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郑大海 《当代通信》2006,13(9):18-18
4月19日,“3QPP标准与产业发展研讨会”在北京隆重召开,来自3GPP各合作伙伴和独立成员的60余名电信专家齐聚北京。先后召开3GPP PCG(项目协调组)和3GPP OP(合作伙伴)会议。2006年是中国3G发展的关键年,TD-SCDMA作为源自中国的国际3G三大标准之一,其产业链日趋成熟,即将商用的趋势也使其成为研讨会各方代表关注的对象。  相似文献   

北京西伯尔通信科技有限公司是西伯尔科技集团的全资子公司。公司的核心技术团队在成立之初一直专注于研究基于3G网络的新业务和新应用,其中对于移动视频业务全力投入,目前已经完成基于移动通信网的移动视频解决方案,包括流媒体应用、Video Mail等应用。西伯尔流媒体系统是基于3GPP和3GPP2标准开发的完全开放的系统,可以支持符合3GPP和3GPP2标准的终端产品。  相似文献   

朗讯的ISG是基于Parlay OSA国际标准的实现,Parlay是1998由业界成立的工业论坛,其目标是给第三方开发提供一个开发电信应用及服务的开放接口,在第二版本出现的时候,Parlay被引入到3GPP ETSI组织,随后作为Parlay OSA标准一起发布,现在已成为占最主要地位和被广泛接受和实现的国际标准。  相似文献   

电信增值业务开发新时代——智能业务网关   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朗讯公司的ISG(Intelligent Service Gateway)是基于Parlay/OSA国际标准的实现。Parlay是1998由业界成立的工业论坛,其目标是给第三方开发者提供一个开发电信应用及服务的开放接口。在第二版本出现的时候,Parlay被引入到3GPP/ETSI组织,随后作为Parlay/OSA标准一起发布,现在已成为占最主要地位和被广泛接受和实现的国际标准。  相似文献   

根据ITU-R TG8/1最后一次会议的决议,第三代移动通信的标准,其中70%将直接引用3GPPs(指3GPP和3GPP2)的技术规范,也就是说,3GPPs已经成为第三代移动通信系统标准化的实质上的主体。本文将重点介绍3GPP标准化组织的结构、职权范围及目前工作进展情况,相信对我国第三  相似文献   

1月9日,中国联通正式推出了首批BREW下载业务。其中广州金鹏公司增值业务项目组开发的3款游戏得到了中国联通和高通公司的认可,在总计推出的共8款应用中占1/3强,从而确立了该公司在基于BREW的增值业务方向上的领先地位。被采用的款游戏是:欢乐五子棋、打鼹鼠、推箱子。另外,增值业务项目组已最新推出包括“联网俄罗斯方块”等5款富有吸引力的手机游戏。公司领导肯定了项目组的工作成绩,并对项目进一步发展给予了明确指示,极大地鼓舞了项目组成员的士气。 BREW是美国高通公司全力推进的基于CDMA 1x网络增值业务的主流应用平…  相似文献   

随着全球通信技术的快速发展,移动通信技术已经进入了3GHx)代,各种通信新技术层出不穷,面对各种新技术的挑战,3GPP想要保持自己在未来移动通信领域的技术先进性,就必须持续不断地提高自己的竞争力。针对未来无线接入网侧的演进,3GPP启动了长期演进计划(LTE,Long Term Evolution)。同时,为了适应无线接入网测的演进,3GPP认为核心网侧也有必要持续演进和增强,于是也开始进行系统架构方面的演进研究——系统架构演进(SAE)。  相似文献   

即使2004年中国3G牌照谜局悬而未决,但3G测试结果的公布及电信运营商高层换岗都预示着2004年仍可称得上是一个”准3G年”。3G概念在2004年是被爆炒了一把,但是如果做到产业化还需要较长的一段路要走。下面主要分析2004年3G在中国的几大看点:  相似文献   

IMS应用的关键问题分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张园 《当代通信》2006,13(6):19-21
IMS是在3GPP R5版本提出了一个新的子系统——IP多媒体子系统。IMS是在承载网络的基础上附加的网络,用户通过无线接入网和3G核心网的分组域接入IMS。IMS主要采用SIP协议,可以向用户提供综合的话音、数据和多媒体业务,它和电路域相对独立,并可以实现互通。3GPP在R6和R7版本对IMS进行了完善和扩展。  相似文献   

3GPP(the 3rd Generation Partnership Project)是一个协作标准组织,它正式签署于1998年12月.这个协作组织集成了许多电信标准制定组织,包括ARIB,CWTS,ETSI,TI,TTA,和TTC。  相似文献   

一、国际3G市场发展概述 经过2000年的泡沫、2001年的低迷、2002年的调整、2003年的准备启动后,国际3G市场在2004年顺利进入了初步启动阶段。进入2005年以来,从网络规模、终端发展与用户增长等综合来看,国际3G市场不仅演进步伐在稳步加快,而且在主要发达国家已实现完全启动,这也为3G未来的发展奠定了新的基础。  相似文献   

Surveys among alumni are a common but hardly reflected method of evaluating teaching in communication departments. In light of the increasing significance of evaluation at the universities and the high competition on the job market, it seems advisable to look at this instrument more closely. An advantage of alumni surveys is that they allow to compare directly people’s studies and the requirements of the jobs people hold. In a meta-analysis,19 alumni surveys conducted in German-speaking countries between 1995 and 2004 were reviewed. Differences between the studies at different universities make ex post facto comparisons more difficult. Results show: Graduates from complete journalism programs find jobs especially quickly. In general, practical experience is the most important factor in finding a job. Most respondents would chose their field of studies again if they were given a chance. Future alumni surveys should be coordinated to allow for better comparison and for collecting data representative of the field.  相似文献   

