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随着国库业务的改革与发展,国库资金的清算方式由过去单一的“行库往来”转变为现代化支付系统、同城票据交换、国库内部往来等多种方式,从一个相对封闭、相对间接的资金清算体系转换到一个开放的直接的资金清算体系。由于现行的县域资金清算及同城票据交换业务仍然采用原始的手工操作方式,使国库资金风险前移,交换管理制度建设滞后,极易引发国库资金清算风险隐患。  相似文献   

商业银行中计算机应用规模的扩大使银行系统发生了根本变化。首先,银行不再是单纯经营存款、贷款、汇款三大传统业务的金融机构,而成为“金融百货市场”;其次,银行收入的主要来源已由过去的单一依靠存款和贷款之间的利息差额逐渐转为获取存贷利差及有偿提供金融服务等多种渠道,银行保管钱财的基本职能也开始向电子货币的管理侧重;再次,网络业务的延伸,不断增长的汇划业务量和汇划资金额都对现代银行的资金清算系统运行提出了更高的要求。  相似文献   

随着通存通兑业务的迅速发展 ,通兑资金数量与笔数越来越大 ,那么提高通兑资金清算的速度 ,减少差错 ,降低工作量和复杂程度 ,就尤为重要。一般的解决方案 ,重点多放在通兑储蓄所、卡部和开户会计之间相互的往来帐目上 ,使得交易量越大 ,记帐笔数越多 ,开户会计的工作量就越大 ,差错率也相应越高。本文想对通兑资金清算的模式做一技术性探讨 ,从另外一个角度提出一个解决办法。该办法原理简单 ,能适用于各类通兑 ,对清算资金的渠道无特殊要求 ,记帐笔数少 ,可以当日算清。   1.以网内通兑清算为例说明   本方案是站在一个更高的角度来清…  相似文献   

本阐述商业银行电子汇兑资金清算系统的设计思想、系统应用构架和业务处理模式,并提出一种安全、先进、实用、低成本、易推广的实现方法。  相似文献   

随着国家经济的快速发展,我国的国库资金的数目也越来越庞大,同时国库业务也向多样化、复杂化和科技化发展,这时候国库资金清算业务的风险也就逐渐增加,而如何控制住清算业务中的风险也就成为影响国库资金安全的重要任务。文章对国库资金清算业务中的风险与控制策略进行了探讨。  相似文献   

随着国库会计核算系统的不断完善和大额支付系统的开通,国库部门摆脱了长期以来通过会计营业部门汇划资金的传统做法,国库会计核算形成了独立的核算  相似文献   

近年来,中国保险业发展迅速,保费收入以平均每年35%左右的速度增长。面对规模日益庞大的保险资金,保险企业如何对其进行有效管理,使资金满足总公  相似文献   

目前,交通银行已承担代销了华安、国泰、华夏、博时等8家基金公司的10多种基金。开放式基金代销系统已成为交通银行主要的生产业务系统之一。该系统具体实现基金认购、申购、赎回、转换、红利分发及红利再投资、非交易过户、基金份额冻结解冻、交易组合查询等业务,并实现与零售业务系统的实时转账。代销系统主机采用Sybase数据库,存放所有客户资料及基金交易数据。正常情况下,Sybase数据库自身能提供较好的安全保障,但由于计算机系统本身,如硬件、软件、网络、系统等的一些故障,或操作不当等人为因素,有时也会影响到数据库系统的操作和数据…  相似文献   

We interview Australian fund executives about how their organisations responded to MySuper, a regulatory framework for default retirement savings funds that providers were required to have in place by the beginning of 2014. We provide an account of the influences on MySuper product design. Our analysis generates insight into how fund providers balanced their perceptions of the needs of default fund members against business considerations. Differences in member bases and organisational circumstances across funds are found to lead to considerable variation in default fund design.  相似文献   

