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叶安宁 《科技和产业》2008,8(9):42-44,68
生产率的测度是产出和投入之比。对产出和投入的不同界定而产生的生产率包括:直接劳动生产率、完全劳动生产率、增加值劳动生产率等。本文探讨了完全劳动投入的测度,并比较了这些生产率之间的关系。  相似文献   

This paper re-examines the relationship between trade and labour market adjustment costs by explicitly considering the effects of occupational mobility. We investigate the hypothesis that intra-industry trade expansion entails lower adjustment costs than inter-industry trade expansion—the so-called Smooth Adjustment Hypothesis (SAH). This paper makes two new contributions. First, the introduction of a new adjustment variable that considers reallocation between sectors and occupations. Second, a test of the SAH using panel data with relevant trade and non-trade control variables, which overcomes some of the methodological limitations of former studies. The results suggest a confirmation of the SAH and stress the importance of considering the effects of worker moves between occupations in the study of trade-induced adjustment. JEL no. F12, F16, J62  相似文献   


The aim of this article is to examine the change in labour productivity of timber floating on tributaries of northern Swedish rivers between 1930 and 1960. During this time, timber-floating operations were still relatively widespread but were put under economic pressure due to rapidly increasing labour costs and decreasing timber dimensions. This study examines various factors that could conceivably explain these changes in labour productivity in timber floating on the tributaries of the Ume and Vindel rivers. The results show that during the 1950s a partial phase-out of timber floating on the tributaries had a very small effect on labour productivity. Thus the combination of investment in the existing floatways and changes in the volumes of timber is the factor which best explains differences in labour productivity among different tributaries. Timber floating on the tributaries was influenced by annual variations in natural conditions, but since the relationship between investment costs and changes in labour productivity is significant, it still seems reasonable to draw the conclusion that investment in existing floatways resulted in increasing labour productivity during the examined period. These findings also contribute to the discussion of rationality and expectations as an explanation for investments in existing technologies, particularly in this type of transport system.  相似文献   

Examining the US manufacturing sector, we focus on the potential employment effects of shifts in import sources from relatively high- to low-income nations. Data for 384 6-digit NAICS US manufacturing industries that span the years 1972–2001 are utilized. Increased import penetration is found to reduce both production and non-production employment; however, such job loss is countered by export-led job creation. Extending the literature, we report that reallocation of import sources from high- to low-income nations reduces manufacturing employment, and when shifts in import sources coincide with rising import penetration the result is an acceleration of job loss. I wish to thank the editor and the two anonymous referees for their valuable comments and suggestions.  相似文献   

Open Economies Review - The stability of the labour share of income is a fundamental feature of many macroeconomic models. Empirically however, the labour share varies considerably across countries...  相似文献   

20世纪60年代,随着农村集体经济体制的形成,中国农村出现了以无效劳动分占有效劳动为特征的劳动分占。虽说劳动分占在农村集体中既不公平也不合理,是指令性计划经济下农村农业生产效率低下的根源之一,但它却是计划经济下的一种有效化解农村人口和劳动力就业压力的机制。从劳动分占与农村劳动力就业的角度回顾农村经济的变革过程,能够客观地看到中国农村的问题主要是劳动力能否从事有效劳动,或者说有效劳动能够在多大程度上吸纳农村劳动力。这就说明,向农村提供充足的有效劳动的机会,才是真正解决中国农村问题的办法。  相似文献   

Economist William A. Darity has proposed a federal job guarantee with decent wages for all job seekers, an idea with deep, but largely forgotten, roots in US history.The article briefly explores some New Deal job-creation efforts and President Franklin Roosevelt??s proposal for an Economic Bill of Rights. It then focuses on two major attempts to secure full employment through legislation. The Full Employment Bill of 1945 was defeated; the compromise, the Employment Act of 1946 did not have full employment as its goal. After years of struggle, a much-weakened Humphrey-Hawkins Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1978 passed, but then was violated and virtually ignored. Full employment shifts power from capital to labor, so major opposition can be expected from efforts to obtain it. Proponents need more power and a strong movement, including at the grassroots level, pushing for jobs for all--not just jobs for me or my group. Publicizing the benefits of past job programs and reintroducing the idea of a decent-paying job as a right are suggested, as well as making decent jobs for all the center of economic policy. This requires a fundamental break with neoliberalism and reallocating political power away from big business and Wall Street toward middle and working-class people and the working- and non-working poor.  相似文献   

This article presents estimates of purchasing power parities, real output and labour productivity in medium and large scale manufacturing in a binary comparison between Indonesia and the USA in the benchmark year 1987, It applies an industry of origin approach, comparing product unit values from the censuses of both countries. The 1987 PPP for manufacturing was Rp 1,200/$. Gross value added per person employed in 1987 was 10% of that in the USA. With the use of national time series, the 1987 benchmark was extrapolated backwards and forwards to derive productivity comparisons for the years 1975–90 in 15 branches of manufacturing. 1975–80 was a period of catch-up, with labour productivity increasing from 7.7 to 10.6% of the US level. Between 1980 and 1990 catch-up stagnated: relative productivity remained unchanged despite considerable productivity growth in Indonesia, Comparisons with other Asian economies show that labour productivity in Indonesia was somewhat higher than in India, but was still lower in 1990 than that of South Korea in 1970.  相似文献   

资源型城市就业困难的原因在于向市场经济转型较晚,缺少新兴部门的成长与发育,因此缺少新增就业机会。正是由于国有企业改革起步较晚,资源型城市遭受就业冲击的程度反而不如非资源城市严重。政府对城市下岗失业者的救助同时存在着过度保护和保护不足,而以就业促进为特征的积极劳动力市场政策,虽然能够改善劳动者的市场地位,但却较少得到执行,为此,国家公共财政要为改变这种情况做出努力。  相似文献   

Trade economists traditionally study the effect of lower variable trade costs. While increasingly important politically, technical barriers to trade (TBTs) have received less attention. Viewing TBTs as fixed regulatory costs related to the entry into export markets, we use a model with heterogeneous firms, trade in differentiated goods, and variable external economies of scale to sort out the rich interactions between TBT reform, input diversity, firm-level productivity, and aggregate productivity. We calibrate the model for 14 industries in order to clarify the theoretical ambiguities. Overall, our results tend to suggest beneficial effects of TBT reform but also reveal interesting sectoral variation.  相似文献   

Recent academic research suggests that the effects of inward foreign direct investment for productivity and employment may vary across foreign investors with different characteristics. Using a newly created dataset that integrates micro-level information from The Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency and Statistics Netherlands, this paper explores the role of several of these characteristics, including e.g. the country of origin, activities and tasks, age and strategic role of foreign affiliates in The Netherlands in the 2000–2007 period. Our analysis shows that important employment and productivity differences exist for nearly all these dimensions.  相似文献   

The article shows that indicators of spatial distribution of employed and economic potential are becoming the key indicators of the economic development of Russia. It has been revealed that the localization of these resources determines the regional differentiation in labor productivity. Regression relationships between labor productivity, employment, urbanization parameters, agglomeration and localization have been determined. The forecast of regional localization of employment on macroregions of Russia has been carried out.  相似文献   

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