The article presents data from a secondary analysis of the project »Wählerwanderungen und Politikverdrossenheit« from 1994. The data allow to conduct time series analysis on a day-to-day basis. The focus is agenda setting in combination with a thesis formulated by Marcus Maurer — published in Publizistik 2004 — on the paradox of media effects on non-users. In contrast to Maurer, the paper is not concerned with the methodological but the theoretical paradox: Can there be such a thing as media effects on media non-users? The hypothetical effect is analyzed in comparison of daily and less than daily TV news users. The analyzed models confirm the agenda-setting effect: The media agenda affects the public agenda at later points in time, but the public agenda does not have effects on the later media agenda. In addition, there are indirect effects on people who seldom use TV news. As they do not watch every day, there is no direct immediate effect of the media input on them. But there is a significant effect some days later, which we interprete as a consequence of conversation. The effect of the media on the daily users is passed on to less frequent users by interpersonal communication.  相似文献   

In the field of communication and journalism, an old subject is revived: the criticism of advertisers’ influence on the content of print media. The assumption of such an influence — first claimed in articles by Karl Bücher from the twenties — is supported by hinting at the sources for publishers’ revenue, i.e. the dominance of revenue from advertising over that from paper or magazine sales, and also by the tougher competition. A susceptibility of publishing houses to yield to advertisers’ demands also when they concern news or editorial content is deduced from this. As a consequence, the product as traded among a market of readers is formed by the demands on a market of advertisers. This suggests negative consequences for the quality of a paper. At first, this article investigates quality criteria on the advertisers’ market and its interdependence with the readers’ market. Then it evaluates the (potential) consequences of advertisers’ influence on the media product. Finally, it presents an explicatory model of relevant mechanisms.  相似文献   

Gilles Bastin 《Publizistik》2003,48(3):258-273
Gilles Bastin develops a critique of the concept of the »field of journalism» (»champ journalistique«) in the sociology of Pierre Bourdieu. At first, the genesis of the object under scrutiny, journalism, within Bourdieu’s sociology is introduced. Thus the continuity is made clear with which Bourdieu — from the sixties onwards — conceives of journalists as increasingly powerful agents (»opérateurs«) of »social magic« (»magie sociale«) and of processes primarily in the field of intellectuals. Bastin then analyzes the various suggestions made by different authors for describing the »field of journalism«, and he looks at the variance in using this notion, which makes the concept of the field as such very heterogeneous. In light of other conceptions borrowed from the sociology of professions, such as Everett C. Hughes’, he suggests three critical perspectives: First, Bourdieu’s concept of the field makes work »vanish«; it neglects the conditions of working and the substantial activities of journalists. Second, it leads to a disparate view of journalists’ activities as a subject for research. And thirdly, it decidedly individualizes journalists’ activities.  相似文献   

When, and how, was the issue of AIDS first established in the broad population in (West-)Germany? Our case study shows that 〉Bild〈 (the leading national tabloid newspaper) may have played an important part in establishing the issue. The people’s concern about AIDS runs astonishingly parallel with the intensity of coverage in 〉Bild〈. Even priming effects, such as the number of HIV-Tests performed, appear to be inspired by 〉Bild〈. At the same time, it becomes clear that coverage in 〉Bild〈 did not necessarily follow topical events.  相似文献   

Communication and media studies owe much to our academic journals. At the same time, however, journals increasingly become a space where reputation and careers are negotiated. In so doing, journals move away from their genuinely substantive role as shapers of academic discourse and are increasingly being misused as a political tool to shape science and research. This contribution highlights three particularly toxic issues: (1) the ecological fallacy of inferring individual quality from journal impact, (2) the equation of citations, impact and quality, and (3) the blind use of peer review. The above-mentioned developments have produced a dramatic rise in publication output and a ridiculous arms race for publications. In this race, the generated publication output bears little relation to a healthy gain in knowledge. The increasing importance of academic journals leads to a gradual normalization of the journal article format as “publication standard”. This privileges a specific form of research that lends itself to the publication in journals. Combined with a blind use of peer review, this is a dangerous breeding ground for “normal science” and conceptual stagnation.  相似文献   

The transformation of China Telecom starts from late 2004. General Manager Wang Xiaochu put forward the strategy of transforming into a comprehensive information services provider soon after he took the post and defined transformation as the core mission in the next several years in 2005. With  相似文献   

In large-scale societal crises, organizations involved in saving lives and protecting the public need to collaborate and coordinate their crisis communication to minimize damage and increase resilience. This study analyzed strategic leadership communication fostering such coordination in a network consisting of 24 members representing a variety of authorities, organizations and units established during a large forest fire in Sweden. As the crisis unfolded over a two-week period, 10 network meetings were observed and audio recorded. Discourse analysis was employed to analyze network leaders’ and members’ communication during the meetings. Findings illustrate that leadership communication strategies that fostered networked coordination of organizations’ crisis communication differ in significant ways from leadership communication in noncrisis and team contexts. Salient leadership communication strategies of directing/structuring and encouraging/facilitating were employed during crisis network meetings and functioned to coordinate involved organizations’ crisis communication efforts during time pressure. The study contributes with new knowledge of strategic leadership communication for crisis network coordination, which is important to crisis management and can be used in crisis preparation to enhance resilience.  相似文献   

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