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美国养老金成功发展的重要基础之一就是政府税收政策的支撑,而目前制约我国养老金发展的重要原因恰恰是税收制度的不健全。因此,文章通过对美国养老金的税收政策的基本特点、经验进行归纳总结,探讨我国如何为养老金的发展提供更好的税收政策的保障。 相似文献
我国财政支农投资政策的演变与创新 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
当前中国的主要问题是“三农”问题,“三农”在我国的经济发展过程中具有十分重要的作用。本文研究我国财政支农投资政策的演变过程,并对这一演变过程进行分析,结合我国当前国情,探索我国财政支农投资政策优化的创新思路。 相似文献
Dan Steinbock 《中国与世界经济(英文版)》2008,16(3):40-56
The next US president will be elected in November 2008. Since the relative stabilization of war in Iraq, the economy has become the national priority of the 2008 US election. In their campaign efforts, the Democrats have enjoyed greater momentum than the Republicans, in terms of polls, fund-raising and corporate support. After the Bush era, the next president will seek to restore America's leadership and to engage in multilateralism. Since the 1990s, China has been the most rapidly-growing US export destination. In terms of US-Shinese trade and investment, the next president, ira Democrat, will, among other issues, review trade agreements and has pledged to co-sponsor legislation that would allow US companies to seek anti-dumping duties on Chinese imports based on the perceived undervaluation of the Chinese currency. If a Republican, the next president will support global integration and oppose protectionist measures. The Democratic Congress is likely to oppose Republican policies in general and free trade policies in particular. Both scenarios imply increasing pressure on US-Chinese trade and investment relationships. Because these two nations now account for almost half of global growth, the state of the futureUS-Chinese bilateral relationship has worldwide implications. 相似文献
近年来,美国不断指责中国有意低估人民币,称中国是导致全球金融危机的原因之一,最近又指出美国经济问题是因为中国的储蓄率过高而造成的。面对这种指责,文章对美国经济问题和中国高储蓄率分别进行了深层研究,明确了在两者之间并无实质关系。美国对中国储蓄率的指责是在寻找不存在的借口。 相似文献
This paper discusses the personal saving behavior and the retirement behavior of households in the United States. It shows that a typical U.S. household owns virtually no financial savings even at ages approaching retirement. Most personal saving is in the form of housing equity, which, however, is not decumulated during retirement and thus cannot be counted on as retirement wealth. Saving for retirement is largely conducted by corporations and government through pension plans and Social Security. It also presents evidence indicating a relatively large impact on the Individual Retirement Account program on personal savings. The paper casts doubts on the applicability of the pure life-cycle saving hypothesis for the U.S. households. J. Japan. Int. Econ., December 1988, 2(4), pp. 385–416. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138; and National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138. 相似文献
资金总量约在2万亿至3万亿美元的主权基金对美国银行业具有巨大吸引力。尽管出现一些松动的迹象,美国对主权基金投资银行业的法律监管依旧严格。中国应当采取相应的对策以确保中国的主权基金在投资美国银行业时享受合情、合法、合理的待遇。 相似文献
贸易问题是美国政党斗争的焦点之一.随着两党所代表利益的变化,美国两大政党对贸易的态度也在发生变化.本文拟揭示美国两大政党贸易立场的变化及其根源. 相似文献
关键货币境外余额是重要的国际经济变量,它不仅会影响关键货币的国际地位和全球金融市场稳定,也关系到境外关键货币持有国的经济稳定和储备资产安全。关键货币国通过经济、外交甚至军事手段对境外货币余额的规模、资产配置、地区分布以及持有者结构实施管理,以便实现对外融资、获取经济安全和榨取财富等多重目标。在金融危机背景下,基于经济安全、国际博弈和对外融资的目的,美国大致会阶段性地吸引美元回流并调控其在国外的分布,但美元霸权地位和美国国内的两党政治体制将使其境外美元余额的规模在长期内进一步扩张,因此人民币近期仍面临升值压力,欧洲和新兴市场国家金融动荡将会持续甚至加剧。随着中国国内资产价格的下跌,美元的升值和回流在中期时段内可能会冲击中国宏观经济稳定;如果美国不能控制其财政赤字,中国将长期面临美债和美元违约的巨大风险。中国需要降低宏观脆弱性,加速调整经济发展模式,从根本上摆脱美元陷阱。 相似文献
公路设施的快速发展离不开巨额的资金需求,公路成本补偿成为当前我国公路发展亟待解决的重要问题之一。而作为世界上公路网络最发达、公路税收体系最为完善的美国也面临同样的公路筹资难题。为了应对这一难题,美国近年来在公路税收领域进行了许多重要变革。系统研究美国公路成本补偿资金的来源、结构及发展趋势,无疑会对我国未来公路税收的设计和发展具有重大的现实意义。 相似文献
