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在司法实践,被告人规劝他人投案是否应认定为立功存在着不同的认识,做法也不尽相同,有的对于此种情形认定为立功,而有的对此情形不认定为立功。本文试图从立功的本质属性作一些探讨,特别是对我国立功立法的价值取向的利弊进行分析,从而得出规劝他人投案是应认定为立功,同时指出,对此情形认定为立功,也可能存在功利主义必然带来的负面效应,所以应规范规劝他人投案认定为立功的行为。  相似文献   

立功有利于查处犯罪,节约司法成本,而刑法时立功制度的规定比较简洁,导致在司法实践中认识不一,本案试图从立功主体、立功时间以及主观心态入手,厘清立功的适用条件.  相似文献   

对单位犯罪主体范围进行新的界定,考察单位犯罪主体的范围、结构等,对传统的刑法理论予以继承和发展。区分不属于单位犯罪的主体,有助于把自然人犯罪、共同犯罪等容易混淆于单位犯罪的主体区分开来。  相似文献   

根据我国现行《刑法》的规定,军人违反职责罪中并不存在单位犯罪的问题。但是,随着军事司法实践的不断发展,现实中已经出现军事单位实施犯罪的现象或者存在这种可能性。军事单位作为独立的主体,不仅具有自己的认识和意志能力,同时还具备相应的刑事责任能力,因此立法上应当重新考量军事单位的犯罪主体资格问题。  相似文献   

1997年修订的刑法典中,设立了立功制度,成为量刑以及减刑的重要因素。这不仅有利于犯罪分子积极揭发犯罪,争取减轻处罚,而且对于我国司法机关打击犯罪,保护人民生命财产安全,稳定社会秩序也有着非常重要的作用。立功制度的设立,不仅是刑法方面更是我国实体法领域的一个重要完善,而且对于我国程序方面的法律适用也产生了重要影响。本文着重从立功的量刑的程序性方面的问题加以研究!一、立功主体之定位谈到立功,无论是从实体方面还是在程序方面,首先都需要明确的一个问题,便是立功的主体问题,必须要弄清楚什么类型的人符合立功的条件,才有资格去立功,只有这样,才能够对立功现象做进一步的分析与研究。目前学者对此问题的讨论,关于“立功主体”的论述有以下几种说法:第一,“立功主体在实体法上表现为犯罪分子,在诉讼程序上表现为犯罪嫌疑人或者被告人的身份。”[1]第二,“我们认为,我国《刑法》第68条规定中的‘犯罪分子’应当是一个泛指,它的外延应当包括犯罪嫌疑人,被告人和罪犯。也即立功的主体应被界定为犯罪嫌疑人,被告人和罪犯。”[2]第三,“立功的主体必须是已被司法机关所控制的犯罪分子,即已经实施了危害社会的行为,应依法承担刑事责任的自然人。”[3]...  相似文献   

马海 《商》2013,(7):145-145
随着经济的快速发展,社会出现的犯罪情况越来越严重,其中单位犯罪问题就是争论比较大的一个问题,单位犯罪中学术界对单位犯罪主体的争论从来没有停止。在实践中我们仅仅依靠《刑法》第30条的规定来判断犯罪主体是否具有单位资格是很困难的。本文就从单位主体的分析入手,探析单位主体的条件,以及单位犯罪主体的范围。然后着重分析单位犯罪主体中存在的一系列问题。希望对我们实务有所帮助。  相似文献   

王子桐 《商》2012,(23):155-155
刑法因果关系认定也是犯罪的重要依据是刑法学中的重要问题,而准确判断行为人行为与危害结果之间的刑法因果关系对于判定刑事责任有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

赵琦 《中国科技财富》2008,(10):166-166,165
本文从单位犯罪自首的依据入手,着重对单位犯罪自首认定中应把握的几个问题加以分析,提出确立单位犯罪自首制度的设想,并对单位犯罪自首的认定以及相关处罚原则等问题略抒已见。  相似文献   

