probability of working does not respond to inheritance receipt, women’s probability of working decreases; and (ii) in the case of most respondents the receipt of an inheritance seems to be unanticipated. We also test the unitary household model using information on respondents’ spouses. The results indicate that who received an inheritance influences the labor supply decision of each household member, meaning that we find no support for the unitary model.  相似文献   

Using panel data on Japanese mothers, this paper estimates the impact of fertility on maternal labor supply using twins as an instrument for the total number of children. We find that having twins actually has a longer term positive impact on maternal labor force participation in Japan. To understand this result, we present evidence that the effects of age and cost of children can generate this finding, are particularly salient in Japan and differ in important ways between twins and non-twin families of the same size. Implications for fertility and labor supply policy in Japan are discussed.  相似文献   

李利 《特区经济》2007,225(10):39-40
通过分析广东省劳动力供求状况,发现存在"供不应求"和"失业"并存的现象。那么是什么因素导致人才没有在各行业间自由流动呢?劳动力市场分割理论对此现象作出了解释,本文根据原因提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

In this paper we consider a Ramsey one-sector model with non-separable homothetic preferences, endogenous labor and productive external effects arising from average levels of capital and labor. We show that indeterminacy cannot arise when there are only capital externalities but that it does occur when there are only labor external effects. We prove that sunspot fluctuations are fully consistent with small market imperfections and realistic calibrations for the elasticity of capital–labor substitution (including the Cobb-Douglas specification) provided the elasticity of intertemporal substitution in consumption and the elasticity of labor supply are large enough.  相似文献   

基于模糊数学理论的房地产销售预测模型及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着BPR和项目管理在企业管理中的兴起 ,出现了用“合工”思想替代“分工”理论的说法 ,并称“分工”理论过时了。其实 ,“分工”理论不但没有过时 ;相反 ,它的应用层次更高了 ,从企业内部层次拓展到了企业层次。这种供应链上的企业分工趋势 ,给信息经济下的企业指明了发展方  相似文献   

次贷危机席卷全球,广东省已有上千家"低附加值、低利润、低技术含量"的外向型中小企业受金融风波的影响而相继倒闭。但是与此同时,高新技术产品出口却保持平稳增长,而培养熟练劳动力则是优化珠三角产业结构调整升级的关键一步。本文分析了熟练劳动力紧缺的现状与主要原因,并提出解决问题的对策。  相似文献   

The falling projections of working-age population in China has led to predictions of much slower economic growth. We consider three mechanisms that could contribute to higher effective labor supply growth: further improvement in educational attainment due to cohort replacement and rising college enrollment; improvement in aggregate labor quality due to urbanization; and higher labor force participation due to later retirement. We find that these factors result in a projected growth rate of effective labor input of 0.40% for 2015−2030 compared to −0.60% for working age population. As a result, the projected growth rate of GDP will be 5.80% for 2015–2030 compared to 5.23% if these factors are ignored.  相似文献   

This paper explores how the occurrence of local indeterminacy and endogenous business cycles relates to dynamic inefficiency, as defined by Malinvaud (1953), Phelps (1965) and Cass (1972). We follow Reichlin (1986) and Grandmont (1993) by considering a two-period overlapping generations model of capital accumulation with labor–leisure choice into the first-period of an agent's life and consumption in both periods. We first show that local indeterminacy and Hopf bifurcation are necessarily associated with a capital–labor ratio that is, at steady state, larger than the Golden Rule level. Consequently, paths converging asymptotically towards the steady state are shown to be dynamically inefficient, as there always exists another trajectory that starts with the same initial conditions and produces more aggregate consumption at all future dates. More surprising, however, is our main result showing that stable orbits, generated around a dynamically inefficient steady state through a supercritical Hopf bifurcation, may, in contrast, be dynamically efficient.  相似文献   

A strand of the literature documents no effects or even positive effects of a higher minimum wage on employment. This evidence is frequently linked to the existence of monopsonistic labor markets or search frictions. However, empirical studies show that these findings could be related to a low short‐term minimum wage–employment elasticity in a competitive labor market. We show that mixed theoretical employment effects of a minimum wage policy can be predicted in the short term in assignment economies with price‐taker agents and no search frictions.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to discuss the roles of the elasticity of intertemporal substitution in consumption and the elasticity of the labor supply on the local determinacy properties of the steady state in a two-sector economy with constant elasticity of substitution technologies and sector-specific externalities. Our main results provide necessary and sufficient conditions for local indeterminacy. First, we show that the consumption good sector needs to be capital intensive at the private level and labor intensive at the social level. Second, we prove that under this capital intensity configuration, the existence of sunspot fluctuations is obtained if and only if the elasticity of intertemporal substitution in consumption is large enough but the elasticity of the labor supply is low enough. In particular, we will show on the one hand that when the labor supply is infinitely elastic, the steady state is always saddle-point stable, and on the other hand that when the elasticity of intertemporal substitution in consumption is infinite, labor does not have any influence on the local stability properties of the equilibrium path.  相似文献   

为了研究非点源污染在国内外的研究现状,对研究过程中所涉及到的非点源污染以及处理非点源污染的方法做出界定,并重点阐述了SWTA模型的理论基础。然后通过对非点源污染的转化过程和污染负荷量的研究及各种处理方法的优缺点比较,得出非点源污染物质的流入负荷量和流达率可确定,但污染物质的流达过程的解析、对目标流域水质的贡献率等方面还缺少深入研究的结论。  相似文献   

复杂程度不同的劳动并不是创造价值的抽象劳动,而是生产力特别高的具体劳动;它不属于价值源泉的问题,而属于劳动力价值生产、再生产问题。与此同时,科技劳动也不是创造高价值的劳动,而是创造高使用价值的劳动,不能以科技劳动所创造的价值为依据来确定科技和管理人员获得多少报  相似文献   

This paper considers problems and specifics of labor demand and supply relations in the Russian labor market; it identifies and analyzes the underlying factors. It discusses the possibilities of inclusion in the analysis of structural characteristics of labor demand and supply and the dynamics of wages in the process of their conciliation in the Russian labor market, and it presents estimates of its basic parameters.  相似文献   

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