We examine the performance and diversification potential of 332 funds of hedge funds (FOHFs) for the period from January 1990 to May 2003. Consistent with prior studies, we find that FOHFs appear to underperform the hedge fund index on a risk-adjusted basis. However, FOHFs have characteristics that offset their apparent underperformance. Their returns do not suffer from negative skewness that is a feature of many hedge fund strategies. Relative to the hedge fund index, we find that FOHFs have lower correlations with stock indices in both bull and bear markets, making them a better diversification tool in equity portfolios. For bond portfolios, however, FOHFs have no diversification advantage over hedge fund indexing.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to compare the risk and return performance of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) available for foreign markets and closed-end country funds. We utilize 29 closed-end country funds (CEFs) for 14 countries over the sample period from April 1996 to December 2001. The performance proxies are mean returns and risk-adjusted returns. Results indicate that ETFs exhibit higher mean returns and higher Sharpe ratios than foreign closed-end funds, while CEFs exhibit negative alphas. This indicates that a passive investment strategy utilizing ETFs may be superior to an active investment strategy using CEFs. The findings reported here offer some insight on the relative advantages of each type of investment. Specifically, there may be some potential for additional types of ETFs that offer higher risk-adjusted returns than closed-end funds. Such ETFs may be able to offer higher risk-adjusted returns as part of an internationally diversified portfolio.  相似文献   

Use of short selling and derivatives is limited in most emerging markets because such instruments are not as readily available as they are in developed capital markets. These limitations raise questions about the value added provided by hedge funds, especially compared to traditional mutual funds active in these markets. We use five existing performance measurement models plus a new asset-style factor model to identify the return sources and the alpha generated by both types of funds. We analyze subperiods, different market environments, and structural breaks. Our results indicate that some hedge funds generate significant positive alpha, whereas most mutual funds do not outperform traditional benchmarks. We find that hedge funds are more active in shifting their asset allocation. The higher degree of freedom that hedge funds enjoy in their investment style might thus be one explanation for the differences in performance.  相似文献   

中国现代化支付系统CNAPS (China National A ccounting Book System ) 及国库核算系统(TBS,Advanced Paym ent System )是中国人民银行推出的集金 Treasury Book System ),是资金清算的重要枢纽。为保融支付服务、支付资金清算服务、金融经营管理和货币 证CCPC 的正常运行,确保汇路畅通,做好CCPC 的日常政策职能于一体的现代化支付清算系统,现每天清算资 维护工作就显得尤为重要。在实际工作中,笔者总结出金达上千亿元。我国资金结算渠道已经从…  相似文献   

A core goal of regulators and financial authorities is to understand how market prices convey information on the financial health of its participants. From this viewpoint we build an Early-Warning Indicators System (EWIS) that allows for identifying those financial institutions perceived as risky counterparts by the participants of the interbank market. We use micro-level data from bilateral overnight unsecured loans performed in the interbank market between January 2011 and December 2014. The EWIS identifies those participants that systematically pay high prices for liquidity in this market. We employ coverage tests to estimate EWIS’ robustness and consistency. We find that financial institutions with an elevated frequency of signals tend to exhibit a net borrower liquidity position in the interbank market, hence suggesting they are facing recurrent liquidity needs. Those institutions also exhibit higher probability of insolvency measured by the Z-score indicator. Thus, our results support the existence of market discipline based on peer-monitoring. Overall, the EWIS may assist financial authorities in focusing their attention and resources on those financial institutions perceived by the market as those closer to distress.  相似文献   

This paper develops a Mirrlees framework with skill and preference heterogeneity to analyze optimal linear and nonlinear redistributive taxes, optimal provision of public goods, and the marginal cost of public funds (MCF). It is shown that the MCF equals one at the optimal tax system, for both lump-sum and distortionary taxes, for linear and nonlinear taxes, and for both income and consumption taxes. By allowing for redistributional concerns, the marginal excess burden of distortionary taxes is shown to be equal to the marginal distributional gain at the optimal tax system. Consequently, the modified Samuelson rule should not be corrected for the marginal cost of public funds. Outside the optimum, the marginal cost of public funds for distortionary taxes can be either smaller or larger than one. The findings of this paper have potentially important implications for applied tax policy and social cost–benefit analysis.  相似文献   

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