犯罪未完成形态之犯罪预备在刑法理论中是争论颇多的问题,值得探讨和研究。本文从犯罪预备在我国的司法实践中谈起,对犯罪预备的法律特征和成立要件进行介绍,并且对间接故意是否存在犯罪预备进行论述。掌握犯罪预备的本质特征,是认定犯罪预备的关键所在。  相似文献   

孙荣欣 《商业研究》2002,(4):137-139
增值税专用发票犯罪在 1997年刑法出台之前被作为偷税罪的一种手段 ,1997年刑法新增加了有关增值税专用发票犯罪的四个罪名 ,由于理论界对这一犯罪研究的较少 ,在实践中存在着增值税专用发票犯罪与一些相近易混的犯罪的牵连与竞合的关系。在司法实践中正确把握各罪认定中的一些问题是至关重要的。从增值税专用发票犯罪和一些相近易混犯罪的认定入手 ,探讨有关增值税专用发票犯罪与几种其他犯罪的具体认定问题。  相似文献   

In this article, I explore how the ideas of French philosopher Emmanuel Levinas offer insights into a debate often held today in the field of corporate governance, concerning the relative merits of statutory and voluntary approaches to the regulation of business. The philosophical position outlined by Levinas questions whether any rule-based systematisation of ethical responsibility, either statutory or voluntary, can ever equate to a genuine responsibility for the other person. I reflect on how various authors have adapted Levinas’s philosophy to form a critique of bureaucracy and rule following in business, and the lack of ethical authenticity in corporate codes. However, this article also considers the question of whether a theoretical separation can be made between an ethical responsibility based on sensibility (as is suggested by Levinas) and a rational conceptualisation of how one is required to act. Considering the difficulty of disentangling these notions of ethics, I return to the problem of corporate governance and suggest an approach to stakeholder conflict based on mediation and dialogue, which rules out neither principles of conduct nor an openness of responsibility to the Other.  相似文献   

随着互联网、大数据的发展,国际服务贸易在全球价值链中的地位日益提升,与货物贸易一并构成两大贸易支柱。GATS作为第一部世界服务贸易框架性规则,对服务贸易的发展和顺畅运行做出了巨大贡献,但是其保护程度和开放程度已逐渐难以适应当前服务贸易的发展。多哈回合的停滞不前导致CPTPP等大型自由贸易协定相继产生,使得国际服务贸易规则有了进一步发展。中国服务贸易规则体系是中国调整国际服务贸易关系的法律集合,作为国际贸易法的国内渊源,中国国内服务贸易规则对于适应服务贸易发展现状和衔接国际服务贸易规则有着重要作用,本文即是通过分析国内服务贸易规则的现状及不足,并在借鉴CPTPP的基础上,提出建议。  相似文献   

Recent studies have examined the consequences of brand credibility, with the majority of works embedded in physical goods. Despite the growing attention service branding receives, little is known about how service failure and recovery efforts impact on brand credibility in service organisations. The purpose of this study is to examine how brand credibility is affected by service failure and an organisations recovery efforts. An online self-completion survey of airline consumers (n=875) was employed to test the relationships between the focal constructs. The results show that a service firm’s effective complaint handling positively impacts satisfaction with complaining, overall satisfaction and service brand credibility. The study also finds that the higher the perceived magnitude of failure, the more difficult it is to satisfy a customer. These results demonstrate that it is possible to maintain service brand credibility during a service failure, provided brand managers develop and implement effective complain handling procedures.  相似文献   

Service innovation is of importance in achieving business success. This study aims to understand how customer participation affects employees' service innovation through zhongyong thinking and verify the moderating role of leadership empowerment in the service section. Data were collected through a paired questionnaire survey with 352 valid frontline employees and their superiors in the starred hotel industry. Multiple linear regressions and bootstrap analysis were performed to examine the hypotheses. The results indicate that customer participation is positively related to zhongyong thinking and service innovation, and zhongyong thinking partially mediates the main effect. In addition, service innovation is more substantial when leadership empowerment is high, and customer participation has a weaker impact on zhongyong thinking when leadership empowerment is low. This study contributes to the employee service innovation literature by confirming that customer participation and employees' zhongyong thinking play vital roles in the Chinese service context. This study also helps service managers understand that empowering their subordinates can facilitate employees' service innovation.  相似文献   