《TRIPs协议修正案》的出台标志着药品专利技术政策国际协调的新成果。作为一种回应措施,美国纷纷签署一些自由贸易协定。这些协定未能重申药品专利政策国际协调成果中的重要原则和标准,扩大可专利种类和范围,明确否认《修正案》平行进口,限制《修正案》强制许可制度和措施,增加许多新条款应对《修正案》,延长专利期限。 相似文献
促进循环经济发展的税收政策选择 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
目前我国经济增长方式依然属于粗放型增长,以牺牲环境、过度消耗资源为代价来发展经济。发展循环经济是我国经济社会发展的一项重大战略,需要通过税收政策的运用和监督管理,调节不同主体的经济利益,促进循环经济发展。现行税制对循环经济的发展还存在种种制约,有必要改进现行税种;开征碳税;对生态工业园区实行倾斜的税收优惠政策。 相似文献
日本对中小企业对外投资的政策支持分析 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
日本中小企业对外直接投资起步较晚,但发展较为迅速。究其缘由,这与日本政府实行的对外直接投资自由化措施、配套的保险和金融等方面的政策、有效的海外投资促进体系、完善的中小企业对外直接投资服务机构是分不开的。我国中小企业发展面临着与日本中小企业发展相似的投资环境.因此,研究日本对中小企业对外投资的政策支持对指导我国中小企业对外投资政策的制定具有重要的指导意义。 相似文献
"民工荒"现象:成因及政策涵义分析 总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16
当前的用工荒固然与宏观经济形势直接相关,但更是2004年以来劳动力短缺现象合乎规律的延续,根本原因在于劳动年龄人口增长率的下降。民工荒的出现,总体上符合经济社会发展规律变化的趋势,因此也必然给劳动力市场带来一系列新的变化。本文建议积极创造政策条件,把民工荒转化为经济社会变革的机遇,加快推进全面建设小康社会进程。 相似文献
Saving,investment, and capital mobility among OECD countries 总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0
Lori L. Leachman 《Open Economies Review》1991,2(2):137-163
Historically investigations of the international mobility of capital have studied rates of return on similar assets denominated in different currencies. Recently, however, efforts directed at ascertaining the degree of international capital mobility have examined the relationship between domestic saving and investment rates. The first approach assesses the mobility of groups of financial assets which represent the existing capital stock while the latter actually scrutinizes the mobility of new physical capital.This paper employs the second approach in a times series study of capital mobility among OECD countries. Implementation of four different tests of the saving-investment relationship suggest that physical capital is more mobile than previous studies have indicated. 相似文献
财税政策作为国家主要宏观调控手段之一,对自主创新有巨大推动作用。当前,我国激励自主创新的财税政策存在优惠目标不科学、优惠范围偏小、激励针对性不强、导向作用不突出、立法层次不高等问题,我们可以通过系统设计财税政策目标、切实调整财税政策重心、实行多样化税收优惠方式、完善相关财税政策的法律体系等措施来解决。 相似文献
文章指出,金融危机以来,伴随着全球贸易的急剧萎缩,贸易保护主义也风起云涌,特别是美国等一些西方国家近期针对中国的贸易保护措施更是纷纷出台,对我国经济发展造成了不利影响,成为我国经济发展的一个制约因素。文章认为,面对日益严重的贸易保护主义,政府、企业应采取积极的应对措施,建立健全贸易救济系统、充分利用WTO争端解决机制、实现对外贸易保护前置化和鼓励创立自主品牌等,以突破美国对华贸易保护的藩篱。 相似文献
Japanese FDI into U.S. service industries: Exchange rate changes and services tradability 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Using the implications of the model of investment under uncertainty, this paper provides a systematic examination of the FDI–exchange rate relationship with respect to services taking into account the degree of tradability across services. Services have mainly been addressed in the literature as a sensitivity test by industry using aggregated service data identified as “nonmanufacturing”. Using data on Japanese FDI into 207 U.S. service industries, maximium-likehood estimates reveal that dollar appreciations are positively correlated with service FDI flows into the U.S. This positive correlation is stronger for non-tradable services versus tradable services. For tradable and non-tradable producer services, higher exchange rate uncertainty may lead to fewer FDI occurrences. On average, across all types of services, higher U.S. unit labor costs relative to Japan had a deterrent effect on Japanese service FDI as well. Finally, this paper also provides a useful benchmark to partition services by tradability. 相似文献
农业作为一个相对弱势产业,客观上需要政府的财政保护和支持。世界各国都非常重视对农业的保护和扶持,在所得税、销售税等方面采取种种优惠措施促进农业的发展,取得了很好的政策激励效果。而我国支持农业发展的税收机制尚不健全,一定程度上抑制了税收对农业的政策激励效应。因此,需要借鉴发达国家发展农业的成功经验,建立与完善有利于我国农业发展的税收政策体系,以促进我国基础产业的健康发展。 相似文献