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通过以沪深两市13只银行股作为样本,基于国内及国外对IPO定价的相关分析,从影响股票IPO定价的内在、外在因素中进行初步选取相关因素作为解释变量,采用因子分析法构建IPO定价模型。进行变量合理性分析后不难发现:二级市场平均市盈率是衡量股价高低和企业盈利能力的一个重要指标;企业净利润增长率越高,IPO发行价应当越高,两者之间是正相关的关系;从内部因素上看,影响银行类公司IPO定价的主要因素是成长能力和经营效益,市场因子以及安全因子对银行类公司IPO定价并不十分显著;股票IPO价格对利率的敏感性逐渐下降,利率对银行股发行定价影响较小等。  相似文献   

可交易价值是股票定价的影响因素,对股票的短期价格行为作用明显,名义股价因子、流动性因子和波动性因子均对我国沪深A股市场股票组合的周收益具有良好的解释能力,且表现形式在很大程度上取决于市场环境的不同以及由此而不断变化的投资者偏好。  相似文献   

人民币利率市场化改革稳步推进,目前已基本实现资金价格的市场化确定。存款利率、贷款利率、贴现及转贴现利率对利率市场化分别呈现出不同变化和特点,利率市场化有利于银行、企业、借贷市场的长期健康发展。利率市场化同时对银行的经营管理提出更高要求,促使银行完善利率定价机制,加强流动性及负债管理,提高资产质量。  相似文献   

人民币利率市场化改革稳步推进,目前已基本实现资金价格的市场化确定。存款利率、贷款利率、贴现及转贴现利率对利率市场化分别呈现出不同变化和特点,利率市场化有利于银行、企业、借贷市场的长期健康发展。利率市场化同时对银行的经营管理提出更高要求,促使银行完善利率定价机制,加强流动性及负债管理,提高资产质量。  相似文献   

本文根据我国利率互换市场的发展现状,使用带马尔科夫状态转换的向量自回归模型(MS-VAR模型)对利率互换定价的影响因素进行实证分析,发现不同期限的人民币利率互换定价在影响因素上呈现出不同的特点。在短期互换定价中,利率斜率、流动性补偿及信用风险补偿均是互换利率的影响因素,而在中长期利率互换中,只有信用风险补偿的影响较为明显,而且人民币利率互换定价具有状态转换的特点。  相似文献   

张普 《价格月刊》2012,(9):39-43
从股票价格的形成过程入手提出可交易价值的概念,指出名义股价、流动性和波动性是其可能的影响因素。接着运用面板数据分析法对我国股市的周交易数据进行实证,发现可交易价值对股票的定价行为具有解释能力,且在不同市场环境下的表现形式不同:上涨行情中投资者偏好低价格、高流动和高波动的股票组合,下跌行情中则相反;走势平稳的市场中名义股价因子影响力最强,而流动性因子和波动性因子则在急涨急跌背景下更具影响力。  相似文献   

上市公司股权分置改革的核心问题是上市公司非流通股的定价,多数上市公司选择送股的方式来解决股权分置的问题。本文通过推导送股率函数,揭示了送股率与非流通折扣率之间的内在联系。然后从非流通折扣率的角度讨论非流通股定价问题,通过比较43家试点公司与美国R114股票的统计结果,给出中国上市公司非流通折扣率的均值估计。  相似文献   

谢赤  谈文胜 《消费经济》2006,22(5):71-74,85
对利率衍生品定价的统一框架进行研究,通过设定影响MBS价格的因素得到在不同假设条件下的定价方法,并对影响MBS价格的两大因素利率期限结构模型的和提前清偿模型进行了详细分析。  相似文献   

本文运用2008年-2014年中国16家上市股份银行和日本10家上市银行的平衡面板数据研究了利率市场化程度对贷款利率影响因素的作用。发现利率市场化的程度越高,在贷款定价时,对违约风险的考虑将越充分;不管利率市场化的程度如何,营业成本一直是决定商业银行贷款定价的最重要因素;风险厌恶程度和流动性风险这两个因素对贷款定价的影响不是特别明显。为此,在中国的利率市场化改革基本完成的情况下,商业银行在制定贷款定价策略时要更加考虑违约风险这一因素的影响,银行要建立一套完善的贷款定价体系,以期确定一个最佳的贷款利率。  相似文献   

随着利率市场化的持续推进,我国形成了以人民银行政策利率为指导的市场化利率体系。市场化的竞争使得产品价格更透明,对商业银行定价管理能力提出了更高的要求。资产定价是商业银行重要的管理内容,合理的价格是保持市场占有率和持续盈利的关键,是对各项经营成本进行优化管理后的结果。本文从定价管理的角度,尝试使用成本加成法对商业银行的资产定价管理进行研究。  相似文献   

本文以2002—2006年A股非ST类上市公司的388笔非流通股交易为研究对象,得出以下主要结论:第一,非流通股转让价格仅仅是当日非流通股交易价格的0.336;非流通股转让价格相对于流通股价格的比率受非流通股比例的负面影响;第二,此轮股权分置改革对价大多集中于10送3.07股,远低于合理送股对价水平,实际送股数量难以保证流通股股东的合理经济利益。进一步的分析也表明,股改前非流通股比例、非流通股转让价格比例是影响大小非套现回报率的重要因素。  相似文献   

股权分置改革形成的制度变迁导致产业资本进入二级市场流通后,深刻影响了市场的估值体系,价格决定机制发生根本改变,股票价格将在金融资本和产业资本的相互博弈中逐步形成,市场整体估值趋于合理,同时个股价格将明显分化。  相似文献   