保价条款不仅是违约责任条款,而且从缔约目的和实际功能来看还具有担保性,后者表现为保价约定既通过事先特殊防范措施保障用户债权的实现,又通过对限赔条款的排除适用使用户方能够获得更为充分的救济,尤其是其对不可抗力这一法定免责事由的排斥,更表现出其优越于一般担保措施的超强担保力。正是这一性质使保价条款成为快递服务合同的从合同,而从合同在成立判断上的独立性决定了该条款是否成立应依独立合同的成立标准来判断。保价条款的成立既包括通常合同之一般要件,又包括反映其个性特征的某些特殊要件,即前者要求当事人应对保价之必要条款协商一致,并对是否保价做出肯定性勾选;后者要求快递企业依法对保价条款履行了提示义务,且寄件人在缔约时依约支付了保价费。在对保价条款进行效力评判时,应明确评价对象仅限于特定条款范围,属于快递企业自主经营权并作为双方缔约前提的事项,并非保价条款的效力评价对象。对于保价条款中的低保低赔约定,可以根据故意、重大过失造成财产损失的免责条款无效之法律规定否定其效力,但不应适用《中华人民共和国合同法》中有关格式条款的效力规范判定其无效,也不应依据该法中的显失公平规定对其予以撤销。  相似文献   

Corporate Social Responsibility in the International Banking Industry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article aims at providing a framework to assess corporate social responsibility with international banks. Currently, it is mainly rating institutions like EIRIS and KLD that provide information about firms’ social conduct and performance. However, this is costly information and it is not clear how the rating institutions arrive at their conclusion. We develop a framework to assess the social responsibility of internationally operating banks. We apply this framework to more than 30 institutions and find significant differences among individual banks, countries, and regions. Furthermore, it appears that social responsibility of these banks has significantly improved between 2000 and 2005.   相似文献   

To extend the relationship between customer empowerment and creativity, this study explores the mediating effects of intrinsic and extrinsic motivations (individual level). The study aims to clarify whether cooperative and competitive climates influence service creativity through intrinsic and extrinsic motivations (across level). A matching sample of 333 coaches and customers from 30 stores in the fitness industry was used to examine the study hypotheses by employing Mplus 8.3 statistical software. The results show that (1) customer empowerment and cooperative climate have significant positive effects on service creativity (that is, the service creativity of coaches); (2) the intrinsic motivation of coaches mediates the relationship between customer empowerment and service creativity; and (3) the intrinsic motivation of coaches mediates the relationship between cooperative climate and service creativity, but the mediating mechanism of extrinsic motivation does not exist in the relationship between competitive climate and service creativity.  相似文献   

比较优势与我国服务贸易研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
比较优势理论是国际贸易中的一个重要理论,由于服务贸易与货物贸易不同,因此决定服务贸易的比较优势也有所不同。本分析了比较优势在服务贸易中的特点,存在的问题以及如何更好地将比较优势理论应用于我国服务贸易。  相似文献   

浅论公司社会责任的地位   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
赵晶 《商业研究》2003,(23):161-163
公司社会责任理论的产生是对传统公司囿于其营利性所导致的弊端进行反思的结果。对于对公司社会责任是否应当就其整体赋予独立的法律地位,学理上有不同的观点。我国公司社会责任的地位主要应当体现在学理和道德层面,而不应概括的反映在公司法律中。此外,相对于公司的营利性目标,它应当是补充和辅助性的。  相似文献   

北京市服务业结构和竞争力的动态偏离—份额分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北京市已经迈入服务经济时代,但随着全国服务业水平的普遍发展,北京市服务业是否能继续保持竞争优势是个值得研究的课题。选取2005-2010年北京市服务业的相关数据,采用引入时间维度的动态偏离-份额法,以全国服务业产值为参照系,剖析了北京市服务业各分行业的结构效应与竞争力效应随时间推移的动态变化趋势,发现北京市服务业内部结构有待优化和相对竞争优势正逐渐减弱等深层次问题,并提出推动北京市服务业进一步发展的若干政策建议。  相似文献   

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