This paper investigated whether the stock price synchronicity level (SPSL) is a pricing factor in the Latin American scenario. To do so, the shares with the highest liquidity level listed in the stock exchange in five Latin American (LA) countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico and Peru) were used. The results indicated that the SPSL is associated with a positive premium. This premium was obtained by the CAPM model and by the Fama-French three- and five-factor models. There was evidence that the average SPSL increases in periods of greater turmoil in the financial markets. Moreover, it was found that the SPSLs are not associated monotonically with the efficiency levels of stock prices. Overall, the use of the SPSL factor in asset pricing models reduced the bias in estimating the stock premiums in LA.  相似文献   

Tie Su 《期货市场杂志》2003,23(11):1119-1122
An option hedge ratio is the sensitivity of an option price with respect to price changes in the underlying stock. It measures the number of shares of stocks to hedge an option position. This article presents a simple derivation of the hedge ratios under the Black‐Scholes option‐pricing framework. The proof is succinct and easy to follow. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 23:1119–1122, 2003  相似文献   

股权分置改革:公司法考问   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曹兴权 《商业研究》2006,(14):139-143
股权分置改革,实质是对股东关系的再次调适,具体推进应当符合公司法的基本原理与制度。非流通股与流通股,并不属于公司法意义的类别股,虽然其流通权利有差异。股权分置改革实质是对既有合同条款的变更,应当符合合同变更的基本原理,非流通股股东遵从流通股东的同意、赔偿由此带来的损失,并且负担由此产生的相关费用。在公司法上,这些合同条款变革原理表现为股东提议权、知情权、表决权以及异议股东的救济权。  相似文献   

AH股溢价行为是我国交叉上市企业面对的普遍现象。伴随着股权分置改革步入尾声,对AH股溢价形成机理的实证研究就步入视野。就过程而言,股权分置改革的实施改变了流通股比,进而影响AH股交叉上市溢价,本文通过实证检验非流通股比和限售股比与溢价关系来分析股权分置改革对溢价水平的影响。研究结果表明,股改前后非流通股比对溢价的影响方向发生了变化,而限售股比在长期内对溢价具有平抑作用。  相似文献   

China's segmented stock market provides an opportunity to study conditional international asset pricing from multiple viewpoints—domestic and foreign. We use the multivariate GARCH-M framework of De Santis and Gérard [De Santis, G., and Gérard, B., 1998. How big is the premium for currency risk? Journal of Financial Economics 49, pp. 375–412.], but add conditional local specific risk and find global, local, and currency risk to be priced and time-varying in Chinese markets, suggesting mild segmentation for developing country markets. The time-varying price of currency risk indicates that the strict currency restrictions in China do not sufficiently reduce currency risk to stabilize the price of currency risk. We also find that the price of local risk in the Chinese A stock market is non-time-varying relative to the developed market, but time-varying relative to the emerging market. This finding implies that the Chinese A stock market is more comparable to a developed market than an emerging market. However, results on Chinese B shares show the opposite relationship: from a foreign investor's perspective, Chinese B shares are better categorized as being emerging than developed. This is further supported by an Engle–Granger cointegration test.  相似文献   

We consider an American put option on a dividend-paying stock whose volatility is a function of the stock value. Near the maturity of this option, an expansion of the critical stock price is given. If the stock dividend rate is greater than the market interest rate, the payoff function is smooth near the limit of the critical price. We deduce an expansion of the critical price near maturity from an expansion of the value function of an optimal stopping problem. It turns out that the behavior of the critical price is parabolic. In the other case, we are in a less regular situation and an extra logarithmic factor appears. To prove this result, we show that the American and European critical prices have the same first-order behavior near maturity. Finally, in order to get an expansion of the European critical price, we use a parity formula for exchanging the strike price and the spot price in the value functions of European puts.  相似文献   

An empirical version of the Cox, Ingersoll, and Ross (1985a) call option pricing model is derived, assuming execution price uncertainty in the options market. the pricing restrictions come in the form of moment conditions in the option pricing error. These can be estimated and tested using a version of the method of simulated moments (MSM). Simulation estimates, obtained by discretely approximating the risk-neutral processes of the underlying stock price and the interest rate, are substituted for analytically unknown call prices. the asymptotics and other aspects of the MSM estimator are discussed. the model is tested on transaction prices at 15-minute intervals. It substantially outperforms the Black-Scholes model. the empirical success of the Cox-Ingersoll-Ross model implies that the continuous-time interest rate implicit in synchronous transaction quotes of 90-day Treasury-bill futures contracts is an-albeit noisy-proxy for the instantaneous volatility on common stock. the process of the instantaneous volatility is found to be close to nonstationary. It is well approximated by a heteroskedastic unit-root process. With this approximation, the Cox-Ingersoll-Ross model only slightly overprices long-maturity options.  相似文献   

This study extends the BGM (A. Brace, D. Gatarek, & M. Musiela, 1997) interest rate model (the London Interbank Offered Rate [LIBOR] market model) by incorporating the stock price dynamics under the martingale measure. As compared with traditional interest rate models, the extended BGM model is both appropriate for pricing equity swaps and easy to calibrate. The general framework for pricing equity swaps is proposed and applied to the pricing of floating‐for‐equity swaps with either constant or variable notional principals. The calibration procedure and the practical implementation are also discussed. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Jrl Fut Mark 27:893–920, 2007  相似文献   

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